Getting Ahead (5 page)

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Authors: Emily Cale

BOOK: Getting Ahead
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“What?” He froze, his shirt half undone, bits of chest hair peeking out from beneath the blue flannel. “I don’t want to get my clothes wet.”

“You’re going in?” Her jaw fell open for a moment before she made herself close it.

“I didn’t ride all the way out here so we could simply look at the water. I plan to cool down properly before we head back.” He finished undoing the buttons and stripped the shirt over his shoulders, balling it up and setting it in the dirt next to him.

“Well, I didn’t know where we were going, so I didn’t bring my suit.” She crossed her arms and stared straight ahead. The water looked so cool and relaxing.

“That’s okay, I didn’t either.” He pushed himself up off the ground and began undoing his belt.

“Whoa! You think you’re just going to strip down to your boxers right here in front of me?” The thought made her stomach do flip-flops. As great as it would be to see him in that position, she knew she wouldn’t be able to hide her excitement.


She let out a sigh of relief.

“I plan to go completely naked.” After releasing the zipper on his jeans, he pulled them down, taking his underwear with them.

Amber averted her eyes. The reaction was instant, an instinct that she’d developed over the years. Once she’d turned away, she wished the motion had been a little slower so she could have gotten a peek. Now it took all her willpower not to look at him, just for a tiny glance. She waited, listening to his footsteps on the rocky shore, then the splashing as he stepped into the stream. Counting to twenty, she waited long enough for him to be fully submerged before turning back. Only his torso showed, and her mind filled in the parts she couldn’t see.

“You joining me?” He splashed a little water toward her.

She bit her lower lip and contemplated the idea. With temperatures reaching nearly a hundred degrees outside, the thought of riding back without the opportunity to cool down made her cringe. “Turn around.” She started to stand.

“Are you shy?” He took a couple of steps toward her, the water line around his waist inching its way down his body until the first bits of pubic hair showed.

“Stay where you are.” She put her hand up. “If you want me to join you, turn around and close your eyes.”

“Last night you were more than ready to let me see you completely naked.” He faced the opposite direction anyway.

“I was drunk.” Quickly, she unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it over her shoulders. Pausing for a moment, she waited to see if he made any movements that would indicate he could see her. Nothing. Pants off, she slid the edges of her panties over her hips, keeping her eyes focused on him the whole time.

“Are you in yet?”

“Just don’t look.” She tiptoed her way to the water, avoiding the sharp rocks that lined the shore, and stuck her foot in. The cool sensation took over her whole body. Wading in deeper, she kept moving until she was halfway out. The water only reached to right below her nipples. That wasn’t going to work. Bending her knees, she squatted until the water reached her collarbone.

“I’m going to be all pruny before you even get in.”

“You can look now.”

He turned around to face her. “Well, I see you managed to get yourself situated.”

Floating, she pushed herself back a few feet. The water was nearly crystal clear, and she could see most of his midsection. He could most likely see her as well.

“Where are you going?”

“Nowhere.” She pulled her arms tight into her chest, clutching her breasts in her hands. As he bobbed closer to her, her stomach tightened. Being with him made her whole body feel weak.


“Of you? Never.” She backed farther away, trying to look behind her to make sure she didn’t run into anything. The last thing she needed was scrapes on her back from some rock.

“Then why do you keep backing away?” His eyes sparkled as he parted the water with his hands.

“Maybe I don’t want you looking at me.”

“You? Shy? I don’t buy it.” He kept floating toward her.

How dare he make accusations when he didn’t even know her? “I can’t be modest?”

He snorted.

She found herself offended. Even though she’d never really considered herself the kind of woman who hid behind her clothes. They were all part of the show, putting on the western attire and donning her cowboy hat were all part of the competition. Still, after years of being in the spotlight, she never questioned the way she looked. “Well, I am. I’d prefer you kept your distance and your eyes off my chest.” It wasn’t his eyes she really wanted. If anything, she wanted his hands rubbing against her, the tips of his fingers gently teasing her nipples until the peaks hardened. That couldn’t be an option though. He was exactly the kind of guy she could fall for. Relationships weren’t part of competition. She’d have time for those sorts of things when she’d finished collecting prize belt buckles. Until then, infrequent bouts of meaningless sex were all she could handle.

“Fine, but you’ll have to keep your eyes off my package.” He stopped moving.

At the mention of his cock, peeking was all she could think about. “Oh please. I can’t even see it beneath the water.” She knew because she’d already tried, and it didn’t work.

“So you admit you’ve looked?”

Damn him and his quick thinking. Normally, she talked circles around guys, and they barely managed to keep up. “I didn’t say that.” She could feel every inch of her body blush. Fortunately, the water hid most of it.

“No, but it was implied. Not that I’m complaining. I’ve got nothing to hide, and you are free to look all you want.” He leaned back and began to float.

“As if I’d even want to.” Even as she said it, she caught herself staring at his body. She still couldn’t see any of the good stuff, but so far every inch of him was even more glorious than she could ever imagine. “Are we about ready to go back? You might not have important things to tend to, but I do.” Her pussy started to ache. He’d certainly be able to fulfill her every need. The only problem was what would happen after. It would be the first time she’d have to get up and walk away from a guy she actually liked.

“Does that mean you are going to actually sit on your horse and ride around the barrels?” He stood up again, his face suddenly serious.

“I don’t think my training regimen is any of your business.”

“If you actually did some training, then I might not have to make it my business.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “I think I’d like to head back.” Why did he have to be so hell-bent on getting information on her training? It seemed he was far more interested in that than her body. Amber was standing right there, completely naked, and he was more interested in her training regimen. She wasn’t the sexiest woman in the world, but would it kill him to show a little interest?

“Great. Ladies first.” He held his arm out to the side and bowed slightly.

“Close your eyes.” She kept her hands pressed over her breasts. If he didn’t want her, then he certainly wasn’t getting any free looks.


“What do you mean, ‘nope’?” Suddenly, she felt exposed.

“I’m sorry. Did you forget English?”

“You have to.” Her voice came out whinier than she intended.

“Come over here and make me.” He stuck his chest out and motioned with his hand for her to come closer.

Gasping, she took a step back. “Absolutely not. Don’t make me beg.”

“No one asked you to.” He walked toward the banks, the water parting behind him as he moved. With each step, a little more of his flesh was revealed. His tan skin glistened in the sunlight as lower back appeared, the dimples on either side of his spine becoming apparent.

Amber’s jaw fell open as his ass slowly came into view, one glorious inch at a time.

“Are you watching me?” He turned back toward her.

Quickly, she averted her eyes. “No.” She stared up at the sky, trying to keep focused on clouds floating by. Still, she found her gaze slowly inching down, hoping to catch another glimpse of his perfect muscles before he was able to cover up. The little peek she’d already gotten would be enough to fuel fantasies for weeks to come.

“Your turn.”

Looking toward the shore, she found him standing there, stark naked, staring back at her. She could feel her eyes stretch in their sockets as she tried to take in the scene in front of her.
Focus. Keep your eyes up.
The urge to check out his crotch took over her body.
Just one peek.
He’d never even notice. Besides, he was asking for it. Why else would he stand up there, his body on display?

“You have to come out eventually.”

More than anything, she hated that he was right. “Turn around.”

“Nope. I showed you mine, now show me yours.” He had, and she was still enjoying every minute of it.

“I didn’t ask you to show me anything. That was entirely your choice.” She wasn’t about to let him win, not this time.

“And you didn’t sneak a peek? Not even one?” He squinted one eye.

Despite the cool water, her whole body felt like it was on fire.

“Either you come out now, or you’ll have to ride back on your own. I can’t wait around for you to make up your mind all day.” He started to get dressed.

She shook her legs back and forth. Neither option sounded good, but she suspected that given the opportunity, he’d ride off with her clothes, leaving her lost and naked on a strange ranch. Suddenly having him see her naked didn’t seem so bad. “Fine, but no comments.”

He put his hands up in the air, pretending to be innocent. As if it was even possible for him to be such a thing. Grasping her boobs tightly in her hands, she moved toward the shore, keeping her pubic area beneath the water for as long as possible.

“You know you look ridiculous, right?”

“I said no comments.” She was sure he was right, though. At this point, she was practically kneeling on the bottom of the creek, shuffling along on the balls of her feet. Amber drew in a deep breath and pushed herself up off the ground. Rushing for the shore, she made a beeline for her clothes.
What to put on first?
All of her choices required her to drop her hands, at least for a second. Holding her breasts close, she tried to cover them both using one hand, so she had one free to grab her underwear and jeans from the ground. She bounced on one foot, attempting to put the other through the leg of her pants without falling over.

In the background, she could hear him laughing hysterically. “Are you really that embarrassed?” She heard him take a few steps toward her. Before she could say anything, he came from behind and placed a hand beneath her shoulder, the tips of his fingers brushing the edge of her breast, sending sparks through her whole body. She stiffened. Unsure how to react. “Let me help you.”

Allowing herself to sink into his firm grip, she managed to get her first leg, then her second into her pants and situated them around her waist. As soon as both feet were firmly on the ground, he let go and backed away. She found herself sad that he hadn’t lingered. She bent down and picked up her bra and shirt and started to put them on. As she buttoned the last couple clasps, she turned around to face him. “I suppose I owe you a thank you.”

“You do, but I’m not holding my breath that I’ll actually get it from you.” He smiled, then glanced away.

She sat down in the dirt and pulled her socks and boots on. “Good. Then I think we’ll leave it at that.” One glimpse of his sparkling eyes and her whole body felt weak. He shouldn’t be able to do that to her. Especially not with one look.

“Think you are ready to head back and do some real training?”

It was hard to think about anything more than his body right now. The image of him, naked, was still fresh in her mind. She’d be happy to have a little time alone with her fantasies. She opened her mouth to speak, but he put his hand up in protest.

“And by that, I mean you actually use the barrels and go around them in a predetermined pattern.”

“Very funny. If it will get you off my ass, I will happily go around them in the order you want.”
I’ll do anything you want.
She scolded herself. Colt was a distraction. Exactly what she was avoiding by being here. Now that he’d gotten her worked up, it’d be hard to focus on anything else. Maybe a short break to regain her focus wouldn’t be so bad.

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