Furious Love (62 page)

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Authors: Sam Kashner

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“if Faustus says ‘gold'…”: Kael, 41.

“No one sets out…”: Jenkins, 160.

“I would lift up my arms…”: Christopher Marlowe,
The Tragical Story of Doctor Faustus

“anticlimactic and banal”: Bosley Crowther,
New York Times
, February 7, 1968.

“got[ten] away with murder…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 306.

“deep down in his desperate…”: Ibid.

didn't really understand: Authors' interview with Gore Vidal.

“Scene by scene”: John Huston,
An Open Book
(New York: Ballantine, 1981), 374.


“I introduced Elizabeth to beer…”: quoted in
, February 2007, 228.

“With Richard Burton, I was living…”: Taylor,
Elizabeth Takes Off
, 87.

“It is a little melancholy…”:
, March 28, 1969, quoted in Steverson, 171.

“Yes, luv, we did spend…”: Burton clipping file, BFI Archive.

“The Grand Duchess Vladimir…”: Taylor,
My Love Affair with Jewelry
, 63.

“I thought how perfect…”: Ibid., 49.

“deep Asscher cuts…”: Ibid., 49.

“I adore wearing gems…”: Ibid., 84.

“Is that the famous diamond?” anecdote: Taylor,
Elizabeth Takes Off
, 84–85.

“Elizabeth Taylor and Richard…”: Maddox, 207–08.

“a kind of arrogance…”: quoted in Maddox, 208.

“Dick [Burton] was too old…”: Tennessee Williams,
(New York: Doubleday, 1975), 200.

“we'll all be proud of [
]…”: Losey quoted in Caute, 226.

“You're just wrought up…”: Williams,

“beyond bad, the other side…”: John Waters quoted in
, August 1992, 9.

“Richard Burton would be leaving…unprofessional”: Cottrell, 323.

“like an immature bride…”: Ibid.

“One would think…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 384.

“Elizabeth had her uterus…completely helpless”: Ibid., 255.

“lurid hallucinations…hush, he'll hear you”: Ibid.

“a naughty girl”…“fuck off”: Ibid.

“She is still asleep…”: Ibid., 256.

“A child with Richard…”: Taylor,
Elizabeth Taylor
, original manuscript. 246 “truly terrible”: quoted in Maddox, 119, and
Secret Ceremony
clipping file, Academy Library.

“Her disintegration is a…”: quoted in Maddox, 119.

“quite beautifully made…”:
Secret Ceremony
clipping file, Academy Library.

“famous for her mammalia,”
Secret Ceremony
, DVD.

“The paparazzi were now…”: Authors' interview with Bozzacchi.

“I remember that he had…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 256.

“He literally missed…”: quoted in Cottrell, 326.

“After Cis, I loved Ifor…”: Jenkins, 179.

“hero, brother, father…”: Cottrell, 327.

“I tried it once”: Bragg, 258.

“What could I say?…”: Authors' interview with Liz Smith and Denis Ferrara.

“entertaining an officer…”: Munn, 36.

“I will if you will”: Bragg, 258.

“They must be out of…”: Spoto, 326.

“her young & attractive…working without me”: Bragg, 262.

“I have worked out…”: Ibid., 262–63.

“The beating
took…”: Taylor,
My Love Affair with Jewelry
, 99.

“All along I knew…”: Ibid., 102.

“marred royalty…dervish”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 272.

“I'd better be off…”: Ibid., 273.

“I'd like to be alone…”: Ibid., 264.

“She asked if I would stop…”: Ibid.

“like a wild animal…”: Ibid., 277.

“He had made my mother…”:
, 182.

“by lampooning his own…witless adaptation”: quoted in Steverson, 172–73.

“She is a wildly exciting love-mistress…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 277.


“It's just a present for Liz”: Burton letter to Taylor, B-T Archive.

“Sometimes his joy was perverse…”:
My Love Affair with Jewelry
, 90.

“So I'll have my two favorite…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 278.

“My chief worry…”: Ibid., 280.

“stoned daze…a murderous world”: Ibid., 286–87.

“like a talisman…” and description of La Peregrina: Taylor,
My Love Affair with Jewelry
, 90.

“Sometimes his joy was perverse…”: Ibid.

“exquisitely matched…”: Ibid., 86.

“The last six or eight…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 290.

“I was never sued…”: Ibid., 262.

“What are you doing, Lumpy?”: Ibid., 292.

“Elizabeth is now looking…returner of the ball”: Ibid., 303.

“You will never, of course…”: Burton letter to Taylor, B-T Archive.

“a lot of mediocre rubbish”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 262.

“I must have a son…I will have Anne”: all dialogue from
Anne of the Thousand Days

“no rubbish and cunning”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 306.

“They have every shrug…longer than Hamlet”: Ibid.

speculating that Burton and Bujold: Steverson, 179.

“a demonic charmer…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 294.

“how marvelous E. would be”: Ibid., 306.

“I am very jealous of E….”: Ibid., 305.

“all the godsons, goddaughters…”: Ibid., 313.

“There is no question…odd jewel or two”: Ibid.

“We'll nip over to Paris…books with photos by E.”: Ibid., 313–14.

“not a bad record…”: Ibid., 311.

“imitating a blue-gray…intolerant wife”: Ibid., 308.

“They fought right from…”: Authors' interview with Liz Smith.

“running rows…smattering of scholarship”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 315.

“the drinking fed the jealousy…”: Liz Smith.

“If any man had done that…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 315.

“We are fighting…separate ways pretty soon”: Ibid., 316.

“cleaned up a little…”: quoted in Steverson, 175.

“dared risky roles and…”: Ibid., 176.

“rings and farthingales…”: Burton letter to Taylor, B-T Archive.

“numbered, gleaming…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 317.

“He'd have lived until…”: Ibid., 320.

“long silences and deadly…red and masculine”: Ibid., 318.

“[W]hat the hell's the matter…”: Ibid.

“It will make my ugly, big…”: Ibid.

“there was much more to life…”: Ibid.

“I was going to get that diamond…”: Ibid., 318–19.

“I wanted that diamond…Dallas, Texas”: Ibid., 319.

Cartier's display ad in
New York Times
, Taylor,
My Love Affair with Jewelry
, 95.

“too soon made glad/…”: Robert Browning, “My Last Duchess.”

“Well, that's not the sort…” anecdote, Taylor,
My Love Affair with Jewelry,

“It was more of a millstone…”: Kelley, 267.

“The peasants have been lining up…”: quoted in Maddox, 214.

“How many women have been criticized…”: Ibid., 213.

“The Cartier diamond…”: Ibid.


“Nobody but nobody…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 324.

“We've lived like gypsies”: Taylor,
Elizabeth Taylor
Ladies' Home Journal
, 81.

“How funny it will be…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 267.

“None of the children…”: Taylor clipping file, Academy Library.

“If you're a bad actor…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 278.

“Very well. I shall stop…”: Ibid., 325.

“break the back of…”: Burton letter to Taylor, B-T Archive.

“The sun is bright…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 326.

“You look marvelous!” anecdote: Ibid.

“I have to face the fact…”: Ibid., 327.

“When he stopped drinking…”: Authors' conversation with Taylor confidante.

“was like a second mother…”: Taylor,
My Love Affair with Jewelry
, 212.

“We can't make a picture…”: Walker, 307.

“The world has changed…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 324.

“the world's costliest coat…”:
, Taylor clipping file, Academy Library.

“owed her performance…”: Bragg, 320.

“The whole world makes fun…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 328.

“My only chance is that…”: Ibid.

“pink pills…They certainly eased the boredom…”: Ibid., 329.

“Barbra Streisand who fancies herself…”: Ibid.

“Who the hell voted for Wayne?”: Ibid.

“In some ways,
Anne of the Thousand Days
…”: Interview with Liz Smith.

“You son of a bitch…”: Bragg, 174.

“I lost again…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 329.

“If he had won the Oscar…”: Liz Smith.

“The Million-Dollar Era…”: Taylor clipping file, Academy Library.

“put a bandage around her…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 329.

“‘Mia,' saying that…”: Ibid., 332.

“would see, in person…”: Ibid.

“she held the audience…”: Ibid.

“hippie”…“to have a look” anecdote: Ibid., 335.

“a kind of super motel”: Ibid., 324.

“sheep's eyes”: Ibid.

“I aged another ten years…I love you, too, baby”: Ibid., 338.

“Dearest Scrupelshrumpilstilskin…”: Burton letter to Taylor, B-T Archive.

“another attack of gout…”: Ibid.

“Dearest Toothache…”: Ibid.

“Dear Long-way-away-one…”: Ibid.

“Forgot the momentous news…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 351.

“Don't forget you're always…”: quoted in Alpert, 252.

“I get a bad notice…”: Ibid.

“Missed yesterday…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 352.

“They're remarkable…”: Taylor,
Elizabeth Taylor
Ladies' Home Journal
, 81.

“Dearest Ivy League”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 397.

“pleased that it means we are…”: Ibid., 333.

“an unmistakable aura…”: Bernard Weintraub, “The Prime of Mr. Burton?”
New York Times
, December 6, 1970.

“It seems fairly ridiculous…Never”: Ibid.

“She wants me to…approaching my prime”: Ibid.


“All my life, I think I have…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 367.

broads”: Taylor quoted in Bragg, 407.

“The Burtons are protected…”: Cottrell, 338.

“I will love you always…”: Kelley, 298 fn.

“a ruthless survivor…”: Walker, 309.

“We both let off steam…”:
Ladies' Home Journal
, April 1971, 88.

“The people around her…”: quoted in Spoto, 344.

“She's left the hotel…”: Michael Caine,
What's It All About?
(New York: Turtle Bay Books, 2002), 313.

“the only actor I ever…”: Ibid., 319.

“a living legend…real-life Alfie”: Ibid., 312.

“Dear Twit Twaddle etc….”: Burton letter to Taylor, B-T Archive.

“I love you and…”: Ibid.

“She didn't exactly encourage…”: Munn, 195.

“squelching [her] real feelings…”: Taylor,
Elizabeth Takes Off
, 100.

“bugger all” and “the most glamorous hooker…”: quoted in reviews of “Under Milk Wood [DVD],” FilmThreat.com, April 12, 2008.

“To begin at the beginning…”: Dylan Thomas,
Under Milk Wood
, DVD.

“After he'd had a few…” anecdote: Cottrell, 385.

“never heard Richard talk…an entire life”: Gianni Bozzacchi interview.

“[T]he winning film of the moment…”: quoted in Munn, 191.

“just sitting back and listening…”: Ibid.

“The man Redford…a star”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 351.

“two heavyweight champions…”: Bragg, 357.

“The quivering awareness…”:
Ladies' Home Journal
, April 1971, 118.

“his latest and least…hope for”: Vincent Canby, “Whatever Became of Richard Burton?”
New York Times
, June 13, 1971.

“My lack of interest…untrue”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 367.

“The old Etonians…”: Ibid., 370.

“You know, it's really not…”: paraphrased quote, Bragg, 367.

“This is the baby Richard and I…”: Kelley, 281.

“I made it
…”: Ibid., 282.

“My left hand and wrist…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 359–60.

“Were it not, actually, for E.'s…”: Ibid., 364.

“If I should go away…”: Ibid., 371–72.

“Suddenly, something came…” anecdote: Taylor,
Elizabeth Takes Off
, 75.

“only Elizabeth drinks…”: Burton notebooks, Bragg, 377.

“But he's
dog” anecdote: Ibid., 368–69.

“The virtual cessation…”: Ibid., 381.

“E. is trying to press me…”: Ibid., 385.

“slightly gaga”: Ibid., 390.

“in a somewhat false…”: Ibid., 387–88.

“the Duchess of Windsor and…”: Ibid., 389.

“an hour or more of…”: Ibid.

“cadaverous…Where's my Elizabeth?”: Ibid., 389–90.

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