Girl on the Run (14 page)

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Authors: Rhoda Baxter

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Legal, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Girl on the Run
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Sounds like it.’ She wondered if all men were programmed to think their mothers were wonderful, regardless of whether they deserved it or not.

As they sat together in a thoughtful silence for a moment, Jane's thoughts wandered towards Marsh. Should she tell him about her conversations with Keith? Marsh, who seemed so reasonable when it came to most
things seemed to have a blind spot when it came to Keith. He just saw the bold outer image and refused to believe that there might be a vulnerable human being underneath it all.

Keith's voice interrupted her train of thought.
‘Your boyfriend's got a new album out at the moment, hasn't he? That must be hard for you.’

For a fleeting moment Jane thought he was talking about Marsh. Then she realised that the word boyfriend had conjured up Marsh, even though Keith had been talking about Ashby. Yes, she was definitely over Ashby now.

Keith was looking quizzically at her, probably wondering why she was smiling. ‘Ashby?’ she said. ‘He's not by boyfriend. He's my ex.’

Sorry, I didn't mean—’

Don't worry about it. Yes, he does have a new album coming out. There are posters all over the place.’ Now she knew for certain that some people in the office knew about her famous ex. She wondered if it was everyone, or just a select few who had figured it out.

That must be hard for you, being reminded of him all the time.’

Jane shrugged.
‘I don't really care, so long as I get left alone.’

Really? Don't you miss the fame?’

No I don't. I'm a fairly private person, I don't really like being under scrutiny.’

Wasn't it fun though? At least a bit?’

She'd already thought about it a lot.
‘I suppose it was at first. But at some point it stopped being just about the music and people started writing about our lives. It got weird from then on. Ashby became a little bit obsessed with it and we'd have to go to these parties, just to be seen. I never knew when a photographer would try and get a casual shot of me. I had to stop going to the supermarket and start getting the shopping delivered. It was just … intrusive.’

And that's why you moved to London? To get away from the gossip mongers?’


But what if they find you again?’

God, I hope not.’

Well, a few people at work have figured out who you are.’

I just hope none of them think it's a good idea to contact the press.’ The thought of being stalked by photographers again was too horrible. On the other hand, she was just another girl now, not part of the music scene at all. ‘Hopefully everyone's lost interest in me, now that I'm not with Ashby.’

I bet you could make a lot of money if you sold your story.’

No thanks. It's not worth it. Honestly.’

Keith looked at her in silence for a moment.
‘You're a curious person, Jane Porter,’ he said. ‘Most people are doing their best to become famous and you're trying to avoid it.’

Jane took another sip of her drink and said nothing. What was there to say?

‘I respect that. I hope they leave you alone.’ He stared thoughtfully into the distance. ‘It must have been really embarrassing for you, having your private life displayed in public like that. Bad enough finding out the person you loved was cheating on you, but to find out the details at the same time as the tabloid reading public ...’

Embarrassing? Try humiliating.’ She shuddered at the memory, and realised she hadn't thought about the horror of it all for a few days, not since she started seeing Marshall. But she wasn't surprised to find the fear still there, hidden under the layers of everyday thought.

Keith noticed the shudder.
‘I'm sorry, I've upset you. I shouldn't have mentioned it.’

It's Ok. I need to learn to deal with it.’

Well, it's clearly a raw subject for you.’ He met her eyes and smiled. ‘What say we stop talking about things that upset us and talk about something else?’

That sounds like a great idea.’

She was still in the pub when Marshall's text arrived to say that he was at the airport. Her heart sped up immediately.
‘Listen Keith, I've got to go. I promised a friend that I'd pop by on the way home.’

Of course.’ He finished off his drink. ‘Let me walk you to the station. Don't want you getting mugged again.’

That's very kind. Thanks.’ Why on earth had she found him disagreeable all those nights ago? Perhaps because he had been coming on a bit strong. Now that she'd got to know the real Keith, she felt much more comfortable in his company.

Jane, if you ever need someone to talk to – about Ashby, or anything else. You know you can come and see me.’

She smiled.
‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘I appreciate that. I really do.’

* * * *

From: Keith, To: Eric

Shame you
wussedout on the bet. Plan B is working like a dream


From: Eric, To: Keith

I hear that Marshall won the opposition.
On quite a difficult Inventive Step argument.He's quite the hero around here
 Your plan B failed rather spectacularly, I'd say


From: Keith, To: Eric

I briefed him thoroughly on my arguments so that he could reproduce them at the hearing. Of course he won
 As for my plan B – on the contrary, I've just had a nice cosy chat with Jane. It was most illuminating and has given me a cracking idea for how to proceed
 This whole thing is less fun without a wager riding on it, but I shall carry on because I enjoy a challenge

Chapter Nineteen


In the days that followed, Jane was increasingly under pressure with work. As the deadline for submitting the documents to the client drew nearer Susan, Marsh and Keith all piled work on her. In an attempt not to appear biased, Jane always tried to leave Marsh's work until last, but that usually meant having to stay late to finish it. Although Marsh also worked late most nights, she didn't get much chance to talk to him. Keith, who seemed to keep the same hours as Marsh, kept popping round to see her.

On Tuesday, with the deadline the next day, Jane managed to finish everything she was given a little after six. She fired off several emails, distributing the information to Marsh, Keith and Susan as appropriate and sank back in her chair, rubbing her temples. Her head hurt from reading documents on screen.

In the next office, she could hear the clatter of keys as Marsh typed. Jane hauled herself out of her chair and made her way over.

She knocked lightly on the open door.

Marsh looked up.

I'm done,’ she said, as she sagged against the door frame. ‘Is there anything else you need?’

Marsh looked at the mess of papers on his desk.
‘I don't think so. You've done a sterling job. I don't know how to thank you.’

She immediately thought of a few ways, but decided not to say anything. Marsh caught her eye and the dimple appeared in his cheek.
‘I've been neglecting you a bit these past couple of days, haven't I?’ he said quietly, too low for anyone but her to hear.

Jane checked over her shoulder.
‘That's Ok,’ she said just as quietly. She wanted desperately to go into his office. His hair was ruffled where he had run his hands through it. She wanted to smooth it down and let her fingers trace his stubbled cheek. But if she did that, she might not be able to stop herself from kissing him.

You look tired,’ she said, in a normal tone.

I've not been sleeping very well. Things on my mind.’ He grinned. ‘You know how it is.’

Jane knew she'd blushed. She did, indeed, know how it was.

Somewhere a door slammed. ‘I'm going to go home,’ she said. ‘I'll see you tomorrow.’

Marsh indicated his work.
‘I'm going to be stuck here for a while. I'll call you when I'm done. Might be a bit late. Is that Ok?’

And you're still on for dinner tomorrow?’

Oh yes. Definitely. I'm really looking forward to it,’ he said meaningfully.

Me too.’

* * *

From: James, To: Marshall

Partners' meeting today.
I'll be rooting for you. I'll do my best to counterbalance Keith
 Try and relax and enjoy the evening. Try not to talk about work


From: Marshall, To: James

I'm taking the most beautiful girl in the world out for dinner. I have no intention of thinking about work. Or the partners'

* * *

The atmosphere in the office changed subtly with the partners away. People stopped to chat a little more often. There was more laughter.

Listening to people
discuss Marsh's chances, Jane refrained from commenting, in case she let slip more than she intended.

So,’ said Ruth as she and Jane walked back to their office together, ‘you've worked with Marsh. What do you think his chances are of becoming a partner?’

The mere mention of Marsh in relation to the word
‘partner’ made Jane crave chocolate. She had to avoid discussing it in case she let slip more than she realised. ‘I don't know how it works here. They didn’t have partners where I worked before.’

I think he deserves it,’ Ruth said. ‘He bills an awful lot of hours. He's in really early and he leaves really late, from what I've heard.’

I know.’ Immediately realising her mistake, Jane said, ‘I mean, I've often been here late at night and he and Keith were here too. So I assumed he always stayed late.’

Ruth gave her a s
ceptical look. ‘O-Ok.’

What time will the partners’ meeting finish, d'you think?’ she said, hoping to deflect Ruth.

Sometime after lunch. They always go out for lunch and come back slightly squiffy.’

Even Susan?’ said Jane as she followed Ruth into their office. ‘I can't imagine Susan being drunk.’

Oh, she's funny when she's had a bit,’ Ruth said. ‘She's normally so severe. She's actually quite nice when she's not in work mode.’

Jane would have to see that before she believed it. She sat down and opened up her email. There was still work to be done.

* * *

From: Polly
, To: Jane

So, have you decided what you're wearing tonight? What sort of a restaurant are you going to?


From: Jane, To: Polly

No, I haven't decided what to wear yet. He said we were going to an Italian place. It's quite near where we are, so I won't have to go far. I was thinking of wearing one of my work dresses with a nice cardigan instead of the jacket. All my formal things are still at Mum's.


From: Polly, To: Jane

I'd offer to lend you something of mine, but
everything would be too big for you. You're so lucky you're the same size as you were when we were at school. Come to think of it, I might have some of my old clothes from college stashed away somewhere. We can have a root through those if you want


From: Jane, To: Polly

I wasn't too worried about what to wear anyway. It's not the first time we're seeing each other. It's not like I have to wow him.


From: Polly
, To: Jane

What are you talking about? You absolutely have to wow him. That's what this dinner is all about! My shift finishes at 4.30. I'll see you when I get home. We'll sort something out.
Have you seen him today? Has he said anything to you?


From: Jane, To: Polly

Seriously, Pol.
I don't get the impression that I need to keep up the glamour. I always feel so comfortable around Marsh. It's weird. With Ashby it was fun, but with Marsh it's different. When I'm with him I just feel like everything is right in the world. It's like he FITS
 No, I haven't spoken to him yet today. He's keeping a low profile. The partners are supposed to be discussing his nomination to the partnership. I think he's quite nervous about it. He looked tired this morning. It must be a bit weird being here when everyone is discussing your chances of promotion.


From: Polly, To: Jane

So, it's like Ashby was shop bought off the peg and Marsh is made to measure?


From: Jane
, To: Polly

Yes. That's exactly what it feels like.
It looks good, it feels good. Like it was meant to be
 I have to get back to work. I'll see you later

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