Give Murder A Hand: Lizzie. Book 2 (The Westport Mysteries) (18 page)

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Oh. That’s right. I remember now.

“But that’s because I kept locking it and in the morning it would
be open.”

“Exactly. You wanted a lock that worked. Allison feels the same.”

“But my door was only open because I had Joe Woods sneaking in
watching me through the night. I’m sure Allison doesn’t have a stalker,” I

Riley’s jaw flexed at the memory. “I hope not,” he snapped.

“What are you more upset about, Riley? Joe attacking me or someone
else attacking Allison?” Tears stung my eyes but I blinked them away before I
lost control. As much as Riley and I had talked, we were yet to have a
screaming row. Funny, because that’s what I felt like I needed.

Riley sighed, releasing his anger. “I don’t want anyone being
attacked by anyone,” he replied quietly. Turning his back, he picked up a
hammer and moved through the door to the deck.

I gave an internal scream and made a mental effort to let go of my
emotions and stop another argument before Riley defended her anymore. I took a
deep breath and released it to the count of three.

“Did Bradley’s tour stop by today?” I called after him.

“No. Why?”

“That’s unusual. He’s always here by lunchtime.”

“Why do you want him?” Riley asked again.

“I just want to ask him about a video diary he had on YouTube. He
says that he knows who the killer is.”

Riley popped his head back through the doorway, his eyebrow raised

“There’s no harm in staying informed,” I said.

“Is that what Ed Helms is doing for you? Is he keeping you
informed?” Riley asked, stepping back into the kitchen. I could see the anger flash
in his eyes and wondered how the hell this turned on me so fast.


“Lizzie, Allison told me what happened at the crash site the other
day and how Ed Helms was there to help you. Did you call him? Because you never
called me.”

“No, I didn’t call him. And the only reason I didn’t call you was
because Allison stopped me, saying she’d already called you!” I yelled.

“Well he got there awfully fast, and from what I hear he was paying
particular attention to you.”

I scoffed, but the memory of the way Ed held my hand came rushing

“Did he help Danny the way he helped you?”

“He didn’t help me. He was just concerned if I was okay.” I
shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

“Yeah, I know. He was so concerned he visited you personally in the
hospital to make sure you were okay.”

“Is that jealousy I hear?” I asked.

Riley sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his hair. “No, it’s
not jealousy. No more than what you feel for Allison is jealousy.”

“Riley, it’s hardly the same thing. Allison has had sex with you! Ed
touched me.” I felt the air
between us crackle with electricity, and the atmosphere turned thick and
dangerous. As Riley looked deep into my eyes, his thoughts unreadable, I
gulped, the picture of Allison’s legs wrapped around his body making my throat

He shook his head, threw his hammer on the ground and stormed out
the door. As the front door slammed shut, I felt the tears skim my lashes as
they escaped.
. Why didn’t I keep
my mouth shut?


* * *


Riley and I stayed out of each other’s way for
the rest of the afternoon. The renovation of my little house was nearly
complete, the only jobs left being fitting the new kitchen and the painting of
the back deck. Once that was done all we had to do was sand and stain the
flooring and level the backyard.

I decided to get a head start on the painting. I tried to keep my
mind off the argument and kept looking for Bradley and his tour to appear. By
five o’clock he hadn’t turned up and I started to worry. I know he could be an
annoyance at times, but over the last month I’d grown to like him. I put my
paintbrush down and pulled my phone from my pocket. I typed him a message ...

Hi Bradley, I haven’t seen you today. Hope you’re okay
I’m waiting to hear who the killer is!

Then I waited for a response. By five-thirty I still hadn’t heard
back and thought that if he hadn’t replied by tomorrow, I’d follow it up. I
honestly had no idea where Bradley lived so I made a mental note to call Ed and
ask if he would find Bradley’s address and check on him for me.

I moved inside to Riley. I found him with his head inside the wall,
looking at some plumbing. Resting my back against the door jamb I waited a
beat, just admiring the view. Today he was wearing his usual work clothes of
jeans and an old t-shirt, but watching as it pulled tight across his back
whenever he moved, I felt my hormones stir and butterflies awaken in my

He felt my stare and turned.

“Hey.” He smiled, his eyes soft.

“Hey,” I said back.

He stopped what he was doing, wiped his hands on his jeans and
moved towards me. Stopping in front of me, he gently lifted his fingers to my
nose and wiped off some stray paint from the tip of it. He chuckled.

“I think you have more paint on you than you put on the walls.” He
smiled the mega-watt smile and I knew all was forgiven.

“Would you like some?” I asked, nuzzling my nose into his neck.

He laughed and carefully took my face in both his hands. I felt my
stomach flip as he lowered his head and gently kissed my lips. My spine
dissolved as his soft lips moved over mine and the world became a good place
once again. I gave a blissful sigh.

When he pulled up for air, he looked down at me. “I’m sorry about before.”

“Me too,” I replied. “I’m so afraid of losing you, Riley,” I said
quietly, voicing my deepest fear.

“I’m not going anywhere. This is my favorite place in the world.”

I looked around what was once my kitchen.

“My kitchen?”

Riley chuckled. “No ... right here ... with you.”

I gave another blissful sigh, stood on my tiptoes and kissed him


Chapter Sixteen


By the time we got back to Riley’s house, the
sun had set and we were running late. I’m not going into detail here as to why
we were running late, but I had a memory of a conversation I’d had with Danny
about how I never got any work done with Riley around. My renovation may be
behind schedule, but damn, it was worth it.

Riley walked into his kitchen ahead of me and threw his wallet on
the bench along with his car keys and phone.

“Ah, Lizzie ... you might want to come here,” he called.

I beeped the car locked and moved to him.

What I found was Cat sitting on the kitchen bench, gnawing on the
birthday cake I had made for Riley’s dad, Mal. Shit.

My heart stuttered in my chest as I ran at Cat shooing him away.

“Oh my God!”
I cried, looking at what Cat had done.

“It’s not so bad.”

“Are you kidding me?”

We stood and surveyed the damage. My round cake was now not so

“What do I do?”


“I can’t take it like that!”

“Don’t worry about taking it at all.”

“But it’s the birthday cake. Your dad can’t have a birthday without
a cake.”

“Can you fix it?”

I picked up a knife and cut off the edge Cat had been nibbling on. I
scraped the icing over it and stood back.

“If you cover it with sprinkles you’d never know,” said Riley.

I sighed. “Bloody cat!”


* * *


I reluctantly took the cake to Riley’s parents
after he assured me it was fine and his dad would just appreciate the effort
I’d gone to.

I carried it on my lap on the drive and more than once considered
throwing out the window. But then I remembered how I’d felt the year Mum had
forgotten my birthday cake and knew that no matter what it looked like, I had
to take it.

Riley pulled his truck into their driveway, and I followed him into
the house.

“Hello sweetheart,” said his mother Anna, kissing his cheek as he

“Hi Anna,” I said, smiling.

“Is that the cake?” she asked, kissing my cheek as she spoke. “Oh,
I can’t wait to see it.”

Really? She was about to be very disappointed.

“It’s not much,” I said, inwardly cringing.

“Lizzie, you’re too modest. I’m sure it’s lovely.”

I followed her through to the kitchen where I found Shelly, sitting
at the table, cradling a sleeping Mia.

“Hello gorgeous,” she said, her eyes twinkling as she spoke to me.
See, that’s why she was my second favorite to Thomas.

“Hi Shelly.”

“Lizzie has the cake,” explained Anna, excitedly.

“Oooh, let me see,” said Shelly, standing and moving closer to the
bench where I put the cake down. Riley kissed her cheek as he walked alongside

At that moment Jared walked into the kitchen with Mal.

“You’re just in time,” said Anna, smiling at the boys. “Lizzie has
your birthday cake.”

“Hello Lizzie,” said Mal kissing my cheek. Jared pushed him out of
the way and gave me a hug.

“Let me just get a knife. I might not be able to wait for dessert.”

I felt the dread in my stomach as I looked around their happy

“Maybe we should wait for later,” I said, hoping to stall.

“Don’t be silly. Jared won’t really eat it,” laughed Shelly.

I’d make a bet he wouldn’t.

Maybe the cake wasn’t as bad as I remembered, I thought as I lifted
the lid on the container. Everyone leaned forward for a look, Jared licking his
lips as he did so. I stood back and felt my cheeks flame.

Time stood still as everyone stood frozen, all looking at the lopsided
cake, the white icing filled with chocolate cake crumbs and sprinkles after my
attempt at spreading it all over the missing piece.

“Oh! Well ... it’s ... umm ... lovely,” said Anna.

Mal coughed to clear his throat. I heard the
from Jared as Shelly elbowed him to stop him laughing.

“Thank you, Lizzie. It looks ... delicious,” lied Mal.

“You should have used more sprinkles,” said Riley in my ear.

Thankfully the doorbell rang and saved me from any more
embarrassment. Everybody quickly hurried away from the disaster of my cake, and
made themselves busy in the hope that the cake would miraculously disappear. Well,
I guess I’d never be asked to make the cake again.

I placed the lid back on the container as Anna ran off to answer
the door. Shelly passed Mia to Jared who then followed Riley and Mal into the
lounge room. Shelly came and put her arms around my shoulders.

“It’s okay,” she said, sensing my unease. “You should have seen the
first meal I ever cooked for Anna and Mal. I invited them over for a roast, but
what I didn’t realize was just how much the meat shrunk when it cooked. I think
everyone had a piece of meat about the size of a fifty cent piece.”

I smiled up at Shelly, grateful for her attempt at making me feel
better. It was then I heard Anna’s voice coming back through the kitchen door.

“That was such a lovely thought, Allison. But you really shouldn’t
have,” I heard her say.

Wait a minute. Did she just say
My heart missed a beat as I looked up to see Allison walking into the room, a
large cake box in her hand.

“Well, I was just so thankful you invited me to dinner, and I
remembered how much Mal loved the birthday cake I made him one year. I thought
maybe he’d like another one as my way of saying thank you,” she said. “Oh, hi

I stood and stared after her, as she moved to place her cake box on
the bench.

“It was such a coincidence bumping into you like that,” said Anna,
smiling. “I’ve been thinking of you a lot lately.”

“Ooh, I hope it was all good.” Allison laughed.

“Of course it was all good.” Anna laughed then turned to Shelly and

Shelly’s grip on my shoulder tightened.

“Allison, this is Jared’s wife Shelly,” said Anna, introducing the
two women.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Shelly. The last time I saw Jared he
wasn’t even dating.” She laughed, lightly.

“Are you Allison as in Riley’s
Allison?” asked Shelly, having difficulty disguising the horror she was feeling.

Allison giggled again. “Yes, but we don’t talk about that do we,

I smiled awkwardly, unable to respond. My mind was only just
registering her earlier comment to Riley about seeing him later.

“Allison was lovely enough to make Mal a birthday cake,” said Anna,
shifting uncomfortably.

“But Lizzie made the cake,” said Shelly.

“Oh I’m so sorry, Lizzie. I didn’t realize,” said Allison.

“It’s okay. Mal can have two cakes.” Anna smiled.

“No, no don’t be silly,” said Allison. “Just throw mine in the bin.
It’ll be fine.”

Anna opened the cake box Allison had put on the bench. I had a
discreet peek. Sitting inside was the most exquisite cake I had ever seen. It
was square, sat about five inches high, covered with blue and white icing that
looked exactly like wrapping paper. On the top was a blue bow, all made from
some sort of icing and a nametag that read
Birthday Mal.

“Oh my, I can’t throw that in the bin!” cried Anna.

“Really, it’s fine. Here let me do it,” said Allison, moving to
pick up the box.

“I’m sure Lizzie doesn’t mind if we have both,” said Anna, looking at

I’m sure she was really wishing I would throw mine in the bin so we
could eat Allison’s.

“It’s not my best effort anyway,” continued Allison. “I’ve only
been decorating cakes for a short time and this one didn’t turn out exactly how
I wanted it. See here,” she said, pointing to a small polka dot that was not as
round as the rest. “No matter what I did, I just couldn’t get every dot
perfectly round.”

“Well, yes it is lovely,” said Shelly, finally finding her voice. “But
I’m sure Lizzie’s will taste better.”

I remembered Cat sitting on the bench eating it, and thought at
least one living creature may agree. Then again ... Cat had never tasted
Allison’s, so maybe not.

“I’m sure it does and I bet it looks better too,” said Allison
sweetly. “Can I see it, Lizzie or do I have to wait until after dinner?”

I felt Anna and Shelly’s eyes on me as my face flamed.

“After dinner, I think. Keep it as a surprise.” It was going to be
a surprise alright.

As we moved into the lounge to the boys, Shelly grabbed my arm and
pulled me back. Only when Anna and Allison were out of earshot, did she turn to

“What the hell does she think she’s doing?” she asked.

I shrugged. “I think she’s trying to win Riley back.”


“She’s been around a lot lately and she all but told me she’s still
in love with him.” I felt the tears sting the back of my eyelids.

“Don’t worry about it. He’s never going to leave you for her. I
mean just look at her. She’s a stuck-up princess.”

God, I loved Shelly.

“I don’t know. We had a really big fight about her last night and
then again this afternoon. It’s alright now, but he gets really defensive when
I talk to him about her. He thinks it’s all in my mind.”

Shelly crossed her arms over her chest. “Hmm, he came over really
late last night. He was talking to Jared about something, but I went to bed and
forgot to ask about it this morning. Let me talk to Jared. He’ll know what’s
really going on in Riley’s head.”

“Thanks.” I gulped.

It was a good idea to know what Riley was really thinking, but a
part of me was worried I may not like what I heard.


* * *


Anna was an excellent cook, but in all honesty
my appetite had upped and left me. I picked at the delicious beetroot and feta
salad, and listened quietly to the conversation around me. I sat on Riley’s
right and Allison had managed to get herself seated on his left. She had Mal
next to her at the head of the table with Anna next, alongside Jared. Shelly
sat opposite me at the other end.

Anna seemed not to notice I wasn’t enjoying dinner, her attention solely
on Allison, talking about old times. When she offered to find the old photo
albums and go through the photos, I felt Shelly kick me under the table. I
looked up at her and could see what she was thinking. She hated this as much as
I did. She elbowed Jared and tried to indicate that he should change the
subject because I was uncomfortable.

Jared gave me a compassionate look.

“Hey Allison, I hear your driving’s got no better with age.”

I saw her blush

“Jared!” said Anna.

“It’s okay, Anna. Jared’s right. My driving is terrible. Poor
Lizzie can pay testament to that.”

All eyes turn to me. I half-smiled.

“Even though I really didn’t think I deserved to be treated the way
I was by the police. It was an accident and they could clearly see that.”

“What do you mean?” asked Mal.

“Well one officer in particular was really rude. I’m sure he
thought I deliberately did it. Which I didn’t!” I felt Riley shift
uncomfortably in his chair.

“Which officer was that?” he asked.

“Officer Ed Helms,” replied Allison. “I won’t forget that name.” I
noticed as she glanced my way, giving me a quick but meaningful look.

“You should report him,” said Anna.

“Well, I thought about it, but by the way he was treating Lizzie, I
thought he must be a friend, so I decided to drop it. I wouldn’t want him
getting into trouble.”

Anna and Mal looked at me for an explanation.

“Well of course he’d defend Lizzie if he was her friend,” said
Shelly, thinking she was helping me. I’d already felt Riley’s body tense, and
would really like the conversation to move on to something else.

“No matter, if he was on duty he should have acted professionally and
left personal feelings aside,” said Mal.

“Jared, you should look into it,” said Anna, turning to Jared.

“If Allison has a complaint, she should go to the station and talk
to his sergeant,” he answered reluctantly.

“Honestly, I just want to forget about it,” said Allison. If she
wanted to forget about it then why did she bring it up? “They’re charging me
with dangerous driving, and I really don’t want to aggravate anybody. I’m
hoping I can just pay a fine and it will all go away.”

I heard Anna and Mal suck in their breath.

“Can Lizzie get the charges dropped?” asked Anna, turning to Jared
once again. Honestly, you would think I wasn’t even in the room.

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