Gavin (A Redemption Romance #3) (19 page)

BOOK: Gavin (A Redemption Romance #3)
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Chelsea had gotten in touch with me the previous week. We’d grabbed coffee at Café Fantasia a few days later and had begun to forge a friendship. Since she was new, I was glad to include her in my circle.

Aurora had decreed that we were all going out for girls’ night. I was getting ready, and planning to pick Chelsea up on the way. She’d found a great condo near the club we would all meet at. Putting the finishing touches on my ‘going out’ make up, Gavin walked into the bathroom and looked at me with a raised brow. His look was lascivious and disapproving all at once. How he was able to communicate so much to me, I’d never know.

“What?” I asked, looking over my chosen outfit, to see if there was something wrong.

Stalking toward me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled into my neck, moving my full hair out of his way. I’d allowed my hair to stay curly, enhancing it with some strategically placed large curls and pined one side up, allowing me to keep at least a little control of it. My hair got big – really big – when it was curly and humid. Thankfully, it was long, so the length, weighed it down a lot, taming some of the crazy. It was the perfect club hair.

Sniffing me, Gavin growled, “I think I should skip beer with the guys and keep you in bed all night.”

Elbowing him in the ribs, lightly of course, I giggled and tried to pull out of his grasp.

“Can’t you wear jeans or something?” He asked, after stepping back and bending down to look at the hem of my green satin dress.

“Um, no, this isn’t a jeans kind of outing.”

“How about a big sweater?” He pleaded, standing back up, and giving my sad eyes through the mirror.

“Funny, what’s wrong with my dress?”

“Not one fucking thing. That’s the problem.”

Placing a hand on each hip, he moved closer behind me, pressing something large and bulging in my back.

“How much time do you have before you need to leave?”

Looking at the clock on the wall, I responded in a way I thought he’d like; “about twenty minutes.”

Like a flash, his pants were open, his incredible pierced cock was out and on full display. He was sliding my tiny black panties down over my legs with one hand and pushing me forward to bend me over the vanity with the other. His hand caressed my damp flesh and he sunk two fingers inside.

“Jesus, you’re already soaked.”

“Mmmhm,” I moaned, as his thumb moved and he swiped over my clit.

Quickly, his fingers were gone and he was in me, pounding deep inside. My body shook with each forceful thrust and I had to brace my hands against the mirror to keep from hitting my head on it.

That damn piercing, the one that hit my clit when I faced him, was rubbing over different skin, thanks to the switched position. It was a strange, yet exciting feeling. He’d played with me there before, and each time he did, it peaked my interest. I’d never done anything like
before, I wondered what it would be like, to experience that with Gavin. It had a reasonable amount of fear, at the thought of taking him fully that way though, he was larger than any man I’d ever been with, so I couldn’t imagine him fitting comfortably.

The Prince Albert, rubbed my insides perfectly, coaxing me over the edge, and as his dick grew even larger and throbbed, I felt as the walls of my pussy clamp down. I was right there, right on the edge, ready to fall, when he pressed into my back and whispered in my ear.

“I love this pussy, you’re so tight, so wet, I feel your greedy little cunt sucking me in. You look amazing in this dress, and every time you move tonight, I want you to feel me, to know what I put inside you. I want every man in that club to know you’re all for me.”

My body broke apart in a shattering climax. Unable to stop, he pounded me harder and harder until he finally joined me in bliss. He was amazing, every time we had sex, which, admittedly, was a lot, I came at least once. His ability to play my body like an instrument, was unsurpassed. I’d never had anyone touch me the way he did.

Gavin pulled from my body, then grabbed a wash cloth and wetted it under the warm water. He knelt behind me, and I felt the tickle as he ran the cloth over my sensitive flesh, cleaning the remnants of himself from me.

After repairing my appearance, I was only three minutes late picking up Chelsea. Walking into the crowded club in downtown Dallas, the girls took one look at me, and Amber started laughing - loudly. I stopped in my approach to the table and looked down at myself.

Nope, no toilet paper, no skirt tucked into my panties, I had no idea what she was laughing about. Feeling a little annoyed with her, I raised an eyebrow and tightened my lips. Aurora smacked her arm and motioned to my face. I’d just checked it; I didn’t have lipstick on my teeth or anything.

“What?” I asked, irritation clear in my tone.

“You seriously just got fucked.” Amber said while cackling. Then she pointed to Aurora and Hope, who were faux-causally looking away from her and laughed again. “Just like them.”

A smug grin spread across my face. Amber was one crazy woman. She’d say just about anything, and her ability to find humor in any situation was one of her many excellent qualities.

“I can’t complain.” I said smugly, blowing on my fingernails and rubbing them on my shoulder. “You aren’t jealous, are you?” I taunted her, and watched as her face turned pink, making everyone else at our table laugh. As Gillian’s giggles subsided, I moved in to give her a hug.

Chelsea had met everyone already, when she came into the store after we’d met for coffee, so she joined in the hilarity quickly and the night began its downward spiral of drunken debauchery from there.

Looking at Hope’s bubbly clear glass, I picked it up and sniffed. Certain that what I was smelling, or actually, what I wasn’t smelling couldn’t be right, I took a tentative sip. There was a slice of lime floating on top, but even that couldn’t disguise the taste of sparkling water.

My face scrunched up and I looked at her accusingly. She’d healed from her injuries, and it had been weeks, so she shouldn’t be on pain meds anymore. Looking over her outfit, I noticed it, the high waisted dress had a pleated skirt that started just under her breasts. She blushed as I studied her, then she looked away with a sly grin.

“Fucking shit!” I shouted drunkenly.

The other girls at the table stared at me, waiting to hear what I was about to say. We’d talked about all manner of strange and disgusting things so far, so anything could have been about to come out my mouth.

“She’s pregnant,” I accused, pointing at Hope.

Aurora smiled knowingly as Amber and Gillian turned to stare at Hope. Chelsea’s expression was happy, but guarded. I wondered what had happened, why she would look that way. Quickly, we’d surrounded Hope and were hugging and kissing her and each other in celebration. Of course, this wonderful news called for shots, for us, not for Hope.

“Shh, everyone, shut the fuck up!” Aurora shouted over the thumping music and our chattering voices. She was raising her phone and trying to press the button to answer the call. After a few missed tries, she answered with a huge grin.

“No, we’re not that drunk,” she said, loudly with an obvious slur. Looking over to me and Chelsea, she asked, “how are you getting home?”

I shrugged and looked to Chelsea. “Uber,” I told her, looking for confirmation. Chelsea nodded in agreement and we both turned to see Aurora shaking her head in the negative. Confused, I waited.

“Gavin’s coming,” Aurora said as she disconnected the call.

Pouting, I looked at her, “I’m not ready to go home.”

“They’ll be a while, let’s dance.” Amber said, jumping up off her barstool.

Completely lost in the music, feeling the beat, as my body swayed in rhythm, I was shocked into awareness when I felt strong hands grasp my hips and pull me backward.

Opening my eyes, I glanced over my shoulder and was relieved to see Gavin there. I could only imagine how he’d have reacted if he saw me dancing with someone else. He’d almost lost his mind last week when he’d come into the store and I’d been helping the husband of a frequent customer. The older man, who was at least forty, was shopping for his wife’s birthday, and though he’d been very friendly, he hadn’t been inappropriate with me in any way. When Gavin walked into the store, he saw us talking near a display of tops that had come in recently. Instead of waiting patiently for me, Gavin quickly assessed the situation, strode over, took me into his arms, kissed me firmly on the mouth and glared at the guy. He’d even said “hey baby, you about ready for lunch?”

Thankfully, the customer was an understanding one and smiled at Gavin’s ridiculous behavior. After he’d walked back to the front counter to talk to Amber, and glare in the man’s direction every few seconds, the customer had explained that the barbaric behavior was actually a good thing, I’d tried to apologize, but he’d patted my arm and shook his head.

“If he didn’t care, then you’d need to worry. I’d have done the exact same thing if some man were talking to my wife, honestly, I still would, no matter that we’ve been married over twenty years.”

Gavin’s hips moved in time with mine as he ran his hands over me, his movements were perfect for the deep base, and no matter that he wore a pair of dusty old boots, he fit in perfectly. My arms, that had been lifted in the air, reached back and clasped around his neck.

The five inch heels I was wearing, seriously helped me with our height difference. Dancing with him was about the sexiest thing I’d ever experienced - in public.

I knew that this kind of music wasn’t his style, but he had no problem adjusting and making it really – really work for him. He was an absolute natural, and the way we moved together showed our intimate relationship, there was no way to deny how often we moved together, though usually we weren’t wearing clothes.

One song turned into another, and as I rolled my hips again, feeling the evidence of his desire for me, a desire that never seemed to lessen, he moved his hands down and inched up my skirt. I was so aroused in that moment, that I would have let him fuck me right there on the dance floor. My skin was damp from dancing, but my panties were absolutely sticky, from our previous activities in the bathroom at home, and from him making me crazy wet for him now.

The crowd around us was thick, and no one paid any attention to what we were doing. Gavin’s fingers pressed up, under my skirt to the damp center of my panties. I felt the low growl reverberate in his chest as he discovered my little secret. Arching my back, I pressed my pussy against his finger, encouraging, temping, demanding his attention. Thankfully, as always, Gavin obliged. He slipped two thick fingers under the elastic band and sunk in deep. I was so wet; the invasion was an easy one.

Feeling emboldened, I lowered one arm from around his neck and cupped his hard dick through his jeans. As I squeezed, I felt him moan again, and felt his dick throb. Being the sneaky little temptress that I was, I lowered the zipper and slipped my hand inside. He was so hot, and as I found the head, I discovered his secret, he was leaking precum already. I knew this one would be quick, if he’d allow it.

With eyes shut tight, I twined the fingers of one hand in his hair, and stroked his dick with the other as he held me around the waist with one hand and fucked me hard with the other. I hadn’t realized that we’d moved, but when he pulled the arm from around my waist, and I felt him fumbling with his pants behind me, my eyes opened in shock. Gavin was a conservative, buttoned up and polished cop, aside from playing a little too hard and driving a bit too fast, he wasn’t one to take risks, but right there, right then, he was going to take a big one.

I was facing the black wall at the side of the club. We were near the back, and though there were plenty of people around us, no one was in front of us or directly on either side.

Since my hand was still pumping him, I felt it when he released his pants and his hot throbbing cock fell into my hand. He was so big, so thick, so hot, he was always a struggle, but a delicious one. I could only imagine how he planned to fuck me then, but fuck me he did.

Continuing to fuck me with his fingers, he took his dick from my hand and pressed me to bend forward with his chest. The fingers inside me scissored to open me up, as he fed his cock in slowly. At this angle. I had to reach out and brace myself against the wall. Somehow, he never broke the rhythm of the music and within just a few strokes he was fully inside. He wrapped his arm around my waist once more, steadying me, supporting me, so I could let go of the wall, but continued to touch me, stroking my lips while he plunged inside.

Locked together, we swayed, bumped and moved with the music, and somehow, it worked – really well. When Gavin’s hand lifted from under my skirt to cup my breast, I realized that if someone were to look at us, they probably wouldn’t know what we were doing over here in the dark. It looked like we were just dancing, really closely.

As he pinched and fondled the nipple, I lost control and came, quietly, all over his cock. When the song changed to a much faster one, he pressed me back toward the wall, so I could brace myself. He placed a hand on my back, between my shoulder blades and he fucked me hard and fast. The club lights had dimmed even more and I wondered for a moment, if we were the only ones making use of the low visibility. As the music reached its peak, so did Gavin.

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