Games We Play (9 page)

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Authors: Isabelle Arocho

BOOK: Games We Play
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“A coffee to start.” Sasha answered, reaching for a menu. The diner smelled like bacon and cheese all wrapped together and suddenly coffee wasn’t enough.

“Give me one second to finish with the gentlemen next to you.”

At the mention of someone else Sasha glanced down the counter and sure enough there was a man seated there she missed in her earlier inspection. He smiled at her curiosity and she returned the gesture. He was a harmless older man who looked to be on the other side of sixty waiting for his coffee. He looked so at home in his seat that it was probably a
part of his daily ritual for a long time.

The waitress, it said Candice on her nametag, walked back over to Sasha with the coffee poured into a white ceramic cup. “Here ya go, sweetheart. Cream and sugar are right next you. You know you look familiar, are you the girl in the newspaper?”

“What paper?” she knew a story was going to be run but hadn’t seen it yet making the play dumb routine she was going for rather genuine.

Candice reached under a hidden shelf on her side of the counter and pulled today’s issue free. “Front page story.”

Sasha didn’t fake her nervous smile either as she laid eyes on the picture of her taking shopping bags from the car into the house. “That’s me.” It brought a queasy feeling low in her stomach to see the house in the picture with the numbers so visible, it’d be so easy for someone to track her back there but then again that was the point. The headline was written in big black font
Survivor of massive attack on town returns home
20 years
. If this didn’t get the unsub’s attention she didn’t know what would, even if he didn’t receive the paper daily he’d walk past it in the street or in diner’s like this.

Candice broke the uncomfortable silence. “I’m new to Maple Oaks, I moved here just a year ago so I don’t know any of the history but it sure is nice that you came back home and didn’t let that freak keep you away forever. It says there you’re newly married, I bet he’s wonderful.” She wore a desperate smile to change the subject and no one could blame her for wanting to.

“He is.” Sasha nodded and tried to come up with the gushy details Candice was fishing for. “We had a long night after attending Stacy’s party and he’s such a big lug he decided to sleep in.”

“I heard about the party, wasn’t invited myself though. Stacy’s a major bitch, pardon my French.” Her big brown eyes rolled at the mention of a woman she didn’t like very much. Stacy Fern was an acquired taste and many people didn’t have the palate to stomach her.

Sasha was taking an instant liking to this woman. “I used to go to school with her and she roped me in. I’m the biggest fan of her personality either.” That was putting it mildly but she had to remember she was speaking as Maggie.

“Then we’re going to get along just fine Mrs. Walker. What do you do for a living around these parts?”

“I’m in between jobs now but I’m a school teacher for the third grade.”

“I actually have a little one in that grade and another one just starting kindergarten. I love them to death but I couldn’t see me having to teach a bunch of them all day and not need a sip of vodka.” Candice was refreshing as she spoke bluntly and didn’t care about politically correctness or something along those lines. 

  Sasha silently agreed with the woman’s sentiment. She had no experience with children and couldn’t even on her best day play the role of a teacher.

Candice’s eyes moved off her customers and settled at the entrance. “The scum of the earth has walked in. Quick hide your purse.” She was partly joking and partly serious.

“I love you too, darling.” The man drawled as he reached the counter and took a seat in front of Candice, it put him in the stool next to Sasha. “Tell me you got what I need.”

“A swift kick to the nuts?” Candice didn’t break eye contact with the man while reaching over and grabbing the coffee pot.

“Besides that.”

Sasha chuckled. “You two remind me of someone I know.” Their banter felt ripped out of the pages of her day to day life with Nicholas.

The man turned with a smile in greeting. She was struck by how blue his eyes were, a bright sunny day without a cloud in the sky blue. “We haven’t met and that’s damn shame. I like to keep tabs on the pretty ladies in town.” He extended his hand. “Wes.”

“Maggie, and I’m married.”

“He’s a lucky son of a bitch.”

Candice scoffed with a grin. “Be careful Mrs. Walker, my cousin here has no morals and your wedding band will quickly turn him on than scare him away.”

Sasha tried not to laugh again but it was hard, Candice and Wes were a lot of fun and she was glad she had decided to come out hat morning rather than hide out in her room.

Wes cut his cousin a quick look before turning his charm back onto Sasha. “Don’t mind her. Her husband’s been softening around the middle and lagging in bed so she’s taking it out all the rest of us.”

“I’m gonna have him kick your ass for that.”

“If he can get off the couch.”

Sasha sat back and watched the show and the more she looked into Wes’ eyes the more familiar they came. She silently cursed as she realized she knew him from high school. Candice was new to the area but he certainly wasn’t. His full name was Carter Wesley and she used to have the biggest crush on him. It felt like such an odd thing to remember now ten years later in the middle of working the biggest case of her career but as he sat next to her the memories flooded back. Unlike the other popular kids at MP High he hadn’t been mean to her because of what she wore or her past. Four years of high school and they spoke maybe twice in the halls in passing. He’d say hi and she’d turn into a nervous mess. It didn’t help the butterflies in her stomach that he looked better since high school, it seemed he worked outside judging by his tan skin and rippling muscles barely concealed by his t-shirt. Construction work if she had to guess.

“Mrs. Walker? Damn it Wes you’ve scared her into a coma.”

Sasha blinked and tried to conceal her embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I was thinking about what to order seeing as everything smells so good.”

“We have a six egg omelet that will make you weep with your choice of sausage or bacon. I recommend it.”

“That sounds perfect and I’ll go with the bacon.”

“Coming right up.” Candice scribbled the order down and turned to hand it off to the cook.

“Most women that look like you stay away from greasy bacon.” Wes commented.

“And what do I look like?”

“Gorgeous with legs for days.” He had never been shy and that hadn’t changed, he held no qualms about looking down at her exposed legs and dragging his eyes back up to her face.

“You’re impossible. I’m married and you should respect that.” That was the best she could think of so he’d stop his bold flirting that made her stomach tighten with desire that was unrealistic. He was flirting with a person she painted across her face and shoved into these clothes that really didn’t exist.

ere is said husband?”

Before she could tell him the same thing she told Candice she was interrupted by the man himself.  “Right here. Sorry I’m late.” Nick cupped his hand around her cheek and kissed her hello. The butterflies in her stomach turned into vicious hawks flapping about until she was dizzy. “Hi, I’m Connor.” He shook the other man’s hand.

“Wes. I should get going before my boss notices I’m late. Pleasure meeting you Maggie.” He grabbed his to go cup of coffee Candice had prepared him and left with a wink.

With wide eyes as she watched his retreating form
Sasha thought it was a good thing she wasn’t really married to Nick because she knew he’d kick Wes’ ass for that little wink if they were. “What are you doing here?” she asked her pretend husband as they sat alone.

He sat in the now empty seat next to her. “It’s the closest place to the house so I checked here first and just in time to stop that jerk from hitting on you.”

“He’s not a jerk.”

Nick’s dark eyes narrowed as he read something off her face. “Oh. Is that what it takes you get your attention? Cheesy flirting?” he appeared jealous but she couldn’t be sure.

“What does that mean? Are you trying to get my attention?” this felt dangerous and yet she still asked the question and couldn’t turn away from his eyes. Wes had pretty clear sky eyes but the dark navy blue shade of Nick’s grabbed her every time with their intoxicating intensity she wanted to ig
nore and never found a way to during
the last year.

“Last night yeah but I’m no so sure anymore.” He grabbed the leg of her stool and pulled her closer between his legs. “Why’d you leave without a word?”

“You were sleeping.”

“We’re partners on this, how am I supposed to back you up if I don’t know where the hell you are? You can’t leave me out of the loop because I kissed you and made you feel something you weren’t ready for.”

Her heart rate speed up loud enough she was sure he might hear it. “What the hell does that mean?” she was getting sick and tired of him reading her like a how-to manual and yet again she had no idea what to do about it. Just when she thought she had her relationship with Nick all figured out he was throwing her way off course. Last week he never would’ve been so bold with his touches or words and she never would’ve felt a reaction for them. The biggest case of her career was steadily becoming her biggest mistake.

He glanced down from her eyes to her mouth and slowly back up again before turning away and grabbing her forgotten menu. “What’d you order?”




Chapter 12




He thought she was beautiful as he watched her from across the diner. Sure enough Maggie Walker returned home to play. He itched to step closer and inhale her perfume and drag her home with him now but it was too soon. Her husband fit in with his plans nicely as well, he needed a couple for the last part of his routine and they were too perfect to pass
. If this wasn’t a sign from the universe he didn’t know what was.

With a sigh of regret he paid for his breakfast and left Maggie in the diner out of his reach. He had to stay on track and find number three. Six and seven’s turn would come all in due time.

He checked his watch as he walked down to his car. It was still pretty early into the morning and with no other engagements it was perfect to get a little hunting done.



Nicholas woke with a strange epiphany staring him in the face. He liked kissing Sasha and when he really thought about it there was a lot about Sasha he liked. Now came the part where he was supposed to figure out what the hell to do with that realization. It took her breaking down and crying to reveal true parts about her self and he liked those parts just as much as the exterior beauty she carried and swore wasn’t there. After spending an afternoon with Stacy and her group of friends it was no big surprise Sasha had no self esteem outside of the job. “I called and checked in with Pete.” He said to break the silence as he drove them back to the house. Breakfast had been tense because of all the silent second guessing she was doing on her part.

“No more news on the killer?” As always work was where she shined and felt comfortable.

“None. The local department is doing their best to keep the details of the murders under wraps before the public catches on this guy is in their backyard again.”  Nick turned down their street and noticed a car in the driveway. As he drove closer he saw a woman on the porch waiting. “Looks like we have company.”

Sasha leaned in closer to the windshield. “Oh shit.”

“What?” she didn’t bother answering and instead rushed out the car to approach the woman. “Ok, then.” Nick shrugged and followed at a slower pace.

“…don’t say anything until we’re inside.” Sasha quietly advised their guest and took the keys from Nick’s hand. Inside the house she locked the door and asked. “What are you doing here?”

“Jim got a job offer and we moved back last month. I picked up today’s paper and there’s a picture of my baby sister.” Nick’s eyes widened as this started to make some sense. Sasha’s older sister could ruin their whole trap if they weren’t careful.

“How’d you know it was me?”

“Yeah, you were wearing a dress and there was the wrong name in the caption but I know you better than anyone else. I figured it had something to do with work but I also hoped that wasn’t the case. What dangerous mess are you involved in?” The woman had the same shade of green eyes as her sister minus the flicks of yellow and those green eyes were hard with fear and demands. Her emotions were an oxymoron yet she pulled it off well enough that there was no mistaking her feelings. 

Sasha sighed and while trying to come up with an answer she noticed Nick watching them. “This is my sister Carolyn.” she explained. “Caro, this is my partner Nicholas but no one can know that. We’re undercover and have to stay Maggie and Connor.”

“I read the article and I remember those murders when it happened. If you’re here does that mean the killer is too?” Carolyn looked distressed now at all the information she was being forced to absorb.

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