Girl of Myth and Legend (7 page)

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Authors: Giselle Simlett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Dark Fantasy, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Coming of Age, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Girl of Myth and Legend
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Dad closes his eyes and lets out a breath. ‘That’s… thank you, O’Sah. Please send my thanks to the Council for their decision.’

O’Sah nods. ‘I can only imagine the appreciation you harbour for Sebastian Crato. If not for him, you wouldn’t have been offered a gracious pardon for hiding such a… significant Chosen, and all without a trial.’

Dad’s lips thin. Talk about
having a look. That’s his trademark ‘Oh, really?’ expression, that I know means he’s irritated. I guess he doesn’t like to feel that he’s indebted to anyone.

O’Sah turns to me. I hate it when he smiles at me. It’s a snake’s smile, sly and shrewd. ‘We have a rather tiring day tomorrow, my Lady, so I suggest that once we dock and set up camp, you have some sleep.’

‘Wait,’ I say, ‘what d’you mean set up camp? I thought we were going through the portal to Duwyn tonight.’

‘Not tonight, my Lady,’ he says. ‘The tide is too high.’

‘And that matters because…?’

‘The portal is located in a cove. It’ll be flooded with water right now, considering the weather.’

Great. The last thing I want to do is take a camping trip with O’Sah, roasting marshmallows as we tell scary stories.

‘Is there anything I can do for you once we’ve arrived?’ he continues. ‘There’s a food storage at the harbour. It’s very small but it should have enough there for tonight. Would you like me to bring you something to eat?’

‘A KFC would be so good right now,’ I say.


Oh, right. I doubt this place has any delicious, fattening fast-food places, and maybe the Imperium doesn’t either. Yup, no McDonald’s, no Burger King, no Gino’s Pizza… Dear God, have I made a mistake coming here? I may be of small stature, but make no mistake: I am a glutton. On the other hand—possible franchise opportunity?

‘Never mind. I’m good, thanks,’ I reply in a small voice.

Once O’Sah goes below, I turn to Dad and say, ‘Y’know, I only just noticed, but why doesn’t anyone else have eyes like mine? I mean, am I different or something?’

The boat heaves to the side and we stumble slightly. I jump out of the way when Dad makes for the railing, bowing his head over it.

‘F-false alarm,’ he mutters. I pat his back and give him a few minutes to regain himself. Then, he looks at me, and without answering my earlier question, says, ‘O’Sah is right about one thing: you need to sleep when we get to the island. You’ve got a busy day tomorrow.’

‘About one thing? So you think he’s full of crap most of the time, too, hmm?’

‘I wouldn’t put it like that.’ He shuffles. ‘…But yes, most of the time.’

We share a smile.

‘I saw your look,’ I tell him.

He frowns. ‘What look? I don’t have a look…’

When Dad, O’Sah, Pegasus and I get off the boat and onto the harbour, I look around and see nothing outstanding, just a large shed and more boats. It’s too dark to see into the distance, but I’m hoping that I’ll see something of wonder.

‘Shall I take that for you?’ O’Sah asks, pointing to my suitcase.

‘I can carry it.’

‘You don’t need to bother yourself with—’

‘I said I can carry it. Thank you.’

As we walk through the night, the moon lighting our way, I see the outline of three men, crimson cloaks billowing in the wind, standing around a campfire. They don’t move, waiting for us to approach. My pace slows. There’s something about their darkened stares that causes me to shiver. When we get to them, I notice each one of them wears a golden pin that is luminous against the flickering fire. One of the men limps forward. He’s an elderly man with long, white hair.

‘My Lady,’ he says, and takes my hand and kisses it. ‘I never thought I’d live to see this day.’ He sounds as if he’s about to cry.

‘Um?’ I say.

With obvious struggle, he gets onto one knee and bows his head against my hand. I have to purse my lips together to stop a laugh from escaping me.

Then, the men behind him do the same.

‘Wh-what’s going on?’ I say. I thought being called ‘my Lady’ was just a way of being polite, and I assumed all the head bowing had been just a weird habit these otherworldly people had, but seeing this, with everyone on one knee—even O’Sah and…

‘Dad?’ I say.

He doesn’t meet my gaze.

‘We were going to wait until you went to Duwyn, but…’ O’Sah shoots a dirty look at the old man in front of me, although his head is bowed so he doesn’t see.

‘I don’t understand,’ I say.

‘Do you know of the legend of the Pulsar?’ the elderly man asks me.


‘Their numbers were once bountiful,’ he says, his voice low and expression dark, ‘their magic godly. Once, they dedicated their lives to serving and protecting the Imperium. Devout, dedicated, transcendent. But two hundred years ago each one of them were hunted down and slaughtered by a mad man who now rots beneath the soil and dirt. He killed all the Pulsar, the old, the young, even their infants, who might not even have become Pulsar. Those who sought to help them also shared their fate. They all perished under his darkness. No Pulsar survived.’

I glance from him to Dad and back again. This holds no significance to me, but my heart is beating unsteadily as if it knows what’s coming.

‘The Imperium made a solemn vow that if another Pulsar were to be born into our world,’ he continues, ‘that they would protect them at all costs in the hopes that a legend would arise again.’

‘My Lady,’ says O’Sah, and I turn my gaze back to him. ‘We don’t give so much consideration to every Chosen who awakens in the human realm as we have to you. In fact, we’re not usually the ones who come to your home. We Chosen have much more important things to do then greet newcomers and bring them back to Duwyn.’

‘Then,’ I say, ‘why are you?’

‘You are not just any Chosen, my Lady,’ he says, and he meets my gaze with unflinching intensity. ‘The reason why your awakening of magic was so great, the reason why your eyes are red and no one else’s are… you are the heir to an ageless legacy, the heir of a slaughtered race. You are the last Pulsar, and we have been waiting for you for two hundred years.’



I sit with O’Sah, Dad, Pegasus, and the three Chosen around the campfire, watching the flames flicker and burn. While the others are talking animatedly about my arrival, my thoughts remain on the last Pulsar and how everyone had knelt before me.

The implication of the moment was lost to me. I mean, I didn’t even know what a Pulsar was. O’Sah explained to me that there are four categories of Chosen, each more powerful than the last. First are Zeros, Chosen who possess barely any magic. Second are Phobien, Chosen who have a reasonable amount of magic. Then, there are Thrones, considered powerful and holding many influential positions across Duwyn. And last, the Pulsar, the strongest of Chosen, revered as almost god-like beings.

I didn’t really understand. I still don’t understand. So Pulsar are powerful? Well, why is that so important? If I’m classed as a Pulsar, then I’m only one person. Compared to hundreds, even thousands of Thrones, I’m pretty sure even one Pulsar would pale in comparison, especially one who is just a kid and doesn’t have any powers to speak of yet.

But by how everyone had knelt down in front of me, I’m guessing there’s more significance to being a Pulsar than I yet understand.

‘If I’m a Pulsar,’ I say, coming out of my thoughts and turning to O’Sah, ‘then what are you?’

‘We’re Thrones, my Lady, as is your father. Most Thrones adorn a crimson cloak, like the one I’m wearing.’


‘A telling of status. It’s tradition.’ He points his chin out importantly. ‘But in addition to being a Throne, I’m also a members of the Imperium Council. This pin here is only worn by Council members.’

I lean forward to inspect it, never having had the chance to look at it in detail before. It’s small and golden with strange symbols linked together that remind me of a crop circle.

‘Cool,’ I say, but with the snarly look O’Sah gives me I’m guessing that wasn’t the response he was after.

‘Are you not on the Council then?’ I ask Dad.

,’ says O’Sah, and Dad smiles.

‘I don’t get it,’ I say to Dad. ‘If I’m a Pulsar, how come you’re a Throne?’

‘It’s not a genetic trait. Just because I’m a Throne doesn’t mean you’ll be. You could have been a Zero, a Phobien or a Throne.’

O’Sah takes out his small silver disk, a holographic mes-sage appearing. ‘Excuse me, my Lady,’ he says, and he stands up and walks a little away from us.

‘So,’ I begin, turning to Dad, ‘if I’m the last of the Pulsar, does that mean I have to do anything… special?’

‘Not right now, no,’ he says.

‘But when?’

Dad’s always been reluctant to tell me about this new world, so it doesn’t surprise me when he hesitates. ‘Your magic’s only just awoken. Your powers haven’t even shown themselves yet. Until then you haven’t got much of a responsibility.’

‘And when they do show up, my powers? What then?’

‘I suppose you’ll have to train.’

‘Don’t look so gloomy,’ I comment.

‘I’m not.’

‘Sure, you’re the picture of happiness.’

I watch the Thrones across from us talking to one another.

‘Did you know?’ I begin in a whisper, so no one can hear us. ‘Did you know I’d be a Pulsar?’

It takes a moment, but he nods.

‘I wish you’d have told me,’ I say. ‘I don’t know why you didn’t, why Harriad and O’Sah didn’t.’

‘I didn’t tell you because… I suppose because I wanted to pretend for a little longer you were just normal. As for Harriad and O’Sah, who knows? I thought they’d tell you at the cottage, but maybe they thought you’d not want to come to Duwyn if you’d known.’

‘That’s not true. It’s not a big deal. “Pulsar” is just a title.’

‘Of course you’d think that. You don’t understand the burden of being a Pulsar.’

‘Why do you have to say that?’ I say, eyes narrowed. ‘You keep doing this. Why are you trying to scare me?’

He looks at me. ‘You think I’m trying to scare you?’

‘Ever since I realised what I am you’ve acted as if it’s the worst thing to ever happen. I’m already overwhelmed and with you acting like
it makes me feel… well, afraid.’

‘Leonie, I’m not… I don’t mean… I’m sorry.’ He brushes a hand through his hair. ‘You’re right. I really am sorry. There’s
to be afraid of, Leonie. Really. I’m just being paranoid.’

‘But you said—’

‘Ignore what I said. A Pulsar has a great responsibility, that’s true. Their duty is to defend the Imperium. It’s a great task.
one they can handle.’

‘Defend a whole city? I could barely defend the net in gym class.’

‘Right now you can’t, of course. But you’ll spend
training; it’ll be so much fun for you. And trust me, once you’ve trained your abilities you’ll be more than capable enough to protect the Imperium, and not only that, you’ll


‘And there’re benefits, too,’ he says, fully turning to me. ‘You’ll be gifted many things. Money will never be a problem for you again. You can eat all you want! And during the years, you’ll get to visit all of Duwyn. Imagine the things you’ll see! The Sun Rocks and their famous Towers. The Dator Isles that are supposedly haunted by the dead. The deserts and the beaches and the forests… you’ll get to see so much!’

‘You’ve sure changed your tune,’ I comment.

He sits back. ‘Well, I don’t want to scare you. I’m your dad, so of course your position worries me, but you shouldn’t pay attention. I’m just an old worrier.’

I laugh and lean into him, my shoulder touching his. ‘I’m glad, though. I’m glad we can be like this now.’

He doesn’t quite know what to do with his arm. Being intimate isn’t something either of us is used to. We sit like this for a few minutes, watching the fire burn, listening to the conversation across from us.

‘And… and I really don’t have to do anything as a Pulsar?’ I ask. ‘Right now, I mean.’

‘Just be yourself,’ says Dad. ‘Yourself is all you ever have to be.’

‘I’ve found you all at last!’ booms a voice I recognise. We turn and see Harriad walking towards us. For an instant I swear his hand had been glowing like a torch. ‘I was looking near to where the cove is and found the soldiers’ encampment instead.’ He looks at me and bows his head. ‘I’m glad to see you made it safely, my Lady. I had no doubt O’Sah would get you here in one piece, though.’

O’Sah puts his silver disk in his robe, sitting next to me. He has a slight smile on his face, his chin stuck out. I’m guessing he’s proud of the compliment.

‘Where were you, Harriad?’ asks one of the Thrones. ‘We were surprised you didn’t escort our Lady to the island as planned.’

‘I visited my old town,’ replies Harriad. ‘I had some
to attend to. Ah, before I risk a beating, I better introduce my associate, Commander Sersu, who will be assisting in escorting you to the portal tomorrow, my Lady.’

‘Didn’t know one girl needed all this escorting,’ I mumble.

‘She was kind enough to show me where you all were,’ continues Harriad. ‘I’m useless with directions.’

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