Gage, Ronna - Three Hearts One Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Gage, Ronna - Three Hearts One Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Dylan held back the laugh Karma saw lingering under the surface. “First things first,” he stated calmly.

Karma straightened at the second hint of the face-to-face meeting among the three of them.

Jaxon rolled his eyes and stripped out of his shirt right in front of her and Dylan. “I’m going to borrow a T-shirt from you then,” he declared, stomping off to the master bedroom.

Karma looked at Dylan. “How long have you two known each other?”

Dylan tilted his head. “All our lives, I’d say. Our fathers are best friends. He and I grew up together, went to school together, dated girls on many double dates together. I’d say he’s like a brother to me.”

Great! Just when I didn’t think I could feel any worse.
The brief history of Dylan and Jaxon’s connections added to her regret. Nausea rumbled through her stomach. She watched Dylan walk to the refrigerator seemingly uncaring of how she and Jaxon knew each other.

“Would you like something to drink?”

Flabbergasted by his hospitality, she hesitated before answering. “Sure. I’ll have a glass of tea.”

! Do you want a glass of tea?” he hollered toward the bedroom.

“Yeah! Where the hell are the T-shirts I usually borrow?”

Dylan rolled his eyes and then looked at Karma. “He’s here every other day and still can’t remember where I told him I keep them.” He leaned toward the bedroom. “In the guest room!”

“Oh yeah! I forgot.”

Dylan raised his hands in exaggerated mocked surprise. He looked at Karma. “He’ll forget next week.”

Karma chuckled. She didn’t bother to hold it back. “You sound like a woman complaining about her husband, and he, well, has an uncanny ability to take things lightly. Amazing,” she said in reflex to the antics. Her mind crept onto another ulterior motive to his lightness.
He didn’t really love me like he said after all.

Jaxon walked back into the room, sat down at the end of the bar with Karma and Dylan on either side, and looked from one to the other.
“What did I miss?”

The other two looked at him and laughed. “Nothing,” each one said.

Once the laughter died down, they each looked at one another. More silence hung between them.

Karma took in a tattered breath.
“Guys, I don’t know what to say. I have no excuse for the things I’ve done…” she said in some attempt to ease over the difficulty about to break between them.

Dylan looked at Jaxon, who in turn cleared his throat. “Karma, first off, we aren’t mad at you for dating the two of us at the same time,” Jaxon assured her.

Karma held up her hand. “How long have you two known about each other?”

“From about the beginning. The first date you and I had together for sure,” Dylan answered.

“I don’t understand. You were using me?” Her anger got to her, but then she realized she wasn’t innocent in this triangle. “And I used you,” she admitted softly.

“We don’t see it as using each other,” Jaxon said. She looked up into his eyes and saw longing for her. His voice softened. “We see it as building a relationship.”

“A relationship?” Karma hesitated to show any emotion: confusion, surprise, or otherwise.
Did I step off into an alternate universe?
“I don’t understand.”

“Yes, one that is completely unorthodox—” Dylan added.

“Not really!” Jaxon interrupted. “It’s going on all the time.”

Dylan raised a single finger to pause Jaxon’s next comment. “I know, you’ve told me all about it.”

“About what?” Karma asked, breaking up the debate between the two of them.

“We.” Each man took her hand. “Karma,” Dylan said her name, and she felt the new flutters of desire. “Jaxon and I don’t doubt the way we feel about you. In fact, for the last four months, we both agree we’ve never been happier, for ourselves, or for each other.”

“I love you, Karma,” Jaxon confessed. “And Dylan does, too.” He turned to Dylan, who nodded. “We don’t want to lose you.”

Dylan looked at her. “Earlier, you said you hated to lose. Well, so do the two of us.”

Karma sat on her stool looking from one man to the other. The reached out to hold her hands. The heat of their hands warmed her body to intimate levels of security. Hope almost blossomed, but what if she’d interpreted what they said incorrectly? “I’m hearing that you two want to continue a relationship with me, but at the same time.” Both men nodded. “How?” Shaking with anticipation, she looked from one and then the other. “Can this really be done? Do we flaunt it for the world to see? Do we keep it in private? Have you two dated women together before?”

Dylan squeezed her hand and then kissed it. “Well, that’s where we have to decide something.”

Oh boy, the impending but.
Her heart beat in rapid succession of what was to come. “Decide what?”

Jaxon looked down at her. Love reflected in his eyes. “How far you trust either of us,” he answered in a warm whisper. Karma narrowed her eyes. “You see.” He smoothed his fingers through her bangs, setting it off her forehead. “Dylan and I know we aren’t going to give you up.”

“Won’t!” Dylan stressed.

Karma’s heart swelled. “I don’t want to lose either of you.” She looked at Dylan. “I love you, Dylan, for your hard working, nurturing soul. I find myself coming to you when I have those really hard days where I’ve lost a patient or put one down because of neglect.” She looked at Jaxon. “I love you, Jaxon, because you make me laugh, you fill me with joy when I’m with you, and you lift my spirits when my day is too stressful.”

Jaxon continued. “We’re willing to share, but if you’d rather see us strictly one on one, then so be it. We will live with that, but if we can have little get-togethers like this”—he paused—“all the better.”

“Are you willing to carry our relationships to the next level, being a threesome?” Dylan asked. “Or are you only allowing a one-on-one
type of thing?”

Her palm caressed both of their cheeks. Her thumb grazed their lips. “If it gets to the point that we, as a threesome, are selfish and uncaring for the other two, this will stop. But for now, I’m willing to try.”

The two men grinned.

Dylan looked at her. “I love you.” He pulled her close. “I have from the moment I saw you. I know this seems strange to you, but I promise this is what Jaxon and I both want.”

Jaxon leaned forward and kissed her lips softly. “The love I have for you is great.”

“Guys, what if I fall in love with one of you and want to make it a life-long thing? What if I become pregnant in all this playtime?”

Dylan sighed. “We thought of that, too. If you choose to be with one of us only, we can accept that. If you conceive, you and I will marry.”

“What if it’s Jaxon’s child?”

Jaxon’s eyes showed mischief. “Can’t be mine. I’m sterile.”

Karma stared in disbelief of what her ears heard and her mind only vaguely comprehended. Her eyes dried from lack of blinking. She looked at him. “I didn’t know that.”

“Not something you readily tell a girlfriend unless you are planning to become serious.”

Karma shook her head. “I must be dreaming.”

Jaxon set his arm over her shoulder. “Nope! You’re very much awake,” he assured her.

“I have another question.” The two men groaned. “How do I get two cocks into one hen house?”

“I have a few ideas,” Jaxon stated with more exuberance than she remembered seeing ever.

“I’ll bet!” she quipped.

He reached inside a drawer under the bar and pulled out a box. “We got this for our special nights together. Just in case you said yes,” he stated, handing her the box.

Karma opened it. Inside, on a velvet lining she found a tube of lubricant and condoms, along with other things she couldn’t identify. She lifted a small purple cylinder-shaped object. “What’s this?”

“That’s a mini vibrator. They call it the lil’ bullet.” Jaxon’s enthusiasm bubbled out with his answer.

She looked at him. “How do you know this stuff?” Karma asked.

“I used to date a woman who was all into sex game and toys.”

Karma dropped the item into the box and rubbed her hands on the leg of her scrubs. “Is it hers?”

Jaxon laughed out loud. “No, you have your own toys.”

“Gee, thanks.” She leaned forward to Dylan. “Thank you.” She brushed a soft kiss to his lips. He let it linger a little longer than she intended. She felt Jaxon’s hand on her shoulder giving it a soft, reassuring squeeze. The kiss ended, and she leaned toward Jaxon. “And thank you.” She placed another kiss on his lips. Refocused, she held up another item. “This is…?”

“A cock ring,” Dylan answered. Her eyebrows lifted in silent question. “It looked interesting.”

“Oh!” She lifted up a knobbed cone-shaped, top-looking thing. She held it up, inspecting it on all sides. She looked at her two lovers. “I give up.”

Jaxon laughed. Dylan shrugged his shoulders.

“That is the answer to the earlier question about two cocks and one hen house,” Jaxon stated. “It’s a butt plug.”

“A what?” She looked at the new device with skepticism. “What does it do, besides the obvious?”

Jaxon took it from her. He swallowed. “This will help you take the two of us at one time.” He squeezed her hand. “When the time is right.”

“When will that be?” she asked, curious about the effects of the thing.

“When you say you’re ready to try,” Dylan stated firmly, glaring at Jaxon.

“Of course. No need to rush anything,” Jaxon agreed.

“How does it work?”

“Well.” Jaxon looked at Dylan. “First off, we have to get you aroused.”

“I like it so far.” Karma giggled. The idea of her men loving her in an open and giving atmosphere sent shockwaves of tingles all through her. “Then what?”

Dylan laid his hand on Jaxon’s shoulder. “Let’s take it one step at a time. This is where the next level of trust comes into play. In order for this to be a success, you have to give yourself over to us on these nights.” Dylan came around the bar and stood in front of her. He helped her off her seat and then laid a soft kiss on the side of her neck. “Give total trust…” Another kiss on a little farther down. Jaxon eased the tension with soft massaging strokes along her shoulders. Her pussy contracted with every tingling touch of each man. “That we do love you…” Another kiss on the base of her throat. Jaxon reached under her blouse. The contact of his hot hand on her back melted away the first inhibitions of this new arrangement. “And would never in our hearts hurt you.” His last kiss grazed the cleft of her bosom. His tongue stroked the top of each breast. Jaxon’s finger traced the alignment of her spine. Karma groaned. “Do you agree?”

“Yes” was her breathless answer.

Jaxon’s hands massaged her hips. “Do you trust us not to hurt you?”


Jaxon blocked the placement of Dylan’s next kiss. “First of all”—he gave Dylan a sharp look—“we take a shower.”

Dylan’s grin triggered her need, and then it pooled in her panties. “If you insist, I guess we can get acquainted in there before we go to bed.” He and Jaxon walked her toward the master suite.

“Why? I know you just fine,” Jaxon joked.

Karma snickered on a stifled laugh. This night maybe unnatural, but it would be incredibly fun with her two men…
and a little bad
. In the master bath, she looked at the large shower with interest. “I just realized I’ve never used that shower before tonight,” she said.

Jaxon looked down at her. “Dylan says it has a special feature we think you’ll like very much.” He lifted her hands above her head. His long fingers gathered the hem of her top and eased it up, grazing her ribs with his knuckles. She shivered in response. He pulled it over her head and off.

Dylan stood behind her and unfastened the hooks of her bra. His hands scuffed the globes of her breasts. A moan escaped her. “Your nipples are hard and ready,” he whispered in her ear. She leaned into his touch, reeling with the sensations of his hands on her breasts. He took the tender lobe of her ear in between his teeth and nipped. The sharp sensation zipped a wave of chills through her. He nipped her neck, and another moan escaped her throat. She laid her head against Dylan’s shoulder.

Jaxon pulled her bra down her arms. “I’m getting hard watching you two,” he stated. He untied the drawstrings of her scrub bottoms, bent on his knees, and rolled the material down her legs and let it gather at her feet. His hands traced the inside of her legs as he worked his way back to her panties. He pulled them down to her mid thigh, moved in closer, and sniffed. “The scent of a woman in heat turns me to mush.” Karma bit on her bottom lip to smother another moan. He rolled her panties down to meet the bottoms. His fingers opened her slit. She gasped as his cool breath blew on the exposed folds. His tongue delved between the lips of her pussy, and she sobbed on a small tremor of heat.

“Easy, sweetheart,” Dylan soothed in her ear. “We’ve just started.”
He pushed her hair to one side and sucked and nibbled her neck. Karma’s breath caught, her body quaked with the impending eruption waiting inside, and she gasped short pants of air. “That’s right, breathe through it. Don’t come yet. We have a wonderful night planned,” Dylan instructed, his voice laced thick with his arousal.

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