Gambler's Folly (Bookstrand Publishing Romance) (34 page)

Read Gambler's Folly (Bookstrand Publishing Romance) Online

Authors: Mellie E. Miller

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Gambler's Folly (Bookstrand Publishing Romance)
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“I’ve located her.”

“Karianna? But, Dam, you must go to the meeting.”

“I’m going to get my wife, Marco. Any other questions?”

“What about the meeting? It’s all arranged. We’ve been nearly two years setting this up. You can’t just walk out now.”

“You and Paolo go to the meeting. Say I’ve been detained and will be late. Tell them I’m drunk, or I’m sedated and in the hospital. I don’t care. I’m going after Karianna.”

“Shouldn’t you at least call in, and let the others with us know?”

“If you want to call, call. Take both teams to the meeting and set it up, just as we’d planned. Once I have Karianna, I’ll join you,
se Dio vuole

“Where is she?”

“In the warehouse district, to the east of here. It’s on the way to the meeting place.”

Vai con Dio, amico
. Go with God,” Paolo said as Dam opened the door.

“I will do my best,” he replied.

Marco and Paolo looked at each other. “Are you going to make the call?” Paolo asked.

“Si, I’ll make it.”

The voice on the other end of the line was not happy. “He did what?”

“Si, Signor. He’s gone after his wife.”

Sighing, the man added, “Well follow him and keep him out of trouble. I’ll make sure the teams are in place. We don’t really need to hold the meeting. After everyone has arrived, it’s simply a matter of cleaning up.”


* * * *


About half past seven, Karianna was moved into a large, mostly open area. She had a straight-backed chair to sit on while they waited for the car. There were large crates and barrels stacked along the sides, nearly to the door. On the way out, she’d seen several side doors, also. The room was very dimly lit, probably because it was after hours.

“Our ride will be here in just a few minutes,” the man told her. “Don’t do anything stupid. I’d like to return you to Signor Leone unharmed, once he’s agreed to our new contract.”

A voice from the front of the warehouse sounded clearly as a man stepped out from behind the stacked crates. “I’ll save you the trouble and take her off your hands now.”

“Dam! What are you doing here?” she yelled at him.

“Are you harmed, cara?” he asked.

“No, I’m fine, just a little tied up at the moment.”

She heard a loud click near her ear and felt cold steel touch her throat.

“Drop the revolver, Signor, and back away. We can all leave for the meeting from here. But if you don’t put that revolver down, Signora here will die.”

Karianna could see his hesitation. As much as he wanted to take her from these people, he couldn’t risk her life to do it. What could she do? All those martial arts lessons…

She could feel her anger rising, feel all the tension from this past year building to a head. No, she would not let them take her husband from her. As the man behind her punctuated the conversation with his knife, she seized her chance.

Jerking her head and lunging sideways, her teeth closed over the wrist which held the switchblade, as her hands slipped free of the restraints. A shot rang out, and the man holding the knife screamed and fell to the floor. She suddenly realized the growling sound she heard was from her.

“Cara, Dio, cara! Are you alright?” A snarl seemed to be the answer.

Looking down at her hands, she saw golden paws, spotted with black. In a panic, she looked around and saw a matching body and tail, which was lashing furiously.

In answer to her question, Damiano answered her. “Yes, cara, you have changed. But as beautiful as you are, I need for you to change back. Just think of something you like to do, but can only do in your other form.”

A sudden desire to be held and to kiss her husband effected the change, but she found she was barely covered in torn clothing. As Marco and Paolo appeared on the scene, Dam helped her pull her blouse together.

“What are you two doing here?” he asked. “And what about the meeting?”

“The meeting’s covered, but the police are nearly here, because of the gunfire. Is he dead?” Marco asked, pointing at the man with the knife.

“No, just tranqued. I can’t afford a murder charge. You two go now. Call my attorney. I’m sure they’ll take me into custody. Are there any others here?”

“A few,” Paolo said. “They’ve been tranquilized and restrained. Should come around by the time the police arrive. Tell them anything you like.”

“Ciao, you two. And thank you.”

Chapter 35


“Cara, I don’t have much time, so listen carefully,” Damiano told his still-confused wife.

“Whatever you say, honey. This is your world.”

“When the police get here, do whatever they say. You will have to give a statement, and that is fine. Tell them everything that happened, up until the time I arrived here.”

“But you did nothing wrong,” she protested.

“I believe that, and so do you. They may see it differently. So say nothing about my part in this unless you have an attorney present. Alright?”

“Sure. Dam, but I don’t have an attorney.”

The sirens were close now and Karianna heard car doors slamming and angry voices from outside the building.

“It sounds like they just arrested your driver,” Dam told her. “Now it’s our turn.”

The door at the front of the room opened and the lights came on brightly. “Damiano Leone?”

“Who is asking?” Dam responded.

“Speranza Law Enforcement, Unit 12.”

“Then yes, I am Damiano Leone. My wife is here with me.”

“Mr. Leone, place your hands on top of your head and walk toward the door. Mrs. Leone, keep your hands in plain sight and walk to me.”

“Dam?” she asked.

“It’s alright. Follow their instructions,” Dam said as he complied. Karianna did the same.

“Damiano Leone, I am taking you into custody for questioning, concerning the events here this evening.”

He then stepped behind Damiano and very carefully drew his hands behind him into handcuffs.

“Am I under arrest?” Damiano asked.

“No, Mr. Leone. We just need to ask you some questions down at the station.”

“Then why am I in handcuffs?”

“You’re considered dangerous.”

Just then, Karianna heard more voices outside, more vehicles, and two new men stepped into view.

“Speranza Law?” one man asked.

“That’s right. Who are you?”

“Intergalactic Interpol, Drug Enforcement. Is this Damiano Leone?”

“Yes, we’re questioning him concerning his part in the incident here this evening.”

“Anyone dead?” the man asked.

“No, just tranquilized.”

“My jurisdiction supersedes yours, then. He is wanted for questioning on a drug trafficking charge, from information obtained in a sting that came down this evening, just a few blocks from here.”

Pulling out a binder, he handed it over to the original officer. “If you’ll sign this release, we’ll take him off your hands.”

“What about Mrs. Leone?” the officer asked.

“Once you’ve taken her statement, bring her over to our offices, if she’d like to see her husband. She’ll probably bring his attorney.”

Now Karianna was frightened. Unfamiliar with law enforcement, she was going to have to face them alone.

“Damiano, what is going on? What should I do?”

“Go with the officers and give them your statement, cara mia. Remember what I said. When you’ve finished, come over to Interpol and see if they’ll let us talk.”

“But Dam…”

“Don’t worry, cara. It’ll be alright.” Turning to one of the officers, he added, “Could someone get a blanket or something for my wife? She is scarcely decent with her clothing all torn like that.”

Karianna watched as they put her husband into an unmarked vehicle and drove away. What was she going to do? She knew he wasn’t trafficking drugs, and nothing he’d done this evening had been illegal, as far as she knew.

“Mrs. Leone, if you’ll come with me…” So she turned and got into a car with another officer, who handed her something to wrap around her shoulders, and they drove to the police station.

After about an hour, she said one more time, “No, that’s all I have to say. Anything further will be with my attorney present. Damiano is my husband, and I’ll say nothing which might incriminate him. I have the right of refusal.”

Carefully reading the statement, she finally agreed to sign it. “Now, can someone please take me to see Dam?”

“Sure. We’ll bring a car around front for you.”

Interpol—that was intimidating—was all the way across town. The totally unremarkable building stood among all the others, with only a small sign to announce its importance.

“Yes, madam. May I help you?” the man in the booth asked her.

“Some officers brought my husband in for questioning earlier. I have no idea where to go.”

“And what is your husband’s name?”

“Damiano Leone,” she answered firmly.

“You’re Mrs. Damiano Leone?” he asked in a rather startled voice.

“Yes. Why?”

“I’ll call an officer to show you the way up. You can have a seat while you wait.”

Karianna didn’t know how far away the officer was, but it seemed to take him forever to get to the front door.

“Mrs. Leone?” he asked. “If you’ll come with me, the Chief Superintendent would like to talk to you. They sent your statement over from Speranza, so you won’t need to make another one.”

Finally reaching an elevator, they rose to the fourth floor before stepping out. The officer opened the door into an office full of desks and people. Looking around at what seemed like organized chaos, she spotted Damiano, Marco, and Paolo in one of the glass-fronted offices, off to one side, having a lighthearted chat about something. She was quite startled at the sight.

“Damiano?” she called.

He looked up and rushed over to her, leaving Marco and Paolo in the office. “Cara mia, are you alright? You weren’t too frightened?” His arms were warm and strong as they gently gathered her to him. Taking off his jacket, he helped her put it on, to cover up what remained of her clothing.

“Thanks, honey,” she said, wrapping up snugly. “No, I wasn’t too frightened, but what’s happening here?”

The other officer came back over with a file in his hand. “Dam? Do you want to take her back to see the chief?”

“Thanks, Thomas. It’s going to be a long night.”

“Dam, what’s going on? Why did he seem to know you so well?”

“Cara, let’s go back and talk to the chief first. Then we need to have a long talk. Okay?”

At the end of the corridor was an official-looking door with the Interpol seal embossed in the center. Damiano stopped and knocked before entering.

“Yes, come in,” she heard. As Damiano strolled into the room, the older gentleman stood up to shake his hand. “Ah, yes! Damiano! Good work tonight. And is this the Mrs. Leone I’ve heard about?”

“Thanks, Chief. Yes, this is my wife, Karianna. Kari, meet my boss, Chief Superintendent Harris. He’s head of our division here at Interpol.”

In shock, Karianna just stood and stared in disbelief.

“I hope you know how much trouble you caused this evening, young lady,” Chief Harris stated. “Damiano,” he said, turning toward Dam, “with everything in place, you should have known no harm would come to her. What made you go off on such a harebrained course?”

“Well, there’s something I’ve not explained completely, Chief.”

“Yeah? And what’s that?” his boss asked.

“Well, sir, we’re a bonded pair as well as married. I had to go to my mate.”

“Hell and damnation!” Chief Harris exclaimed. “You don’t do anything by halves, do you? A bonded pair? Son of a gun!”

“Well, things have been just a little bit rushed lately,” Damiano explained.

“Mrs. Leone—may I call you Karianna? What do you know about all of this?”

Karianna, still in shock and becoming more shocked by the minute, merely sputtered for a bit. “Not nearly enough, I think,” she finally managed. “Dam?”

“Why don’t you go down to your office, close the door, get her something to drink, and clue her in?”

“Yes sir, we’ll do that.”

“Your office?” Karianna asked, shaking her head. “You’ve got some explaining to do, lover mine.”

After getting to his office, he pulled her closely and just held her for a few minutes. “Cara Kari, I was so afraid I’d lose you tonight. And I truly wanted to explain all about who I am and what I do, but I could not. Not until this was finished. Do you still love me, cara, just a little?”

“Of course I love you, but I’d like to understand what all this is about. I thought you were syndicate?”

“I am syndicate. I’m also with Interpol. My family was one of those which purchased large tracts of land when this world was first opened up. But they kept on the right side of the law. They started casinos and hotels, restaurants and resorts, but all legal venues, unlike many other syndicate members, who maybe weren’t as law abiding.”

“But I thought the syndicate was corrupt,” Kari said.

“A lot of it is. When I finished university and was recruited for Interpol, I was assigned elsewhere, not on Earth or here on Gambler’s Folly. When my uncle died, who ran things here for the family, I was in a unique position to take over and run a long-term undercover operation here.”

“Undercover? How?”

“I run the family business, just as I would otherwise. But I keep my ear to the ground and feed information back to Interpol, set up stings like the one tonight, and generally have the time of my life.”

“But Chief Harris seemed to know what a bonded pair is? Is he also were-?”

“Well, that’s the other thing about this particular division. Our part of Interpol is mostly were-folk. We deal mainly in contraband, and who better than the were-folk? No need for K-9 units if you have were-cats and -wolves on staff.”

“No, I suppose not. But what do we do now? Isn’t your operation over? I guess we’ll make do on a policeman’s salary. I’ll miss the clothes and this gorgeous ring. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.”

“No, no, cara mia! They are yours. As I said, I’m also syndicate, and my position and income are real, from both the syndicate and Interpol. Besides, why would it be over? I was arrested tonight, like everybody else.”

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