| Hawaiian Life, Being
| Lazy Letters from Low Latitudes, 100 , 139;
| "Hearts of Oak," 10-12, 25, 30, 54, 71;
| "Helena," 14;
| "House of the
| Sun, The," 56;
| "In a Transport," 48-49, 59, 61, 63, 179-80 n.18, 188 n.23;
| "In the Cradle of the Deep," 55;
| In the Footprints of the Padres, 39;
| Island of Tranquil Delights, The, 154;
| "Joe of Lahaina," 43-44, 59, 179 n.5;
| "Kahéle," 56, 57;
| "Kahéle's Foreordination," 188 n.23;