Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (167 page)

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culturally sensitive care, diversity of family structures and, 45
compassionate care and, 27 definition of, 58
grief and loss and, 377–378, 378b, 384 post mortem examination and, 380
customs, midwives encounter with, 111 CVS.
Chorionic villus sampling cyanosis, in newborn, 196
cyclizine, 336
cystic fibrosis, neonatal screening for, 202 cytochrome p450 (CYP450), 331 cytomegalovirus, newborn hearing loss and,


dalteparin, 337
day of birth, definition of, international variance in, 171
De Beauvoir, Simone, 43 deaf culture, 52
death of babies
care around time of, 378–379 privacy needs and, 378, 379, 379f
death statistics, 241
death wishes, depression and feelings of, 289
debt, rise of, in families, 48 decimals
converting fractions to, 338 converting into percentages, 338 converting to fractions, 338
decision-making empowered, 131
influencing women in, 133
midwife-woman relationship for, 133 in normal labour, 160f
women’s self-identity and, 131, 133 deep breathing exercises, 308t
deep vein thrombosis, 172, 366–367, 368,
definition of, 370
postnatal examination of woman and, 171 signs and symptoms of, 368
treatment of, 368
defibrillator, resuscitation and, 352 dehydration, postpartum period and, 171 delayed childbearing, definition of, 107t delusion, definition of, 297
demography, definition of, 241, 260 denial, in Kübler-Ross’s stages of grief, 374 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 94
Department of Health, 15, 51, 121, 297, 311,
complementary healthcare practitioners and, 316–317
on patient-centred care, 33
safe formula feeding preparation advice, 230
Vision and Strategy from, 122
depression, 287, 294
antenatal, 282, 286b, 288, 297 anxiety co-morbid with, 291–292 bonding and, 81
in Kübler-Ross’s stages of grief, 374 mild to moderate, 289–290 postnatal, 282, 286b, 287b, 288, 298
prevalence of, 287, 288, 289
severe, 290–291 symptoms of, 28, 290f
different levels of, 290t dermatitis, definition of, 233
design, mistakes in medicine management and, 326
despair, in Bowlby’s stages of grief, 374, 375 detachment
emotional, 75
technical, 75
detection questions, in perinatal mental illness assessment, 284b
Determinants of Health, health inequalities and, 247–248
developmental psychology, definition of, 62 DH.
Department of Health
diabetes, pre-existing or gestational, 125 diabetes mellitus, definition of, 233 diagnostic tests, down syndrome, 126 diaphragm
definition of, 279
postpartum expansion of, 170 diaphragms, barrier method of contraception
and, 271, 272f
Disseminated intravascular coagulation diclofenac, 330t, 335
diet, breastfeeding and, 211 diethylstibestrol, 253
digital versatile disc, 173 dihydrocodeine, 334
Director of Public Health, 241 disability, 52–53
affirmation model of, 52 definition of, 52, 58, 109
neonatal, informing parents about, 205 parenting and, 109–110
social model of, 52–53
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), investigation, 15, 19
discrimination, 51, 52, 56 families in poverty and, 48 LGBT community and, 50
definition of, 238
genetic influences on, 51
pre-clinical, definition of, 261 sub-clinical, definition of, 261
disorganisation and despair, in Parkes’s stages of grief, 375
disorganised attachment, 80 disseminated intravascular coagulation,
postpartum haemorrhage and, 360 distractions, mistakes and, 326 distribution, in pharmacokinetics, 329, 330,
distributive shock, 347
distrust, 30 diuresis
definition of, 184
rapid, postpartum, 170 diversity
of family structures, 44, 45
of parenting roles, midwives and appreciation of, 102
of social arrangements in 21st century Britain, 93
divorce, 44
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) doctorate degree, 16
documentation, incomplete or inaccurate, medication errors and, 326
domestic abuse, 46–47, 126, 246, 248,
bonding process and, 81 definition of, 47, 58, 256 maternal death and, 383 onset of pregnancy and, 69
patterns of behaviour and other signs of, 256–257
postnatal period and, 178, 180
referral pathway for women with complex needs, 257, 258f
safeguarding children and vulnerable adults from, 47
scale of, 256, 257t donor embryo, 96
donor gametes, 96 dosages, medication
knowing before administration of medicine, 325
timing between, 326
wrong, 326
dostinex tablets, 331
doulas, teenage parents and, 105, 106
Down syndrome, 53
definition of, 137
increased maternal age and, 173 screening for, 126
dowsing, 307t
drug dispensing errors, 327
drug-medicinal compounds or medicines, 328–329
definition of, 328, 344
misuse of, 55
pregnancy and, 255–256
overdoses, perinatal mental illness and, 282
ductus arteriosus, 189, 190f ductus venosus, 189, 190f Durkheim, emile, 43
Digital versatile disc DVT.
Deep vein thrombosis


Early Pregnancy Units, 381
ears of newborn, examining, 195t Eastern medicine
Tibb, 306t
Western medicine compared with, 303–304, 303t
Eastern Orthodox religion, contraception and views of, 269t
eboards, 28
eclampsia, 360–362, 360b
convulsions and, 361
definition of, 370
incidence of, 361 eclamptic fit, phases in, 362
eclamptic women, immediate care of, 362b ectopic pregnancy, 108f, 383
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, 72, 84, 284, 285, 297
Edwards syndrome, increased maternal age and, 173
European Economic Area effacement, definition of, 162 egg donation, 44
ego, 63
egocentrism, 65, 84
Emotional intelligence
electric pumps, for expressing breastmilk, 227–228
elimination, in newborn, 172
European Midwives Association email, 29
embryo, donor, 96
emergencies in midwifery, 346–371 antepartum haemorrhage, 354–356
assessment of, 347
basic life support, 351–352, 353f, 354
maternal resuscitation, 350–351
obstetric interventions, 359–360
postpartum haemorrhage, 356–359 pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, 360–362 shock, 347, 349–350
shoulder dystocia, 363–366
thromboembolism, 366–368
emergency contraception, 276
definition of, 279
intrauterine device and, 274–275 emergency situations, collaboration within
teams and, 30
emotional abuse, 47
emotional detachment, 75
emotional intelligence, 7, 8, 10, 19
emotional maturity, 7
emotional shift, listening skills and, 78 emotional work, midwives and, 75 emotions across childbearing experience,
antenatal considerations, 68–69 psychological factors in antenatal period,
psychosocial factors in antenatal period, 69–70
empathy, 78, 84
employment, poverty, ill health and, 248f empowered decision-making, 131 empowered patients, CAM and, 310 empowerment, definition of, 319 empowerment facilitator, midwife as, 244,
EMREN study, 205 encapsulation, definition of, 84




endemic, definition of, 260 endometritis, 171 endometritis, definition of, 184 endometrium
definition of, 184
regeneration of, 169 endorphin, definition of, 163
energy levels, maternal observations of, 152 England
Central Midwives Board for, 2
marital status of women aged 16 or over in, 2011, 93t
number of births within, 2012, 167 postnatal care changes in, 176 teenage pregnancy rates in, 105
engorged breasts, identifying and managing, 228
enter manoeuvres, for shoulder dystocia, 366f
enteral route, of medication administration, 330t
enterohepatic circulation, 201f environment
intrapartum midwifery care and, 145 mistakes in medicine management and,
newborn and sudden change of, 157 EPDS.
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression
epidemic, definition of, 260
epidemiology, definition and description of, 240–241, 260
epidural anaesthesia, 149, 154
definition of, 163
pain management in labour and pros/cons of, 155
epidural analgesia, depression during late pregnancy and, 289
epilepsy, 361 episiotomy
definition of, 163
reduction in incidence of, 158
shoulder dystocia and evaluating for, 364 epithelium, definition of, 184
equipment, mistakes in medicine management and, 326
ergometrine, 359 errors
in care, reviewing to prevent further mistakes, 326
in drug dispensing, 327 erythromycin, 333–334
escalating concerns, 33–34 ethnic groups
definition of, 114
inherited factors and disorders screening and, 127
ethnicity, 245
definition of, 51, 52, 58
race and, 51–52
smoking, obesity and, 248 teenage pregnancies and, 105
European Union European Commission, 3
European Court of Justice, 3 European Economic Area, 6, 19
European Midwives Association, 6, 19
European Parliament, 3 European Professional Card, 4 European Union, 6, 19
Article 40 of Directive 2005/36/EU, 4b Article 42 of Directive 2005/36/EU, 5b directives of, 4, 11
formation of, 3
institutions involved in legislation, 3 teenage pregnancy rates in, 105
evaporation definition of, 207
heat loss in newborn infants and, 198t evidence-based medicine, randomised
controlled trials and, 314 evidence-based practice, 121, 124 excessive workload, mistakes and, 326 excretion, 340
definition of, 344
in pharmacokinetics, 329, 331
exercise, postnatal advice for new mothers, 182
expert advice, parenting styles and, 111–112 expressing breastmilk
electric pump, 227–228
equipment for, 226–228
hand expression, 225–226
hand pump, 226–227
reasons for, 224–225
extended family, definition of, 93
extra-uterine circulation, transition from fetal circulation to, 189
extra-uterine life, transition to, 188–189 extremely elderly gravida, definition of,
eye contact, grief and loss and, 377 eyes of newborn, examining, 195t, 205

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