Read GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras) Online

Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras) (25 page)

BOOK: GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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“Wait.” Oriana stared at the food and shook her head. She looked at Sloan. “What happened?”

“You fainted on us.” Sloan stole a piece of bacon from her plate and fought to keep his tone light. “Sensory overload. No big deal.”

Oriana gaped at him like he’d grown two heads. “No big deal?”

“Oriana, you were physically and emotionally drained. It caught up with you.” Dominik rubbed the back of her neck and grinned when she shivered. “You’re not used to all this attention. I don’t think you’ve ever got off so hard in your life. We’ll have to work on that.”

Max propped himself up on his elbow and put his hand on Oriana’s knee, stroking down to her ankle and back up. “We’ve decided to ease off a bit. You scared the hell out of most of us.”

“Most?” Oriana nibbled on a piece of toast, eyes drifting shut as Dominik massaged her shoulders.

“I’ve had a couple of subs pass out on me—before I gained enough experience to prevent it.” Dominik used his thumbs to work the corded muscles along her neck. “Why do you think me and Max didn’t have sex with you last Friday after everything?”

Sloan blinked. “You didn’t?”

“Nope.” Max grinned and blew a strand of wavy, blond hair out of his face. “We did a bit of oral, but that doesn’t count.”

Vanek plopped down on the end of the sofa, sitting in a way that made it obvious all the talk had gotten him hard. “So what we doing today?”

“I thought you were heading home to see your mom.” The way Vanek’s ears reddened at Sloan’s words made all the men laugh. The ribbing about his ritual of calling his mom before every game had lost its effect the season before, months after Vanek blurted it out during his first interview.

Apparently, Oriana’s presence changed things. Kid didn’t want her to think he was a momma’s boy.

“That’s next week.” Vanek made a face and snatched a piece of bacon out from under Sloan’s hand to feed it to Oriana. “I’ve got other plans for today.”

Oriana licked the bacon grease from her lips and took hold of Vanek’s wrist to suck the rest from his fingers. “Like what?”

“Enough of that.” Dominik chuckled when Oriana frowned at him. “Do you know there’s often a penalty for frowning at your Dom?”

“Well, you’re not my Dom.” Her voice hitched, and her spine went stiff as she handed the tray to Vanek. “So enough with the idle threats.”

Max laughed. “She’s pushed for so many spankings this week that I’m seriously starting to think she enjoys them. Not a fitting punishment, if you ask me.”

“Hmm.” Dominik threw his legs over the side of the bed and put his foot down on the sheet Oriana was trying to pry free to cover herself. “Well, I guess I’ll have to pick something else out of my arsenal. You seem eager for another taste of submission, bunny—”

“I told you not to call me that.” Oriana folded her arms over her chest and scowled at him. “And you said I wasn’t ready.”

“And, by the way you keep testing me, you’re determined to prove that you are.”

Sloan sat on the bed beside Max and mirrored his relaxed, cross-legged pose. Dominik was right, she had been pushing. Just the day before, she’d
dumped a bowl of cereal into Dominik’s lap when he mentioned having swung by Blades & Ice and taking a paddle to a sub. Being a smart girl, she’d no doubt figured out that Dominik was the most dominant of them all, so pushing his buttons would eventually get a reaction.

Just not the one she wanted.

“I need to get my clothes.” The whine in Oriana’s tone made it clear she knew she wasn’t going to like what Dominik had planned. “Give me the sheet so I can—”

“No.” Dominik stood and took a step toward her, then another until she skirted back. The wall blocked her retreat. The door was too far.

Her chest rose and fell under her arms in time with her jerky breaths.

“Sit down. I’ll get you something to wear.”

Dominik walked out without waiting to see if she’d obey. She gave Sloan and Max a sweet, helpless look.

Max patted the bed. “Better do what the man says, honey. Don’t think you’ll like him taking you over his knee when there’s no pleasure involved.”

The way her eyes widened and her cheeks turned nice and pink, she liked the idea of Dominik’s hands on her ass. But the creases in her brow told Sloan she didn’t understand why she liked it.

I’ll show you, babe.
He licked his bottom lip and watched her perch on the edge of the bed.
Very soon.

She grabbed a pillow and hugged it to her chest.

When Dominik returned with a dress and some tights, she took them from him and laid them on the bed. Sloan grinned when she shook her head.

“I need a bra. And panties.”

“No you don’t.” Dominik rested his hip on the dresser and crossed his arms. “Consider yourself lucky that I don’t want you to get cold. If it was summer, you’d wear just the dress.”

“Jerk,” Oriana said under her breath. She yelped when Dominik crossed the room and shoved her onto her back. “Hey!”

Dominik folded her legs over her head and gave her a solid smack on the fleshy part of her already red ass.

“You son of a bitch! Let me go or I’m going to—” Another smack and she screamed something incoherent.

“Stop it, Mason!” Vanek shot to his feet and tackled Mason. White-faced, speaking through gritted teeth, he put his hand on Mason’s throat and raised his fist. “You hurt her, you bastard.”

Sloan grabbed Vanek before the boy could punch his long-time protector. His reaction sobered them all.

How could they have forgotten that he’d been raised by a single woman who’d gotten roughed up by several boyfriends? Sloan and Max might have known Dominik wasn’t giving Oriana anything she didn’t want, but Vanek saw it as abuse.

And Oriana’s reaction didn’t help. She dropped to her knees at Dominik’s side. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this—”

“Don’t apologize to him!” Vanek struggled against the arm Sloan barred across his chest. “A woman should never be treated like that!”

Lips parted, Oriana looked up at Vanek. “He wasn’t really hurting me.” She ran her hand down Dominik’s chest, stood, then padded up to Vanek. Still naked, but the vulnerability was gone. “It stung a little, but Dominik was right. I was testing him. I wanted . . .” She shook her head and held out her hand. “Give me your hand, Tyler.”

Vanek’s shoulders hunched, and he reached out. Oriana guided his hand between her thighs.

“Fuck.” Vanek groaned and cupped her pussy, then wrapped an arm around her neck and pulled her against him. “You’re so wet.”

“Yes.” Oriana pulled Vanek’s shirt out of his jogging pants and lifted it up. When Vanek let her remove it, she pressed her breasts to his bare chest. “Do you think I’m a freak for enjoying that?”

“No.” Vanek stroked her, then lowered her to the bed and bent over her. “But I don’t understand.”

Heels on the edge of the mattress, Oriana spread her legs and let Vanek pump his fingers into her. She clawed at the sheets until Max grabbed her wrists and held them in one hand.

“Neither do I.” Oriana tossed her head from side to side, her hips rising to meet each plunge of Vanek’s fingers. “But I won’t deny what I need anymore. And I won’t let anyone else deny me either.”

The light scent of her arousal rose up to Sloan as he watched Vanek fuck her with his fingers. He was hard as hell, but, for the first time, he felt like he understood Max. The way Oriana unleashed her passions turned him on. She hadn’t surrendered to Vanek, but she had surrendered to her own desires. No one had forced her to give in to her nature; she’d done that all on her own.

Had to be the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

Chapter Twenty

ouldn’t think of it.” Tyler tugged his pants over his hips with one hand and took the condom Max handed him.

Oriana watched him roll the latex sheath over his dick, wishing he’d hurry. She couldn’t understand how she could want this
, but it didn’t matter. She did, and Tyler would give it to her. Nice and simple.

“So how should I . . . ?” Tyler positioned himself between her thighs, then wrapped his hands around her waist to slide her to the very edge of the bed. “Is Max holding you down enough? I can’t beat you like Mason did.”

“I don’t think I need—” She bit her lip, arching up as Tyler filled her. “This is . . . mmm, Tyler.”

“I love hearing you say my name.” Tyler hammered into her, his jaw clenched in a smile. “Say it again.”

“Very good, Vanek.” Dominik knelt behind Tyler, and she felt him take hold of her ankles, spreading her legs apart. “A bit of pain helps, but she needs to give up control more than anything.” She watched him push his shoulder against Tyler’s thighs, causing him to slam into her harder. “Take it from her.”

Suddenly nothing was between her and Dominik. In her mind it was him, deep inside her, taking everything she had to give. She tore her mind away from the image and focused on the man above her. Tyler was safe.


She gasped as her thighs were pushed farther apart. The answer wouldn’t come. Pleasure trapped her in the moment.

Tyler threw back his head and groaned. “I fucking love this, Oriana. Max and Mason holding you down for me. This pussy all mine.”

“Ugh!” Oriana rocked in time with each violent thrust. “D—Tyler!”

“Again!” Tyler clamped his hands around her waist and stopped moving when she simply moaned. “Say my name again!”

When she lifted her hips, he drew out.

“No, Tyler!”

“Hold her, Callahan.” Tyler swirled the slick tip of his dick through her folds while Sloan put one arm under her hips and the other over her stomach.

When Tyler thrust into her again, she clenched every muscle within, determined to hold him deep inside and milk him until he came.

“No, Oriana.” Tyler stopped moving and dropped his hands on either side of her head, sucking in air through his teeth. “I will not come before you do. Stop clenching down on me, or I’ll pull out and get you off with my mouth.”

“I’ll stop!” She whimpered when he slid out. “Please!”

He eased back into her, and her whole body tensed up. The way he dragged in and out of her made the already swollen tissues within sore. The men had been right, her body needed a break. But she would make sure Tyler enjoyed himself first.

“Don’t overdo it.” Dominik rammed his shoulder into Tyler’s ass when he stilled. “We were supposed to leave her alone today. Since you decided to go for it anyway, don’t push her too far.”

Tyler seized up and bowed his back. She was close, but not close enough to come before he did.

It’s okay; I like knowing I can . . .

Sloan reached between her and Vanek and V’d his fingers on either side of her clit. She tugged at her hands but couldn’t get them free. The friction of Sloan’s fingers rubbing that sensitive little nub jolted like the strike of a thousand tiny lightning bolts. She panted and her movements became as erratic as Tyler’s. And Sloan rubbed her a little harder, making quick little circles around her clit, speeding up when Tyler did, almost as though it was a race to see who would come first.

His words confirmed it. “If he comes before you do, Oriana, I’ll tie you to the bed and use T.J.’s vibrator on you until I’m absolutely certain you’re sated.” He kissed her shoulder, then chuckled. “Can’t guarantee you’ll be able to walk afterward, though, bunny.”

“Don’t call—” The pulse deep within beat harder, harder. Not hers. The mushroomed head of Tyler’s dick seemed to swell even more with each plunge into her smoldering depths. “Tyler, slow down!”

Tyler grunted and buried his sweaty brow in the curve of her neck. “I can’t . . . Dominik won’t—”

Dominik’s laughter filled the air, strong and rich, tingling up her spine and drizzling over her soul. “I bet my Ken Dryden rookie card he comes first.”

She tried to scowl at Dominik as he continued to ram his shoulder into the back of Tyler’s thighs, forcing him to continue his jarring pace. A pace Tyler couldn’t continue for long.

“You’re on.” Sloan pulled his hand out from between her and Tyler and licked the tips of his fingers. “Don’t disappoint me, honey.”

He dipped his hand back down and slicked his fingers over her clit.

* * * *

A buzzing from the floor distracted Sloan. He glanced over at his jeans on the floor and reached out with his free hand.

“Wanna pass me my cell, Perron?”

Max grinned and reached down without releasing Oriana. He flicked open the phone and held it to Sloan’s ear.


Oriana and Vanek tensed against his hand.

“Is this a bad time?” His father sounded amused. “I can call back.”

“Naw, I’m just hanging out with the boys.” Thank god it was his father. This wasn’t the first time he’d called while Sloan played, and he was good at going along with the game. “What’s up?”

“I’m docked for the day. I was hoping you’d come down since your next game’s Tuesday.”

Groins and thighs clenched around his hand. Vanek cried out. Oriana muffled her screams in the heavy blue comforter rumpled up beside her.

“Love to.” Sloan withdrew his hand as it grew slick. He scrubbed it on the sheets. “I want you to meet someone anyway.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

The dial tone sounded. Sloan smirked. Poor dad. He had an adventurous streak, but chose to act out on it by sailing the high seas. Investing in the lobster venture his father had spent years saving for kept him a little closer to Digby, but the urge to leave shores far behind overcame the man now and then. Sloan knew his father paid women for the rare pleasure he allowed himself. But it didn’t stop Sloan from tempting him. There were a couple of Dommes he’d met who would be perfect for his father.

If he could ever lure his father from his boat long enough.

“Guess we’ve got a draw,” Dominik said to Sloan as he straightened and thumped Vanek on the back.

Sloan gave Oriana a long look. Her eyes widened, and her throat worked as she gulped. He had a feeling she was recalling his threat.

“I guess so.” He let out a heavy sigh, then smiled as though he’d just had a fabulous thought.

BOOK: GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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