Genius of Place (72 page)

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Authors: Justin Martin

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employs architect Vaux
landscape commission for U.S. Capitol
Druid Hills planned suburb in Atlanta
Eastman, George Clinton Van Vechten
École des Beaux-Arts, Paris
École Nationale Forestière, Nancy, France
Economic crisis (panic of 1857)
Edwards, Arthur
FLO taken by democratic spirit of Birkenhead Park
FLO's view that Central Park is for everyone
FLO's view that Yosemite is for everyone
See also
Social reform and social vision
Eidlitz, Leopold
Eliot, Charles apprentice as partner with FLO
Ellicott, Joseph
Ellington grammar school, Connecticut
Elliott, Charles (Central Park board member)
Elliott, Ezekiel
Ellsworth, James
Elm City
hospital ship
Emancipation Proclamation (September 1862)
Emerald Necklace park system, Boston
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, William
Endale Arch, Prospect Park, New York City
England and Europe travels
walking tour (1850)
Putnam's Magazine
with stepson John Charles
for health, nervous disorders
The Englishman in Kansas
. . . (Gladstone)
youthful appreciation of nature by FLO
Niagara Falls
wetlands restoration (Back Bay Fens)
Rick's role in creating national parks
See also
Forest management
Epistle IV to Richard Boyle
Errington, Harriet (Olmsted family governess)
Essay on the Picturesque
. . . (Price)
F. L. & J. C. Olmsted Company
F. L. Olmsted and Company
Fairmount Farm of George Geddes
Fairsted (FLO's home in Brookline, Massachusetts)
Famine at Home
Farming (scientific)
apprenticeships in England
under Geddes
Sachem's Head (FLO's Connecticut farm)
of Texas Germans
Tosomock (FLO's Staten Island, New York, farm)
Fenton, Roger
Fenway Park, Boston
Fillmore, Millard
Finley, Clement Alexander
Forest Hills Gardens, New York
Forest management (FLO's efforts)
'48ers (German-Americans)
Foster, Lafayette
Fox, Warren
Franklin Park, Boston
Frémont, John Charles
owns Mariposa Estate
as debtor
testifies in Opdyke–Weed trial
dies nearly penniless
French, Daniel Chester
Froebel, Julius
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850,
Furness, Horace Howard
Gage, Lyman
Garden and Forest
Gardening for Ladies
Garrison, William Lloyd
Geddes, George
Geneva treaty
A Geography and Atlas
German Americans
anti-slavery attitudes
erect Central Park statue of Schiller
free-soilers in Texas
Gerster, Anton
Gibbs, Oliver Wolcott
Gilpin, William
Gladstone, Thomas
Godkin, Edwin
abortive publishing project with FLO
as FLO's friend, supporter
as journalist
magazine with FLO
Gold mining.
Mariposa Estate gold-mining property
Gold Rush in California
causes inflation
and Frémont's floating land grant
impact on Yosemite
“Gold Under Gilt” story (F. L. Olmsted)
Golden Gate Park.
See also
San Francisco park
Goldsmith, Oliver
Goodloe, Daniel
Goodrich, Samuel (Peter Parley)
Goodwin, Jim
Gradualist position on slavery
Gramercy Park, Manhattan
Grammar schools and boarding schools (FLO's)
Grant, Ulysses
Grass Valley gold-mining operations
Gray, John
Greeley, Horace
Green, Andrew
battles over Central Park with FLO
conflict with an ill and delirious Vaux
on Tweed Ring park board
on Niagara Falls improvement board
Greensward Plan
Greensward Ring
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn
Griffin, Christine Kean
Grinnell, Moses
Groesbeck, William
Grundel, Hermann
Gullah community of Sea Islands
Hale, Edward Everett
Hall, William Hammond
Halleck, Fitz-Greene
Hamilton, James Alexander
Hammond, James
Hammond, William
Haraszthy, Agoston
Harper's New Monthly Magazine
Harris, Elisha
Harrison, Jonathan
Hartford, Connecticut
Hartford Female Seminary
Hartford Grammar School
Hartford Retreat for the Insane
Hartford Young Men's Institute library
Harvard University
Arnold Arboretum's unique /files/18/62/40/f186240/public/ university partnership
attended by Rick
confers honorary degree on FLO
Rick sets up first landscape architecture course in America
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Henry Clay
Hillside Cemetery in Middletown, New York
History of England
Hitchcock, Sophia
Hoe, Richard
Horses (FLO and John Hull Olmsted's)
Hudson River School art and painters
Hughes, Langston
Hungary in 1851
Hunt, Richard Morris
battles with Vaux
as architect of Biltmore mansion
painted by Sargent
as architect of building at 1893 World's Fair
Ice-skating in Central Park
Incidents of a Whaling Voyage
(Francis Olmsted)
Indian Hunter
statue (Ward)
Infantile Chemistry Association
Irving, Washington
Jackson Park, Chicago
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenney, William Le Baron
as engineer during Civil War
involvement in Riverside suburb project
as architect involved in 1893 World's Fair
Jesup, Morris
Jewett, Helen
Jewett, Sherman
Jones Wood, Manhattan
Journalism (FLO's involvement in)
The Journal of Gideon Olmsted
(G. Olmsted)
A Journey in the Back Country
(F. L. Olmsted)
A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States
(F. L. Olmsted)
A Journey Through Texas
(F. L. Olmsted)
Kansas Territory
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Kapp, Ernst
Kapp, Friedrich
Kern, G. M.
Kessler, George
King, Thomas Starr
Kingsbury, Frederick
background, friendship with FLO
on FLO's honorary degrees
on FLO's idealism, perseverance
letters to/from FLO
Kingsley, Charles
Kirkbride, Thomas
Kirkbride Plan (mental institution design)
Klein, Naomi
The Lake at Central Park
Lake Champlain, Vermont
Landscape architecture
FLO's prescient interest in park-making,
FLO's earliest efforts while living on Staten Island
FLO–Vaux partnership
FLO as pioneer in field 1
“landscape architect” as term for new profession
FLO's aesthetics as a landscape architect
FLO as expert at foliage composition
FLO as undistinguished gardener and botanist
FLO as big-idea person, deficient draftsman
reliance by FLO on technology and engineering in park-making
reliance by FLO on artificial means to create natural-looking parks
similarity to FLO between landscape architecture and music
apprenticeships offered by FLO
Horace Cleveland's practice
Harvard course
See also individual projects:
Arnold Arboretum, Back Bay Fens, Biltmore Estate, Buffalo park system, Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane, Central Park, Franklin Park, McLean Asylum, Mountain View Cemetery, Mount Royal, Prospect Park, Niagara Falls, Riverside, IL, Stanford University, U.S. Capitol, World's Fair
Larkin, John
Lathrop, Ariel
Law, Jonathan
Lawrenceville School
Lee, Robert E.
Leland Stanford Jr. University.
Stanford University
L'Enfant, Pierre-Charles
Lenox, Massachusetts
Lewes, George Henry
Lewis, Diocletian
abolitionist newspaper
Life of Benjamin Silliman, M.D.
Lincoln, Abraham
earliest photograph of
as president during Civil War
lukewarm toward USSC
FLO's impressions and dealings with
issues Emancipation Proclamation
signs Yosemite Valley bill
statue in Prospect Park
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Little Dorrit
Liverpool, England
Llewellyn Park in West Orange, New Jersey
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Long Meadow, Prospect Park, New York City
Longstreet, James
Loudon, Jane
Loudon, John Claudius
Louisville, Kentucky
Low, Frederick
Lowell, James Russell
Ludlow, Fitz Hugh
Lynch, Anne Charlotte
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
MacMonnies, Frederick
Maine College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts
Malcolm X,
Manhattan brownstone, FLO's homeoffice
Marble Faun
Mariposa Estate gold-mining property
history including Frémont's ownership
FLO wrestles with whether to accept job in California
FLO's tenure as superintendent
financial collapse due to board members' swindle
reorganizes, fails repeatedly
Mariposa Grove of Big Trees
Mayne, Richard
McAdam, John Loudon
McClellan, George
McEntee, Jervis
McEntee, Mary Swan.
See also
Mary Vaux
McKim, Charles
McKim, James
McLean Asylum, Belmont, Massachusetts
McMillan, William
McMillan Commission
Meade, George
Medical Bureau, U.S. Army
Melville, Herman
Mental illness
FLO's breakdowns, depression, dementia
FLO's decline and admission to McLean Asylum
and mercury for medicinal use
FLO's mother and stepdaughter
FLO's special sympathy for sufferers
Mental institutions (featuring Olmsted landscape designs)
Bloomingdale Asylum New York
Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane
Hartford Retreat
McLean Asylum, Belmont
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Michaux, François André
Midway, as term coined by Olmsted and Vaux
Midway Plaisance, Chicago
Mill, John Stuart
Millbrae, California
Miller, J. W.
Miller & Company
Mills, Darius
Mills, Robert
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minturn, Robert
Miss Rockwell's school
Miwok Indians
Modern Painters
Mongredien, Augustus
Montreal (Mount Royal park)
Morgan, J. P.
Morrill, Justin
Mould, Jacob Wrey
Mounds, Maria
Mount Royal, Montreal
Mount St. Vincent, Manhattan
Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, California
Muir, John
Mule (Mr. Brown, used by FLO and John Hull Olmsted)
Museum of Natural History, New York
My Diary North and South
Nader, Ralph
early efforts to start a national weekly publication
founding by abolitionists
FLO's involvement
ad for Olmsted, Vaux & Company
National American Democratic Republican Party
youthful appreciation by FLO
FLO relies on artificial means to create natural-looking parks
as architect Vaux's credo
eases melancholy
appreciation by Hudson River School painters
Neu Braunfels, Texas
Nevins, Allan
New England Emigrant Aid Company
New York Daily Times/New York Times
background on paper and FLO being hired

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