Gents 4 Ladies (12 page)

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Authors: Dez Burke

BOOK: Gents 4 Ladies
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He caught her look and his eyes suddenly blazed. “You alright?” He was sweeping his warm gaze over her prone frame as he added, “If you want, we could…”

Tiana had no doubt that
could; but in her case her whole body felt like it had been wrung round an industrial washing machine. A deliciously tender feeling throbbed in her hidden muscles and tissues, but she’d be fine if she took it easy for a week. Or month.

Tiana looked at the clock on the bedside table. She knew there was still fifteen minutes to go but she wasn’t about to be crass and make a point of insisting that he stay and talk with her a few more minutes.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you. And I mean that,” she said quickly, blushing as she explained.

His lips slanted in a quick smile as he came over to where she lay, bending over her. Tiana thought he was going to kiss her but all he did was brush back her hair from her face. Tiana hoped she didn’t look too messy after their energetic romp of the past couple of hours.

“I’ve never slept with a stranger before,” Tiana heard herself say, to fill in the silence. It unnerved her the way he was looking at her; very tenderly. A gentle look of a friend and lover.

“I mean, guys I’ve been to bed with were guys I was with at the time. Guys I knew well.” Tiana was blundering on but she couldn’t stop herself. Jordan up close did something to her brain and she couldn’t tell if she was coming or going. She felt confused by the emotions that arose where he was concerned. When they weren’t going at it, she had nothing to distract her from what an intensely fascinating man he was. And how much she would have really liked to find out more about him. What really made him tick, his interests and pursuits, his background and trials or achievements. What made him Jordan.

“What does it take to really know a guy anyway?” Jordan asked mildly, his eyes humorous as they lifted to meet hers. “And I thought you wanted it this way.”

Tiana shook her head at herself, looking away and breaking the spell of his mesmerising, searching gaze. “You’re right. I shouldn’t be feeling weird about this now. I’d never have dreamed of going to bed with a guy I just met, but this is different. I pay you for your time. And that reminds me…there’s an envelope in the drawer. Your fee. I was supposed to give it to you beforehand but…”

“Yes, I can imagine. I got carried away,” Jordan said with a light tone as he withdrew smoothly and moved to the drawer she indicated. He withdrew the envelope and without even counting the contents, slipped it into his jacket. “Too bad you’re not interested in a ‘next time’ or I’d have shown you I’m not a total caveman.”

He cocked a questioning brow at her, and Tiana was tempted to say she’d think about it, but couldn’t. Much as she liked having sex with Jordan, suddenly she was feeling like it was taking a lot out of her already. When he touched her…his kiss – it felt far more than just sex to her and that was scary.

She should have known that sleeping with a man she found so deeply attractive both physically and intellectually, wouldn’t be as easy as if he was someone she wasn’t really into out of the bedroom.

It was hard to explain to herself but the truth was, she was getting to really, really like him. Hell, she’d called him ‘baby’ when he’d been inside her. And then he did that thing when he called her “Tia” and damn if it didn’t make her heart sing when she heard that.

“No; that’s okay. I just need you for that one social outing and that would be it. This was meant to be just a one-off anyway.”

He nodded, and then looked like he was about to say something. Tiana held her breath, not even sure what she was hoping he’d say. And then he smiled a casual, easygoing smile. “I understand. So…Thursday?”

“Yes,” she said, biting on her bottom lip. When his dark grey eyes followed the motion, they grew even darker.

“I’m sorry for the times I was too rough,” he said suddenly, surprising her. It looked almost like he was reluctant to leave.

Tiana’s cheek flushed. “I would have let you know if I didn’t like it.” She’d liked it too much in fact. No man had ever been that rough with her – not in the way she enjoyed. Her stomach clenched with excitement just remembering how good it had felt to be taken with such vigor as Jordan had done a few times.

They finally said goodbye and he was gone. Tiana flopped back into the pillows, clutching her fingers in her hair and wondering what the hell was happening to her.

She’d blown away some good hard-earned cash just for the services of a escort pro and though she wouldn’t deny it had been a satisfying experience, she felt emptier than she had even before she’d taken the bold step and hired Jordan.

Being the kind of man he was: good looking, obviously intelligent and refined – not forgetting downright sexy – it wouldn’t be hard for any normal woman to fall for him. Tiana couldn’t say she was in love but damn if he hadn’t gotten under her skin in just the one week since they’d met.

It should never have happened this way. It was something she’d have to get over, and quickly, Tiana knew. There was no way she was going to risk getting personally involved with a male escort, no matter how hot or nice he was. For one thing, she knew next to nothing about him and had only met him a week ago. This was just a passing phase since he was far from what she was used to and she’d certainly never been in this kind of situation before.

And now it was time to get
of the situation. She needed to start dating again – meeting men in normal circumstances. Even if it meant going on one of those annoying blind dates or hook-ups arranged by her friends or family. Hell, she might even let herself get picked up at a bar or club just to know how it felt to actually connect with a real guy. Telling herself she was only imagining the slight lingering hint of Jordan’s gorgeous scent around her, Tiana closed her eyes and willed herself to edge into a restless slumber.



Chapter Seven


“I really don’t need you on my case right now, Tom,” Jordan said shortly, turning to face his friend and lawyer again. Jordan had been too busy thinking about last night with Tiana to really focus on the last ten minutes or so of Tommy’s nagging.

“Good thing you mentioned the word “case”. Think of the law suit you’ll have on your hands if Ms. Tiana finds out you’re a fake,” Tommy said.

Jordan huffed dismissively as he went to flop into his chair behind his desk. “Don’t be ridiculous,” he growled. “You and I know that’s not possible. For one thing, I haven’t done anything wrong. Questionable, maybe, but no crime in the real sense. The lady picked me out of all the others available so it’s not like I really had anything to do with it. She wanted me, Tommy. No one else. And I gave her what she paid for.”

“Under false pretenses,” Tommy told him firmly. “She thought you were a male escort. You’re not. You might be right and she can’t sue you for this if she finds out but there’s no way she’s going to like being fooled.”

“You’re acting like I
to be put up on that escort site,” Jordan said with deep sarcasm. Shaking his head, he looked away and tried to rein in his temper. Tommy was right on all levels but Jordan couldn’t help pointing it out that he’d been a victim here as well. He’d been set up in some way and Tiana just happened to get caught in the middle.

Now if only he’d done the honorable and sensible thing and told her the truth from day one. But being the cocky ass he was, he’d decided to play along. He hadn’t been able to resist the opportunity to get into Tiana’s bed and damned the consequences. But the fact remained that no one had forced her to choose him. She’d seen what she’d liked and gone for it. Was it so wrong that he’d provided exactly what she’d required from him?

Which was something she didn’t seem to need anymore, he thought, recalling how last night had ended. Had he managed to put her off male escorts for good? He’d really thought she’d like a man with a take-charge approach. Jordan had sensed her submissive persona even beneath her calm, professional attitude. He knew enough about women to tell when they enjoyed when a man wasn’t afraid to take control in the bedroom.

Jordan had been pretty rough at certain intervals but not once had she complained. But obviously the novelty had worn off and she was no longer interested in continuing the sex angle. Jordan told himself not to be too disappointed. He couldn’t play gigolo forever. And after the charity event she’d mentioned she needed an escort for, he was sure he’d never see her again.

Why did that fact give him a sudden clinch in his chest?

Suddenly, he realized Tommy was speaking and forced himself to listen to what the other man was saying.

“Well, we both know you never asked for any of this but you seem to be getting too much fun out of playing it out. And anyway, you no longer have to worry about being up on that site because your profile has been taken down,” Tommy informed him.

“What?” Jordan asked in surprise, sitting up. Without waiting for Tommy’s reply, he clicked on his computer and got on the Gents4Ladies site. His profile was gone. He looked up at Tommy questioningly.

“I had nothing to do with it,” Tommy told him with a shrug. “It just disappeared. I checked it out yesterday and it was gone.”

Jordan felt relieved. Whoever it was who’d put up the profile must have tired of the game or whatever. The prankster probably noticed that Jordan hadn’t pooled as much attention as was probably planned. After all, he’d only got a call from one client – Tania. No other women in need of the services of Jordan with the money back guarantee had surfaced. Thank goodness. Maybe his reputation as a respectable financial consultant didn’t need salvaging after all.

“Any headway with finding the guilty party?” Jordan asked. He was still going to murder whoever had thought this was funny.

“My guy’s working on a few leads. We’re assuming that’s the only site you were profiled on and that your details aren’t spread around the web on other escort sites.”

Jordan groaned at Tommy’s factual words, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “Please! Get your guy on that as well. Do what you have to do to make sure I don’t end up with any of my real clients, family or friends stumbling on my pictures on any of those sites. I’ll never live it down.”

Tommy snickered, his goofy side resurfacing as he grunted, “So you’re saying your success with Tiana hasn’t opened you up to the possibilities of taking up a new past time of selling your commendable sexual favors?”

“I wouldn’t exactly term it a ‘success’,” Jordan said somewhat bitterly, staring into space.

“I’d call getting a repeat appointment a success,” Tommy rejoined with a humorous smirk. “What I don’t get it why you still went through with it. Again. Did you really have to?”

Jordan merely shook his head. Tommy would never understand. Tommy hadn’t met Tiana. He couldn’t

Jordan had meant it when he’d told her last night about how she made him feel. At that point he’d been very close to exposing himself. But it was true; he’d never met a woman like her who could so easily make him lose it. There was something about her that set something loose inside him. His inner beast; his primal side that was nothing like the Jordan his friends or close acquaintances knew.

He was different when he was with her; he could be himself which was weird because he’d never really known what he was capable of until he’d first made contact with her. From the first sound of her distinctive voice on the line, he’d been intrigued by her. He’d met her and it had felt like a spell had been cast.

“You aren’t that hard-up for pussy, that much I know,” Tommy went on relentlessly. “Why keep going back for more with this woman?”

Good question, Jordan thought with a deep sigh. He should have told her the truth. The moment he walked in the door yesterday. But she’d been waiting in that slinky black dress, setting off her medium brown complexion tantalizingly. He didn’t think. He couldn’t. He’d let his hormones lead the way and for the second time, he gave in to his darkest urges.

But he’d be lying if he claimed it was all about getting a piece of her delectably juicy pussy. Getting a woman in his bed had never been an issue for him. He was single now by choice and there was always the random ‘booty call’ he could count on if the need arose. With Tiana, it was something significantly deeper. Maybe it was too soon to call it, but he called it anyway. He had a thing for her, big time. But now he’d blown any chances of being with her for real by sticking to his role of gigolo. He’d sensed she was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the procedure as she showed signs that things were getting way ahead of her. He couldn’t blame her for putting an end to it-at least the sex part.

Jordan felt a squint of hope from the fact that at least she wouldn’t mind seeing him again and spending more time with him even if just for a social event.

“Well, it’s over,” Jordan said firmly by way of response to Tommy’s last question. “I can’t explain what came over me but there it is. Thursday’s the last time I’ll get to play gigolo, I promise. And then game over.”

Tommy nodded approvingly. “But you still don’t think you should tell her the truth?”

Jordan flinched. “What would it serve? Except to complicate things further? No, I think it’s safe to just keep her blissfully in the dark. I don’t want her hurt feelings on my conscience as well.”

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