Gita Press and the Making of Hindu India (66 page)

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  1. Singh, 1980, pp. 85–86.
  2. Poddar to Goyandka, Asadha Krishna 4, Samvat 1991 (1934),
    2005, pp. 10–11.
  3. Goyandka to Poddar, Asadha Shukla 6, Samvat 1991 (1934),
    , 2005, pp. 11–15.
  4. Poddar to Madan Lal, date not clear. Poddar Papers.
  5. Poddar to Pitambar Prasad Aggarwal, 15 November 1939. Poddar Papers.
  6. Singh, 1980, pp. 178–79.
  7. Poddar to an unnamed acquaintance, 19 July 1964. Poddar Papers.
  8. Poddar to Yogi Shiv Narayan, 14 December 1967. Poddar Papers.
  9. Poddar to Chimmanlal Gosvami, 28 March 1939,
    Saras Patra
    , 2005, pp. 107–09.
  10. Shankarrao Deo’s letter to Poddar inviting him to the All India Cultural Conference, 3 March 1951. Poddar Papers.
  11. Rules and Regulations of Bharatiya Chaturdham Veda Bhawan Nyasa, 24 March 1965. Poddar Papers.
  12. Ibid.
  13. Hanuman Prasad Poddar,
    Desh Mein Aasuri Sampada Ka Vistar Aur
    a Kartavya
    . Undated. Poddar Papers.
  14. Brochure, ‘
    Hanuman Prasad Abhinandan Granth
    ’, 1958. The list of contributors included Vice-president S. Radhakrishnan and chief minister of Madras C. Rajgopalachari; Poddar’s old friends and associates Govind Ballabh Pant, Purushottam Das Tandon, K.M. Munshi, Sampurnanand and Kamlapati Tripathi; scholars and writers like Vasudev Sharan Aggarwal, Suniti Kumar Chatterji, Makhanlal Chaturvedi, Rahul Sankrityayan, Nand Dulare Vajpayee, Sumitranandan Pant, Seth Govind Das, Maithilisharan Gupta, Banarsidas Chaturvedi, Omkarnath Thakur and others; comrades-in-arms like Swami Karpatri Maharaj and Prabhudatt Brahmachari; industrialist friends like Ghanshyam Das Birla and intimate associates like Shanti Prasad Jain, Jaydayal Goyandka, Jaidayal Dalmia and Chimmanlal Gosvami. Poddar Papers.
  15. Poddar to Nageshwar Dixit, 13 December 1953. Poddar Papers.
  16. Varma to Poddar, 21 December 1953. Poddar Papers.
  17. Poddar to Varma, 27 December 1953. Poddar Papers.
  18. S.N. Mangal to Jaidayal Dalmia, 7 October 1967. Poddar Papers.
  19. Mangal to Jaidayal Dalmia, 28 March 1968. Poddar Papers.
  20. Mangal to Jaidayal Dalmia, 10 April 1968. Poddar Papers.
  21. Copy of the Appeal Issued by Shanti Prasad Jain, Ramnath Goenka and Omkarmal Saraf, April 1968. Poddar Papers.
  22. Mangal to Jaidayal Dalmia, 20 April 1968. Poddar Papers.
  23. Jaidayal Dalmia to Mangal, 22 April 1968. Poddar Papers.
  24. Mangal to Jaidayal Dalmia, 6 May 1968. Poddar Papers.
  25. Jaidayal Dalmia to Mangal, 9 May 1968. Poddar Papers.
  26. Prabhupada to Poddar, 21 July 1970.
    Accessed on 1 October 2013.

  27. Aja
    r Amar Gun Nidhi Sut Hohu, Karahu Bahut Raghunayak Chhohu
    ’, couplet 16, Sundar Kand, Ramayana. Telegram from Teji Bachchan to Poddar, 27 September 1970. Poddar Papers.
  28. Prabhudatt Brahmachari’s undated letter to Poddar and the latter’s reply, 9 Kartik Krishna, Samvat 2027 (1970). Poddar Papers.
  29. Prabhupada to Achyutananda and Jaya Govinda, 13 October 1968.
    Accessed on 1 October 2013.
  30. Prabhupada to Poddar, 4 March 1970.
    Accessed on 1 October 2013.
  31. Hanuman Prasad Poddar, ‘
    Meri Esthiti Ka Spastikaran
    ’ (Explanation of My Position), 1969. Poddar Papers.
  32. Ishwari Prasad Goenka to Parmeshwar Prasad Fogla, 13 May 1971. Poddar Papers.
  33. Ishwari Prasad Goenka to Shyamsundar Dujari, 31 May 1971. Poddar Papers.
  34. Chimmanlal Gosvami’s statement, 15 April 1972. Poddar Papers.
  35. Radheshyam Banka to Seth Govind Das, 4 August 1972. Seth Govind Das Papers, NMML.
  36. See Dujari, 2000.
  37. See detailed description of Goyandka’s role as arbiter in the division of business and assets of the family of Mohanlal Goyanka, a leading coal miner of Raniganj, in Rishi Jaimini Kaushik Barua, 1967, p. 1296.
  38. Dujari, 2000, pp. 528–29.
  39. Christophe Jaffrelot,
    Religion, Caste and Politics in India
    , Primus Books, New Delhi, 2010, p. 174.
  40. Poddar to Gambhirchand Dujari, 5, Chaitra Shukla, 1936. Poddar Papers.
  41. Poddar to Lal Bahadur Shastri, 15 March 1965,
    Saras Patra
    , 2005, pp. 140–41.
  42. Kalyan
    , May 1965, pp. 1 and 1020.


2. The World of Gita Press
  1. Krishan Bihari Mishra,
    Hind Patrakarita: Rajasthani Ayojan Ki Kriti
    Akhil Bharatiya Marwari Yuva Manch, Delhi, 1999.
  2. Kalya
    , Inaugural Issue, August 1926, pp. 2–3. All translations are by this writer.
  3. Ibid., pp. 30–33.
  4. Kalya
    , Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1926, p. 49.
  5. Bhupendranath Sanyal (1877–1962), considered a doyen of Kriya Yoga, is said to have been a child prodigy with mythic tales about his spiritual prowess. Born in Nadia (West Bengal), Sanyal set up yogic ashrams all over the country.
  6. Bhagwati Prasad Singh,
    Manishi Ki Lokyatra: Gopinath Kaviraj Ka
    n Darshan
    , Vishwavidyalaya Prakashan, Banaras, 2010, pp. 188– 89.
  7. Partha Chatterjeee, ‘History and the Nationalisation of Hinduism’, in Vasudha Dalmia and Heinrich von Stietencron (eds),
    The Oxford India
    m Reader
    , Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 231–61.
  8. Bhupendranath Sanyal, ‘
    Hamara Param Lakshya
    ’ (Our Supreme Goal),
    , Vol . 1, No. 5, 1926, pp. 130–36.
  9. Chatterjeee, 2009.

  10. Ky
    a Bhagwan Ke Pratyaksh Darshan Ho Sakte Hain
    ’ (Can there be direct vision of god?),
    , Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 184–86.

  11. Shri Bhagwan Naam: Param Awashyak Soochna
    ’ (Name of Shri Bhagwan: Most Urgent Notice),
    , Vol. 1, No. 7, 1926, pp. 114–15.
  12. P.S. Chauhan, ‘Hindi Novel Before Premchand’, shodhganga. . . . /06_chapter%202.pdf, 2012. Accessed on 1 September 2012.

  13. Pandi
    t Lajjaramji Mehta Ka Patra
    ’ (Letter from Pt Lajjaram Mehta),
    Vol. 1, No. 7, 1926, pp. 222–23.

  14. Hol
    i Par Hamara Kartavya
    ’ (Our Duty during Holi),
    , Vol. 1, No. 8, 1926, p. 249. Prahlad is a character from the Puranas known for his deep devotion to God. He could not be dissuaded from his path despite attempts by his demon father Hiranyakashipu.
  15. Rajnish Kumar Chaturvedi, ‘
    a Ke Kshetra Mein Kalyan
    k Patrika Ka Yogdan
    ’ (Contribution of religious journal
    to the field of journalism), unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Mahamana Madan Mohan Malaviya Hindi Patrakarita Sansthan, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Banaras, 2006, p. 367.
  16. Hind
    u Panch
    , Vol. 2, No. 10, 8 September 1927, p. 36.

  17. Awashya
    k Suchnayen
    ’ (Important Notices),
    , Vol. 2, No. 2, 1927, last page.
  18. Shahid Amin, ‘Gandhi as Mahatma: Gorakhpur District, Eastern UP, 1921–2’, in Ranajit Guha (ed.),
    Subaltern Studies,
    Vol. III, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1984, p. 7.
  19. Information in this paragraph is from Arjun Tiwari, ‘
    i Uttar
    h Mein Hindi Patrakarita Ka Udbhav Aur Vikas
    ’, Ph.D. thesis, Gorakhpur University, 1978, cited in Amin, 1984.
  20. William R. Pinch,
    Peasants and Monks in British India
    , University of California Press, 1996, p. 121. ft22900465. Accessed on 1 September 2012. GOI, Home Department, Public Proceedings, December 1893, No. 212. Cited in Pinch, 1996.
  21. Cited in Pinch, 1996, p. 43.
  22. Information in this paragraph is from Bhagwati Prasad Singh,
    Nirmata Aur Rahi
    , Radha Madhav Seva Sansthan, Gorakhpur, 1980, pp. 289–90.
  23. Jaydayal Goyandka’s letter to Nandlal Joshi, date unclear, 1927. Poddar Papers.
  24. Information in this and the following paragraph from Singh, 1980, pp. 259–61.
  25. Karmendu Shishir (ed.),
    Shivpujan Sahay Samagra
    , Vol. 8, Anamika Publishers, New Delhi, 2011, pp. 430–31.
  26. Singh, 1980, p. 260.
  27. Yagik to Poddar, 30 December 1936, 26 January and 25 February 1937. Poddar Papers.
  28. Yagik to Poddar, 15 March 1937. Poddar Papers.
  29. Yagik to Poddar, 25 March 1937. Podhdar Papers.
  30. Pinch has explained in detail the debate within the Ramanandi sect on caste rules of commensality.
  31. Cited in Pinch, 1996, p. 66.
  32. Francesca Orsini,
    The Hindi Public Sphere: Language and Literature in the
    e of Nationalism, 1920-1940
    , Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2002, pp. 451–52.
  33. Viyogi Hari to Poddar, 20 October 1970. Poddar Papers.
  34. Interview transcript of Hanuman Prasad Poddar. Poddar Papers.

  35. Bhu
    l Sudhar’
    , June 1936.
  36. Letter of complaint by trustee B.J. Oza to Hanuman Prasad Poddar, 7 October 1940. Poddar Papers.
  37. Kalya
    , December 1960.
  38. Ibid.

  39. Sarvagya
    , Gobind Bhawan
    ’ (Omniscient, Gobind Bhawan),
    , Vol. 2, No. 41, 31 May 1928, pp. 17–18.
  40. Pannalal Sharma, ‘
    Kalkatte Ka Samajik Jivan
    ’ (Social Life of Calcutta),
    i Ank
    ), November 1929, pp. 152-65, 221-23.
  41. Hind
    u Panch
    , Vol. 2, N. 41, 31 May 1928, pp. 17–18.
  42. Goyandka’s statement. Poddar Papers.
  43. Hind
    u Panch
    , Vol. 2, N. 41, 31 May 1928, pp. 17–18.
  44. Ibid.
  45. G.D. Birla (ed.),
    Bapu: A Unique Association
    , Vol. I, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1977, pp. 95–96.
  46. Kalyan
    , Vol. 2, No. 11, 1927, pp. 508–09.
  47. Mahatma Gandhi, ‘
    i Ke Naam Par Bhog
    ’ (Sex in the Name of Devotion)
    Hindu Panch
    , Vol. 2, No. 40, 24 May 1928, p. 39 (reproduced from
  48. Satyadev Vidyalankar, ‘
    d Bhawan Aur Sthaniya Samachar Patra
    ’ (Gobind Bhawan and local newspapers),
    Hindu Panch
    , Vol. 2, No. 42, 7 June 1928, pp. 39–42.
  49. Transcript of interview with Hanuman Prasad Poddar for his biography. Poddar Papers.
  50. Government Gazette of the United Provinces, Allahabad, Saturday, 1 March, 1939, No. XI, Vol. LXI, p. 235. Commissioner’s Record Room, Gorakhpur.
  51. Poddar to Gambhirchand Dujari, Ashadha Krishna, Samvat 1985 (1928). Poddar Papers.
  52. Poddar to Gambhirchand Dujari, Vaisakha Shukla, Samvat 1985 (1928). Poddar Papers.

  53. Sampadakiy
    a Tippniyan
    ’ (Editorial Comments),
    , Vol. 2, No. 2, 1927, pp. 190–91.
  54. Monika Freier, ‘Cultivating Emotions: The Gita Press and Its Agenda of Social and Spiritual Reform’,
    South Asian History and Culture
    , Vol. 3, No. 3, 2012, pp. 397–413.
  55. Hanuman Prasad Poddar,
    Samaj Sudhar
    , Gita Press, Gorakhpur, 1928, pp. 34–36.
  56. Philip Lutgendorf,
    Hanuman’s Tale: The Message of a Divine Monkey
    , Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007, p. 294.
  57. Harold A. Gould,
    Grass Roots Politics in India: A Century of Political
    n in Faizabad District
    , Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 1994, p. 180.
  58. Orsini, 2002, pp. 398–99.
  59. All Gita test details from
    , Vol. 2, Nos. 6 and 8, 1927.
  60. Ritu Sinha, ‘Educating the Hindu Child Citizen: Pedagogy of the Gita Press’, paper presented at a workshop on education, Jammu University, November 2012.
  61. Kalya
    , Vol. 2, No. 8, 1927.

  62. Shr
    i Gita Pariksha
    ’ (Gita Examination),
    , August 1939, p. 1072.
  63. Poddar’s invitation letter for Gita Society, 2 April 1935. Poddar Papers.
  64. Akshaya Mukul, ‘History Joshi Wants to Censor,’
    Times of India
    , 24 February 2002,
    24/india/27124654_1_hindu-mahasabha-savarkar-muslims. Accessed on 5 September 2012.
  65. Partha Chatterjee,
    A Princely Impostor? The Kumar of Bhawal and the
    t History of Indian Nationalism
    , Permanent Black, Ranikhet, 2002, p. 342.
  66. Marwar
    i Stores Ltd
    , vs
    Gouri Shankar Goenka
    , AIR 1936 Cal 327, 165 Ind Cas 408.
  67. The list also had names like I.J.S. Taraporewala of Bombay’s Muncherjee Framji Cama Athornan Institute who was a leading writer on Zoroastrianism; Sophia Wadia of the United Lodge of Theosophists, Bombay; Mohammad Hafiz Syed of Allahabad University, who was a regular contributor to
    and a friend of Poddar’s and Jwala Prasad Kanodia. List based on Gita Society pamphlet. Poddar Papers.
  68. Ernest P. Hortwitz to Poddar, 5 May 1935. Poddar Papers.
  69. Davar to Manager, Gita Press, 2 December 1934. Poddar Papers.
  70. Purshottamdas Thakurdas’s secretary to Gita Press, 29 November 1934. Poddar Papers.
  71. Ganganath Jha to Hanuman Prasad Poddar, 27 November 1934. Poddar Papers.
  72. Rev. Edwin Greaves to Poddar, 23 April 1935. Poddar Papers.
  73. Ragbans Kishore Balbir to Poddar, 14 September 1935. Poddar Papers.
  74. London Gazette
    , Vol. I, printed and published by His Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 1947, p. 22. Accessed on 5 September 2012.
  75. Hanuman Prasad Poddar, ‘
    i Bhagwan Naam Jap Ke Liye Sadar
    ’ (Request to recite God’s Name), 1948. Poddar Papers.
  76. Pamphlet on membership of Shri Gita-Ramayana Prachar Sangh. Poddar Papers.
  77. Quotes in this paragraph are from Philip Lutgendorf,
    The Life of a
    : Performing the Ramcaritmanas of Tulsidas
    , University of California Press, Berkeley, 1991, p. 62.
  78. In 1954, Devdas Gandhi as editor of
    The Hindustan Times
    helped bring out a full-verse translation in English of the Ramcharitmanas by Rev. A.G. Atkins, an American priest. In his introduction Atkins wrote that he had followed the edition of Ramcharitmanas of Chaturvedi Dwarikaprasad Sharma in close consultation with the editions of Dr Mataprasad Gupta of Gita Press and Dr Shyam Sundar Das. I owe this information to Ramachandra Guha and Gopalkrishna Gandhi.
  79. S.S. Suryanarayana Sastri to Poddar, 5 August 1938. Poddar Papers.
  80. Gopi Kisan Bhartia to Poddar, 12 October 1939. Poddar Papers.
  81. Letter from president, Mandir Committee, 4 Training Battalion, 1, EME Centre, 26 August 1966. Poddar Papers.
  82. Gita Piramal,
    Business Legends
    , Viking (Penguin), New Delhi, 1998, pp. 24–25.
  83. S.N. Mangal to Poddar, 2 February 1967. Poddar Papers.
  84. Harold A. Gould,
    Sikhs, Swamis, Students, and Spies: The Indian
    y in the United States, 1900-1946
    , Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2006, p. 70.
  85. Vinesh Y. Hookoomsing, ‘Chhota Bharat, Mauritius: The Myth and The Reality’, in Bhikhu Parekh, Gurharpal Singh and Steven Vertovec (eds),
    e and Economy in the Indian Diaspora
    , Routledge, London, 2003, pp. 13–32.
  86. Tarachand Roy to Poddar, 30 October 1935. Poddar Papers.
  87. G.A. Bernard to Poddar, 2 September 1935. Poddar Papers.
    Accessed on 10 September 2012.
  89. Uttama Devi to Poddar, 15 March 1945. Poddar Papers.
  90. Uttama Devi to Poddar, 24 February 1945. Poddar Papers.
  91. Louise Wilding to editor,
    , 11 January 1943. Poddar Papers.
  92. Louise Wilding to editor,
    , 22 February 1943. Poddar Papers.
  93. P. Adaros to editor,
    , 21 December 1944. Poddar Papers.
    Accessed on 10 September 2012.
  95. Hamblin to Poddar, 20 September 1944. Poddar Papers.
  96. Hamblin to Poddar, 23 February 1945. Poddar Papers.
  97. Herbert to Poddar, 10 February 1945. Poddar Papers.
  98. W.D. Padfield to editor,
    , 26 June 1958. Poddar Papers.
  99. Krishna Dutt Bharadwaj to Poddar, 29 October 1958. Poddar Papers.
  100. Curator, Sri Chitra Central Hindu Religious Library, Trivandrum, to manager,
    , 18 December 1945. Poddar Papers.
  101. Bhandarkar Institute’s Mahabharata project began in 1919. Various editions came out before a Critical edition running into nineteen volumes was produced in 1966. The institute is still working on the project. It plans to bring out a translation of the critical edition and interpretive epilogue, and digitize the text. Source: http://
    Accessed on 5 June 2014.
  102. Poddar, ‘
    k Ka Nivedan Aur Kshama Prarthana
    ’ (Editor’s Submission and Prayer for Forgiveness),
    , Vol. 3, No. 12, 1958, pp. 247–48.
  103. Eric Hobsbawm, ‘Introduction: Inventing Traditions’, in Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger (eds),
    The Invention of Tradition
    , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1983, pp. 1, 4.
  104. Dieter Conrad, ‘The Personal Law Question and Hindu Nationalism’, in Vasudha Dalmia and Heinrich von Stietencron (eds),
    The Oxford India
    m Reader
    , Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007, p. 192.
  105. Singh, 1980, pp. 262–63.
  106. Poddar’s invitation letter dated 10 June 1949 for contribution to
    u Sanskriti Ank
    . Purshottamdas Thakurdas Papers, NMML, File No. 661.
  107. Poddar’s letter in Hindi inviting articles for
    Ishwar Ank
    of 1932. Poddar Papers.

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