Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1)
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Chapter 5

The transport doors opened and Colonel Stone stepped out, followed closely—a little too closely—by his aide.

“Sir, you are scheduled for a 0800 intelligence briefing at Alpha Humana Command tomorrow. There is a 0900 fitting for your ceremonial uniform. At 1100 you have an informal meeting with media link interviewers. They have provided a list of questions and preferred answers based on a Forum subcommittee finding of most preferred public responses. At 1300…”

“Lieutenant, stop talking for just a second,” pleaded Stone as the two walked toward the commons area of the docking station. Stone was sure Hastings would get a laugh out of this. He was convinced Hastings had “assigned” him this hyperactive puppy dog of an aide just to spite him. “It sounds like my schedule is already full; maybe there is enough time for a head call—”

“Actually, Sir,” replied the fidgety lieutenant, “your—”

“You’re kidding me, right?” interrupted Stone, ready to run himself through with his own sword.

“I have your time for the rest of the day, Colonel,” echoed a familiar voice from just around the corner.

Turning the corner, a smile came to Stone’s face.

It was Lady Astra Varus.

She was standing next to her father, flanked on both sides by Senate guards. Stone paused to take in the vision that was the Lady Astra Varus. ‘Definitely pretty baggage,’ he thought to himself.

Her long blonde hair was immaculately done and cascaded in shimmering waves down to her waist. She wore a black dress that was cut to show enough cleavage to tease, but not flaunt, with a split just above her waist to show her firm, flat stomach. As the dress flowed down her body it again was strategically split to show her outer thighs and then her calves. She was so beautiful he almost forgot the required greetings.

“Senator Dominotra Varus,” recovered Stone, “I humbly request to embrace your enchanting daughter.”

“You have my blessings and continued approval, Colonel Tyler Lucius Stone,” replied Varus, his taught, pencil-thin face slightly wrinkled from forming a plastic smile only a politician could make. “We are pleased to see you well and welcome your overdue promotion to Colonel of the Line.”

Stone hated these shows. Even the social elite never really spoke this way unless they thought someone was watching. As it was a commons area and both Dominotra and Astra were political beings, there was sure to be a media recorder nearby.

“As always, Senator,” continued Stone. “I am honored by your kindness and patronage.”

Dominotra replied with a slight nod of his head.

With that, it was done. At least he could now touch his fiancée.

As Stone placed his arms around Astra’s thin waist, she pulled him in close. A chill of excitement and surprise washed over his body. This was the first time she had held him in a familiar manner in public. Until this point, when they embraced in public she had draped her arms around his neck briefly and then moved her hand to meet his, always using her left hand to signify she was still legally available.

She then stood on her toes, bringing her lips to his ear. Before she spoke she let a slow, hot breath flow over his neck, sending chills down his spine. “I have missed you, Colonel,” she whispered, still holding the embrace. “With your promotion, father has been so pleased that he has agreed to allow you to claim your marital rights at your discretion.” She paused again to allow another breath to tickle his neck, moving the sensation to another area of his body.

Stone mentally paused for a second as he thought about the awkward conversation that would have been between a normal father and daughter, but the feeling of Astra’s body against his soon refocused his attention.

“Your aide has cleared your schedule for the next several hours at my request. Perhaps you would like to see your new quarters,” Astra said softly in his ear.

She slowly pulled away and slid her right hand down to his and began to walk along with him.

“Father, I wish to escort the Colonel to his new quarters and ensure he gets settled,” she said as she lightly squeezed his hand.

“Very well, Astra. I shall expect you at dinner tomorrow. Perhaps the Colonel’s schedule will allow him to attend.”

Stone knew it would. Dominotra and Astra were probably on the fifth revision to his schedule but now was not the time to be concerned about such matters. He was about to consummate his engagement to one of the most attractive, powerful, and sought-after women on the planet.

Well worth the pain of a stuffy dinner. 

As the two walked down the corridors, they were greeted by almost everyone that passed. It was either “Good day, Colonel” or “My Lady” or some other acknowledgement of Stone’s rank or Astra’s social status. After a few moments, Astra stopped by a security door outside Stone’s new quarters.

              “I’ve taken the liberty to add myself to your access list,” smiled Astra as she entered her identification code into the access panel.

The door slid open to Stone’s quarters.

He was stunned.

The entranceway led to a large room with a massive desk made from what appeared to be extinct Perilian wood.

Two guards snapped to attention as the couple entered the room. “Be gone,” ordered Astra with a wave of her hand as she moved into the room. The two guards quickly scurried out of the room and took up position just outside.

“The quarters are amazing,” mumbled Stone as he took it all in.

Marble covered the floors. Inlaid in the marble were bronzed depictions of Humani military might and political authority. Representations of Senatorial processions and famous battles were stamped in the shining metal. Columns had been placed in the entranceway to the room housing his desk. The columns, while providing no support, again were stylized. The column to the right was etched with the Lucius family crest and the left with that of the Varus family. Above the entrance to his office was etched the Elite Guard Oath:

I will stand strong in the face of danger, for my comrades will do the same

I will be unafraid of death for death comes but once and cowardice is forever

I will go close against the enemy, for my will is stronger than his

I will show courage, for it is the one possession that cannot be taken

I will die with pride, for I am fighting for my lineage and my people

I will face death with joy, for I will become immortal—my shining glory never forgotten


As he read the oath, Stone was taken back to the first time he had pledged the words, during his marking ceremony when he became a member of the Guard so many years ago. Then he thought of his close call on Sierra 7 with Lowstreet and Kilgore. The words had become a part of his life, his ethos—just as they had for every member of the Guard.

“Let me show you more, Ty,” said Astra as she pulled him through the room.

“To the right are the paintings depicting the arrival of the first Xennite ship on Alpha Humana, battle scenes from the First Terillian War, and a portrait of your ancestor, Colonel Agrippa Lucius Stone, the hero of the Battle of Echo 10.”

“These are wonderful recreations,” said Stone.

“They are not recreations,” laughed Astra as she slowly rubbed her hand over Stone’s

forearm. “My father acquired the originals at my request. For you.”

Stone again was stunned. One of these paintings was worth more than a year’s salary for a colonel.

“I don’t know what to say. They are wonderful.”

Astra raised her hand to Stone’s cheek and pulled him to her for a quick but enticing kiss. “You’re going to be a restored and senior member of the Lucius family and your quarters should reflect not only your family’s military heritage but your new social status as well,” said Astra as she directed him toward the opposite wall. “That’s why I have placed your family crest and all of your decorations and awards on this wall.”

Stone wasn’t sure how she had gotten all of these items together but he had long since quit trying to put any limits on Astra’s ability to get what she wanted. “This is really great,” he remarked, the shock still showing on his face.

“That’s just the beginning,” she replied as she walked toward his desk with one hand tugging his shirt just above his navel. Walking behind the desk, she selected one of the buttons on a touch screen embedded in the desktop. “Here we go,” she said as she pressed on the screen.

As the button was pressed, the wall directly behind the desk opened up to display a view of the entire city of Mt. Castra. He walked to the window and looked out over the stunning city with Astra’s arms clasped around his waist from behind.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” said Astra.

Directly across from his room was the Forum, home to the Senate. Its lighted marble walkways and massive columns made an impressive backdrop to the Procession Field. It was here where the Senate announced the election of the ProConsul and major political functions were held. Between the Procession Field and the Forum stood the Eternal Flame. The Eternal Flame was a two-story marble foundation supporting a massive flame that had burned since the Forum first voted to go to war with the Terillians almost 200 years ago. The flame symbolized never-ending vigilance and the enduring power of the Alpha Humana society.

To the right, monolithic buildings rose majestically to the sky. Lit by random lights from hundreds of rooms within, they almost sparkled against the night sky. Between the buildings sped hundreds of hover vehicles of all types. The hoverways, sometimes ten deep, had always mesmerized Stone. Somewhere in the chaos of the bustling traffic was an inherent order that made it work. For Stone, it symbolized Humana society. He could not help but feel pride in his people. With the help of the Xen allies, they had risen from the verge of extinction to again be a thriving and formidable civilization.

Centurion Centralous was to the left. The nerve center for Alpha Humana’s military and home to High Command. The darkness of the fortified portion of the city was in stark contrast with the rest of the view. Stone laughed to himself—most of the people inside the building weren’t that bright either.

“The world is ours, Ty,” said Astra as she turned Stone to face her.

He could feel the pressure of her body against his as she pulled him close.

“And I am yours,” she whispered in his ear.

Slowly, seductively, Astra stepped backwards toward the desk, both hands around his waist. When she reached the desk she slid her behind on top of the desk and slowly pulled Stone between her legs, first slowly caressing his face and then moving her hands down his chest, unbuttoning his tunic as she went.

“It’s time you take what is yours, Colonel,” she demanded, unclasping his belt and dropping his trousers to the floor while her feet teased the back of his legs just above his knees.

“As you wish, Lady Astra,” he replied as he began to remove his tunic.

“Wait.” She paused, moving her hands slowly from his chest to the collar devices depicting the new rank on his tunic.

“Leave your shirt on, Colonel,” she pleaded.

“As you wish.”

He conceded and lowered his head to give her a long, passionate kiss. As they kissed, she slowly wrapped her legs around his waist and guided him to his prize.

Maybe being a colonel wasn’t going to be too bad after all.


“I hate dress uniforms,” Stone confessed to Astra as they made their way down the carpeted hallway to the dinner.

“I don’t understand, Tyler. You are so impressive in your dress uniform,” replied Astra. “And we make such a good pair, don’t you think?”

Astra was stunning as usual. She wore a strapless forest-green dress that fell to the floor. This dress, like her entire wardrobe, was specifically designed for her to tastefully display her physical beauty. Around her neck was the Varus family engagement necklace. Encrusted with huge diamonds and emeralds, it had been flown from the Varus estate to Mt. Castra under heavy guard specifically for the dinner. Her hair was tightly bound and pulled back behind her head, highlighting her flawless facial features.

“I guess we do,” replied Stone, “but regular army uniform regulations require me to wear full medals. In the Guard I at least only had to wear miniatures.”

“You should be proud of your medals, darling,” said Astra. “You are the most decorated officer on active duty.”

“That’s exactly the problem. I’m wearing ten pounds of cadmium medals on my chest and I sound like a damn wind chime in a hurricane.”

“That is a sign to everyone around that they are in the presence of a hero,” replied Astra with a tight smile.

“Yes, dear,” replied Stone, realizing Astra was growing irritated with his complaints. He subconsciously raised his hand to his neck as that familiar itchy feeling around the collar and wristbands began to set in. 

Astra gripped Stone’s hand. “We are nearing the receiving line. Make sure you remember the etiquette,” she warned with another smile.

Turning the corner, Stone saw the line of politicians, generals, and admirals waiting to meet him and his new fiancée. His stomach grumbled from hunger and the absurdity of formal dinners. As they neared the line, a captain stepped forward to begin the ceremonial introductions.

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