Funeral with a View (34 page)

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Authors: Matt Schiariti

BOOK: Funeral with a View
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Now that you’ve read (and
hopefully enjoyed)
Funeral with a View
, why not take a gander at the
people who lent a hand? Books do not write themselves, and no writer is an
island … whatever that means. This novel is what it is because of the valuable
input, eyes, and experience of the following:

Angela Pratt (who read
this thing
three times
), Jude “Joood: Mistress of the Platypires” Frazee
(you must certainly be tired of sassing people to read
Ghosts of Demons Past
by now), Venture Cecena (don’t you ever get sick of yelling at me?), Lisa Woods
(find your glasses so you can read the final version!), Marie Wathen (I’m glad
Angela sent the first draft your way!), Gretchen Schmutz (no, I do not chew my
fingernails … well, maybe a little), Katy Plaisance, (your updates and final
reaction were aces! Oh, and can you believe that US Open final?).

As always, I have to give
a shout out to Roy Mauritsen, who takes my vague cover requests and turns them
into winners every single time. Thanks, Roy.

Special thanks to Diane Raetz
for not only starting me on this whole publishing endeavor, but for all the
great insight on
during the course of both reads, as well as
giving me a virtual kick in the butt when I needed it.

And finally, the biggest,
most super duper, uber thanks to my pal and book buddy Belinda Frisch, another
member of the ‘I Read
Funeral with a View
More Than Once and Survived’ Club.
Belinda put two of her own projects on hold to read the book for the second
time, catching all those niggling bugaboos I’d overlooked and offering
fantastic advice on some of the major story elements along the way. Between
that and listening to my daily drama, you deserve hazard pay. Unfortunately
that’s not in the budget, so you’ll have to settle for the biggest, most super
duper, uber thanks I can muster. Onward and upward in ’15, B!





Matt Schiariti is an
Engineeer by profession, guitar legend in his own mind, and would-be author,
time permitting. When he’s not writing, he’s reading. When he’s not reading,
he’s enjoying a beer sporting a fancy name on the label. When he’s not enjoying
a fancy-named beer, he’s most likely reading some more. Sometimes he does all
three at once, to disastrous effect.


Matt lives in southern New
Jersey with his wife, two children, and insane dog. Funeral with a View is his
second published novel, but not his last.


You have been warned.


Here are some links should
you want to find out more about what he’s up to or just say hi.



Official blog, ‘Overly




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