Girl's (6 page)

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Authors: Darla Phelps

BOOK: Girl's
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Daddy patted her knees. "Wider, young lady."

She shifted, spreading her legs as far apart as the edges of the two towels.

"Now spread your cheeks for me."

Meg turned a bright, crimson red. He couldn't mean what he'd just said. She cleared her throat. "Daddy?"

"You heard me," he said. "Open your bottom right up for Daddy's extra special upset tummy medicine."

With her head cushioned on Bear, she slowly reached behind her to cup her own bottom cheeks, pulling them wide apart and stretching the dusky rim of her anus slightly agape. She closed her eyes, almost preferring a spanking to this humiliation.

"Lovely view."

While Meg quietly died from mortification, Daddy spread Vaseline on the end of the bardex nozzle and then all over her little bottom hole. Her mewed protests were muffled both by the binky and the teddy bear that absorbed her tears as he circled the rim, testing her resistance with gentle, repetitive probes.

"Relax your bottom, Meggy."

And she tried to. She really did. But as he bypassed the rim, pushing his finger into her rectum, she tensed all over again. Her muscles locked hot and tight around him as he thrust the digit in and out, smearing Vaseline where it would do the most good. She gasped and groaned, struggling to relax all over again. Once he removed his finger, it became easier. But then he put a steadying hand at the small of her back, and Meg cringed and whimpered as she anticipated exactly what she was about to feel next.

The thick round tip of the nozzle pressed against the tight, little brown bud, gently forcing its way inside while she clenched down to keep it out.

"Hold still," he warned.

She shook her head, her face hidden in Bear's stuffing-filled belly, soft, breathy gasps the only sounds she made as she was utterly, thoroughly invaded by the first of the two rubber balloons. Using one of the hand pumps, he compressed until Meg felt the invader expanding inside her, sealing her bottom from the inside. With the other, he blew up the second nozzle, which successfully blocked her from the outside as well and kept the nozzle from sinking any deeper within her.

"I am proud of you, Meggy." He rubbed her back gently. "I know you're trying so hard to be good for me right now. This isn't very comfortable, I know, but it will help your tummy feel better later on."

He released the clips, and the warm soapy water flowed into her bottom.

At first Meg gave no indication that she felt anything happening, but as the bag continued to deflate, draining into her, she shifted uneasily. There was a muffled groan as she pressed her face into Bear.

"I know." Daddy continued to stroke and rub her back. "Hold onto your teddy if you have to."

She let go of her bottom, groaning piteously as she grabbed onto Bear with one hand and her swelling abdomen with the other. But the flow continued and it seemed to take forever before the bag flattened again and he snapped the hose clamp shut.

"Now we'll let it settle inside you for a bit."

Feeling bloated and uncomfortable, Meg clung to Bear and was quietly miserable. She shifted, squirming more and more frequently, and the time crawled by far too slowly. On her next groan, the binky fell from her lips. "Oh, please take it out!"

He checked his watch. "Not yet."

She began to rock on her knees, whimpering and then groaning continuously.

"I know, baby. I know." He found her binky on the floor, rinsed it off in the sink and pushed it back into her mouth. "Two more minutes to go."

They were two of the longest, most uncomfortable minutes of her life. And she was never so grateful as when he finally disconnected the bardex from the rest of the contraption and allowed her to stand. Careful to keep the clamps in place, he walked with her to the toilet. As soon as she was seated, he deflated first the outer balloon and then the inner one. The bardex popped from her body with a liquidy gush.

Meg had never known a more profound relief. Or a more humbling one. She clutched her legs, unable to stop the rapid flow draining out of her or even to pause it. She kept her eyes glued to the floor, her face a deep scarlet as Daddy rinsed the bardex in the sink, then folded his arms across his chest and waited for her to finish.

When it was over, he helped to clean her up again. Bending her over to touch her toes, he washed her thoroughly with a warm, soapy washcloth.

"My tummy still doesn't feel good," she whined.

"It takes a while, but it will soon," Daddy said as he rinsed the cloth. Dropping it into the laundry hamper, he then sighed and picked up the hairbrush. "Let's finish this so we can eat." He smoothed her bangs back out of her eyes and kissed her forehead. "We want to have a good night, don't we?"

Meg nodded, but looked down at the hairbrush in his hand and began to whimper all over again.

"We can't have a good night if there's a lie wedged between us, now can we, Meg?"

Dutifully, she shook her head.

Lowering the lid on the toilet, Daddy sat down again and patted his lap. "Over my knee."

As she lowered herself into position over his lap, she couldn't help but feel how his broad thighs felt at once both strong and comforting. But the hairbrush....She whimpered, "Please, Daddy, not very hard."

"Give me your hands, baby," he said. "As tender as your poor bottom is already, you won't be able to hold still for this."

She put her hands behind her back, and he firmly took hold of her wrists.

It was just as bad as she remembered it being. From the first hearty smack, she let out a banshee wail of remorse, and by the sixth, there was no holding still. As her bottom bounced and wobbled under the firm application of that hairbrush, her body developed a wriggling, kicking, squirming life all its own. Twice her bare feet hit the wall, and Daddy paused the spanking just long enough to scissor her legs between his, locking her into place while he paddled her even harder. Until the entire surface of her bottom was a hot cheery red and Meg was sobbing incoherently. Only then did he lay the hairbrush down and hold her, though she winced and squirmed the instant her sore bottom made contact with his lap.

He rocked her until her tears began to slow, alternating between hugging her tightly, caressing her braided hair and kissing her tear-streaked face. "It hurts me to have to spank you, baby. Can you be a good girl so I don't have to do that any more tonight, Meg? Can you do that for me?"

Her sobs withered to hiccups and sniffles, and she nodded her head and dashed the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.

"How does your tummy feel?"

Strangely enough, it did feel better and, between gaspy hiccups, she said, "It's o-o-okay."

"Are you hungry?" He kissed her forehead gently when she nodded. "Let's get ready for dinner. And we can cuddle on the couch before beddy-bye time."

He unfolded and spread out a towel on the floor, and when he held out his hand to her, she willingly lay down so that he could re-diaper her. Her poor little bottom was lobster red. He could already tell that the elastic bands were going to touch all the sorest of places. Shaking his head, Daddy took his time powdering and rubbing soothing Desitin not only on her swollen bottom cheeks, but over her shaven mound. He parted the fleshy folds, finding the sensitive nub of her clit with his fingertips.

She immediately turned her face away, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he explored her.

"One more spanking tonight," he warned softly, "and you'll lose your playtime privileges."

Her eyes closed as he gently rolled her clit between his fingers. Her thighs tensed and her splayed legs began to tremble.

"That would be a shame, because Daddy has been looking forward to his baby girl's very first playtime for eight whole months." His thumb stroked over and over the tiny nub, feeling it swell beneath his touch. He cooed, "Such a pretty little baby. Such a naughty, spanked little bottom."

She reached above her head to grab Bear, lying forgotten on the floor where she had taken her enema. She pulled it over her face, moaning loudly into the stuffing-filled tummy.

He gave her one last stroke, then pulled a fresh diaper back up her legs and into proper place. Bear hiding her face, she didn't move to get up and Daddy bent over to kiss her bare stomach. When she still didn't move, he bent down again and this time blew a raspberry against her belly.

Bear fell away from her face as she half-laughed and half-sobbed miserably. Tears rolled from the corners of her eyes and down into her hair.

"Why are you crying again, Meggy?" he asked as he wiped at the tracks. "Because I spanked you?"

She shook her head, staring up at the ceiling so she wouldn't have to look at him. Her bottom lip quivered. "Are you going to send me home now?"

"Because you lied?" When she nodded, he shook his head. "Actually, I thought we'd have dinner."

"You can't want me to stay." Her mouth trembled even harder and her voice dropped to a raspy whisper. "I lied to you."

"And I spanked you for it. Then I forgave you. I don't hold grudges, Meg. If you lie to me again, then I'll spank you and forgive you again. And again and again, if I have to. But I wouldn't be much of a Daddy if I sent you home because you didn't like milk." He paused and then he smiled. "It's still good for you and I'm still going to make you drink it. But I won't demand that you like it."

Her stomach choose that moment to grumble very loudly, and she sniffled and laughed. "I'm very hungry."

"Me, too." He helped her up to her feet. "Let's eat."

He picked her all the way up, letting her wrap her legs around his waist and rest her head on his shoulder. As he carried her back to her highchair, she buried her face against the side of his neck and just let his strength cradle her.

The spaghetti had to be re-heated. But for all the hurt he'd inflicted when he'd spanked her, he then showed her that much tenderness. He fed her each and every bite, cutting her noodles and meatballs into manageable bits, dabbing her lips with a napkin after every forkful, and making sure she drank the very last sip of milk from her cup. Sore bottom not withstanding, she made grand production out of grimacing and shuddering over the awful taste. He let her get away with it twice, before calmly stating, "That's enough."

As she hunkered over her sippy cup, giggling, Daddy smiled back. He was glad to see that her spirits hadn't been completely squashed.

And later, after putting away the leftovers and cleaning up the kitchen, they lay together on the couch watching Disney's Little Mermaid. Daddy rested on the bottom, his head cushioned on a sofa pillow, watching Meg who was stretched out upon him, covered with a daisy-knit blanket since her pajamas were still on the bathroom floor. She laughed uproariously when the chef chased a reluctant-to-become-dinner Sebastian the Crab through a torn-up palace kitchen. He studied her in her moment of unguarded amusement, loving how her eyes positively shone with enjoyment over the movie. He smiled when she laughed again and stroked her little girl braids beneath the blanket, smoothing them down her warm back.

She glanced at him, then a French roar of frustration from the chef re-snagged her attention and she faced the tv again.

His hand glided down the gentle slope of her bare back, drifting up and over the swell of her diaper-clad bottom. He paused to rub the plump summit, watching through half-closed eyes as she caught her breath and bit her lip. No longer focused on the Little Mermaid, she tensed when his warm palm stole into the back of her diaper to cup her right bottom cheek.

"Cold?" he asked, when she shivered a little.

She shook her head.

Her skin felt warm and was probably still very tender as well, but after only a brief hesitation, she wiggled to shift her bottom more fully into his grasp. He obliged her with a more intimate caress, his fingertips sweeping down into the crack as he skimmed her anus and continued on to the already moist lips of her sex.

All pretenses of watching the movie vanished when he parted the dewy folds. She buried her face against his chest and sighed.

"Meggy." He had to repeat her name twice more before she raised her head to look at him. "No more television tonight. It's playtime and then we'll go to beddy-bye." He stroked his fingers up and down the slick crease, liking the feel of her wiggling on top of him. "Let's go up to Daddy's room to play."

She squirmed, parting her legs as wide as the couch would allow, opening herself to his touch. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Is that what you want?" he asked. "I won't get mad if you want to sleep in your crib. We'll still have playtime, and Daddy's going to make you feel so good that you'll want to cry. But I'll understand if you want to be by yourself tonight or if you don't want Daddy to come all the way inside you just yet."

She ducked her head shyly. "I want to sleep with you."

"We won't be doing much sleeping." When she only lay her head on his chest, staring up at him through her lashes, he took his hand out of her diaper and patted her bottom. "I'll race you to bed."

Leaving the blanket behind, she scrambled from the couch and dashed for the stairwell. While she laughed and squealed, he chased her all the way to his room, growling and gently smacking at her bottom to hasten her up the steps. She flew through the open bedroom door with him only a step or two behind and jumped up onto the bed. She bounced twice, but quit when his look turned disapproving.

"No jumping on the bed."

Grinning, she crawled under the blankets and pulled them up to her chin as she watched him come to her. Already his shoes were discarded at the foot of the bed and he was pulling the tails of his flannel shirt out of his jeans. As he unbuttoned the front, he saw her eyes slide to something behind him. She cleared her throat. "Daddy?"

His hands paused on the third button.

She lowered the blankets a little to point. ", would you mind...?"

He glanced back over his shoulder to the wide open closet. Without cracking so much a smile, he closed the door. Dropping his shirt on the floor, he unfastened his belt and the front of his jeans. And when he crawled into bed beside her, she came willingly into his embrace.

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