Get Off on the Pain (13 page)

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Authors: Victoria Ashley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Get Off on the Pain

BOOK: Get Off on the Pain
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“Why?” What’s wrong with being here?”

“I don’t belong here,” I say honestly. “I never have and there’s nothing here important enough to make me stay.”

Her eyes go hard before she clears her throat and turns her attention to Penelope, now watching us like a hawk. “Thanks for the drink, Penelope. Start me a tab, please.” She looks back over at me for a split second before walking away and over to a small crowd of people. I recognize one of them right away as her roommate, Bailey, and a feeling of relief washes over me. Good. I need her far away tonight.

“Sorry for being an ass,” I say and look up at Penelope, my jaw tense. She just shakes her head in understanding before sliding two shots in front of me with a small smile and going to help another customer that is holding up an empty beer bottle.

An hour, seven shots, and six beers later, I’m sitting here minding my own business and ignoring everyone around me, when I feel a hand on my shoulder and hear Trevor’s voice. I close my eyes and exhale, prepared to get this conversation over with. I’ve been gone for so long. I have no clue what everyone thinks of me . . . of what I did.

“What’s good tonight, man?” He nods his head at Penelope and winks before taking a seat next to me on the stool. “Give me a beer, babe, and maybe you in my bed again later,” he says as Penelope gives him the middle finger and laughs. “I love fucking with her.”

I take a drink of my beer and look up from the bar for one of the first times since Lyric walked away. It’s been my plan all along to just sit here, get fucked up, and pretend that no one else exists. I have to admit, it’s harder than I expected. “Doesn’t everyone?”

Trevor laughs and reaches for his beer as Penelope sets it down in front of us. “Thanks, babe.”

“Anytime sexy, asshole.” She flashes him a grin and then turns around and walks away, swaying her curvy ass to get back to work.

Trevor is silent for a moment before he takes a drink of his beer and pulls his eyes away. “Any luck on finding Alex so far? I went through my phone the other day and noticed that I had a number listed for Alex, but it said it was disconnected when I called. Sorry, bro.”

I shake my head and swallow back the pain that is rising. I don’t know whether to be mad at Alex or worried about the little shit.

“He’ll be back. For his fucking sake it better be soon.” I glance over my shoulder as Lyric calls out some drinks to Penelope.

She’s breathing heavily and trying her best to avoid eye contact with me. Maybe she finally gets it.

“Hey, you.” Trevor stands up and walks over to stand next to Lyric. “Damn, you’re sweaty, girl.”

Lyric’s eyes meet mine for a split second before she pulls them away and smiles at Trevor. “I like to dance.” She thanks Penelope for the drinks, grabs them, and looks back at Trevor. “Come join us. I need a new dancing partner. Liam can’t handle me.”

Trevor raises an eyebrow and watches in satisfaction as Lyric backs away and walks back over to her roommate and the two other guys. This dickhead better watch his shit.

“Damn!” Trevor reaches for his beer and slams it back before asking for a new one. “You going to join your girl over there or is she for the taking?”

Grinding my jaw, I watch as Lyric moves seductively to the music. She looks so fucking tempting that I want to taste every fucking inch of her until she’s squirming in my arms.

“No.” I pull my eyes away and back to my drink. I’ve already had too much to drink. Going over there will be bad news. “And she’s not my girl. She’s my neighbor. That’s it.”

“I didn’t figure she was.” He pats me on the back. “Memphis Carter with a girlfriend is unheard of. Glad to see you’re still the same guy.”

“What about Ava?” Penelope mentions out of nowhere, giving us both an evil look. “She should’ve been your girlfriend.”

I slide my empty glass in front of her and run my hand through my hair. I don’t want to get into this shit right now. “Ava knew what we were. That’s all that matters.” I nod toward my glass. “Another one.”

Rolling her eyes, she gives both of us an evil glare before filling my drink.

“Shit, man. I’ll be over there working on getting that fine ass in my bed.” He pats my back. “We’ll have to chat later.” He walks away and it takes everything in me not to break his damn jaw.

I immediately grab my beer from Penelope and take a swig, watching Trevor working his moves on Lyric, trying his best to be smooth. It’s always worked in the past, but it won’t be happening tonight. Not if I have a fucking say.

She laughs and leans back when he attempts to kiss her neck, but he doesn’t stop there. He slips his arm around her waist and starts grinding against her to the music. She’s a little stiff at first, but loosens up enough to wrap her arm around his neck and get lost in the music, dancing against him.

The more I watch them, him grinding into her, her swaying her hips under his hands, the harder it gets for me to keep my cool. I feel my blood boiling and I’m on the verge of exploding.

Without thinking, I grab my beer and make my way across the bar. As much as I want to protect her from myself, I want to protect her from him more.

I finish off my beer, set it on the table beside me, and step up behind Lyric, cracking my neck. She must feel my presence, because she stops dancing and releases her grip on Trevor’s neck.

“Memphis,” she says in surprise, peering over her shoulder. “Are you leaving?” She turns around to face me, waiting for an answer.

I shake my head and clench my jaw at Trevor as he mumbles
under his breath. “No, I’m staying. Don’t you think you need to slow down and drink some water? You’re slurring your words.”

She laughs under her breath and shakes her head as if I’m crazy. “I’m fine. I’ve only had like five drinks, Memphis. You’re the one that’s had like twenty shots. Maybe you need some water.”

Her roommate, Bailey—I think it is—jumps in between Lyric and me and bites her bottom lip, oblivious to our conversation. “Mmm . . . so the sexy neighbor has come out to play.” She leans her neck back and gives her boyfriend a kiss as he possessively grabs her waist and nods his head at me, showing me that she’s his.

“Keep her company while I’m gone, man, but don’t get too close.” He kisses her one more time before walking away, toward the pisser.

“Dance with me.” Grabbing my shirt, she attempts to pull me against her, but I shake my head and point her toward Trevor as he attempts to kiss Lyric, but she turns her face, giving him her cheek. He’s fucking lucky. Just the thought of his lips on hers makes me want to crush him.

I see Lyric eyeing us up, uncomfortably, as her roommate moves closer against me in an attempt to get me to dance. She almost looks jealous. Trevor keeps trying to dance with her, but she’s too distracted, keeping her eyes on me. Something about that makes my cock twitch.

“Dance with Trevor. I’m not much of a dancer. It looks like Lyric needs a break.”

She gives me a pouty face before rubbing her hand down my chest and turns to jump in between Trevor and Lyric, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I get one dance, bitch, and then he’s yours,” she slurs.

Lyric steps away and laughs before walking over and stopping in front of me. She looks up into my eyes and licks her bottom lip. Her whole body is glistening with sweat now, and all I can think about is tasting every inch of her. “Dance with me, Memphis.”

I pull my eyes away from her lips and flex my jaw. As much as I want to put my hands all over, I need to fight it, but this fucking liquor isn’t doing much to help it.

“No, Lyric.”

She takes a step closer and runs her tiny, soft hand down my arm. “Just once. It’s not even a big deal. It’s just a dance. It’s not like I’m asking you to fuck me. I’m asking you to touch me.”

“You want me to touch you,” I growl. I roughly slide my hands over her hips before gripping her waist and slamming her up against the wall. Leaning in, I fist her hair in my hand and whisper in her ear. “Is this how you want me to touch you? Touching someone that I know always leads to them getting hurt.” I grip her waist tighter and press my body flush with hers. Her body trembles against mine and her breathing picks up as my bottom lip brushes over her ear. “I’m fucking tainted, Lyric. Running now would be your best option.”

She looks up into my eyes and wets her lips, fighting to catch her breath. “I. Want. You. To. Touch. Me. I’m not running anywhere.”

! Those words do me in.

Gripping her face with one hand, I place my other hand on the wall above her head and lean in close to her lips. “Fuck me,” I growl out, before slamming my lips against hers and squeezing her face as I kiss her, hard, almost a little too hard.

She moans out as I press harder, running my tongue along the seam of her lips, causing her to open up for me. Slipping my tongue inside, I roughly massage her tongue before sucking it into my mouth and moaning. I could do so much more with my tongue, but that will only be asking for trouble.

Fuck, she tastes so damn good.

She kisses me back, hard, the two of us taking out our sexual frustration on each other, me trying my hardest to not just fuck her right here. I press my leg between her thighs and wrap both of my hands into the back of her hair. God, I want her so bad right now.

Pulling away, we both fight for air, her chest rising and falling so fast it almost looks as if she can’t catch hers at all.

“Let’s go,” I demand. “I’m getting you out of here.”

Without a word she nods her head and places her hand over her lips, looking around the room as various people stare at us. Trevor’s eyes look heated and that Liam guy looks a little crushed. Poor guy. He could never handle a woman like Lyric.

I can’t tell whether or not everyone’s surprised to see me kiss a girl in public or if they’re surprised that she just kissed a monster like me.

Either way . . . I just fucked up big time.

cab ride back to Memphis’ house. The last thing I expected was to feel his lips pressed against mine and to feel the desire that exploded inside of me in doing so. He hasn’t looked at me since, and I almost can’t take the anticipation. It has my chest aching.

Once the cab pulls in the driveway, I attempt to reach into my purse for money, but Memphis stops me by reaching for my wrist. “Don’t.”

He pays the driver and then reaches for my hand, pulling me out of the cab behind him before releasing my hand. Without saying a word, he walks to the side of the house and let’s himself in, leaving the door open behind him. That’s an open invitation.

This guy is so fucking confusing. First he tells me to stay away, then he kisses me, and then ignores me the whole ride home. All it does is make me want to scream at him and tell him off. I don’t need this shit. I don’t like being messed with.

I storm my way through the garage and enter inside, walking in the direction of the kitchen, but before I can walk any further I am pressed against the wall with Memphis’ body holding me in place.

Both of his arms are on either sides of me, trapping me in, and making it impossible to escape; not that I want to. He looks heated, his chest heaving up and down as he stares at my lips.

“You’re such an ass,” I growl, causing his piercing eyes to meet mine. One look into those eyes and I fucking melt. He owns me with just one look. That’s a huge problem for me.

“You’re so fucking beautiful. Do you know that?” He grips the back of my hair and hovers his lips above mine when I don’t answer. “I’m fighting so damn hard not to just fuck you where you stand, Lyric. I can’t control myself around you. Do you get that?”

“Then don’t,” I whisper.

With a growl, his lips take control of mine possessively, owning me. I can barely breathe as he presses his erection against me and squeezes my thigh, his lips never leaving mine.

His taste and scent has me on a high that I never want to come down from. I may be buzzing a little, but I never want this feeling to end. I’ve never been so hot or wanted something so much.

“Is this what you wanted? You want me to lose control with you?” His breathing comes out heavily as his hand moves down the front of my body and into my jeans, slipping a finger into my already aching pussy. His finger feels so thick that I almost have an instant orgasm as he slowly moves it in and out of me, pleasuring me. “It’s so fucking wet, Lyric. Fuck me.” He pulls his finger out and sucks it into his mouth, tasting me, while looking me straight in the eyes. “Fuck, you taste so sweet.”

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