Garrett's Choice (16 page)

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Authors: A.J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Garrett's Choice
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“You taste so good,” Garrett said between tonguing Lachlan’s hole again. “I could eat this ass all day long.” A thick finger entered him as Garrett continued to lick and suck on his entrance, preparing it for Garrett’s throbbing length.

Lachlan’s body was covered in sweat, and he couldn’t take any more. He wanted to feel his mate deep inside him. He wanted Garrett’s cum to seep into the deepest, darkest regions of his body that no one else had ever been. He wiggled his backside on his wobbly, unsteady knees, signaling to his mate to take him.

“You ready for me?” Garrett asked, and Lachlan nodded his head frantically. Garrett spat one more time on Lachlan’s stretched hole then lined up the rounded, blunt tip. The crown kissed at Lachlan’s hole, and Garrett teased him with quick forward motions but never fully going in.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” Lachlan chanted as his mate teased him. “Please, Garrett, I need you now.”

Garrett coursed his fingers down Lachlan’s back as he lined up his cock and thrust forward, not stopping until he was buried balls deep into Lachlan’s heated channel. Garrett’s rough growl echoed in the room, and Lachlan purred at the all-consuming full feeling. His ass ached from the force of Garrett’s entry, but the burn melded into satisfaction and delight. Lachlan never knew how much he’d enjoy rough and raunchy sex until he met his mate.

Not giving Lachlan much time to adjust, Garrett started working him over in quick, deep thrusts. Lachlan wavered back and forth on

AJ Jarrett

the bed as Garrett plowed into his sensitive hole, never letting up.

Lachlan’s dick hung heavy between his legs and his balls were hard as stone, pulled up tight to his body. He could feel the cum boiling along his shaft, wanting to be set free. Lachlan slammed his ass back hard on to Garrett’s cock, needing his mate to move faster if that was possible.

“You like that?” Garrett asked with a wicked push forward of his hips. Lachlan could only nod his head.

Garrett’s hand landed between Lachlan’s shoulder blades and pushed down. Lachlan dug his head into the soft comforter that cradled his head. Garrett grabbed Lachlan’s wrist then, pulled his arms back as Garrett held them tight. Lachlan’s back arched up, and his dick pulsed, begging to be touched.

“I’m going to fuck the cum right out of you.” Garrett angled his hips, brushing the broad tip over Lachlan’s prostate, and Lachlan roared as his cock began to throb. “That’s it, baby, ride it out.”

Lachlan’s spunk felt like molten lava as it climbed up his shaft with every pounding of Garrett’s shaft inside of him. One, two more forward motions and Lachlan roared as loud as he could. Jets of searing, white spunk shot out his body to coat the bed below him. It was like a never-ending geyser. Lachlan feared he’d pass out from his orgasm.

“That’s it, baby.” Garrett never let up. He kept up his rapid pace until his body locked over Lachlan’s. Lachlan felt the first pulse of Garrett’s cum as it tried to reach his guts it shot out so hard. Pump after pump of seed filled Lachlan’s hungry hole. Still buried deep inside him, Garrett leaned forward and locked his jaw on Lachlan’s shoulder and bit down, hard.

Lachlan’s shouts turned into a deep roar as blood trickled down his shoulder. His mate was like a wild beast in the throes of passion, and Lachlan wouldn’t want it any other way.

Lachlan fell forward on the bed, and Garrett followed him down.

Right before Garrett’s weight landed on him, he turned and pulled
Garrett’s Choice


Lachlan’s back to his chest, all while his cock twitched inside Lachlan. Lachlan didn’t care if Garrett never left his body. He felt more complete when he and Garrett were like this. Two bodies, one soul.

Garrett combed his hand through Lachlan’s hair, and Lachlan dropped his head back, not wanting Garrett to stop. He wiggled closer and felt Garrett jerk as the motion shoved his dick farther back inside him.

“God, I love you,” Garrett whispered as he rubbed his cheek alongside Lachlan’s. “How did we ever mange to stay apart for a month?” Lachlan started to laugh. It was like Garrett read his mind.

“What’s so funny?” Garrett pulled out of Lachlan and rolled him to his back, staring at him with wide eyes.

“Nothing,” Lachlan said between each gasp. “I was thinking the same thing while you were fingering me within an inch of my life.”

Lachlan’s laughter subsided and he looked, really looked at his mate.

“I love you so much, I’m not quite certain how I lived without you for so long.” A tear ran out the corner of his eye, and Garrett leaned forward kissing it away.

“Me either, and I’m not just talking about for that one month we were apart.” Lachlan didn’t have to ask what Garrett meant because he felt the same way. It seemed like his life before meeting Garrett never happened. Life hadn’t truly begun until he met his mate.

Lachlan cuddled closer, and he and Garrett snuggled together for a while longer. Time seemed to tick by unnoticed by either of them.

This moment felt too good to leave behind. They were in love and the happiest they had ever been in their entire lives, and neither of them wanted to leave the serenity of this feeling. Outside Lachlan’s bedroom door stood reality, and neither of them wanted to deal with that just yet.



AJ Jarrett

Sometime later—Garrett was unsure how much time had passed—he and Lachlan cleaned up and left his mate’s room. They walked hand in hand down the long staircase. Garrett couldn’t speak for Lachlan, but the world seemed different somehow. Colors seemed brighter, scents smelled more vivid, and his body felt lighter than air.

Garrett was happy. The happiest he’d ever been.

Looking over to Lachlan, Garrett saw the same goofy grin he wore mirrored back at him. Even with everything going on, life couldn’t have been better.

When they reached the first floor, Lachlan started to lead Garrett back to Ben’s office. They were halfway down the hall when Garrett noticed Quinn standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows that ran along the far wall. Garrett couldn’t see Quinn’s face but didn’t need to.

Quinn’s height towered over most men, and his broad shoulders could block out the full shine of the sun if he stood before it. The sharp features of his face looked cut from stone and just as hard.

Garrett wasn’t for sure he’d ever seen Quinn smile or show any type of emotion except for annoyance. But with all that it still didn’t take away from Quinn’s attractiveness. He had thick black hair that lay straight down his back. His piercing blue eyes appeared to read into a person’s soul. Garrett didn’t find himself frightened of much, and would never admit it to anyone, but Quinn was one scary dude.

“Hey, Quinn?” Lachlan asked.

Quinn seemed shaken from whatever he was looking at and turned to him and Lachlan. “Oh, hey, Lachlan. Garrett.” Quinn lifted his chin in acknowledgment.

“What are you doing?” Lachlan asked as he pulled Garrett by the hand closer to Quinn to stare at the window. “Great, Trevor and Leo are out there,” Lachlan said excitedly. “I wanted to check in on Leo and say hi to Trev.” Lachlan started to walk off then turned back to Garrett. “You want to come?”


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Trevor was Miles’s cousin, and the man was a menace most of the time. Trevor being a newly turned vampire only made him more energetic. The guy was exhausting to be around. Now Leo, Leo was a kindhearted man who got pulled into their world when Rhett used him to gain access to Logan. Leo had been shot and left for dead and it was Trevor who made the hard decision to turn Leo in order to save his life. Garrett had to admit for all Trevor’s faults he was a sweet and caring man.

Garrett looked out the window then back to his mate. “Naw, I’ll pass. I’m sure I’ll see them later.”

“Okay.” Lachlan turned and walked away.

Garrett stood there watching the two young men and saw that they were wearing track pants and sleeveless shirts. Putting two and two together, Garrett assumed they had just gotten back from a run.

Probably a good way for Trevor to burn off all that fucking energy he carried inside him. Garrett had had the pleasure of meeting Trevor a time or two, and the kid was a chatterbox and super hyperactive.

Since Trevor had been turned into a vamp, Garrett would bet money the kid could literally bounce off the freaking walls. Garrett couldn’t comprehend why Quinn constantly wanted to spend time with Trevor.

No offense to Quinn, but Garrett pegged Trevor as the kind of person Quinn tried to avoid. Quinn was of the serious type. Work came first, and at the end of the day if there was time to play, then maybe Quinn would relax. But he was a warrior, and there was never time to breathe let alone relax. Quinn took his job very seriously, and Garrett couldn’t fault him that. Garrett found that admirable about the man, but everyone needed downtime, and Quinn never seemed to acquire it.

Without looking at him Quinn began to talk. “You didn’t want to go out with your mate?”

Garrett chuckled to himself. “No thanks. Last time I was around Trevor the kid grabbed my ass and said I had potential.” The memory still made him laugh.



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A low growl met Garrett’s ears, and he turned his gaze from the window to Quinn. The man looked extremely pissed. Fire burned behind his blue irises with the look of intent to hurt someone. That someone being him.

“Quinn, take it easy.” Garrett held up his hands in surrender. “I didn’t take the actions seriously, and I don’t think Trevor meant anything by it. He was just trying to be funny.” Garrett shrugged.

“Anyway I’m with Lachlan, and no matter how adorable Trevor is, I’m spoken for, and head over heels in love with my mate.”

The pulsing vein in Quinn’s temple seemed to slow, and Quinn’s face softened as he looked back toward the courtyard. Lachlan had made his way to the two men, and they stood there talking.

“Sorry, Garrett.” Quinn scrubbed his hand down his face. “I guess I’m just on edge.”

“Tell me about it.” With all the crap that had happened the previous night, Garrett could relate, but something about the way Quinn looked at Trevor didn’t seem right.

“Quinn, are sure everything is okay? I mean I know you don’t know me all too well, but you’ve known Lachlan for years. I’d like to think one day you and I could be friends. So if you ever want to talk, I’m here for you.”

Quinn stood there quiet for so long Garrett didn’t think the man would answer before Lachlan came back inside. But the man surprised him when he spoke.

“Have you ever wanted something so bad, but to have it could cause you great pain?” Quinn asked, still not looking at Garrett.

Garrett thought about it, and sure, who didn’t? “Sure. I think we’ve all felt that way at some time in our life. But most times the risk is worth the reward.”

“You think?” Quinn looked at him, his expression skeptical.

“Yeah, Quinn. If you never try, you’ll always wonder what if.”

Quinn nodded his head and went back to staring out the window.

Garrett followed his gaze and noticed how Quinn seemed to track
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Trevor’s every movement. In an instant the light clicked on for Garrett.

“Oh my god! You like Trevor?” The words were out before Garrett could think them through. His brain was having a spaz attack.

Could it be that the big, serious, and scary Quinn had a thing for the annoying little shit?

Quinn’s eyes widened in shock then he quickly schooled his features. “No, it’s just…” Quinn’s voice trailed off. “It’s just complicated.”

“Man, it’s understandable. From what I’ve heard from Lachlan and seen with my own two eyes, you spend a lot of time with Trevor.

It’s only natural.” Garrett rushed to reassure the man. Trevor was cute as a button and had a mouth that could make sailor blush. Garrett could definitely see the appeal. He slapped Quinn on the back. “You should go for it, dude. Ask Trev out.”

“It’s not that easy.” Quinn crossed his arms over his chest and hugged his body tight.

Garrett thought the action unusual. Quinn always seemed so certain of himself, but now he looked like a little lost puppy. He looked from Quinn then back to Trevor, who was talking Lachlan’s ear off, then back to Quinn again. It was then that everything started to fall into place. Quinn was always around Trevor. Be it training him or just being near to him. He didn’t like any of the other warriors talking to Trevor, and if one had the nerve to flirt with the guy, Quinn would lose his shit. Garrett remembered the story Miles told him about when Quinn and Trevor first met and how Quinn punched a guy, knocking him unconscious all because he kissed Trevor.

But if what Garrett assumed was true and Quinn and Trevor were mates, how come Trevor wasn’t going bat-shit crazy over Quinn?

Trevor didn’t seem the type to ignore his mate or turn him away. No, Trevor was outgoing and caring. He’d accept his mate and love him to death. And with that kid, Garrett thought that might be a real possibility.



AJ Jarrett

“You don’t have to confirm or admit anything to me, but if you’re keeping something from Trevor and denying yourself, that’s not right,” Garrett said softly. “I’m no expert on love or on mating. As you can see Lachlan and I have had our ups and downs, but we worked through it and here we are.” Garrett rested his hand over his heart and could feel the strong thud, thud. “Lachlan is my heart and soul. I couldn’t live without him and to try to would be suicide, Quinn.”

A smirk quirked up Quinn’s lips. “You see a lot, don’t you, Alpha?”

Garrett squinted one eye in thought, then shook his head. “I’d like to think I do.” Resting a hand on Quinn’s shoulder, Garrett took a step closer. “I have to ask, if Trevor is your mate, how does he not know this?”

“Magic, my friend,” Quinn admitted and it was Garrett’s turn to be surprised. He didn’t think Quinn would actually confess anything to him. “You can’t say anything. Not even to Lachlan. He wouldn’t understand.”

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