Genocidal Organ (44 page)

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Authors: Project Itoh

BOOK: Genocidal Organ
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My words started to take shape, and gradually they penetrated the fabric of American discourse. My words, my songs, my images, my tone of voice, all started seeping into the collective psyche of the people who watched or listened to or had any interest whatsoever in my Congressional hearing. Even if a person merely accessed the Congressional Record after the fact, there was enough latent deep structure embedded into my transcribed speeches for my grammatical tune to kick in inside their minds.

In no time at all the original scandal stopped being an issue. I rammed home the grammar of genocide into this country, the USA, a country that previously never even showed the slightest of omens that a civil war might be brewing. I was a puppet master, a god riding the crest of an unstoppable mechanical force, ruthlessly, relentlessly changing the course of the lives of mere mortals. It was a smooth process, almost automatic.

There have already been plenty of casualties all across the country. And we haven’t even really started yet. The handful of news networks that are still going report that the country is on the brink of an all-out civil war. There haven’t yet been any large-scale massacres that you could properly call genocide though. Not yet. But soon. Soon enough.

The seemingly eternal Starbucks and the once-ubiquitous Domino’s Pizza have disappeared. I knew this was going to happen, of course, so I’d stocked up on supplies big-time. The other day I had to shoot a burglar who was after my hoard. His corpse is still in my hallway. I wonder what I should do with it. The deep structure of genocide has spread across the whole of America, quickly and easily, using English as its vector.

See? There
another way to eliminate the risk of terrorist attacks on the good old US of A after all. Who’s going to bother with us now? We’ve stopped trading internationally, the import and export markets have utterly collapsed. No country is going to have cause to be jealous of us or hate us for our economic imperialism anymore.

You see, I decided to take the burden of sin upon my own shoulders. I decided I was going to punish myself. So I took America, dangerous America, the bane of the rest of the world, and I cast her into the abyss. In order to save all other countries, I gritted my teeth and made up my mind to plunge my country into a Hobbesian
bellum omnium contra omnes

It was a tough decision. But I’ve decided to accept responsibility for it. Just as John Paul accepted responsibility for the lives of people from all the rest of the world.

Outside, somewhere in the distance, I can hear an FN Minimi firing on full automatic.

Oh, hurry up and kill them already so we can get some peace. I’m trying to enjoy my pizza here!

No, it’s still firing on full. The noise is starting to bother me.

But then I think about how everywhere else in the world is quieter now. That makes me feel a little better.

Keikaku (Project) Itoh
was born in Tokyo in 1974. He graduated from Musashino Art University. In 2007, he debuted with
Gyakusatsu Kikan
Genocidal Organ
) and took first prize in the Best SF of 2007 in
SF Magazine
. His novel
won both the Seiun and Japan SF awards, and its English-language edition won the Philip K. Dick Award Special Citation. He is also the author of
Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots
, a Japanese-language novel based on the popular video game series. All three of his novels are available in English from Haikasoru. After a long battle with cancer, Itoh passed away in March 2009.





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