Gage, Ronna - The Search is Over (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Gage, Ronna - The Search is Over (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Evan worked out feverishly to keep his twenty-one-year-old body in high-school shape. His dark hair, brown eyes, and pearly white teeth had women falling over themselves to get close to him. Normally, women hated coming to the automotive shop until they saw Evan.

“You look as if you just had the best lay of your life,” he taunted as he picked up a box from the cart and set cans of oil on the shelves.

“No, not yet,” Rafe admitted before he could stop himself. He realized he didn’t care if Evan knew the truth.


Rafe shook his head in silent answer and wondered why he bothered with a woman who didn’t come so easily.
There are other women more than willing, after all.
Candi is something special.
He sensed her inner strength and caught a slight glimpse of it by the way she treated Jesse. He knew she had no problems conveying her anger when she was agitated.
If she didn’t like you, she showed that, too
I like that
. She played no games and didn’t hide her feelings.

“Oh! But you are interested,” Evan hinted.

“So far.” Rafe became tight-lipped suddenly. The less Evan knew the less he had to tease him.

“So, what’s she like?” Evan stood back, angling his head slightly. His arms crossed over his massive chest as he waited patiently for Rafe to give him the lowdown on the new woman in his life. “She must be ugly as hell, or have really big tits.”

Rafe continued to work ignoring Evan’s remark, but he couldn’t stop himself from talking about her. “I don’t know how to describe her. She’s pretty, but in a natural sort of way,” Rafe began. “She likes music, but her favorite is country. She’s going to school this summer, and then she plans to go to the university. She works as a bartender-waitress right now, until the fall. She’s, I don’t know… incredible. And her boobs are none of your business.”

Evan laughed at Rafe’s defensive action. “What’s the catch?”

Rafe hesitated. “She’s just coming out of a relationship. In fact, she is two days out. The guy is her roommate’s boyfriend’s son.”

“What?” Evan closed his eyes. “That’s a little too confusing this early in the morning. I get a headache just trying to figure it out. It’s severely messing with my hangover.”

Smiling, Rafe explained, “Candi’s roommate, Minerva. Her boyfriend, Roy, is Jesse’s dad.”

“Got it. I think.” Evan shook his head. “I have to clear the cobwebs that are blocking the processing of new information. “So, how is Junior taking all this?”

“Honestly, I don’t care how he’s taking it. He made his choice when he told her he would rather be with someone else. But I did wonder who was more upset by the breakup, Jesse or his dad?”

“Good God Almighty, Rafe, that’s messed up. Are you sure you want to be involved in that web of mess?”

Rafe thought about it for all of two seconds. “Yeah, it sounds more complicated than it is. Besides, I like her spirit.” Rafe gave a wink.

“Well, wonders never cease. I never thought I would hear the day, that you, Rafe Sines, would like someone for her…spirit. This from the guy whose best friends are titty dancers.”

Evan turned away just as Rafe’s smile became bigger. Candi’s comment of worshipping the silicone temple repeated in his head. He had to take a drink of his coffee to get the laugh under control before it started.

“You talk too much. Let’s get these tires up before Dad comes in bitching,” Rafe insisted. He led Evan to the tire rack of neatly stacked tires. In silence, they threw the tires up on the shelf.

“When are you going to see her again?” Evan asked, breaking the silence.

Rafe’s mind wandered back to her. He definitely had to see her again. “Soon. But first, I have to take care of some other business.”

Chapter Twelve

“Hi! I wondered if I would see you tonight.”

Her smile reminded Rafe of a bright light that shone when turned on and could at times be expensive to have around. “Is this a bad time?”

“No, come on in.”

Rafe entered the immaculately clean living room. The smell of fresh cut flowers, lemon oil, and bleach assaulted him in a pleasant way.
The living room smelled as good as it looked.

“You didn’t call me all day. So, I didn’t…”

“I’m sorry, I’ve been really busy.”

Sheila Mason turned to him and smiled. Her professionally styled brown hair touched the middle of her back, when it was loose and not in a bun or some other style on top of her head. Her blue eyes swam with adoration as she looked at Rafe.

“I just assumed you had to close again, like you did last night.”

Sheila stepped up on tiptoe and brushed a tender kiss on his lips. “Where did you want to go?” Dressed in new designer jeans, a salmon-colored T-shirt, and barefooted, she didn’t look like she was ready to go out. “I can be ready in five minutes,” she vowed as she took a step toward the bedroom.

Sheila was sweet and accommodating when she wanted to be. Luckily, this was one of those days. Rafe grabbed her arm and redirected her back to the living room. “I thought we could stay in tonight.”

“Okay.” Sheila looked at him, her eyes narrowed. “Something’s wrong. What is it?” She put her hands on her tiny waist.

Although she was a lady most times, Rafe realized awhile ago that her selfish, vindictive, and petty nature left a bad taste in his mouth. “Nothing’s wrong,” Rafe assured her.
This is going to be a long night.
“I’m just tired.”

Rafe walked to the dining table and sat the bag of beer he had in his hands on the table. The glass top—indicative of Sheila’s tastes—showed no scuff marks. She liked classy, expensive, modern items. A knock-off or cheap imitation would never do. The hotel manager’s assistant, a bigger control freak than he ever thought about being, took exceptional care of her things.

“Why are you so tired?” Sheila raised an eyebrow. The expression looked more irritated than concerned for him.

Rafe grabbed a beer from the bag and pulled the silver tab. “I’ve been working some long hours.” He sat down at the table and took a long swallow of beer.

Sheila took the bag of beer and walked to the kitchen. She set the beer in the refrigerator, folded the bag neatly, and set it in the pantry. Rafe grinned.
Sheila didn’t allow anything to be out of place in her apartment.

“Well, Rafe, it’s good that you work extra hours.” Sheila assured him. “Building a nest egg takes time. You have to do it before you settle down.” She joined him at the table and offered him an empty glass for his beer. He shook his head refusing the glass.

Her advice sounded condescending, and Rafe didn’t like it at all. “Yes, but maybe I don’t want to kill myself before I get to the nest egg age. Maybe, I want to enjoy someone’s company along the way,” Rafe admitted out loud what he had suspected all along. He wanted to try the commitment thing one last time.

“Rafe, what are you saying?”

The excitement in Sheila’s voice caught his attention.
This isn’t going the way I planned
. She had hope shimmering in her eyes, and he didn’t want to be the one to break her heart.
But, holding on to something that won’t work, is cruel…in a way

“Sheila, what do you think I’m trying to say?”
Don’t let it involve a future together and make me the asshole…again
Don’t jump to conclusions. Her expectations could be different from mine.
He waited for her to answer with slightly held breath.

“I think you are saying you want to take this relationship to the next level.” Sheila couldn’t hide enthusiasm. “Am I wrong?”

Okay, so much for hoping her expectations were different.
“Sheila. I don’t want to lead you on, but…”

“No, don’t say it, Rafe.” Sheila turned abruptly. The unease of the conversation put a damper on her smile. “If I read it wrong, I’m sorry.” She walked back to the table. “Let’s forget anything was ever said. All right?”

Rafe nodded.
Agreed for now
Do what you came here to do. Get it over with and leave. Delaying it will only make it worse.

Sheila took him by the hand. “Come here, I want to show you something.” She led him in the direction to the other end of the apartment.

The undeniable seduction in her voice caught Rafe unaware, but her gaze displayed the sultry prelude to her intentions. “What do you want to show me, Sheila?”

“I want to show you my new lingerie.” She unbuttoned his jeans and her thumb lightly grazed the waistband of his boxer shorts. “I think you’ll like what I have to show you.”

“No, Sheila.” Rafe couldn’t believe he stopped her advancement. He turned from her and buttoned the fly of his jeans.
Now what are you going to say or do?
He felt like he was cheating on Candi and he hadn’t even gone out with her. Yet she consumed his every thought. He had never been so preoccupied with a woman before, much less want to stay faithful to someone he hadn’t even dated.
Where did that come from?

“Rafe? What’s going on?” Sheila insisted.

The anger in her expressive eyes sparked Rafe’s frustration. He couldn’t hold back anymore. “Sheila, I’ve met someone.” The outburst reverberated a little harsher than he intended, but the deed was done.

Sheila stood silent. Stunned. Suddenly, her shock turned to loathing. “Who is she?” The calmness in her voice worried him.
The calm before the storm
. Any second, she would blow, racking up some major damage costs to her apartment, or him. He didn’t want to stick around for the eruption of emotions.

“You don’t know her. She doesn’t exactly run in your circle of friends.” The explanation filled the room with silence and bad vibes.

Sheila stood in the middle of her living room shaking with anger. “You can’t leave me for someone else. I’ve invested too much time in us,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Sheila, don’t be ridiculous! We were never that serious, and this relationship was not a business investment,” Rafe roared back. “It was just a fuck-me-leave-me kind of relationship, and we both had a good time. But it’s come to an end.”

“What is she, one of those stripping sluts you like so well?” Her face flushed with rage.

“Don’t talk about her that way. You don’t even know her.” Rafe’s calm voice provided at least a thin facade of his feelings. His anger grew hotter by the minute. “Answering your question, no. In fact, she has more style and ladylike grace than you do.”

Rafe walked to the door.

“Rafe!” she screamed out. “If you walk out that door, don’t bother coming back and darkening my doorstep again—ever!”

Rafe stopped at the doorway, dropped his hand to his side, and lowered his head. He exhaled a deep breath of air and then turned to look at her.

Triumphantly, Sheila smiled as she slowly closed the distance between them. Gently, she placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. “It’s all right, Rafe. You made the right choice.” She stroked his cheek. “I forgive you.”

Rafe turned from her touch, relieved by her declaration. He saw Sheila hitch her chin up, confidant she had won. Softly, he bent and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks, Sheila.”

“Anytime.” She smiled. “Now, let’s have some dinner.”

“No, you don’t understand.” The crinkling of her brow caused Rafe to smile inwardly. “You just made leaving easier. I would never consider darkening your doorstep again.” Rafe opened the door and walked out, leaving her alone.

Chapter Thirteen

The usual Sunday sports crowd arrived in full force for NASCAR Sunday at the Shadows Lounge. The May high temperatures help keep the sports fanatics inside during the hottest part of the day, boosting business profits for the week. The NASCAR Sprint Cup race aired on the big-screen TV in the main bar. The engrossed patrons watched the race almost in a crouched position, while Jeff Gordon led the race, but another driver closed the gap, gaining places fast behind him. “Go, Jeff, Go!” one customer yelled. The crowd roared with glee when he blocked the driver’s last ditch effort to advance and won the race.

Jesse watched a few laps of the race, but he barely paid the race much attention.

He looked around the main bar and awed at the expense the bar’s owner paid for the event.
He goes all out on Sundays
popcorn, peanuts, hot wings, and pretzels
. All salty and spicy appetizers used to increase a man’s thirst.
Makes sense since it will eventually increase the bar’s till at the end of the day

Jesse caught sight of Candi in the poolroom. The formfitting NASCAR T-shirt showed off her delicate curves. Daisy Duke cutoff denim shorts barely covered her upper thighs. He saw the smooth flesh under her shorts, and his cock twitched. A quick round by the pool tables had gotten her some attention from the players. Even the men shooting pool stopped and watched her pass.
I can’t blame them, really. She does have a nice ass
. She approached the security station and his awakening cock became stiff. He reached out with his empty soda glass, stopping her.

She took his empty glass. “Do you need another one?”

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