Gable (16 page)

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Authors: Harper Bentley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Gable
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And, God, this was perfect. It was everything I’d dreamed it’d be. And I loved him.  God help me, but I loved him.

His hands moved from under me then found mine, and lacing his fingers with mine, he pulled my arms over my head where he pressed my hands into the pillow as the weight of his body covered me as he continued sliding in and out of me, making my back arch each time he moved inside.

“Fucking love this…” he whispered, his breath hot at my ear. “Wanted you forever.”

“Oh, God,” I gasped as, holy shit, I felt another climax building, and it was going to be big.

“I feel you, baby,” he mumbled, his mouth pressed to my ear. “Let it go, Priss.”

“Oh… my… God…” I breathed out. “Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod!” And I was there. And it
My entire body locking up as the waves of my orgasm shot through me in white hot bolts of heat that seared my veins making my toes curl
, big.
Feet pushing off the bed, body arching up as I cried out
, big. Holy fricking frick.

When I floated back inside myself, it was then I realized Gable had called me Priss. He
know it was me. Oh, thank God. Tears of relief rolled down the sides of my face, and I was so elated that it was me he wanted, me he’d dreamed about, that the beauty of it made me gasp out a sob of sheer happiness. It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders.

I buried my face in his neck and murmured, “Gable,” kissing him softly there and felt him tense against me and he stilled his movements. But after a beat, he pulled his head back and looked down at me, his face still covered in shadow so I couldn’t see his expression, but I just knew it had to be filled with warmth because I sensed it, literally felt in my bones and I knew that this was where we’d been headed the entire time. There was nothing between us now. No secrets. No lies. We were where we were supposed to be.

And it was heaven.

He leaned down and touched his mouth to mine then started moving inside me again, slow and easy, watching me, the delicious friction of his thrusts stirring my body again, the sensation growing with each roll of his hips. As he raced toward his own release, he started pumping more powerfully, faster, his hands clasping mine hard, pressing them deeper into the pillow, his body gliding against mine urgently, building the tension inside me until I cried out with my climax.

His wasn’t far behind as he surged forward with several jarring thrusts before groaning out a curse with his release then his body dropped, covering mine as I trembled beneath him.

Oh… my.

We both lay there breathing heavily, the rhythm of our breaths almost in time with the music blasting from outside the door. He let my  hands go and rose up on his forearms, bringing his head up and I could see him smiling down at me, his face bathed in the glow of the streetlight outside the window then his lips were on mine, administering a mind-shattering kiss.

“Be back,” he whispered, then got off the bed, a shadow walking toward the adjoining bathroom. When he came back, he lay down next to me, pulling the comforter over us then wrapping his arms around me pulled my back to his front tightly, kissing my neck a few times before his head dropped and I heard his breathing even out.

Wow. I was in bed with Gable Powers who I’d just had sex with and who was now holding me in his arms. The me he knew was his pen pal. The me he’d wanted all along. And with a smile on my face, I too drifted off.


I lay with my face turned to the side on the bed, my arms splayed out to my sides, hands clutching the sheet, on my knees with my ass in the air as Gable held my hips and pounded me from behind. And it was amazing.

I wasn’t sure how long it’d been since we’d fallen asleep, maybe an hour, but the next thing I knew, I’d been awakened by Gable’s lips between my legs. And, my God, he knew exactly what to do with those lips.

“Oh, shit,” I’d whispered as he dragged his tongue over my folds then thrust it inside me as he sucked, licked, kissed. My hands were wrapped in his hair holding him to me as I unabashedly tilted my hips up and I felt him grin against me.

“Like me eating your pussy,” he mumbled.

I didn’t think he wanted an answer so I didn’t give him one which was fine because I was too busy panting, loving what he was doing to me. I then felt his finger inside me and when he moved up and sucked my clitoris into his hot, wet mouth, that was all it took for me to unravel right there in front of him, for him.

Good lord.

He’d pulled back and flipped me around to my stomach and that’s where we were now, him drilling inside me from behind, going so deep that I was making incoherent noises at each thrust, little mews of pleasure.

He leaned over me, his hand going to one of my breasts, rolling my nipple between his thumb and finger and I felt the quickening inside me again.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered breathily when his hand moved down between my legs priming me for yet another orgasm.

“Want you to come for me again,” he muttered in my ear as he drove into me repeatedly and I didn’t disappoint as I exploded around him, my hands gripping the sheet hard, my head coming up off the bed as I screamed out my release.

Holy shit.

Then his thrusts became more forceful, shallower and I felt him go rigid against me as he came, his arm around me clutching me tightly, his breath on my back hot and fast. He fell to the side to his back pulling me with him and I lay with my head on his outstretched arm as we both breathed heavily.

“Jesus. That was beautiful, Six,” he said after a minute. His head turned toward mine, but it was still so dark, I could only see an outline of his face. Then he leaned in and brushed my lips with his then dislodged his arm from underneath me and got out of bed.

And that’s when my heart seized. Six? Why was he calling me Six again? I frowned as I lay staring at the darkened ceiling. He knew it was me. He
it. He’d called me Priss.
He knew
. So why was he pretending he didn’t?

And, oh, God, I wanted to scream at him for that. I wanted to tell him I’d made a huge mistake, a mammoth mistake by being with him. I wanted to tell him that he was a coward, that he was a craven prick who didn’t deserve me.

“It’s Scout,” I whispered, but he was already heading toward the adjoining bathroom to discard the condom.

Then the thought hit me that maybe he didn’t know it was me and that maybe he’d only been thinking of me as he fucked his pen pal, and had called “her” the wrong name.

And that thought was even more distressing.

I saw his shadow move toward me as he came back and got in bed behind me, wrapping his arms around me again and pulling my back to his front.

“Sweetest thing I’ve ever had, Six,” he breathed into my neck, giving me a squeeze with his arms then he was out.

I lay there too shocked to wake him and tell him it was me, his steady breathing letting me know that he hadn’t a fucking care in the world while the lump in my throat was choking me as I lay there trying to figure out what to do. Wake him? Leave? Punch his fucking lights out?

I couldn’t believe he was still pretending that he didn’t know it was me and I didn’t understand why. We’d just made love (twice) but then he’d acted as if I were someone else.

Oh, God.

I lay there until I was sure I wouldn’t start sobbing (or punch his lights out) then moved slowly out of his arms, still completely stunned at his denial. When I sat up, I felt my brow wrinkle as my lips trembled at the sob I was holding back, and I had to bite my lips to hold it in. I got out of bed bending to feel around on the floor for my panties. Upon finding them, I pulled them on then located my robe, covering myself quickly, just wanting to get the hell out of there.

I found my shoes, slipped them on then fled from the room, dodging drunken coeds along the way, and made it across the hallway to the empty (thank God) bathroom I saw. Once inside, I stared at myself in the mirror.

“Idiot,” I whispered as a single tear wended its way over my mask and down my cheek.

God, I’d just slept with Gable, the guy I’d fallen for since, oh, who was I fooling, since possibly the moment I’d laid eyes on him, and then he’d gone and acted as if he hadn’t known it was me. And now I hated him.

Leaving the bathroom, I immediately saw Bodhi standing tall in the same spot where I’d met Gable, as if he’d been waiting for me, and I went to him, slamming myself into him and wrapping my arms around his waist because I knew the damned tears were coming.

“Hey,” he said after a moment, pulling my chin up to look at him.

“We need to go,” I answered on a sob.

He nodded then wrapped his arm around me, pulling me to the door and out into the brisk night. We didn’t speak until we were in Amy’s SUV.

“Amy’s staying with Chad,” he explained and I felt bad for not even thinking about where she was. He held my door for me then went around to the driver’s side and once in, started the SUV. Then he turned to me. “What happened?”

“I don’t wanna talk about it right now. Please, Bodhi, just take me home,” I answered, still trying to hold back the tears.

He nodded and didn’t say another word, just held my hand the entire way to my apartment, squeezing it reassuringly a couple times.

He walked me inside then asked again if I wanted to talk which I definitely did not at that moment, not wanting to relive everything so soon. He told me he had to get to work but to call if I needed anything then kissed my forehead and he was gone.

And I was left to deal with the aftermath of what had happened.

And I was completely devastated.

Week Eleven


I’m not going to say I wasn’t a mess after everything that happened because I was. But I was actually proud of how I’d handled things so far. Well, kind of.

I mean, I’d only thrown and broken exactly one glass and one plate and I may also have broken the record in how many cuss words could be said in one sentence, knowing I’d have gotten extra points for throwing in an animal or two with them when Amy and Bodhi had held an intervention two days after the party, which had been Saturday.

I’d moped around the apartment Friday not speaking to either of them, locking myself in my room and sleeping (isn’t that what depressed people are supposed to do?), only coming out to use the restroom or get something to drink and when I was safely tucked away again and either of them knocked I told them to go away. This went on until around one in the afternoon on Saturday when Amy finally told me that if I didn’t come out and talk, I left her with no other options but to A) call the fire department to axe my door down, B) call the landlord and get the key to unlock my door, C) call Chad to bring his friends and have them bust my door down or D) all of the above.   

I wisely came out before any outsiders became involved.

And now Bodhi was busy cleaning up the plate I’d thrown which made me feel horrible so I was helping him. The glass had been earlier and Amy had taken care of it, but I’d been in a huge snit, so it hadn’t occurred to me to help.

“I’m sorry,” I said as I squatted on the kitchen floor picking up all the pieces. And that was what I was doing, wasn’t it? Picking up the pieces of my ridiculous love life.

After we finished cleaning up, we sat at the table and I explained to them what had happened. When I finished, they both stared at me in silence.

“What?” I asked apprehensively.

“Wow,” Amy said with a sigh.

“Yeah,” Bodhi echoed her breathily.

I narrowed my eyes waiting for them to explain.

“That man’s all kinds of sexy, Scout.” This was Bodhi commenting.

I sat back in my chair and crossed my arms. “That’s not the point, Bode! God! Did you even hear what he did afterward?”

Amy smacked him hard on the arm.

“Hey! What was that for?” he snapped.

“We’re supposed to be helping her not swooning over Mr. Hottie and his big dick.” She looked at me. “His dick is above average, right? I mean, it’d spoil the whole illusion if he’s not packing.”

“I’m going back to my room,” I huffed and started to stand.

“No! We’re sorry!” Amy responded, grabbing my arm and pulling me back down to sit.

I sat then sighed as I stared at the table.

“So what’re you gonna do?” Bodhi questioned.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled, looking up at them.

Amy frowned. “Has he texted?”

I shook my head. “He said we’re over, remember?”

“Oh, yeah.” Then she asked softly, “Has he emailed?”

I nodded slowly, biting my lips.

“And?” Bodhi said.

I felt my throat get tight. God.

“Honey, what’d he say?” Amy asked quietly, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it.

“He wanted to know why I left without telling him. Then he said he thought he was in love with me.” I knew my eyes were shiny with unshed tears when I looked at them.

“That’s a good thing, right?” Bodhi offered.

I burst out with a sob, “N—no! He wrote that to
not me! He’s in love with his pen pal not me,” I cried.

Amy handed me a napkin. “But I thought you said he called you Priss?”

I closed my eyes and nodded as the tears slid down my cheeks. “He did, but then he acted like he didn’t know it was me.” I crossed my arms on the table in front of me and lay my head on them still crying. “I don’t know what to do.”

They were so quiet I finally looked up to see them having a silent conversation with each other.

“What?” I asked.

Amy cleared her throat. “Yesterday evening when I was leaving for work, Gable showed up here.”

“Wh-what?” I stammered, my eyes big with shock. “What’d he want?”

“He said he needed to talk to you, but I, uh, kinda griped him out because I thought he did something to you,” Amy replied with a grimace. I just stared at her. “He told me to tell you he came by then he left.”

I thought for a second wondering why he’d come by then it hit me and I suddenly felt like I needed to throw up. “Oh, my God,” I whispered as my voice hitched. “He was probably coming to tell me he was in love with someone else and that’s why he ended it with me. Like, to properly break up with me!” I jumped up from the table so quickly my chair fell over and ran to the bathroom, kneeling down in front of the toilet and gagging.

Bodhi ran in behind me and took my hair in his hands. Amy came in behind him and sat on the tub proceeding to rub my back while I choked out bile. I hadn’t eaten in almost two days, so that was a bonus that I wasn’t spewing a seven-course meal out in front of my friends. When my stomach finally stopped churning, I sat back, leaning against Amy’s legs.

“I’m gonna beat the shit outta him,” Bodhi muttered. “He might have more muscle than I do, but I know people and they can fuck him up.”

“No!” I cried, mortified, looking up at him. “No. If he doesn’t feel anything for me, th—that’s not gonna change his mind.”

“He’s an idiot then,” Bodhi retorted.

I took a deep breath and let it out then looked behind me at Amy then back at Bodhi. “What am I gonna do?”

Amy put her hands under my armpits and stood pulling me up with her. She turned me to look at her. “You’re gonna hold your head high. Gable Powers is not the be-all, end-all, my gorgeous roomie. The first time you see him, it’ll sting a little, but every day after, it’ll just get easier and easier.” She smiled at me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “And if that doesn’t work, Bodhi’ll find those friends of his and they’ll make Mr. Powers sorry he ever fucked with you, okay?”

Well, that wasn’t very soothing, but I gave her a small smile and nodded.

“That’s my girl,” Bodhi said, taking me in his arms for a big hug.

God, they were the best friends ever.





November 2, 10:02 p.m.

9565876 <
[email protected]

Six… you ran… why?

Please talk to me…



I skipped classes Monday not wanting to run into Gable. I called into work that night not wanting to run into Gable.

Tuesday morning, I skipped classes again not wanting to run into Gable and Tuesday night I called into work again not wanting to run into Gable.

And this went on all week.

“I’m a coward,” I said to no one in particular as Bodhi and I sat on the couch in my apartment watching a movie Friday night.

“I agree,” he answered.

I sat staring at the TV for a minute before that sank in and I turned my head toward him. “What?”

He shrugged his shoulder and I narrowed my eyes at him. When he didn’t say anything, I kept staring knowing he’d finally cave which he did.

“Look, Scout, I understand that you’re upset and all. I mean, I would be too. I get it. But you really are being a coward.”

I kept staring at him. I knew I was but all I wanted was for him to support me not agree with me.

He sighed and adjusted his glasses then grabbed one of my sock-covered feet and started rubbing it. He always did something nice like that if he was going to give me bad news, like the time he’d come over and eaten the rest of the leftover enchiladas I’d made the night before when I’d been craving them all day long and couldn’t wait to get home to have one for lunch.

“I just think it’s time for you to move on.” He went back to watching whatever movie it was we had on.

I let him keep massaging my foot because it felt good but asked, “And what does that mean? I think I’m allowed at least a week to be upset over sleeping with the guy I was madly in love with who ended up not wanting me but my alter ego, Bodhi.” This came out a little snippily but I was a rather ticked off just then. But I knew he was right. I was being a brat and needed to suck it up and stop being a baby.

He sighed again. “I know. But here’s the deal. Scout, you’re freakin’ beautiful. You could get any guy you wanted. I just don’t want you to get hung up on some idiot who doesn’t appreciate you, that’s all.”

“He’s not an idiot,” I muttered. Man, I seriously did have it so bad for Gable, so much so that I was sticking up for him even after what had happened.

“If he dumped you, he is.”


Text Message—Sat, Nov 9, 11:34 a.m.

Gable: You around?

Text Message—Sat, Nov 9, 11:37 a.m.

Gable: I really need to talk to you

Text Message—Sat, Nov 9, 11:44 a.m.

Gable: Scout, please

11:53 a.m.

Gable Calling

Shit. I hit decline and waited to see if he left a voicemail. He didn’t. He called back. I declined again and again he called back. This went on for another three times before he finally stopped.

Text Message—Sat, Nov 9, 12:04 p.m.

Gable: I miss you. I’m sorry…

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