Gargoylz Get Up to Mischief (7 page)

BOOK: Gargoylz Get Up to Mischief
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“TIDDLES!” yelled Max.

Theo scrambled to his feet and bolted out of the window with a loud

“How mean!” said Lucinda, glaring at Max. “Scaring the poor little thing like that.”

“Quiet please,” said Miss Bleet, in a fluster. “The cat’s gone. Who’d like to go next?”

“But I haven’t—” began Lucinda.

“Me!” interrupted Barry Price, grabbing the bag under his chair and marching to the front. “You won’t want to listen to anyone else after my go. I’ve got the best hobby in the world!” He delved into his bag. “Every Saturday I wear this.” He pulled out the pink tutu and held it up proudly.

For a long moment there was a shocked silence in the class and then everyone burst out laughing. The Basher suddenly realized what he was holding. He stared at the tutu as if it was a poisonous snake.

“This isn’t mine!” he yelled, flinging it to the floor. “Where’s my crash helmet? That’s what I was going to show you. I do go-karting every weekend.”

“You shouldn’t be ashamed of enjoying ballet, Barry,” said Miss Bleet kindly. “We’d all like to hear about it, wouldn’t we, class?”

“YES!” The shout echoed around the room.

“But I don’t do ballet!” Barry made his way back to his place, his face bright red. “It’s girly. I told you: I do go-karting.”

Miss Bleet wasn’t listening. “Now tell us all about why you choose to wear a tutu.”


The Basher slumped down in his seat, glaring at everyone. He didn’t say another word for the rest of the day. He didn’t even notice when Max swapped the bags back.

As soon as the bell rang, Max and Ben dashed off to Mrs Hogsbottom’s office to retrieve the Speed King.

“School Rule number four hundred and seventeen,” she barked as soon as she saw them. “Boys must not dash into the head teacher’s office to get their skateboards back. School rule two hundred and fifty-five . . .”

Five school rules later they were finally released. They ran to the school gate.

“Did you see The Basher’s face when he realized what he was holding?” chuckled Ben. “Imagine him go-karting in a tutu!”

“Oh no! Your sister’s tutu!” gasped Max. “It’s still on the classroom floor!”

Ben turned white. “We’re in big trouble. Come on, we’ve got to get it back without being seen.”

They were just heading back towards the school door when something fell on
’s head. It was pink and frilly. Max looked up to see Toby on the school roof, with Theo next to him.

“That was a great trick you played on The Basher!” wheezed Toby as Ben struggled with the tutu on his head. “I haven’t laughed so much since Theo chased a mouse up the vicar’s trousers.”

“Thanks, Toby.” Max grinned. “And thanks, Theo – you were an awesome kitten.”

“You wait till you see my tiger,” said Theo. “Only another hundred years and I’ll get it perfect.”

Ben emerged from under the tutu. “If you go and put this back in Arabella’s bag
me,” he said, putting his skateboard on the ground, “I’ll give you both a ride on my Speed King.”

“Spluttering gutterz!” the gargoylz shouted together, grabbing the tutu and rushing off with it.

3. Toby Stows Away

jumped up from their seats. School was over for another day.

“I thought that maths lesson would never end,” complained Max, grabbing his bag.

“It must have been about a hundred years long,” agreed Ben. They made a dash for the classroom door.

“Freedom awaits!” yelled Max as they sped along the corridor and out into the playground. “And we’ve got important people to see.”

“Important gargoylz!” Ben grinned.

They sprinted across to peer over the church wall.

“Hello,” said a shy voice, and Barney’s doggy face peeped round a gravestone. “Pleased to see you.”

He began to waddle towards the boys when all of a sudden he jolted forward and rolled over and over. The spikes on his back stuck out, making him look like a hedgehog.

Zach appeared out of thin air by his side, his fuzzy mane quivering around his face. “Sorry, Barney!” he cried. “Bumped into you. Wasn’t looking.”
He vanished again.

“Where’s Toby?” asked Max.

“I don’t know,” said Barney, looking around. “He was here a minute ago.”

A window creaked open on the other side of the playground.

“Outrageous!” came a harsh voice.

Max spun round. It was Mrs Hogsbottom.

“School rule number three hundred and eighty-two,” she screeched across the playground. “Boys must not talk to the wall! Get yourselves home, NOW!”

“Yes, Mrs Hogsbottom,” they called.

“We’ve got to go,” Max hissed to Barney. “See you tomorrow.”

Barney gave them a cheery wave and then crouched back down behind the gravestone. He put a paw to his lips. “Shhh!” he warned. “I’m going to jump out on Zack – if I’m fast enough.” Max and Ben set off home. “I hope Barney remembers not to make any of his special disgusting smells,” said Ben. “Zack will know where he is at once.”

Max hoisted his school bag onto his shoulders. “I wonder where Toby was.”

“Probably playing a trick on the vicar,” said Ben. “Come on, Agent Black, all aboard our Secret Agent Speedboat.”

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