Fury (3 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: Fury
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shut the bedroom door behind him and locked it, feeling like a motherfucker.
Angelina had been terrified, her tears like a hot poker right through his gut.
He’d never been so cold and callous to a female, never had to threaten her,
make her cry. Despite the fact he couldn’t let her go, and that he’d need her
for his own personal gain, Fury still felt like a dirty bastard.

headed into the kitchen of the two-bedroom cabin he’d brought her to. It was
owned by the MC, one that was rarely used unless they needed to get away from
shit, or needed a place to crash while things calmed down.

grabbed a bottle of scotch and a glass out of the cabinet. He just finished
pouring the cup full when his cell went off. He stepped out onto the porch
before answering it. No need for the club to hear her scream out if she knew
someone might be able to hear.

he said, and took a drink of the liquor. He leaned against the porch banister
and stared at the thick expanse of forest that lined all angles of the house.
The cabin was out in the middle of nowhere, situated on enough property that it
ensured no one else would be close enough to hear or see them.

where you at?” Stone, one of the members of the MC said. The sound of the other
member inhaling and exhaling came through before Fury spoke.

had business to take care of.” Fury may be the president of the MC, but shit
still needed to be brought to the club for a vote. He also shouldn’t have just
up and left without at least telling them where he was. But telling them he was
at the cabin meant one of them might come up here unannounced. That, he
couldn’t have. Even though the club did some shady shit, if the members knew he
was holding a woman here against her will, hell would rain down.

at the cabin?” Stone asked, and Fury cursed internally. He didn’t answer right
away, just drank more scotch. “I’ll take your silence as affirmation.” Stone
exhaled again.

doing any better?” Just thinking about his lifelong friend held up and wounded
because of what the Cardonas did to him had rage engulfing him again. Fury
didn’t get his club name because he kept his anger in check.

same,” Stone said.

doctor say anything about his recovery?” Birdie had been staying at the club,
their back alley doctor helping to get the newly patched-in member on the up
and up.

new, but you know Birdie is a tough bastard.”

nodded even though he was alone. Birdie was one tough motherfucker. He’d saved
Fury’s life back in the day, something the club didn’t know about. But even
though Fury owed his life to his friend, that wasn’t the only reason he was
doing what he was. The club had been hit, and Birdie had been injured. That
meant retribution.

clenched his jaw and stared at his half empty cup. “I got business to take care
of. I don’t want anyone coming up here, got it?”

Prez, got it.” A moment of silence passed. “But if you need backup—”

don’t.” He disconnected the call and turned away from the woods. He stared at
the window that led to the room Angelina was currently tied up in. It was time
to get this party started. He didn’t know how far he was going to go to push
Angelina, but he had to fucking start this shit.


didn’t know how long he’d left her alone, but it seemed like forever even
though it couldn’t have been more than half an hour. Her arms had since gone
numb, and the harder she struggled the tighter the knots became. He had either
been in the Navy, or he had done this before.

latter made her blood run even colder.

door swung open, and she still struggled, her flight or fight instinct running
wild in her. Even though it seemed fruitless, she wasn’t about to just lie here
and wait for him to rape, torture, or kill her. He came into the room holding a
plate and a cup of what looked like water. He set it on the dresser, than
opened one of the doors and started rummaging through it. She stared at his
back, not about to say anything because it might make things worse, but also
not wanting to be the victim, even if she was. She needed to be strong. She’d
grown up with the Cardonas, and that meant she didn’t take shit from anyone.

if I wanted to help you bring my father down, I don’t know anything about him
that could help you.” He didn’t say anything, and kept his back to her. “I
won’t let you rape me. I’ll fight.” He turned around then, holding a length of
chain, a shackle, and a lock.

heart stilled in her, her throat tightened, and she felt sweat instantly bloom
on her forehead. Were her eyes as wide as they felt?

you?” he said low, deadly, as if those words pissed him off. He moved toward
her once more. “I don’t need to rape women.”

watched him set the lock and chain on the bed. He started undoing the rope, and
she knew she had to stay strong, to show him she wouldn’t take this like some
weak victim. Once he had her legs free she bent her knees, about to kick him.
But Fury let out this low, almost inhuman sound, and pressed his hand down on
her legs, stilling her with so little effort. The hard, cold look on his face
had her freezing. “Behave.”

didn’t move, didn’t even breathe.

understand me, Angelina? You fucking behave. I can make this a hell of a lot
worse for you if you fucking fight me.”

throat tightened even more, nausea assaulted her, and she wanted to scream out
from it all. But she nodded, wanting to live even if she’d told him she’d
rather die. He stared at her hard for another long second, and then the
attached the shackle, chain, and lock around her. He then moved up the bed and
started undoing the rope around her wrists. He was so close, the scent of
whatever cologne and the leather vest he wore dark and intense. Or maybe it was
just the scent of him, like violence personified.

her hands were free she rubbed them, her focus trained on Fury still. He took a
step back, glared at her for a suspended moment, and then turned and grabbed
the plate and glass from the dresser before heading back toward her.

up and eat something.” He sounded so cold, and as much as she’d told herself
she’d fight, she also needed to play it smart.

up on the bed, she looked at the plate he’d set down in front of her. It was
just a sandwich and a handful of chips, and although she didn’t know how long
she’d been out, she wasn’t hungry. Her stomach clenched in disgust, and when
she looked up at him it was to see Fury standing there with his arms crossed
once more and that stoic expression on his face.

not hungry,” she said in a low voice.

need to eat or you’ll be sick.”

looked at the food again and felt like throwing up. “I already feel sick.”

the chloroform. Drink the water and try and eat and you’ll feel better. It’ll
help flush your system.”

looked at him again. He obviously wanted her better so he could do all the
depraved shit to her, and as much as she wanted to claw his eyes out, she found
herself picking up the sandwich and taking a bite.

several minutes he just stood there watching her eat. She had the chain and
shackle around her ankle, but it wasn’t attached to anything. The longer she
stared at the length of chain, the more she thought about if she could use it
as a weapon.

think about it,” he said, as if reading her mind.

looked up at him, knowing her eyes were wide with fear and shock.

if you hit me over the head with the chain it wouldn’t bring me down.” He
looked like a mean motherfucker.

set the sandwich down and kept her focus on him. “Why don’t you just do what
you plan on doing to me and get it over with?” She was scared to death, but
thought she was doing a good job of trying to look strong.

didn’t move, didn’t show emotions, and for long seconds continued to watch her.
“Do what I’m going to do to you?”

me, torture me … do whatever it is you’re going to do to me to get the
information I don’t have on my father.”

already fucking told you I have no plans to rape you.” He sounded even more
pissed if that was possible. “And I don’t hurt women.”

you just kidnap them and tie them up.”
where is this coming from? I must have a death wish.

a suspended moment they both just looked into each other’s eyes, and then he
smirked and shook his head. He grabbed the length of chain and moved over to
the wall. She’d just now seen there was a lock drilled in. He attached the
chain to the wall and turned to face her.

not going to rape you or hurt you, but that’s not to say you won’t want me to
do a hell of a lot of dirty shit to you eventually.”

Fat chance in hell.

course she didn’t say that out loud.

not lying when I say I know nothing of my father’s dealings. I haven’t spoken
to him in months, and even before that he didn’t tell me anything.” She told
him that again, and would until she was blue in the face. But she knew it
wouldn’t have mattered because this man clearly had an agenda.

may think you don’t know anything,” he leaned forward, “but believe me,
Princess, you know more than you think.”

shook her head, but he pulled away, the conversation clearly done for right

eating and I’ll show you the bathroom so you can get cleaned up.” He turned, as
if about to leave her in the room, and she felt her panic rise.

she said.

stopped and looked over his shoulder at her, his short dark hair and dark eyes
making him seem evil, like the very devil himself.

She looked around, first at the chain on her leg, and then at the wall where
she was secured.

out in the middle of nowhere. Cry, scream, it doesn’t matter. No one will hear
you.” He turned fully to face her. “And even if you did escape we are miles
upon miles away from anyone or anything.” He took a step toward her. “I’d find
you before you reached anyone.”

started crying. She couldn’t help it. Damn her father and the life he led for
putting her into this situation. “You’re a fucking asshole.” She wiped her
tears away. “Terrorizing a woman because you’re nothing but a motherfucking

didn’t move, didn’t speak. She wasn’t afraid in this one moment, though. Her
anger was controlling her in this second. She grabbed the chain around her
ankle and started pulling on it at the same time she screamed out. “Fuck you,
Fury.” It was the first time she’d used his name since she’d woken up, and it
felt good to scream it out. “Fuck. You.”



shut the bedroom door, his blood boiling and his rage mounting. He stormed into
the kitchen, grabbed the bottle of scotch again, and drank the rest of it. When
it was empty he curled his fingers around the neck, reared his arm back, and
threw the fucker against the wall. Glass shattered and liquor residue sprayed

This isn’t who you are. You don’t
make women cry. You don’t have them terrified.

started going through the cabinets, needing more alcohol. He was a
motherfucker, he knew that, but the tears he’d seen in Angelina’s eyes, the way
she’d looked so scared, and the fact he had a good feeling she truly didn’t
know shit about her father, made him feeling like he’d tear right through his

She’s a Cardona. Don’t let the
waterworks or her saying she doesn’t know anything, sway you from why she’s
really here.

he growled out. “What in the hell are you actually doing here?” With that he
turned and stalked back toward the room. He threw the door open, and it slammed
against the wall, startling Angelina. She had her hands wrapped around the
chain, was by the lock in the wall, and clearly trying to escape. He grinned,
knowing it was far from humorous. He saw the way her eyes widened, heard her
inhale sharply, and watched her back away.

retreated from him, her hands in front of her, the fear clear on her face, he
felt his cock harden. She was gorgeous in every sense, even in the sweats and
t-shirt he’d put on her before he left her place.

took another step toward her, pissed with himself that he gave a shit about how
Angelina Cardona felt.

she whispered.

because of your father that my club was compromised.” He kept advancing. “It’s
because of your family that my friend got hurt.” He moved closer to her until
she was forced to stop because the wall was right behind her. He was now only a
foot from her now, the sweet scent of her filling his head, making him harder.
He saw her gaze lower to his dick, knew she saw how hard he was, and he
couldn’t help but grin wider. He placed his hands on the wall on either side of
her head and leaned forward until their faces were only inches apart.

don’t care how I get the information out of you, but you’ll tell me whatever
you know, even if you don’t think it’s much.”


held her breath, so afraid, but also feeling … arousal. It was misplaced,
wrong, and she felt self-hatred over the fact. She should feel nothing but
disgust for this man, but the smell of him, the size of his powerful body, and
the intensity that came from him, had something deep inside of her coming

smelled of liquor, and she felt her body heat, despite the fact this man scared
the hell out of her, had kidnapped her, and planned on getting information out
of her by any means necessary. His hands by her head caged her in, and she
tried to stay calm, to act like she wasn’t affected or afraid. But the truth was
she couldn’t even control her breathing, let alone her emotions.

me the truth,” he said, his eyes locked with hers. “Tell me when you saw your
father last.”

swallowed, her throat feeling like razorblades were lodged in there. “I haven’t
spoken to him in months.”

corner of his mouth tilted in a sardonic smile. “Don’t fucking lie to me,” he
said and leaned in another inch.

pressed her back to the wall, wanting to get away from him, and feeling like an
animal trapped. “I’m not lying,” she whispered, and found herself staring
deeper into hi black eyes. He looked so cold, so heartless, and she didn’t
understand why she found any part of this monster attractive. He didn’t respond
or say anything for long seconds, so she continued speaking. “I ran from them,
from that life. I don’t want anything to do with them.” She sucked in a lungful
of air. “I wanted an out, and it was either run or die.”

didn’t move away from her, but he finally moved away from her. He turned from
her, his back taking up her entire view. He lifted a hand and ran it over his
short dark hair.

He turned and faced her. “Motherfucker,” he growled out the words, his voice
raised, his anger clear.

placed her hands flat on the wall behind her and breathed in and out. “I don’t
want to be mixed up in any of this. I just want to get away from it all.”
Angelina hated that she was crying, that she couldn’t control herself. Wiping
the tears away, she stared at Fury, hating him, but hating her arousal more
than ever.

he said again and turned and left her in the room, but didn’t shut the door.
She could hear banging going on, cabinet doors being slammed shut, and more
cursing, but she stayed right where she was. After a few minutes Fury came back
in, looking even more pissed.

can’t let you go until I take care of your family.”

knew her eyes were still wide, not sure what she should say or do.

and don’t start shit and I’ll let you go once this is all said and done.”

was she didn’t care what Fury did to her father or family. She hated them, had
wanted them out of her life, and prayed for it even. It was sick and demented,
but she supposed if being chained up in this cabin in the middle of nowhere was
the only way for her to truly be free, well, Angelina would deal with it.

she must have been so fucked up, the Family messing up her sense of worth and
freedom on a level she may never go back to “normal”.

didn’t move for several seconds, and she didn’t know if she should have said
something. Of course she was still afraid, but if Fury wanted to hurt her
couldn’t he have done it ten times over by now?

on, I’ll show you where you can get cleaned up.” He left the room, and she
couldn’t do anything but follow him, the long, length of chain clanking on the
hardwood floor behind her.

bathroom was just down the hall, the first door on the right. He turned on the
light, and she looked inside.

brought some of your clothes. They are in a bag under the bed.” He turned and
faced her.

you at least unhook the chain?”

was shaking his head before she even finished speaking. “Fuck no. Until I know
your father is dead for sure, and the Family is taken care of, you’ll stay
exactly like this.”

could have cried and screamed out at him. But she was smart, needed to be in
this situation, so she just nodded.

chain will give you enough leeway to go to the bathroom and even come out of
the hallway. You don’t need to go any further than that.” He crossed his arms
over his chest and glared at her. Fury reminded her of an animal that had been
caged for far too long, and was now running free. It was such a strange analogy
for her to think of, but he seemed so wild and untamed, and looked like the
slightest provocation would set him off.

let me go once it’s all said and done?” She couldn’t help but asking again.

you can’t give me any information, then you’ll be used as leverage. You might
hate your father and the family, but I have a feeling they’d do a lot to make
sure you’re safe.”

looked down at the ground. “I don’t know about that anymore, especially not
since I ran from them. I betrayed them.” She lifted her head and looked at him.
“If you could just let me go, I’ll leave, go far away—”

no,” he said with a hardened voice. “I’ve told you once, and I won’t tell you
again why you have to stay.” He looked down at her ankle. “And obviously that
means keeping you locked up.” When he looked at her face again there was
nothing but cold, hard brutality. “Either go take a shower or go back in the
room.” And then he turned and left her standing there, feeling like she’d just
been swallowed by the earth.


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