Game, Set, Match (A Humorous Contemporary Romance) (Love Match) (31 page)

BOOK: Game, Set, Match (A Humorous Contemporary Romance) (Love Match)
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Gravel weighed his voice down. “You want to save me from the evil paparazzi, St. Izzy?”

Her skin prickled at his suggestive smile, she muttered, “Something tells me you don’t need saving.”

His hands slid from their position on her shoulders, smoothing out the curves of her back and coming to rest in the dimples of her lower back, just before no man’s land.
By reflex or by design, his hands pulled her in and steadied her more firmly against his wall of a chest.

Hard solid planes of muscle surrounded her, enveloped her. He drowned all reason, and every excuse she had for not taking what she wanted melted away.

She told herself she should make some glib comment to dissipate the tension. She should remove herself from the embrace before she made an idiot of herself. She should ask him to let her go and she’d be safe, happy, sheltered.

She tipped her head up and brushed his lips with hers. For the second time in her life, Izzy was lost.

At first, he seemed content to let her take the lead. He made no move to take the kiss deeper, allowed her to explore at her own pace. Nevertheless, when she leaned in, wrapped her arms around his neck and brushed her breasts against him, his calloused hands tightened at her waist as he pulled her core against his heat. Angling his head, his tongue probed her parted lips, demanding something deeper, more primal.

Izzy didn’t recognize the mewling sound coming from her own throat, but she recognized the growl in Jason’s throat for what it was.
Desire. Possession.

Need swirled. Unable to sate the clawing heat burning at her core, she tried to get closer.

He was the one to break the kiss. Harsh rapid breaths poured out of him. “Damn, Izzy. You’re killing me.”

Izzy licked a patch of skin
on his neck and savored the salty taste of him. “Mmm—hmm…”

For every kiss she planted along his neck and collar bone, he responded by squeezing his large hands around her ample bottom. “Sweetheart, the last thing I want to do is stop you, but maybe we should go—”

She ignored his words and rubbed herself against the thick pulsing heat in his jeans. Feeling bold, she removed one arm from around his neck, bringing her hand around between them, encircling his cock with her fingers.

A stream of creative four letter words streamed out of Jason’s mouth as his right hand abandoned its post on her ass to move to her breast, thumb deftly stroking her nipple though her blouse.

“Baby, we should really go inside, we don’t even have to go upstairs, I have a spare bedroom—ah, honey, you keep that up, and I’m not going to last very—ah shit…”

Unable to shake the need for him, and missing the delicious tingling sensation from his hand on her breast, she resisted his attempts to tug her inside.

He placed both hands on either side of her face, he held her gaze for several seconds. “You’re sure?”

At her nod, he bent his
head, his lips ravaged hers in what she could only call a kiss of promise. His tongue tasted and teased, explored just past her lips and withdrew until she knew he meant to drive her mad.

Hands still on her face, he urged her backwards until her back hit the back of the railing.

Lifting his lips off hers, he smiled. “Hold tight, sweetheart.”

Following directions, she wound her arms around him. His large hands took hold of her bottom, and he picked her up, urging her legs around his waist. He placed her on the railing, and his hands went to her breasts, never breaking the connection of their lips.

Deft fingers made quick work of the front clasp on her bra. He unhooked it, but didn’t bother to take it off. Izzy grasped his thick hair in attempt to get him to deepen the kiss, but he wouldn’t let her take control. He took his time and tasted.

Fire roared deep inside her, and she wondered how she could have gone almost her whole adult life and never felt like this before. Both his hands took a slow path from her flat belly and inched up to breasts that ripened for him, full and heavy. His thumbs traced the undersides of her breasts wrenching a gasp from her throat.

He clasped his large hand over her breast and gently kneaded. Delicious sensations zinged through every cell and traveled at rapid speed to the core of her femininity. “Oh God, Jason.”

He nipped her bottom lip to silence her. “Easy baby, we don’t want to wake Nick.” Removing his hands, he once again lifted her in his arms. When he put her down again, they were secluded further back on the balcony. From there, no curious onlookers on the trails could see them. If Nick came downstairs for anything, he couldn’t see them from the sliding door. They were alone, secluded in the shadows.

After settling her back down, his hands flew to the buttons of her top. Undone, he opened the front panels exposing her breasts to moonlight and air.

“Good God, you’re beautiful.”

Urged on by his mumbled love words and the rhythmic pulsing of her inner core, Izzy tugged at the hem of his polo shirt, pulling it past his already tousled blond locks. Bronzed muscles gleamed under the moonlight.

For a moment, she could only stare at the broad shoulders before her, not believing she was actually there, in Jason’s arms about to live out every fantasy she’d ever had.

He dipped his head, and laved the tip of her right breast. When she gasped his name, he moved to the other one, paying them equal homage.

Scoring her hands on his back, Izzy rode the climbing peak of pleasure, praying, begging it wouldn’t stop.

Jason traced kisses from her breast, up the column of her throat before reclaiming her lips for his own, his strong hands gripped the hem of her skirt, shifting the folds of fabric until they hit mid-thigh. While the fabric stopped its ascent, his hands didn’t slow theirs. Calloused fingers traced a pattern over her inner thighs until they reached the satin of her panties.

He lifted his head from hers, his eyes darkened to almost black. “Do you want me to stop?”

Surprised, Izzy blinked several times. “No. God—don’t—stop… “

A slow smile spread across his face as he continued to hold her gaze. His thumbs traced a pattern at the edge of her panties.
Unhurried and languorous. As if he had all the time in the world. He held her gaze as his thumbs hooked under the elastic and came into contact with her slick folds.

Izzy’s eyes slammed shut upon his first stroke, before opening wide again. “
Mmm, Jason, please—I…”




Chapter Twenty-Five


Jason hooked a thumb under the band of her silken panties and slid them down to gain better access to Izzy’s silken folds. God, she was pretty, every inch of her.

He gritted his teeth and fought for control. Every instinct begged him to unbutton his jeans and bury himself to the hilt. With every murmur and mew from her, his blood surged and throbbed through lust-thickened veins.


He nipped at her full bottom lip and relished in the sweet taste of her.

“I want—”

Smiling, he slid a finger into her tight channel. “I think I know what you want…”

A long moan escaped from her throat, and her tight core continued to slicken around his finger.
. Any more of this, and he’d lose control and slide himself inside of her before she was fully ready for him. He’d waited fifteen years to have her. He could wait another few minutes. Or, at least until she crashed over the peak she flirted with for the past several minutes.

“Baby, you feel so good.” With every lick and love bite, her body responded as if she’d been made for him. He traced a path from her neck to a peaking chocolate-covered nipple. He rubbed a thumb across the peak and watched, fascinated, as the tiny nub hardened with arousal.

“Mmm.” He leaned over her and moistened the smooth tip with his tongue. Sweet and rich, he couldn’t get enough. He nuzzled, tasted, and suckled. Moving over to the other peak, he laved and paid worship at the ripe mounds. He’d fantasized about the taste of her for so long. Unable to wait any longer, he paused at her breast, unable to move away.

He struggled for control against the painful surge of blood in his
cock, he ignored the screaming voice in his head. 
Rush, Hurry, Inside. Inside her now!

He anchored her thighs to the rail and kneeled before his promised land. Her soft petals beckoned him. As he darted his tongue to trace over her pleasure center, her hips rose and bucked under him.

He gripped her tighter, kissing the inside of her thigh. The low growl in his throat restricted his breathing. “Gorgeous, you taste incredible.” He wasted no time acquainting himself with every hidden nook and fold. His tongue traced a path to her clit and only paused to pay homage with light circular motions. He stopped just short of direct simulation.

“Jason, don’t tease me!”

He chuckled when she tugged his hair and pulled him closer to her, urging him on. On his upstroke, his tongue traveled the length of her silken folds, flattening against her clit, only pausing to tease the bundle of nerves.

On the down stroke, he explored the cave of her femininity as far as he could go, savoring the flavor of her, which beckoned him to taste, to explore, to brand. He repeated the routine, and only stopped to alter it when he slid a finger into her slick channel, mimicking the ancient rhythm his dick screamed to partake in.

Finally, his hands felt the telltale quiver in her inner thighs. Felt her whole body tense. Heard the harsh ragged breaths tear from her. He slipped another finger inside her, but didn’t let up on the steady rhythm, in, out, in, out.

He didn’t want her moans to carry upstairs and wake Nick, so he swiftly changed positions, and moved up her body to clamp his mouth over hers and absorb her cries. Feeling the gentle, pulsing spasms around his fingers, he used his thumb to stroke the concentrated bud of nerves.
Once, twice, again a third time. All the while massaging the soft weight of her breast.

To tease her, he slowed his fingers, wanting to draw out her response. His thumb stopped, and she rewarded him with a raw moan that told him everything he needed to know. She was hotter than any woman he’d ever met. “You like that, princess?” he mumbled against her lips.

She answered with a moan.

He smiled. “Oh, no, you’ll have to tell me.”

She gave a choked cry on a breathy moan. “Yes. Yes, I like it. Just please—”

He nipped her lower lip,
then used the tip of his tongue to salve the tiny wound. “What the lady wants, the lady gets.

He returned to her clit and circled the tiny bud, gently applying pressure. He murmured coaxing words in her ear as he urged her to relax. “Easy does it, baby. Just relax and let me love you.” Gently retracting and inserting his fingers, he kept a steady pace, until the slick muscles of her core began to milk his fingers, pulsing, seeking. His body quivered in answering time, begging for release.
Screamed for it.

He felt the trembling in her legs and coaxed her onward, determined to bring her to a shattering peak before he took. Before he buried himself so far into her tight sheath, he’d never be able to separate from her again.

Izzy’s head snapped back, and her legs locked around him. “Jason—Oh my—” On a gasp, she came apart again, pouring liquid heat over his fingers.

Spent, she sagged against him. He held her shaking form, anchored her to him and placed kisses on her head.

After several moments, she lifted her head to stare at him. “What have you done to me?”

The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Nothing you didn’t like.” His voice softened, and his fingers moved within her flesh. “You feel okay baby?”

She didn’t say anything, but raised her hips in time to his movements. God save him. He could spend the next several years exploring every inch of her and never get bored.

“You’re not too tired to—” He didn’t get a chance to finish his thought, before a beaming smile spread across her face.

“I’ve been waiting for this since the moment I met you.”

Her hands shook as she went for his belt. He attempted to help her with his free hand, but she brushed him away. The determined look on her face told him he was in for trouble. When she unbuckled his pants, she didn’t bother to free him from the confines of his jeans, but instead shoved her hand inside and encircled his rigid length.

He hissed a breath and counted to five. When the counting did nothing to quell his body’s careen toward complete release, he tried to going for ten. He almost made it too, until her silken finger discovered the wet drop at the tip begging for attention.

He muttered a curse as his hips bucked in response to her searing touch. A knowing smile hinted at the corner of her lips.

Eyes heavy lidded, she used her finger to spread the dew across his straining head.

“Izzy, God—”

“Jason…” She pumped the length of him before shifting her hand further down to massage his balls.

Eyes crossed, he hissed out a halt. “Izzy, wait. If you—” He squeezed his eyes shut and allowed her one more pump before he halted her hand with his. Peeling open his eyes, he anchored one arm around her wrist and drew nearer to her.

BOOK: Game, Set, Match (A Humorous Contemporary Romance) (Love Match)
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