Fury: Book One of the Cure (Omnibus Edition) (29 page)

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Authors: Charlotte McConaghy

Tags: #ScreamQueen

BOOK: Fury: Book One of the Cure (Omnibus Edition)
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Charlotte grew up with her nose in a book and her head in the clouds. At fourteen, her English teacher told her that the short story she’d submitted was wildly romantic, so she decided to write a novel. Thus began her foray into epic fantasy and dystopian sci-fi, with sweeping romances, heroic adventures, and as much juicy drama as she could possibly squeeze in.


Her first novel,
, was published at age seventeen, and was followed by
, which launched The Strangers of Paragor series, an adventure fantasy for teenagers.


She then wrote her first adult fantasy novel,
, the prologue of which came to her in a very vivid dream. Her second adult novel,
, is the first in a romantic science-fiction series called The Cure, set in a dystopian future.


Charlotte currently lives in Sydney, having just finished a Masters in Screenwriting from the Australian Film, Television & Radio School. With her television pilot script, she won the Australian Writer’s Guild Award for Best Unproduced Screenplay of 2013. She will, however, always be a novelist at heart, still unable to get her nose out of the books.

First published by Momentum in 2014
This edition published in 2014 by Momentum
Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney 2000

Copyright © Charlotte McConaghy 2014
The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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A CIP record for this book is available at the National Library of Australia

Fury: Book One of The Cure (Omnibus Edition)

EPUB format: 9781760080822
Mobi format: 9781760080839
Print on Demand format: 9781760080921

Cover design by Matt O’Keefe
Edited by Deonie Fiford
Proofread by Laurie Ormond

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