Furious (16 page)

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Authors: Susan A. Bliler

BOOK: Furious
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“Okay baby, I’m throwing a party and you’ve just got to come.”  Ronnie sidled up to Lucia and handed her a glitter-encrusted invitation. 

Lucia frowned down at the overly glitzy paper that rained glitter down on her countertop.  Lucia licked chocolate frosting from her fingertips before taking the invitation, “What’s the occasion?”

Ronnie snagged the nearly empty frosting bowl off the counter before hopping up and taking its place as she dunked her fingers into the bowl and sucked the chocolate from her red tipped fingers.  “Well the fall fashion line-up is out and we’ve just finished the shoot for the special spring edition of the magazine, so I thought I’d have a party to celebrate how great and gorgeous we all are.”

Lucia rolled her eyes at her friend’s conceit, but smiled at the truth of it. 
Ronnie is gorgeous, so what’s the harm in celebrating that?
  “And who is this
you speak of?”

“Oh everyone!”  Ronnie sucked the last of the frosting from her fingers before setting the bowl down to eye Lucia excitedly.  “And I
mean everyone!  And Luce you just have to promise me you’ll come, no excuses this time.  I’ve got some really great guys I want to introduce you to, and I think that they feel like I’m making you up because I talk about you so often and none of them have met you.  Oh please say you’ll come, you’re making me look crazed.”

Lucia eyed Ronnie skeptically, a refusal on the tip of her tongue when Ronnie’s bottom lip pouted out, “Oh Luce, please!  Don’t make me beg, I’ll need your help after all.  Please, oh please say you’ll come and help?”

Lucia just couldn’t say no to Ronnie when she put on her pout, “Oh fine!  But I’m not staying all night.”

Ronnie jumped off the counter and wrapped her arms around her friend, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I promise you’ll have the greatest time ever!”

Lucia hugged Ronnie back before pulling away, “Look, I don’t want you trying to set me up okay?”

“But Luce…”

“Ronnie!  Just promise me, no blind dates, no hook-ups, no match making.”

Ronnie sighed her exasperation, “Okay, but I don’t see what harm there is in just simply looking.”

Lucia took the frosting bowl to the sink and filled it with hot water as she spoke, “The harm in looking is that
you go looking for trouble you

“Geez Luce, I don’t know who broke your heart, but he sure did a good job.”

Lucia bristled at the comment but didn’t turn to face her friend, hoping to hide how close to the mark the comment hit. 

She had revealed to Ronnie some facts about her past.  The fiery car crash couldn’t be avoided because once they were comfortable enough with each other Ronnie asked about her scars, and Lucia saw no reason in hiding the truth.  Lucia did however refrain from speaking of Draken at all costs.  The thought of rehashing their relationship, if it could even be called that, was almost as painful as actually having lived through it.  Ronnie knew nothing of Draken and Lucia planned on keeping it that way.

Feigning nonchalance, Lucia started scrubbing the frosting bowl, “Not a broken heart, just trying to avoid getting one is all.”

“Well, you’re going to have to break some eggs Luce.”


Chapter 23

Two weeks later Lucia stood in front of her full-length mirror eyeing herself warily.  Ronnie had insisted on taking her to the salon and dress shopping for the party. 

Lucia’s once waist length black satiny locks were now shorn and straightened so that they formed silky black sheets that hung in a sexy bob just below her ears.  Coupled with the grey and silver eye shadow accented by thin black liner, thick black eyelashes and full red pouty lips, Lucia thought she looked like
just stepped off the pages of one of Ronnie’s fashion magazines.  The dress she wore was one Ronnie had picked out, and one Lucia wasn't exactly comfortable in. 

The form fighting strapless white satin evening gown made Lucia’s olive skin appear even deeper.  The tight fitting heart shaped bodice barely contained Lucia’s ample breasts, and the slit in the front of the dress that went from one high-heeled ankle to her hip gave Lucia the appearance of being all legs.

“Oh my God Luce, you’re a stunner!  You look like a cross between a Greek goddess and a tan Marilyn Monroe.”

Lucia smiled at Ronnie’s comment, and for once, she agreed with her friend. 
Wow!  I don’t even recognize myself.

Fastening on one last diamond teardrop earring she’d borrowed from Ronnie, Lucia smoothed her hands down her newly bobbed hair.

“Well doll, you ready?  Guests should start arriving any minute.  And contrary to you not wanting me to do any match making, with you in that getup I won’t need to lift a finger.”

A look of concern passed over Lucia’s face and wasn’t lost on Ronnie, “Oh gosh Luce, I’m just kidding.  Well I mean, you
look great but it’s not like these guys are out to devour you.  You just need to give someone a chance.”

“A chance?”

“Yes, you need to give a guy a chance to be a good guy.  Just promise me that you’ll dance with one or two.  That’s all I’m asking.”

Lucia lifted her chin feeling confident in her new look, “Give a guy a chance.  I can do that.  I
do that.”

Ronnie squealed her excitement, “Oh great Luce!  Come on, let’s pop some champagne.” 

The pair left Lucia’s apartment and crossed to Ronnie’s more contemporarily decorated digs.  The expanse of her apartment was covered in plush cream-colored carpet with white leather furniture sprinkled throughout the apartment.  Where Lucia used her small kitchen for cooking and eating, Ronnie had hers converted into a small bar area complete with four bar stools lined up in front of a marble topped bar that sat like an island separating the bar area from the sitting area. 

Ronnie had rented a white tile dance floor that had been setup in her former living room and as Lucia crossed the dance floor to the bar to begin opening what seemed to be endless bottles of champagne, Ronnie stopped at her state-of-the-art sound system and turned on some jazz that reverberated through the room. 

Lucia was filling champagne glasses as guests started filtering in, and in no time, the apartment was packed.  Once Lucia filled the bar top with full glasses of champagne, she took a glass and sipped it as her eyes scanned the party. 

No bad scenery.  Guess it pays to have a friend who’s a model

She was smiling to herself when a tall, dark, and handsome stranger approached, “You must be Lucia.”  The stranger bent to speak in her ear as he held out a hand, “I’m Tyrone.”  Tyrone pulled Lucia’s hand to his lips and kissed it. 

Lucia stiffened immediately wondering if he’d be disgusted by the scarred flesh of her hand, but Tyrone didn’t seem to notice.  He eased her hand back down but didn’t release his hold, “Ronnie has promised me that you are single and willing to give a guy a chance.” 

Lucia stared up at his handsome face and perfect smile.

“I…uh…,” she tore her gaze from Tyrone and scanned the room looking for Ronnie, who smiled back at Lucia from across the room before she held up her glass of champagne in a mock toast.

Tyrone used a finger to tilt Lucia’s chin up to meet his gaze, “Look, I’m just looking for a dance.  One dance.”

Lucia hesitated a moment not quite sure what to say. 
What do I have to lose? 
“Okay.”  She shrugged her bare shoulders, “A dance, I can do that.”

Tyrone wrapped an arm around Lucia’s shoulders and led her to the dance floor.  Turning, he dropped his hands to her hips as she clasped her hands behind his neck.  Swaying back and forth to the slow jazz rhythm, Lucia was trying to talk herself into relaxing when she heard a familiar voice.

“Pleasure to meet you, but I’m looking for Lucia Griffin.”  Lucia froze in her partner’s arms, instantly recognizing the deep timbre and hard-edged tone. 

“And who might you be?”  Lucia heard Ronnie flirt.

“I am Draken.  Draken Shatan.  I’m Lucia’s fiancé.”


Chapter 24

Lucia heard Ronnie choke on her champagne, and without turning to look or to hear Ronnie’s response, Lucia mumbled to Tyrone, “Excuse me Tyrone, I’ve got something I need to take care of.” 

Tyrone reached out and grabbed Lucia’s arm, pulling her back into him, “Hey baby, not so fast.  Our dance isn’t over.”

Annoyed, Lucia writhed in Tyrone’s grasp and bit out in a hushed tone, “Let me go, I’ve got to get out of here.”

Nuzzling her neck, Tyrone tightened his arms around her waist, “Oh, I’ll get you out of here alright.”

Still squirming in his arms, Lucia knew their display was drawing attention and she desperately needed to end the spectacle as quickly and quietly as possible.  “Fine.  Let’s go.” 

She grabbed Tyrone’s hand and pulled him toward the sliding glass doors that led to the patio.  “Alright baby!  Slow down, you don’t have to rush it.”

Lucia rolled her eyes, annoyed at his presumption, but too rushed to defend herself.  In the glass reflection of the patio door, she saw Draken’s eyes scan over the party and pass over her before he did a double take and his eyes came to rest on her back.               

Damn scars! 
She dipped her head as she slid under Tyrone’s outstretched arm that held the patio door open. 

Once on the patio, Lucia turned to close the glass door behind her.  Through the glass, her eyes locked on Draken’s as he crossed the room toward her.  As she stood transfixed Tyrone came to stand behind her and again wrapped his arms around her waist as he nuzzled her ear, “You ready baby?”

Lucia watched Draken’s eyes shift from their deep blue to a steely gray as they left hers to narrow on Tyrone. 

Tearing her eyes away without hesitation, she grabbed Tyrone’s hand and crossed Ronnie’s patio, opening the gate on the other side that led to the front sidewalk.  She closed the gate behind them and stopped on the sidewalk contemplating her next move.  She knew if she fled down the street Draken would be on her in no time and dressed as she was, she’d stick out like a sore thumb even if she could find a crowd. 

Impatiently, Tyrone twirled a lock of her short hair around his finger, “Did you forget where we’re going?”

My apartment!
  Lucia decided she’d lock herself in and wouldn’t answer the door at any cost.  She slapped Tyrone’s hand away, and crossed in front of Ronnie’s apartment with Tyrone close on her heels.  Her belly dropped when she saw Draken’s familiar sleek black sedan parked in front of the duplex.  A tall burly man dressed in a suit leaned against the car and eyed her as she approached.  Lucia dropped her eyes and crossed in front of the driver who continued to eye her suspiciously.  When she made it to her front door, she knelt to retrieve her spare key from under the doormat.  Standing, she stiffened as the man she’d assumed was Draken’s driver asked, “Lucia?”

Tyrone, who’d joined Lucia on her step turned to the man, “Who wants to know?”

She fumbled to get her key into the lock, “Shhh Tyrone, be quiet!”

Tyrone turned an annoyed gaze to Lucia.

“Excuse me,” the driver’s was now closer, “Are you Lucia Griffin?”

As the key slid into the lock, she turned the knob and her head at the same time.  Tyrone turned back to glare at the driver as Lucia smiled and answered hurriedly as she grabbed Tyrone’s arm, “Me?  No!  Lucia lives next door.”  She pointed to the adjoining apartment and as the driver’s eyes followed the direction she pointed, she fled into her apartment, pulling Tyrone with her before she slammed the door shut.

In her apartment, she locked the door and threw on the chain lock for good measure, though she knew from experience that neither would keep Draken from getting in if that’s what he wanted.  She leaned against the door, her heart racing as she heard mumbled voices outside her door.

Tyrone leaned into her petite frame in the dark, crushing her against the door as his wet lips found hers, his hands eagerly roving her body. 

Lucia pushed at his hands and turned her face from his, as she whispered angrily, “Tyrone!  Stop!”

Tyrone’s assault was unrelenting.  His hands slid down her chest, around her waist, and up her back as he fumbled in the darkness for her zipper.

Lucia shoved him harder, and he chuckled, “Oh baby, I like it rough.”

“Stop it!”

Tyrone bent and was running a hand up her thigh when a knock at the front door made him freeze.


It was Draken.  Lucia leaned back against the door holding her breath, one hand holding her skirt down and the other shoving at Tyrone.

“Who’s that?”  Tyrone asked as he stood to lean around Lucia and peer out the peephole.  Draken knocked again.  “LUCIA!  I know you’re in there now open up damn it!”

Think girl think!  Backdoor!
  Lucia shoved away from Tyrone and made her way blindly through her dark apartment, she stifled a cry as she banged her knee off her coffee table. 
Damn it!  This is ridiculous; I’m not leaving my own house.
  She was hopping on one leg rubbing her throbbing knee as she bounced over to the nearest lamp and flipped it on. 

She dropped onto the sofa to inspect her knee as Tyrone turned to her, blinking in the new light.  “What’s going on?  Do you want me to get rid of this guy?

Yeah, I’d love to see you try! 
Lucia merely shook her head as she inspected her knee. 
No blood thank God. 
The last thing she needed was to ruin Ronnie’s expensive gown. 

Another round of pounding bombarded her front door as Tyrone turned to it, “Let me get rid of this guy.” 

She knew Draken would have seen the lamp light up her apartment from her front window, and she knew he’d probably heard Tyrone talking.  N
o sense in pretending I’m not here now

“GO AWAY,” she yelled angrily to the front door.

The pounding ceased.  “We need to talk.”

Lucia stood and crossed to stand in front of her door wringing her hands, “
don’t have
to say to each other.”

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