Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy) (27 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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, no more sneaking around?”

“Soon, not just yet, but soon.”

I sigh.

“Why the long face?
I thought you would be excited? I came straight here after I flew into Portland. I literally landed, hopped in my car and drove straight down here so that I could see you. Marion thinks I am in Montreal until Sunday.”

, are you staying? How long have you been down here and how did you find the house?”

He laughs.
“Danielle, enough questions! I looked your parents up.  That part wasn’t hard. Yes, I am staying. I have been down here for just over an hour, and I had a pleasant conversation with your father. He is a great guy. He has invited me to stay at the house, if that is okay with you?”

“Of course that is okay with me!
I am just thrilled that you are here. Wait, were you on a layover or something when you texted me this afternoon?”

bites his lip. I hate it when he does that because I always want to take a nibble myself. “Yes, you found me out. I was on a layover in New York, making my way back to you.”

He is so damned sexy.

He leans over and kisses me again.
“Shall we go inside, I would love to get to know your parents.”

I giggle.
I can only imagine what they are saying right now. I am willing to bet that my mother is standing in the living room, peering out of the sheer curtains, spying on us.

We get out of the car and
Harrison goes around to the trunk to pull out a small suitcase.

He sets the alarm on the car
, and we head inside to face the parents. Surprisingly, they have gone to bed.  

I wake up to my dad whistling out in the hallway.
It reminds me of being a kid.  Every Saturday morning, he would be up early, puttering and whistling around the house.  My mom would usually be in the kitchen, whipping up her famous Dutch pancakes.

I am hoping this morning is no exception.  I could really go for some of her delicious pancakes this morning.  My parents are progressive, but old fashioned at the same time.  Mom had set up the guest room for Harrison.  I knew this because when we came in last night, the only light on upstairs was the spare bedroom.  The bedding was pulled back and a bath towel was waiting for him.

Harrison! He’s here! I can’t wait to see him. I shower quickly and wrap a towel around my bust. I return to my room and stop dead in my tracks.  My stomach almost jumps out of my mouth. There is Harrison, lounging on my bed, with my new green teddy dangling from his hand. He takes my breath away. He is wearing a pair of snug jeans and a navy blue and white checked button-down shirt. His sleeves are rolled up, and he is barefoot. His hair is perfectly messy, as usual, and I can smell his freshly showered scent. I think I may be drooling.

I shake myself out the trance.

My eyes are bugging out of my head, as I hiss, “What the hell are you doing in my room? My mom had better not see you in here!”

He flashes me his naughty smirk, “Mom
me up here to get you for breakfast. But, I have to confess, I am not really hungry for food. I think I’d rather eat what is under that blue towel.” The scoundrel licks his lips. My loins respond in kind with a warming sensation and a moist release.

He gets up from the bed
, and walks over to me, shoving his hand up my towel, resting his fingers on my moist crotch. He shoves his fingers into my “P” and starts moving them in a circular motion. “Oh, not now, Harrison.” I can hardly contain myself. “I want you so bad, but not here, not right now.”

He kisses me on the neck by my ear.
He sucks at that tender spot that makes my loins ache. I arch against him, as he moves behind me, with his hand wrapped around to my breasts. He continues to move his fingers around inside me, while using his thumb to rub my clit. He moves his mouth over my ear, his breathing ragged and rasping. His hot breath sends chills down my back to my loins. He continues to move his fingers around in my “P”, using an in and out motion. He takes one finger out and circles it around the swollen entrance to my “P” then he quickly shoves them both back inside of me in a quick movement, while continuing to suckle at my neck. I can’t take it anymore. I feel my insides clinch and then a wave of heat radiates through my loins, and I cum, while arched against his chest. He continues to fondle my loins, until I go limp in his arms. I turn around to face him and kiss him passionately. I hear from downstairs that my mom is calling out to Harrison. I instantly tense up and push away from him, aiming him toward the door. He turns to look back at me with a smirk.

Out the door he goes
, and I hear him taking the stairs two at a time. I smile to myself, he is just perfect for me.

I dress in a new pair of tight fitting jeans that I bought last night and a cream and white striped
, loose fitting sweater. I find a soft, pink cotton scarf in my overnight bag and knot it around my neck. It’s the perfect beach ensemble. I hug myself in the mirror. This is what happy looks like. I am positively glowing.

At the top of the stairs
, I can smell Mom’s Dutch Pancakes cooking in the oven. My mouth is already salivating.

Harrison is sitting at the table with my dad
. Their heads are together, and they are clearly deep in discussion. Neither one seems to notice my entrance. I walk over to my mom and kiss her on the cheek.

“Good morning
, dear. You sure look perky this morning.”

I look at my Mom, “I could say the same about you.
” She smiles at me, nods and then winks. Oh, I really hope that doesn’t mean what I think it means.  That is just too much information for my liking.

Turning toward the table
, I see both my dad and Harrison looking at us. I feel a blush taking over my face. “What?” I sit down at the table with my plate full of piping hot Dutch pancake, covered in fresh-squeezed lemon and powdered sugar.

My dad clears his throat and takes a sip of his orange juice.
“So what do you two have planned for today? I wouldn’t mind taking you around to show you the sights.”

Harrison looks at me and I nod.
“I would love that. Let’s make a morning of it. If you have no objection, I would like to steal your daughter away this afternoon for a drive down the coast.” He looks to me, “I have some property that I am thinking about developing. I’d like to show it to you.”

My mom turns to Harrison, “Lovely, how about I pack you a picnic.
You can roast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate.”

I giggle and look at Harrison
, who is smiling warmly up at my mom, who is finally joining us the table.

“Did you bring a parka
, Harrison? It is misting out there today, and you might need a good sturdy coat. If you didn’t, I have one that I can loan you.” My dad is in great spirits today. What’s gotten into him?

“I would appreciate that.
I did
bring a proper jacket for traipsing around the beach in the mist. I only have my raincoat and leather jacket.” He flashes my mom his beautiful smile. 

After we finished cleaning up the kitchen
, mom ushers us out so she can prepare our picnic.

I head out to the family room and find a content Henry
, curled up with Misty by the wood stove. I guess I don’t need to bother him right now. He looks perfectly happy.

My dad is whistling in the entryway
, so I go out to join him. He looks around and then asks me where Harrison has gone off to?

, he had to take a call from Montreal. He will be right back. I think mom went up to put on something warmer. So Dad, what do you think?...Of Harrison that is?”

Dad takes me by the arms, “Well
, at first when he introduced himself, I was leery. But, after we chatted while we waited for you ladies, I understand everything now. He is still on probation because of what he has put you through, but I think he will get off on good behavior, if he doesn’t do anything else to hurt you.”

, there you are, where’s Harry?”

“It’s Harrison
, Mom, and he is outside on a call.”

“He does not seem to mind my calling him Harry.
Now let’s go out to the car and wait for him.”

Just as we all step onto the porch
, Harrison comes up the walkway, all smiles. Yes, this is going to be a good day.

several hours of showing Harrison the sights with my family, we are finally in his car, alone. I let out a big sigh. He turns to me with a question in his eye, “What’s that about?”

I sigh again
,  “Oh nothing, I am just glad that we are finally alone for a while. Now where are we headed off to? I think my Mom packed enough food and firewood for an army!”

“Good, I have plans for us by the fireside.”

Harrison starts the Aston, and we head down the street and out of my parents’ neighborhood.

We drive about 10 minutes down the Coast H
ighway. I can’t believe that Harrison owns land down here.  I wonder what he is going to do with it. Of course, the real estate mogul would have land on the coast, I mean, why wouldn’t he?

Harrison reaches over and places his right hand over mine
, squeezing my hand tightly.  He proceeds to raise the top of my hand to his sensual lips. He places the most body-warming kiss on my smooth skin.

“I love you
, Danielle.” He says this while looking over, deep into my eyes. I can’t believe this is happening to me. Me, the small-town interior designer from Cannon Beach, Oregon is sitting in an Aston Martin with one of the top ten most eligible bachelors.

“I love you too
, Harrison. All of you.”

This feels so right.
I have been waiting all my life to feel this way. It is happening, and I am finally the leading lady in this love story.

“Harrison, where are we going
, exactly?”

“I own some land on the coast not far from here.
I want to show you my little Pacific Coast jewel.”

The car slows
, as we come to a gated entrance. Harrison flips open his glove compartment and pushes a button on a remote on the inside. The gates slowly open inward, allowing us access.

“Welcome to, ‘Sundown
,’ Danielle.

It is dark, but there is a beautiful glow of the Fall moon dancing on the coastline.
  The moonlight is enough for me to make out that we are entering a gated development, right on the water. The gates close automatically behind us, as Harrison pulls up and parks near a wooden bridge.

“This is Sundown
, a development that I purchased a while back. I plan on building here in the coming years.”

Harrison turns the engine off and walks around the car to my door.
He opens my door, like the gentleman that he is, and extends his hand to help me out. I grab the basket of goodies that mom prepared for our evening.

I can see a fire in the distance
, as the roaring ocean waves crash against the rocks. It is pleasant outside and a light breeze swirls around the in the salty air.

Harrison grabs my ha
nd, and draws me in as he kisses my forehead. That gesture still sends me into a complete tailspin. He is soft, romantic and in control. It’s not the big things that thrill me. It’s the small touches like that, which make me swoon.

We head down the street and over the newly built wooden bridge that connects
the driveway to the beach. There are no houses around us, the coast is clear for probably a three-quarters of a mile on either side of us.

“Harrison is that for...?”


“Who came down and built us a bonfire
, Harrison?”

“It’s nice isn’t it?”
He looks straight ahead. “It’s perfect for the basket your mother packed.”

, Harrison, you haven’t changed. You still know how to skirt around a subject! Anyway, this is just perfect, Harrison. This location is so secluded. I have never seen this private area of the beach before.”

Harrison sets the basket down in the sand near the fire.
He pulls out a chilled bottle of bubbly and pops the cork. This man is always prepared. How romantic!! He planned this all by himself.

He hands me a crystal flute of chilled bubbly, “To our many firsts together
, Danielle.” Our glasses clink together. He is staring me down with those intense blue eyes, as we both throw back the delectable champagne. He has an intense look in his eyes and a smirk on his face that I know all too well.

Harrison advances toward me, retrieves my glass
, and places it in the basket. He cups both of his hands around my face, as he draws me near. He whispers, “I have never wanted anything as bad, Danielle, as I want you.”

BOOK: Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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