Game Winner (The Penalty Kill Trilogy #3)

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Authors: Lindsay Paige,Mary Smith

BOOK: Game Winner (The Penalty Kill Trilogy #3)
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Game Winner

Book Three in The Penalty Kill Trilogy

Lindsay Paige & Mary Smith


Game Winner

Copyright 2014 by Lindsay Paige and Mary Smith


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To Kathy.

Like our Victor, who is there for Levi and Presley, you’re always there for us.

Even if you are a Flyers fan.


Chapter One



One month. It’s been one month since I’ve seen Levi. He officially moved to Pennsylvania three weeks after he was drafted by the Pittsburgh Penguins. Even though we talk everyday, it hurts that I don’t see him. I had planned on trying to see him this weekend, before school started, but he was called to do some events for Wilkes-Barre/Scranton. It’s strange seeing Levi’s face all over the news and the Internet.

He was upset to leave school and the Roxboro University Hockey Team, but he couldn’t do both. Ever since training camp started with WBS, they had Levi on the roster. They even discussed him starting on the first line. I really am happy because this is his dream, but I miss him too.

A knock at my door brought me back to reality and away from my thoughts of Levi.

“Victor!” I leap into his arms. Levi’s dad is the sweetest man and has been checking up on me since Levi moved out of the apartment. “What are you doing here?”

I thought that I would take my favorite little girl out to dinner.”

I think I’m your only little girl,” I tease him. Levi is an only child and Victor started calling me his little girl soon after Levi’s draft day. I think it aggravates my dad, but I love the attention that Victor gives me. It’s the way a real father would love his daughter. 

He walks into my apartment. “I figured you were in here moping still. Am I wrong?” He gives me a stern look.

“I may have been...moping...for a moment.” I look down at the ground. The last time that Victor and I went to dinner, he told me that I need to focus on school, and the time would go by faster until Levi and I were together again.

Well, how about you keep an old man company for dinner tonight?”

I laugh. “I don’t see an old man. I see a distinguished gentleman, and I would love to go to dinner with him. I need to get ready. Give me a few minutes.”

In my bedroom, I still can see Levi’s things that he had to leave behind in our closet. I let out a deep sigh. I miss him, but Victor is waiting. I change and quickly fix my hair.

Victor and I go to a local pizza parlor. It’s nice hanging out with him. There aren’t many people out, but classes are getting ready to start. I figure most students would be getting ready for their classes.

“Presley, I wish you would be in a happier mood.” Victor looks sad as he studies my face.

I’m sorry. It’s been a month since I’ve seen him and I’m a little down,” I explain to him.

I understand. I remember when Amanda and I were apart.” Amanda is Levi’s mother, who passed away when he was in high school.

You two were apart?”

Yes, Levi was still very young when the factory promoted me into management. I had to go to another factory for my training. We were separated for several months. It was the longest we were ever apart.”


I know it seems like forever, but it will be over before you know it.”

I nod. I know that he’s right, but I still miss him. Our food comes and we chat about the upcoming semester and Levi’s schedule. Victor and I have already planned to see as many games as possible and there are several times when Levi will be in New York playing. I can see the pride in Victor’s eyes every time we talk about Levi playing professional hockey.

My phone rings and I see Levi’s smiling face from draft day, looking back at me.

Smarty, I miss you so much,” Levi says the instant I answer my phone.

Aw, me too.” I know that my cheeks are hurting from the smile on my face from hearing his voice.

What are you doing now?”

Oh, I’m just having dinner with this really handsome guy.” I bite my lip to hold in my laughter.

Excuse me?”

I giggle. “Hang on, you can talk to him.” I hand Victor the phone as he laughs.

“Levi, I can’t talk long on this phone because there is a Penguins cover on it.” He laughs. They talk for a moment and he hands the phone back to me.

Smarty, call me when you get home, okay?”

Okay, love you.”

Love you.”

Victor knows that I’m ready to go and refuses for me to help pay for the food. He takes me home, gives me a hug, and makes sure I am safely inside before he leaves. I call Levi the second I get into my apartment.

“That was fast.”

I miss you, Levi. So much. Tell me about your day.”

Levi goes into telling me about practice and some of the players he’s living with. AHL players usually live together because it’s easier if they are called up to NHL to move.

“Are you ready for class tomorrow?”

I guess. Trevor is supposed to be back in the morning.” Trevor, my twin brother, was drafted the same day as Levi to the Carolina Hurricanes. Unlike Levi, Trevor only went to prospect camp. He did practice with the Charlotte Checkers, the Hurricanes AHL team, a few times, but they didn’t tell him to stay. It’s hard for some players that are drafted because if their team doesn’t need them, they will send them back to their respective colleges. Then when the NHL thinks they are ready, they’ll call them up.

When am I going to get to see you?” Levi’s voice is low and seductive.

Don’t tempt me in driving up there tonight.” I groan. “You will see me for the first home game. I'll be getting a hotel that night too.”

You better because I’m in the mood for a serious
.” He teases.

I laugh, blushing at his words. Even though he can’t see me, I bite my lip. “I need a

Yeah, my hand isn’t doing it for me anymore.” He chuckles.

Levi,” I gasp. “Don’t say that.”

I bet anything your face is red as a fire truck right now.” He’s laughing because he knows that it’s true. My face is about to burst into flames.

You’re so mean.”

Oh, Smarty, I love you. Get some rest and call me after your classes tomorrow.”

I sigh deeply. “Okay, I love you.”


~ ~ ~


My classes start earlier than usual and are so boring. I keep telling myself that it’s going to be okay. I only have to get through these two semesters. I’m heading to the deli to grab a sandwich when someone tackles me from behind and kisses my temple. I turn around to see my twin brother smiling at me.

“You could have called me last night when you got in,” I scold him.

Well, my girlfriend hadn’t seen me in a while either. If you know what I mean.” He wags his eyebrows. Trevor has been dating my best friend, Marley, for a while now.

Don’t remind me. I haven’t seen Levi in a month,” I whine.

In my mind, you and Levi have never had any...relations.” He releases me and shakes his head.

Trevor begins to tell me about his adventures in North Carolina and that he feels they will call on him soon. Until then, he will remain in school and stay on the James Wayne Hockey Team. All his talk makes me miss Levi more.

We finally say our goodbyes, and I head back to my apartment. In front of my door is a box, and I’m trying to remember if I ordered anything. I pick it up and go into my apartment. I see that the return address is from Levi. I tear into the box to see what he sent me. There’s another box wrapped in pretty green paper with a large bow and a card. I want to open the gift, but I want to read the card too. I go for the card.


I miss you like crazy, Smarty, and I can’t wait to see you. Mmm. All the things I have in mind for when I do see you. Anyway, I wanted to send you something to remind you that while I may be far away, part of me is still with you.


Tears fill my eyes. Levi has a way with words and I know how much he loves me. I wipe my tears away as I rip open the paper on the box. My breath catches as I see the contents inside. It’s Levi’s jersey. His real WBS jersey. I begin to sob. One, because I miss Levi so much. Also, because he made it, and I knew that he would.


Chapter Two



Pops and Presley are coming down today for my game, and I happen to know that they are arriving early. I managed to get Presley to tell me where they are having lunch, and that is why I’m sitting in a restaurant, waiting for them to show up. My legs are bouncing slightly. I’m so eager to see her. She’s the girl I love, and it only takes one day without seeing her to feel like it’s been forever. So I’m about to jump out of my skin waiting to be near her again with all the time that has passed.

Just then, she walks into my line of vision wearing
jersey, looking as beautiful as ever, and my heart stops. Presley’s finally here. Her arm is hooked around my father’s, and she’s laughing at something he said. Smarty looks so carefree and happy. I love that I can capture this moment to savor on rainy days.

Presley catches sight of me and halts midstep, her lips parting slightly in surprise. When I stand, she runs over to me, grinning. I hold her close to relish in the feel of having her with me again. She wraps her arms tightly around me and then gives me a soft kiss.

“What are you doing here? I thought you had practice!” she exclaims, leaning back to look at me. She doesn’t let me go, which is good because I still have a firm grip on her.

Nope. I wanted to surprise you.” I look around her at my father. “Hey, Pops.” Presley steps to the side, so I can hug him. “How have you been?”

Just fine, Levi. Let’s have a seat.”

We sit down at our table. Presley sits close to me and holds my hand. She hasn’t stopped looking at me when she should be looking over the menu.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” she says in a mixture of a whisper and a breathy tone.

I chuckle at her. “You were on your way to see me, Smarty.”

“Yeah, but I wasn’t supposed to see you until later. I’ve missed you like crazy,” she adds softly.

To keep myself in control, I kiss her cheek instead of her lips. Just having her near me makes me want to drag her away to have her all to myself. “I missed you too. How are your classes so far?”

Smarty sighs dramatically, and I laugh. “Terrible, but between Trev, Marley, and Victor, I’m managing.” She smiles lovingly at my father.

She’s easier to keep in line than you ever were,” Pops says with a chuckle.

I’m sure. All this traveling isn’t tiring you out, is it?” If I worried before, I’m even worse now because I’m not nearby if something were to happen. It doesn’t matter that it’s been almost a year since his heart attack. He’s my old man, and I’m not there with him. How can I not be concerned?

Pops shrugs off my question. “Nope. I only go see my girl once a week, and I never get tired of seeing her.”

I roll my eyes at him when he winks, but Presley is under his charm. “You’re so sweet, Victor. You could learn a thing or two from him, Levi.” She bumps my shoulder with a smile, but the waitress saves me from giving her a smart ass comment.

After we order drinks, Pops excuses himself to go to the bathroom. I glance at Presley, wanting nothing more than to memorize her every feature while she’s sitting here with me. I’ll need this picture of how she looks right now for when I’ve had a bad day and I miss her like crazy. Those light brown eyes of hers are burning with desire as she leans towards me and brushes her lips against mine. Within seconds, I grab the back of her neck to pull her closer to me as she parts her mouth, and I kiss her for the first time in a month. Presley places her hands on my neck, her nails digging into my skin when I pull her lower lip into my mouth and bite down on it. I kiss her for a few more seconds before pulling away. A pout already on those lips of hers.

“It’s so unbelievably good to see you, Smarty,” I say softly.

She gives me a quick kiss and then leans away from me, taking my hand in hers once more. “Thanks for surprising me, Levi.”

I catch sight of my father on his way back to the table. “It wasn’t just for you, you know,” I quickly tell her with a small smile, placing our hands at the top of her thighs.

She doesn’t get to answer because Pops sits back down.

“Do you like your roommates?” He asks.

That starts the conversation about my life here. Presley has heard more about it then Pops, so I fill him in. The entire time I’m talking and then talking in between eating, all I can think about is Presley. She’s sitting right next to me! I mean, I knew that I missed her, but having her beside me has made me realize just how much. Smarty will be heading back before I even feel like she’s been here long enough. It’s never long enough, honestly. I beat my dad to the bill and then Presley rides with me as we follow him to the hotel they are staying in for the night.

“Are you coming up?” Smarty grins at me when we pull into the parking lot.

I can’t. I have to get back.” She frowns, and I quickly add, “Don’t worry, Presley. I’ll be with you all night.” Once I’ve parked, I lean towards her and give her a little kiss. “All night,” I repeat.

You’re such a tease.” She smiles. “The wait wouldn’t be so bad if I hadn’t seen you yet. You better make it worth it.”

I grin. “Have I ever disappointed?” When she giggles and shakes her head, I wish for anything that I could stay. “I’ll help you two with your bags, but then I have to go.”

We get out and I do as I said, walking them up to their rooms after they check-in. Pops gives me a hug, wishes me luck, and then retires to his room.

Sure you can’t stay for a few minutes?” She teases by walking her fingers down my chest towards the top of my jeans.

I shake my head, grabbing her hips to pull her against me. “I’m already running behind, Presley. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

With a quick kiss, I leave. If I had kissed her any longer, I wouldn’t have been able to drag myself away. For the rest of the evening though, I have to push Presley out of my mind, so I can focus on the game. My nerves are jittery, especially with Pops and Presley watching, but I’m really excited too. I feel like I’m ready, but I won’t know until I hit that ice. It’s still crazy to think of where I am right now, but it’s definitely where I want to be.

Being away from Presley and Pops is hard, but hockey beckons me with a force so much stronger. Life would be terrible without it. The feeling I get every time I play is my addiction, and it’s only increased since being here. Skating into the ice is a breath of fresh air. Before the first period starts, I find Presley in the crowd, but then I push her out of my mind for the rest of the game. It’s so much more intense but instantly, it’s one of the best games of my life.

In the second period, I score my first goal, and it’s the greatest feeling in the world. We win the game 3-0, and I’m higher than the clouds. Nothing else compares to what it feels like to score, to slam someone into the boards, to skate across the ice, to handle the puck, to hear the crowd. There is nothing even remotely close to it. Nothing is better.

But then I walk out after the game and see Presley with a huge smile on her face.
is definitely better than any hockey game. She is most certainly better than hockey. Once I climb off the high of the sport, I can easily see that. Smarty gives me a hug, and I lift her up off the ground.

You were amazing out there! I’m so proud of you!” She exclaims.

She’s right, son. You were great.”

Thanks.” I grin, placing Presley back on her feet.

We have an early start tomorrow. We should head back to the hotel, Presley,” my father tells her.

Yes, of course.” She gives me another hug, and I whisper that I’ll see her after I stop by my place.

I give Pops a hug and tell him that they are staying long enough for me to have breakfast with them. I see them off, and then head to grab a few things that I forgot earlier. When I finally get to Presley’s room, I knock rapidly four times. As soon as she opens the door, I pull her to me and kiss her. I kick the door closed behind me, pull her clothes off, then mine, all the while walking towards the bed and putting on a condom.

When I bite her lip, she moans. God, I’ve missed her. Hovering over her, I nip my way down her neck and to her shoulder, her hands running over my body. I kiss along her collarbone then move to her breast. With one hand on her other breast, I tease her by pinching and tugging on her nipple while I drag the other between my teeth.

Levi.” Presley breathes heavily.

Her legs are already apart, and I abandon her breasts to guide myself into her, groaning at the feel of her. I place my hands on either side of Presley’s shoulders and start moving. I lose complete control when she grabs my arms and cuts into me from holding on so tightly. For a few seconds, the only sound in the room is the slapping of skin against skin.

“Oh God, Levi,” Presley manages as she wraps her legs around me, pulling herself closer to me as I slam into her relentlessly.

Fuck, Pres,” I mutter. My lips find her neck, and I swirl my tongue on along her skin before pulling a little bit between my teeth with a small bite, causing Presley to drag her hands down my back. I push into her harder, moving down to her shoulder with short, sharp nips. When I reach her shoulder, I graze my teeth and thrust into her faster. Presley’s legs tighten around my waist as she juts them forward just as I ram into her and bite down on her shoulder.

She presses her mouth against my shoulder and a muffled scream escapes. Her hands are in the middle of my back as she grips tighter than ever and with one last hard push, I find my release and collapse on top of her.

“Damn it, Smarty,” I say, my lips brushing the skin on her shoulder. Before I get too comfortable, I go to the bathroom to clean up. Presley is underneath the covers when I come back, and I crawl in next to her. “C’mere.” I tug her against me and sigh in content.

We lay there in silence, simply enjoying being with each other.

“You did really well tonight, Levi. And you got your first goal!”

My arms squeeze her closer. “There’s a part of me that doesn’t even care about that. I’m too happy to see you.”

Presley smiles. “I am amazing, I know, but you played in your first AHL game tonight! Plus, you scored a goal. That is definitely something to be happy about.”

Oh, I’m happy about it, but I’m thrilled about you. Sometimes, it just really sucks not to have you here with me.”

But it’s worth every second because you’re playing hockey and doing what you love. I’m not going anywhere, Levi.”

I kiss her forehead. “Better not. I’d hunt you down, Smarty.”

A sly smile lifts Presley’s lips. “I expect nothing less. But right now, I think you deserve a reward for your first goal.” She pushes me onto my back and straddles me as she starts to kiss her way down my chest.



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