| preparations, 3-8, 185-89, 197
 | return to earth, 205-6, 215-18, 221-26, 229-32
 | risks, 7-8, 187, 195-96
 | significance of mission, xiii-xv, 242-44, 246-47
 | Soviet reaction, 236-37
 | spacecraft design, 50-51, 149, 161-62, 193-94
 | splashdown, 229-232, 233-34
 | T.E.I. (Trans-Earth Injection), 142, 215-18, 278
 | telecasts. See telecasts
 | T.L.I. (Trans-Lunar Injection), 16-17, 278
 | waste management system, 96, 128, 176
 | Apollo 10, 240
 | Apollo 11, 168, 238-39, 240
 | Apollo 13, 184, 244, 250-51