Girl After Dark (3 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Eve

BOOK: Girl After Dark
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So I slide open my underwear drawer and begin to change into these sexy, silky little items, shooting a nervous glance towards the window just to double check that the curtains are fully drawn. I mean, after all, while I might be happy to broadcast my
to the whole world, I’d absolutely die
if anyone else saw the rest of me.

Then, once I’m finally ready, posing in nothing but these flimsy wisps of peach satin, my heart drumming harder than ever, I hit record for the
time tonight …



It’s just after 1am and I’m still awake. I know I should’ve gone to bed hours ago, but I’m determined to wait up for Will to get here.

I received his reply to my video just minutes after I first sent it:


Wow that was hot. I’ll be as quick as I can baby xxxxx


But that was three hours ago. So where the hell is he?

I can’t just take off my makeup and go to sleep
, after everything I’ve hinted at — everything I’ve promised him. And on top of that, I feel … horny. I’m normally a bit of a prude I guess, preferring to make love in the dark and always too timid to say what I really want, but tonight I want to do kinky, crazy things with Will, things I’ve only ever really fantasized about but never actually been brave enough to ask for.

The upside of this is, the three-hour wait has given me enough time to edit and upload my French Manicure video.

And that done, I find myself automatically back in my usual time-wasting routine: checking that infinite loop of YouTube-Twitter-Instagram-Facebook-Blog Stats, all in order to see how my latest tutorial is going down.

, I think.
Pretty good!

In the last five minutes alone, my latest video link has had
fifty retweets and the view count has crept up to ten thousand already.

But my absolute favourite bit? The very best bit of all?

A super-cute fifteen year old girl from America called Lily has emailed a photo of her own attempt at a French manicure and it looks totally awesome!

I’m just about to click reply to her email when I hear the my mobile phone buzzing: Will.

I don’t even need to answer him, I just dash over to the bureau, grab the keys to my flat, pull up my heavy window and there he is on the pavement below, grinning up at me, his big blue eyes sparkling, his thick tousled blonde hair shining in the dim light of the street lamps, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his scruffy skinny jeans.

I drop my keys to him and he catches them expertly — after all, he’s had plenty of practice by now.

As I’m waiting for him to come up the stairs, I slip off my dressing gown, once more revealing that cute peach satin underwear beneath.

I take a quick final glance at myself in the floor-length mirror standing by my bed: my slim, petite frame, my pale skin, my blondey-brown hair falling over my skinny shoulders.

Not bad, Melissa
, I tell myself.
Not bad.

I jump up onto the bed, arranging myself in the sexiest pose I can think of, like a sultry 50’s Bettie Page kind of pin-up girl.

And then I wait …

… for what feels like forever.

Finally, there he is, bursting into my room, a flurry of noise and energy.

“Oh my god, Mel! That video!” Will blurts out. “I couldn’t concentrate the whole rest of the night!”

“Shhh!” I interrupt him, trying to keep the grin off my face. “I’ve waited long enough for you. No more talking now …”

He grins too — it’s maybe my favourite thing about him. He’s so adorable, so fun, so perfect. And every time I see that smile of Will’s, I melt.

I pick up the remote to my stereo and hit ‘play’ — and a sexy, sultry song by Earth Kitt comes spilling out of the speakers, filling the room like waves of warm honey.

And I feel Will’s hungry eyes fix on me as I push myself up from the bed and slink towards him, feeling my nipples beginning to stiffen beneath the silky cups of my bra. God, I’m so turned on. When I’m just a few inches from him, his hands move to my waist then slip round towards my bum, but I give them a playful little slap away, shaking my head, telling him that
in control for once.

He looks puzzled but agrees.

And as if to hammer the message home, I push him backwards onto the bed. He falls backs in surprise, but the grin remains on his face. He’s obviously enjoying this new confident side to me just as much as I am.

I begin to dance, moving my body to the slow sexy rhythm of the music. I let myself slowly turn, so that I’m facing away from him now. I can feel his eyes on my bum, and in a moment of confidence, I even let myself bend forwards, running my hands over my buttocks, spreading them for him for a tantalising half-second before letting myself quickly straighten up once more.

I turn back to face him and sure enough, he’s looking hungrier and hornier than ever — his legs spread wide apart, his eyes wide, the bulge in his jeans so obvious.

I pace slowly towards him, then drop to my knees before him.

He’s open mouthed-now.

Like I said: this is a totally different side to me. Normally I’m so shy, so timid. But tonight I feel like a total sex kitten!

Will eagerly helps me out as I begin to tug at his jeans, quickly unzipping and unbuttoning himself, his cock springing out from his boxers, already fully hard, jutting up from between his legs towards his belly, his balls full and tight beneath.

Shivering with excitement, I lower my head towards his lap, softly kissing up his shaft before sliding my lips right over the head of his cock, enjoying hearing him groan as I begin to suck him, slowly and sensually.

And as I begin to work him with my mouth, I reach up and grab his hands, moving them to my chest. I feel his eager fingers scooping my breasts free from the cups of my bra, his fingers playing with my already-rock-hard nipples, causing me to groan too, as much as I’m able with my mouth so full.

As I suck him, I reach down between my legs for a moment, slipping my fingers into my panties. And with a shiver, I realize I’m totally soaking wet — way more than usual.

I begin to play with my clit, feeling the first waves of orgasm coming as his hands move to my hair, scooping it up into a ponytail, holding my head in place as he starts sliding himself in and out of my mouth while I continue to play with myself, my clit so hard and throbbing beneath my fingers.

I moan as I come that first time, my eyes closed tight, my mouth so full of him, my trembling fingers playing with my sex, and with a final groan Will pulls himself free from my mouth.

But I’m still the one in charge here.

Once more I take control, climbing over him, pushing his shoulders back against the bed, hard. Holding him in place like that, I steal a quick hungry kiss from his lips, our tongues flicking together for a delicious moment before I pull away again, leaving him gasping.

“I want you so bad,” he murmurs.

I reach down between my legs, my fingers closing around his cock. He’s not lying. He feels
hard and hot. I stroke his shaft, working him up even more, enjoying feeling him groan and writhe beneath me.

Then, finally, I guide him gently into me, pushing myself back down onto him, shivering, a soft moan escaping my lips as he fills me right up.

I lean back, steadying myself, my hands holding his legs as I begin to grind myself against back him, fucking him at my own pace — for once the one in charge.

His hands move again to my breasts, his palms cupping them as I ride him, slowly and sensually, at my own speed, feeling my whole body slowly flushing with pleasure, my
orgasm not far away now.

“Oh, Mel,” he groans. “Oh, baby. You’re so fucking hot. I love you like this.”

And his words encourage me. I fuck him, harder and faster, my breasts bouncing, my long hair falling in my face, my gasps and moans so loud and brazen — totally uncaring for once whether or not my neighbours hear us — as I ride out my second orgasm.

Just as I come, I lean forward, feeling his hands move to my buttocks, pushing himself even deeper inside me, and as we kiss, our tongues once more flicking and tangling, with a final shiver I feel Will come too, deep inside me.

As I climb off him and then snuggle up next to him, a smile creeps across my lips.

It’s been ages since we’ve done anything so naughty, so exciting. And I realise that what turned me on most of all was that for once,
was the one in charge …




I open my eyes and smile. The bright morning sunlight is flooding the room, and there next to me is Will’s slumbering naked form.

Everything’s just perfect.

This is my absolute favourite way to start the day, in bed with my darling boyfriend. And if I’m honest? It doesn’t happen
as much as I’d like. You see, Will’s still a student — he’s studying Medicine at University College London — and whenever I get frustrated at how little time we get to spend together, I make sure to remind myself that he’s only got a couple of years left to go until he qualifies, and also: UCL is a really prestigious place to train. Soon, my handsome boyfriend will be Dr Will, and we can live in a beautiful house in Hampstead together, just like I’ve always dreamed.

I plant a gentle, tender kiss on his lightly stubbled cheek but he doesn’t quite wake up.

Poor lamb
, I think.
He’s obviously still shattered, after all his studying followed by drinks last night…

But don’t worry.

I know just the thing to wake him up!

So I slip out of bed and pad across the hall to the kitchen. And I know this sounds really really silly, but as I’m frying him rashers of bacon, I start talking to myself as I cook, too …


“Good morning, guys! Today I’m making a bacon sandwich and a pot of delicious coffee for my boyfriend. Now, I know it’s not the healthiest breakfast, but who cares when it’s the tastiest! So, what are you guys having for breakfast? Make sure to leave your comments below and let me know …”


It’s just that I’ve got
used to vlogging, you see — so used to telling my followers exactly what I’m doing — that it seems totally normal these days just to prattle on about the weather, and what I’m wearing, even if there’s no camera around to capture it!

Once everything’s ready, I tiptoe back to the bedroom, carefully carrying our breakfast on a cute mint green polkadot tray that I picked up at Camden market just last week, pushing the door to my room open with my foot and glancing in at Will, still blissfully asleep, curled up in my baby blue bedsheets.

I set the tray down on my bedside table.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” I giggle, jumping onto the bed and ruffling his thick blonde hair.

He greets me with, if not words exactly, then a soft sleepy mumble; I think he means good morning, too.

“You don’t understand!” I say, tickling him under his arms now, too. “There’s
, Will! You must wake up immediately!”

And at the mention of this magic word, his big blue eyes finally pop open.

I know it’s a cliche, but it looks like the way to a man’s heart really
through his stomach.

And furthermore, I’ll come clean here: it wasn’t exactly a humanitarian mission, making him that bacon sandwich. Will’s got to leave for uni really soon, and there’s one
thing I want from him before he goes …

I slide my hand down beneath the covers, over his trim, muscular stomach, over the cropped fuzz of his pubic hair, my fingers once more slipping around his cock which is half-hard but begins to stiffen almost immediately at my touch.

He smiles as I begin to stroke him, enjoying feeling him grow bigger and harder with each movement of my hand.

“This isn’t like you,” he grins.

He’s right, I’m not normally much of a morning sex person. I’m usually too worried about how I look that something like no makeup would be enough to make me feel awkward and un-sexy. But after last night? Well, I don’t know. I feel different. I feel confident. I feel … in control.

And just like that, an idea so naughty and outrageous pops into my head that I just can’t stop thinking about it and know I’m just gonna
to do it now.

I quickly push off my knickers, then pull the sheets from Will’s body. And this time, as I lower my face towards his lap, I throw my leg over him too, pushing myself back towards him.

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