Ghost Town (21 page)

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Authors: Patrick McGrath

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Literary, #Travel, #Reference, #General, #Contemporary Fiction

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‘An intricate, multi-layered and, in the end, surprisingly tender work from a master writer’ John Banville

‘Elegant psychological thriller’
The Times

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Port Mungo

‘A work of utter brilliance’

Throughout their privileged but highly eccentric childhood Jack Rathbone has enjoyed the constant adoration of his sister Gin. When both attend art school in London, Jack plunges into a passionate affair with Vera Savage, a painter some years his senior, and they soon run away to New York. From a bruised and bereft distance Gin follows their southward progress to Miami, then Havana, and so to Port Mungo, a wilting swamp town on the steamy Gulf of Honduras. There Jack devotes himself to his art, and works with a fervour as intense as the restless, boozy waywardness to which Vera succumbs, which even the birth of two daughters cannot subdue. As the tension builds, a tragedy occurs that will tear apart not only their world but that of Jack’s watchful sister, Gin.

‘Gothic elements have been woven into a story of delicacy and not a little humour. The result is that literary rarity: a page-turner of real intelligence … A master storyteller has done it again’
Financial Times

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First published 2005

This electronic edition published 2014 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

Copyright © 2005 by Patrick McGrath

The moral right of the author has been asserted

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

eISBN: 978-1-4088-6621-4

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