Read Girl Code Online

Authors: LD Davis

Girl Code (24 page)

BOOK: Girl Code
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“Let’s get the hell out of here,” he growled.

Without further discussion, he took my hand and led me through the crowds.





Chapter Fifteen


I stood a few feet away from the bed in our suite, trembling. I was nervous. I was excited. I was hot and wanting. And I was nervous.

Leo spent the first few minutes after our arrival kissing me until my lips were sore and I was gasping for breath, but he seemed unable to keep his lips off of my body. He kissed my cheeks, my chin, my eyelids and forehead, and nose. He kissed over my throat and across my exposed chest, pushing his tongue under the fabric of my dress. Every finger, the inside of both elbows, which was more erotic than I would have believed, and my upper arms. He walked around me and kissed my neck, each shoulder and between my shoulder blades.

My heart pounded madly as Leo began to pull the zipper down on my dress. I was comfortable in my own skin, but I was nervous about Leo seeing me unclothed. He was in phenomenal shape, had worked out almost every day that I was with him. His body was solid and hard, whereas mine was too soft and padded. My dress did well to hide the thickness of my waistline, but once the dress was gone, I would be fully exposed. What if after all of these years of waiting he saw me and was disgusted and turned off?

“You’re shaking,” he said softly, pausing midway with the zipper. He took the opportunity to plant another kiss on my shoulder. “What’s wrong, amore mio bellissimo?”

“I’m not…” I struggled to say the humiliating words. Tears threatened to spring from my eyes. “My body isn’t…”

Leo turned me around. When I wouldn’t look at him, he tilted my chin up until I met his eyes.

“I know what your body is,” he said. “I don’t care about what it isn’t. I only care about what it is, and it is beautiful, sexy as hell, and desirable. It is perfect and I never want to hear you doubt me on that again. Do you understand?”

He wiped away a stray tear with the pad of his thumb as I nodded. He kissed me softly and briefly before circling around me. He continued to pull the zipper down, following it with his lips against my spine, making me squirm. Moments later, the dress dropped to the floor and I was standing in my black, lacey half bra, matching black panties, and my shoes. Leo took my hand and helped me step out of the dress. I was a little amused to watch him carefully drape it over the back of a chair.

“What’s funny?” he asked, smiling as he returned to me.

“You are with the handling of my dress.”

“I don’t need you ripping my face off if I mishandled it,” he said with a light chuckle.

He stopped a foot away from me. His lip was pulled between his teeth as his eyes traveled over my semi-clad body. I felt my face flush with embarrassment. Without thinking about it, I crossed my arms over my belly, trying to cover myself. With his eyes narrowed, Leo stepped forward and roughly pulled my arms down to my sides. His hand cupped the back of my neck and he crushed his mouth to mine. His other hand traveled up my side and moved to my breast. I whimpered as his thumb flicked over the lace covered nipple.

When he pulled away, my lips felt swollen and battered, and I wanted more. God, I wanted more, especially when he was staring me in the eyes as his fingers plucked and pulled at my hard nubs. He was right about the fabric of my bra adding to the sensation. The friction from his fingers and the fabric were making them impossibly harder and more sensitive by the second. There was a direct line from my breasts to my sex, because it pulsed with every tug, pull, and pinch.

Groaning, I put my hands on Leo’s face and pulled him back to me for a deep kiss. He moaned into my mouth and grabbed a hold of my ponytail. Tilting my head back, he kissed and nibbled down my neck and licked a trail from my throat down between my breasts. He cupped the globes in his large hands gently and looked at them with reverence before his mouth latched on to one, sucking the flesh and fabric together into his mouth. With both of us moaning, I laced my fingers into his hair. He sucked and lightly bit each one until they were sore.

He stepped back from me and began to unbutton his shirt.

“Take your hair down,” he commanded hoarsely.

I obeyed, pulling it out of the ponytail and letting it fall down around my face and shoulders.

“You’re the sexiest, most gorgeous, most beautiful woman in existence,” Leo said as he slid his shirt off.

I looked away, blushing. “No, I’m not,” I whispered.

“Yes you are,” he said firmly, moving toward me. He cupped my face in his hands, making me meet his eyes. “You are and you’re all mine.”

My heart fluttered at his words.

Leo removed my bra and tossed it aside. He gently kissed all over each breast, avoiding the high, pink peaks, before kissing down my belly. Again, I was embarrassed, but Leo murmured about how beautiful I was again, and I let it go.

As he neared the junction between my thighs, I held my breath with anticipation, but after kissing each hip, he stopped kissing me and moved his hands over my thighs and down my legs.

“Sit down so I can take your shoes off, dolcezza.”

His Italian terms of endearment were making me smile. They made my whole body feel like it was smiling, if that’s possible. They felt right.

I sat on the edge of the high bed as Leo kneeled before me. He carefully took one foot onto his lap and began to release the complicated buckle.

“Should I be worried that you know how to take off my complicated strappy sandals?” I teased.

“No. Every real man should know how to undress a woman, head to…” He pulled the shoe off and my eyes grew and my mouth fell open as he lifted my foot and his mouth closed over two toes. No one had ever put my toes in their mouth before and I would have never expected the strange, but heady sensation it caused. I actually moaned as the man sucked gently on my toes.

“Toe,” Leo finished what he was saying when he released my toes from his mouth. He kissed my instep, my ankle, and slowly kissed up my leg and stopped at my thigh with a wicked grin.

He carefully put my leg down and lifted my other foot into his lap. I didn’t think he would suck my toes a second time, but my god, he did, and I moaned even louder than before. He repeated the kissing up my leg, again stopping at my thigh.

“Stand up,” he softly commanded.

I stood up and Leo slowly pulled down the last of my clothing. I almost fainted when he put the black scrap to his nose and inhaled before dropping it on the floor. He motioned for me to sit. I let out a surprised yelp when he put his arms under my thighs and pulled me to the very edge of the bed. With that same wicked grin, he slowly pushed my knees apart, spreading my legs wide, opening me up for him. He stared at me with lust and wonder as he cursed in Italian. He kissed up my inner thigh, this time nipping me with his teeth. I closed my eyes when I felt his breath on my sex.

“Open your eyes,” he commanded, and I did.

And then my world exploded into techno colors as Leo’s tongue dipped inside of me and slipped through my center to my waiting clit. He moaned loudly as he repeated the trek again and again.

He slid a finger inside of me and we moaned in chorus. He looked up into my eyes as he added a second finger. Leo was gorgeous, comparable to the most beautiful of deities. I braced myself with one arm and reached for his face. I ran my thumb over one dark brow, traced a finger over his regal nose, and used three fingers to outline his kissable lips. He had stilled his movements and closed his eyes as my fingers roved over his face. When he opened his eyes again, they burned deep with desire.

His fingers began to move inside of me again almost at the same time that he lowered his mouth to my clit. I bit my bottom lip and threw my head back as he began to flick the swollen button with his skilled tongue. I felt my temperature rising, rising, as a slow burn started in my toes and climbed through my limbs, through my aching breasts and to my wet sex.

“Leo,” I whimpered his name. “Stop—I can’t….Oh god…”

He licked my clit harder as his fingers wriggled inside of me, like they were beckoning me, and I couldn’t help but answer. I couldn’t help but to come. I looked down into his eyes, the eyes I had loved for so long but couldn’t have and the slow burn turned into an explosion.

“Leo!” I cried out his name as I held his head in place, grinding against his fingers and his perfect mouth. I was near sobbing as I screamed and trembled.

As my orgasm began to fade, I felt ultra-sensitive all over and tried to pull back and away from Leo’s hungry lips, but he growled as he wrapped his arms around my thighs and held me in place.

“No, it’s too much,” I whimpered, trying to push him away. “Please.”

His words at dinner came back to me then.

“I will make your head spin, make you feel high, and just when your toes begin to touch the ground, I’m going to make them curl and you will peak again.”

He really was going to kill me.

I was overly sensitized, almost to the point of pain, but to my surprise, my body began to react to Leo’s licking and sucking. His tongue was inside of me now, tasting and tasting as if the flavor was only getting stronger and better. My nipples swelled again and the small amount of pain from Leo’s earlier ministrations bloomed into a sick kind of pleasure. I was no longer trying to pull away from him, but I was trying to push closer again and my fingers once more moved to his head. Leo moaned loudly and his eyes closed as if he was enjoying his favorite delicacy.

I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it was going to happen again, and so soon. The burn was faster that time, tearing through my body as if it was traveling along a fuel line and once again, I came, shaking, shouting, and cursing. Leo released my legs, gave me one last lick with a groan, and then kissed and gently bit each of my inner thighs before rising to his feet.

I stared up at him in awe. His bare chest, his blazing blue-green eyes, and the moisture around his mouth. He grabbed a handful of hair at the back of my head and kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth, forcing me to taste what he had done to me.

When he stood upright again, I hurriedly unbuckled his belt and pulled at the button on his pants. Leo chuckled softly and gently moved my hands and finished for me. He dropped his pants, and then his boxers, releasing the thickest penis I had ever seen in my damn life. The length was equally impressive. I stared at it with big eyes. I had felt it before, I knew he was kind of thick, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Tentatively, I reached for it, but Leo stopped me with a hand to my wrist.

“No, this is about you this time, Tabitha.”

“Just let me touch you,” I begged softly, meeting his eyes. “Just for a moment.”

Hesitantly, he released my hand. The instant my fingers closed over it, Leo groaned loudly and thrust into my hand.

“Shit, Tabitha. I’ve been wondering for years what it would feel like to have your hand wrapped around my cock,” he said.

Slowly, I stroked it, from head to base, and Leo couldn’t seem to help himself as he thrust softly in my hand. I stroked him again and again, until I had a steady, but slow rhythm down. He cursed and groaned and tried not to thrust too much. Pure curiosity drove me to take the bulbous head into my mouth and lick it like an obscene lollipop.

“Fuck!” Leo growled. I took a little more of him into my mouth, so satisfied and turned-on to see the expression on his face and the control I seemed to have over him, but he pulled away suddenly. “You’re a little vixen,” he accused. “But I told you, tonight is about you. Now lay back on the bed.”

A sly smile curved on one side of my mouth as I scooted to the middle of the bed and lay back, propping myself up on my elbows as I watched him. He reached for the box of condoms we picked up in the hotel store. Several moments later, his body was crushing mine as he kissed me passionately. His cock was nestled between my swollen lips, but he began to slowly grind on my clit. I moaned as my hands wandered slowly over his muscular back. I was so lost in him. My mind could not go anywhere that wasn’t in that room, in that bed, and in my arms.

“I love you,” I whispered in his ear after he pulled away from my lips.

Leo gazed down at me as he positioned himself at my entrance.

“I love you, Tabitha,” he said. “You’re mine now. I feel like you’ve always been mine, and you will be mine forever. I will never give you up.” He pushed in a couple of inches. “I will never let you go.” He pushed in a few more inches. “If you ever leave me, there is nowhere in this universe you can hide where I won’t find you.”

A sharp pang of fear stabbed in my chest. I sensed that his words were more than a declaration of love and possession. I feared his words were a precursor to something unseen and destructive. I only had about one and a half seconds to feel that fear, though. One hard thrust and he was buried deep inside of me and any nagging feelings or worries I had were literally knocked out of me.

I shrieked at the invasion and Leo moaned loud and long as he held himself absolutely still. I breathed in small gasps as I tried to get used to the length and girth of him. Leo’s breathing was labored as he gazed at my face, outlining it with his eyes and storing it away in his memory. He began to move, slowly at first, pulling out until just the tip of him was barely inside of me and then sliding back in painfully slow. His kiss was just as slow. His tongue glided with mine leisurely. Then he was kissing my jaw and nibbling gently on my ear as he whispered to me about how good I felt, how tight and warm and wet I was.

BOOK: Girl Code
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