GHOST: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 5) (29 page)

BOOK: GHOST: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 5)
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The bikes rode through the gates and into the yard, kicking up a cloud of dust. Jessie searched the men one by one as they roared in, looking for Ghost, praying he was okay, that they hadn’t had any fallen men. She knew the mission they’d been on was dangerous, and one or more of them could so easily have been killed.

The dust was so thick, and there were so many bikes; she began to panic. He had to be here. He had to be. And then she saw him climbing off his bike, yanking his helmet off and throwing it on the ground, his eyes searching the compound as well. Was he perhaps looking for her? Hoping she might be here? Needing to see her, needing to hold her, like she needed to hold him?

She began running toward him, and the movement must have drawn his eyes, for they locked with hers. A moment later he was catching her in his arms as she flung herself at him. He clutched her to him in a tight hold that told her everything she needed to know, and she felt safe again, and everything inside her settled.

His mouth dipped to her ear, and he whispered, “Brat.”

She clung to him, unwilling to release her hold on him as she spoke against his neck. “I was so scared I’d lose you.”

“Never,” he whispered back. “I’m here. I’m right here, baby.”

“I can’t lose you, too.”

At her reference to her brother, his hand came to the back of her head, stroking her hair.

“You won’t, Jess.” He was quiet a moment, and then continued in a voice rough with emotion. “I’m sorry about Robert. Forgive me?”

She nodded against his shoulder.

“Baby,” he whispered, and that one word was filled with emotion. His arms around her tightened, and she knew he’d needed that forgiveness.

“I need you,” she whispered back, her face still buried in his neck.

His hand stroked her hair. “I don’t know if I can make you happy. But if you let me, I’m gonna damn well try, Jess.”

“You do already.”

“Do I?”

She nodded, and finally lifted her head to meet his eyes, because he needed to hear these words, to understand the truth in them. “You make me very happy, Ghost.”

He took her head in his palms, looking deep in her eyes.

“We do this thing, there’s no more running. I piss you off, you stay and fight it out with me,” he ordered. Then added with a grin, “Seems you’re good at that.”

She let out a laugh, releasing the emotion that she’d barely been able to contain as she’d struggled to keep from falling apart. “Deal. We fight it out.”

He studied her eyes, his thumbs caressing her cheeks, and he sobered.

“The trip we just took, brat. It doesn’t mean it’s over.”

Her mouth parted. “It’s not?”

He shook his head. “They’ll probably regroup. Hit us again in the future.” The palms on either side of her face tightened slightly, and he asked, “This really the kind of life you want?”

Her hands slid up, closing around his wrists as she looked back at him with clear, open eyes. “I want to be anywhere you are. If trouble comes, we’ll face it together.”

He studied her, and then nodded. “We will, and we’ll get through it. We can get through anything as long as we’ve got each other. Right, babe's?”

“Damn right,” she agreed with narrowed eyes.

He grinned, and then burst out laughing. “You’re gonna make a great ol’ lady.”

“I am, and don’t you forget it.”

He hefted her up in his arms, her legs coming around his waist. “Time to break in that twin bed in my room.” He lifted his chin toward the clubhouse, referring to the tiny room he kept there.

She tilted her head to the side as if considering his suggestion. “Hmm, maybe, if you play your cards right, mister.”

His palm came down with a hard smack on her ass. “Oh, I plan to play my cards very right.”

Then she laughed, her arms wrapping around his neck as her
ol’ man
carried her across the yard, his eyes never leaving hers.












I watched as Jessie paced the floor, rubbing her distended belly, our dog, Shadow, at her side. I’d gotten her the Collie mix as a pup, and he’d lived up to his name, never leaving her side.

I leaned against the doorjamb, timing her contractions. “Two minutes apart, babe.”

“I’m not going.”

“It’s time, Jess. Can’t wait any longer.”

“I changed my mind.”

I grinned. “Little late for that, brat.”

“I’m not kidding, Ghost.”

I took her in my arms and attempted to talk her down from her panic. “You know I love you, right?”

She nodded.

“And I’m going to love this baby. And you’re going to make a wonderful mother,” I whispered in her ear. “But none of that can happen if we don’t let the little sucker out of there.” I patted her stomach.

She tried to muffle a chuckle, but bent when another pain hit her. “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts.”

I held her through another contraction, my hand on her belly, feeling it harden as the muscles tightened. When if finally subsided, I asked, “You okay, now?”


“Good. Now let’s go get my son born, okay?”


“I love you, Jessie.”

“I love you, too, Ghost.”




Five years later



I found Ghost out in the garage working on a bike.

“Your son is at it again.”

He looked over at me. “How come when he’s done something wrong, he’s my son, and when he’s being an angel, he’s your son?”

“Ghost.” My frustration bled through in my voice. I was at my wits end with that boy.

“What’s he done this time?” He went back to tightening a bolt on his bike.

“He’s peeing in Mrs. Mitchell’s yard again.”

Ghost looked at me with a doubting expression. “No way. He’s forbidden to go over there anymore.”

I pointed at the window that gave a view of the back yard. “Look!”

We’d moved to a cute house in a quiet family friendly subdivision not long after Ghost got the club he’d remodeled up and running. It was doing a great business, especially in special events.

Ghost rose to his feet, his eyes on me as he moved to the window and bent to peer out. I looked with him.

There was our son, standing on top of the highest part of the wooden backyard playset that Ghost and his brothers had built, peeing off the edge. The pee arced high up in the air, over the privacy fence, and straight into our neighbors yard. Our dog, Shadow, who’d promptly traded loyalties to my son the moment he was born, sat in the grass nearby, watching.

My eyes flicked back to my husband. He was snorting with laughter.



“Come on, babe, that takes talent.”

My hands landed on my hips as I glared at him.

“What? So the boy ain’t shy about whipping out his dick. Takes after his old man.”

He was grinning. Ear to ear, I kid you not. Then he pulled me to him.

“I seem to remember you not having a problem with that trait in me.”

His hands landed on my hips, and he pulled me up against his crotch, letting me feel the erection that was building as his hands slid down and squeezed my ass. Insatiable. The man was insatiable.

I pushed against his chest, trying to keep a straight face. “Ghost, this is serious. You have to do something.”

“I am doing something.”

“I mean about your son.”

“I’ll talk to him, babe.”

“You promise?”

“Promise. We’ll have a little father-son chat about the ‘when and where’ of proper peeing etiquette. Now, shut up and kiss me.”

What can I say? I loved my man. So I shut up and kissed him.






I watched her strut away, and my eyes dropped to her ass. I quickly whipped out my cell and snapped a shot, zooming in on said ass. Then I looked down at the screen and grinned.

Two big greasy handprints stood out on her white shorts, perfectly framing that ass. I texted it to her. It didn’t take long for my phone to ding with a reply.



My cute new shorts! You ruined them!



Looks good to me. Might make it my new screensaver.



Ghost! You’re gonna pay for this.



I’ll make it up to you later tonight.



Not funny.



Sorry I ruined your sexy-as-hell shorts, babe.



No you’re not.



True. Still the best ass I’ve ever seen.



I waited a couple beats before getting a reply to that one.



You’re forgiven.



I grinned. What can I say? That woman cannot stay mad at me. And I loved her for it. Unshakably. Undeniably. Unashamedly. Head-over-heels, last-a-lifetime, till-the-end-of-our-days,
that woman. But that was a lot to type for a guy who was all thumbs. Guess I’ll just have to show her later. And that was a thought that had me smiling as I typed a reply.



Love you, babe.



My phone dinged one last time.



Back atcha, babe.



I smiled.

My girl. My love. My life.

Then, shoving my cell back in my hip pocket, I headed out to the backyard to teach my son how to write his name with pee. Yeah, okay, it was gonna be a ‘don’t tell your mom’ moment. But those were the best kind between a father and son.



The End








BLOOD: An Evil Dead MC Story



Blood lie chained to the filthy iron cot, his wounds burning like fire. The room was like an oven in the humid New Orleans’ heat. He knew it had to be late afternoon by the angle of the sunlight coming through the slats of the louvered shutters that covered the windows. But that wasn’t the only reason that sweat was pouring off him; his fever was spiking as the infection took hold.

He heard the lock on the door rattle, and then the door was opening. He looked toward the sound, trying to focus and saw a man shove a woman into the room ahead of him. He remembered the man, a sadistic son of a bitch. But they’d never brought a woman in before.

He tried hard to make sense of what he was seeing, but she was just a pale green blur.
Were those hospital scrubs?
He knew the fever was starting to mess with his mind. It had to be, because when she hesitantly approached him, her blessedly cool hand pressing to his forehead, he looked up into the face of an angel.

Was she coming to take him to heaven?

A laugh bubbled up inside him. Heaven? More likely hell is where he’d be going.



Watch for

BLOOD: An Evil Dead MC Story

Coming Spring 2016




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Thank you!

Nicole James



Coming Winter 2015…

Nicole James’ new four book tattoo series…


Book 1— Jameson



Also by Nicole James…


The Evil Dead MC Series










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