Galactic Earth (2 page)

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Authors: G.S. Luthra

BOOK: Galactic Earth
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My Gratitude

This is dedicated to the entire human race that has been deceived and cheated for far too long throughout time. To everyone who spread truth, love, peace, and wisdom. My thanks goes to all of the great minds who innovated in science, music, philosophy, art, medicine, and spirituality who challenged the establishment, which ultimately improved the quality of life for all.


Without your efforts I would not have received the passed-down wisdom, knowledge, privilege, inspiration, and motivation to do this. Your example has given me strength to complete this work so that the future of earth will be a pleasant. To all of you, Heroes of the old, thank you…now it’s my turn.

Earth, a Zoo

Live a life of honor and value, not to simply meet the expectations of others.


Aliens are controlling earth. Stop and read that again. It may be hard to accept, but it’s true. Evil aliens along with the secret world government are running the world. Before you blow this off as heresy, ask yourself a few simple questions. How did ancient civilizations obtain maps of the earth and solar systems? Why are there numerous ancient painting of aliens and UFOs? How did they build marvelous architecture? There is a plethora of evidence out there that has been hidden from you for fear of a loss of power. Since prehistoric times, there have been several occasions where beings from other worlds visited earth for various reasons. Although, it is illegal to interfere with another developing planet, there are those who have taken advantage of this world and seek to dominate all life here. This is why volunteers of various races have chosen to assist with earth’s evolution. Now, the sober man may ask, if aliens existed back then, where and why are they not here now? Well, what makes you think they aren’t?


Man’s Devolution


Bear with me I know this is a touchy topic, subject to much speculation. My goal is not to deceive you, but rather inform you as it is important now to realize that intelligent life is and always has been around for millennia. How it is that modern technologies developed today have been found in tablets of ancient scripture? Whether it’s Hindu, Greek, or Arabic, there are many references of advanced knowledge of medicine, mechanics, environment, to celestial bodies such as the sun, and even the universe that modern science seems to only confirm as being true.


How is it that the ancients were so far ahead of their time? Your fossil records, carbon dating, and genetic tests reveal that earlier Neanderthal man was not as intellectually affluent as today’s Homo-sapiens. The mental capacity for configuring the complexities of mathematics, science, and creativity was just not developed. If that is the case, then how did present day humans arrive so ahead of all other lifeforms on earth?


Some of your scientists are perplexed as to how human beings have evolved so fast whereas the rest of the species are still functioning from the primitive mind. There are many unsolved mysterious and unanswered questions which pertain to your history, origins, and place on earth.


Your world revolves around a false system. Your superiors have sold you the illusion of working nine to five for eternity performing useless rut labor which does little to enhance your consciousness. As a matter of fact, the very lifestyle your planet operates in is designed to keep you from discovering higher truth. It is no surprise that many of your most spiritually evolved souls obtained such mastery by retreating from society, spending their time in meditation to access higher realms of reality. Such attainment has been achieved by few, and their teachings have been passed down for centuries, but the modern man laughs and ridicules such ancient wisdom, looking down on such individuals as primitive when the opposite is true.


Wealth, wine, and women seem to be the three holy grails of your world where money, power, and lust are your daily mantras. Destructive behavior from your leaders has caused the deaths of millions of innocent people, yet despite the repeated lessons from history, human beings have not taken full responsibility to overthrow the hierarchy and construct a new holistic system which supports the evolution of man, thus enhancing the quality of life.


Energy is the substance of all that exists. Nothing is solid, but merely a collection of dense subatomic power forming physical visible substances. This includes your thoughts. The psychic energy generated from all of the people living on this planet, has manifested the world you currently live in today. Every spoken or unspoken word, every action, every emotion, these all generate electrochemical and magnetic energy which vibrates all around the globe and is received by the earth’s consciousness.


Hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters have been increasing and they will only continue to get worse as your behavior is disturbing the delicate balance of the world’s ecosystem. All the wars, bombs, and other hazardous chemicals have forced the planet to clean this through severe weather. Like plants, the earth is alive, and has its own mechanisms for cleaning itself from disturbances. These come in the form of extreme climate, but merely think of them as your own digestive process. In order to rid the body of toxins, your stomach cycles everything, compresses them, and even burns them with acid all to prepare of evacuation. The same is with the earth as it targets areas where bad karma, or sin, or where the majority of negative behavior occurs in order to bring equanimity once more.


Restoring balance is not so easy a task, especially with all that has been done to your planet. Many scientists of your past have presented alternative ways of solving your energy, medicinal, technical, agricultural, and social problems, yet their solutions have either been ignored and/or swept under the rug to prevent people from becoming empowered. The evil government does this so they don’t lose their control.


Information and evidence is out there regarding alien visitations and global corruption. During my stay on earth, I have even heard astronomers confirm that millions of planets exist throughout the cosmos and the probability of intelligent life thriving elsewhere is highly likely. So if this is the case, it would be wise to connect all the dots and see that the signs point to the fact that you are not alone in this universe. You never were, and the sooner you realize it, the faster you can work together to reclaim your God given freedom. More evidence is emerging regarding extraterrestrials lately, even on your television programming.


During my time on earth, I have observed that more people are becoming aware and are starting to ask questions. An increasing number of people are becoming financially free at record levels. Also it seems that the young generation, although wastes their time on idiocy, possess the potential to far exceed their predecessors and build a new world worthy of galactic communication.


Not everyone believes in your race, but I feel that you have great latent talent residing within. The only thing necessary is to free the limiting blockades to unleash that ability deep inside. Sadly, most earthlings hold onto self-defeating beliefs which have no real factual basis and this is precisely what the powers that be want. They don’t want you to think about the higher things in life. They only wish to dilute your senses with media presenting false news, staged global events, and other stupid shows to distract you from what is really important. Economic slavery is also problematic as the horrible fact is millions die of hunger and with most of their dreams unfulfilled.


Evil aliens want this and have manipulated human leaders. Think about it, how did cavemen living in the jungle suddenly decided to run outside and build epileptic monuments, and why? Some of these structures are in alignment with constellations in space. How did we go from playing baseball with a club and a stone, to traveling space in such a short amount of time? Earth scientists have researched and concluded that there’s no way humans could have developed so fast at the rate we have according to the data and calculations of when the first Homo-sapiens emerged. So what’s going on? Simple, assistance and technology was given to them by aliens. Is that so hard to believe?


Intergalactic gangsters along with evil earth humans in the secret world government have and still are ruling planet. As hard as that may sound, it may answer a lot of questions you may have held within you. This planet is a prison planet, filled with nearly seven billion people trapped in a monetary banking system ruled by a draconian hierarchy.


Slavery is problematic on planet earth. Billions of humans are being controlled by an almighty government and have lost the way of harmony.

They have become stupid due to all of the suppression that has been placed upon them. This is not a laughing matter. Many question why there is not peace on earth. The answer is due to too much negativity. Earth is being controlled by numerous government regulations. Many will claim this to be science fiction. You make your own decision.


Thousands of years ago, human beings were enslaved by extraterrestrials. Some created religions, dividing languages, government, military, belief systems, fear, media, and other methods of control to keep them from rebelling. This information has been covered up for many years.


Emotion is a big factor in human life. This is what corrupt controllers use to manage earth. Compared to other civilizations, human beings are young. They are loving creatures, but unfortunately have been manipulated to vibrate low emotions. They are not living in accordance to their nature, but submissive to their programming given to them by their government. It has been going on for far too long. Something must be done. Humans must rise up and use their hearts to overcome the dark forces’ operations. Too many lives have been lost and are still suffering. The time for change is now.


Military force has been used by many in the past to take over earth. Some have come close. However, as powerful as their weapons were, they all failed, because they were openly visible. Power hungry people used barbaric tactics in the past and deception was also used to conquer the world. Many wars have been recorded in human history describing this. These are not the people in power. The ones who are really in control hide themselves from the public eye. Brute force has its limits, but misdirecting the population with illusion works.


Obviously, it was easy to see who was behind it all throughout the world wars involving humans. This is because those who tried to do it did it in the open. It was directly in front of everyone’s faces. If everybody knows who is responsible for all the problems in the world, they will attack that person. Think of it this way, everyone knew when Napoleon, Genghis Khan, and Alexander the Great took over world. It was common knowledge. You’d ask a local, who is responsible for our slavery? Well, it’s so and so who conquered us. Therefore, people directed their attention to these rulers, but you see the sneaky weasel way is to hide behind the curtains and use such people as puppets to do the dirty work for you. THAT’S how to take over the world inconspicuously, which is the method of the evil secret government along with their lizard friends who cheat to get ahead.


Reptilian extraterrestrials have infiltrated the planet, and are currently working with earth’s government to deceive the human race. Unlike what the majority of people believe, their planet is operated by a one world government system that is divided into countries all over the planet. Ancient texts describe how the aliens came down in glowing clouds. They called them their gods, and “divine knowledge” or rather advanced technology was shared with man. History has been rewritten to cover a very dirty secret from you my friends.


Manipulated people were tricked into believing the extraterrestrials were there to help them. Although there were some helpful ones, the dark malevolent ones used deception to gain control over mankind. Human civilization was infiltrated by these lizard astronauts. Interbreeding was done with man and alien, which is why religious texts tell of how the gods bred with the daughters of man. They did this along with experiments to genetically modify the populous so they can use them as slaves, mining gold, silver, and other precious minerals.


Lies were told to primitive man and belief systems were created to keep them in check. If you take today’s modern businessman and send him back in ancient times with all of today’s basic common everyday technology, he would become a god overnight. Cars, guns, flashlights, mobile phones, you name it, would absolutely blow the minds of the ancient people. They would worship and even fear you. So, you can see how easy it was for the reptilians and other dark beings to gain control over them. Their technology is millions of years ahead of earths, even to this day. Mankind had little defense against such a force.


When did this all happen?


Several thousand years ago, many different extraterrestrials from different civilizations visited the planet earth. Some were good, some not.

They came for their own reasons. Spiritual ones taught peaceful solutions while others sought complete domination, all this happened in ancient history, a long time ago. Many wars were fought and the humans were caught in between the cross fire. The result from all the fighting and experiments left people without resources, intelligence, and the ways to be in tune with the infinity were lost. Their twelve DNA strands were reduced to two making them inferior. Aliens had lived on earth before humans. Battles were fought between them and other worlds, resulting in many civilizations perishing, but this is irrelevant. What is important is how human beings have been manipulated and developing spirituality to become free. Primitive man was not capable of building pyramids. Their gods from the past were really aliens visiting the planet. The humans there were undeveloped, thus they had a bicameral mind that was easily persuaded. Ancient man worshipped these aliens and with their help, produced many of the magnificent architecture that still stands today. Antigravity technology such as levitation, and advanced geometry was used to build these wonders. A lot of the structures weigh hundreds of tons, yet professors today say it was possible by the ancients even though modern man with technology today cannot duplicate such architectural wonders.

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