Glenn, Stormy and Hagen, Lynn - Pax's Blues [Lady Blue Crew 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (4 page)

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy and Hagen, Lynn - Pax's Blues [Lady Blue Crew 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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Colt took a seat, waiting for Pax to join him. The shifter didn’t indicate where he wanted Pax to sit. He glanced at Colt’s lap and entertained the idea of sitting on it, but he dropped that thought quickly.

Instead, Pax sat down the carpeted floor between Colt’s legs, resting his back against the sofa. He fisted his hands in his lap when he felt Colt run his hands through Pax’s hair. This was not helping his resolve. If anything, it was making it crumble, but Pax couldn’t find it in him to pull away.

Pax had no idea what the movie was about. He didn’t really care. He just hoped there was another one after this. He didn’t want to move from where he was. He didn’t want Colt to stop running his hands through his hair. It felt so good.

Pax couldn’t remember the last time someone had touched him like this and not wanted something in return. Hell, he couldn’t even remember the last time someone had touched him at all. It seemed like forever.

Unlike Gigi, Pax remembered his family all too well, and he knew they were bastards from word one. He wasn’t confused about why he had been on the streets before the crew of the Lady Blue found him. He knew exactly why—and he’d hate his family until his last breath for it. There were some things that just could not be forgotten.

“Do you want to watch another one, little bird?”

“Huh?” Pax twisted around to stare up at Colt in confusion.

Colt waved his hand toward the vid-screen. “Do you want to watch another movie?”

“It’s over?” Pax glanced around to find he and Colt were the only ones left in the media room. His eyes widened at the soft chuckle he heard behind him. Pax quickly scrambled to his feet. “We should probably get to bed.”

“Or you could come sit with me, and we could watch another movie.”

“I…” Pax sucked in his bottom lip and chewed on it as he wondered what Colt’s motives were. How could anyone be this nice and not want something? Everyone wanted something—even Pax. He wanted safety. He wanted someone to love him unconditionally. He wanted to be able to say no and mean it.

“Come pick out a vid, little bird.” Colt held out the remote.

Pax hesitated for just a moment then sat down next to Colt and grabbed the remote. He quickly flipped through the movies available until he found one he had seen before. If he faded off during this one, at least he wouldn’t look like a complete goober.

The movie started. Pax watched Colt through the fall of his bangs. He smiled when Colt chuckled at something funny on the screen, frowned when Colt grumbled. Little by little, he stopped feeling afraid.

* * * *

Colt smiled when Pax leaned closer to him. He doubted his mate even knew he was doing it. Colt wasn’t blind. He knew Pax was watching him. Colt just wished he could figure Pax out. He was getting mixed signals and didn’t know how to react to that.

Pax could be friendly, happy, outgoing one moment then freeze him out the next. Colt didn’t know if he was coming or going. Okay, he did. He definitely wasn’t coming—at least not with his mate. He had jerked off so many times in the last week he was surprised his wrist worked at all.

If he didn’t figure his mate out soon, Colt was afraid he might lose control and just take him. He was that desperate to claim his mate. Only the fear that showed in Pax’s beautiful blue eyes stopped him.

Colt nearly swallowed his tongue when Pax scooted the last few inches between them. A moment later, he felt Pax’s head lean against his shoulder. Colt’s heart started beating faster at having his mate so close—and there of his own free will.

After a little while, Colt lifted his arm and wrapped it around Pax’s shoulders. He urged Pax’s head down to his chest then leaned back, allowing Pax to get cuddled up to him and comfortable.

Colt chuckled quietly a few minutes later when Pax began to snore. He reached to the side of the couch and grabbed a small blanket, using it to cover Pax up. Then Colt lifted Pax up into his lap.

Colt stared down at Pax, amazed by the beauty in the man’s features. He never thought he’d be interested in someone with blue skin, but after meeting Pax, he knew he wouldn’t have it any other way. The soft black hair that framed Pax’s face gave him an ethereal look. Add in the high cheekbones and plush lips, and Colt knew he was a goner.

The movie ended but Colt had no urge to move. He leaned farther back into the couch and cradled Pax to his chest. He’d happily stay right where he was for the rest of the night if Pax stayed in his arms.

Chapter 3

“Okay, look here. I say we need to get to the next job, and here you are, bellyaching. I’ll make a deal with you.” Livewire paced back and forth in the engineering room. He ran his hands over his hair and then turned back around, letting out a deep sigh. “If you stop giving me such attitude, I’ll make sure you have the finest men crawling all over you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

The propulsion system whirled but gave no indication it even heard him. Lights blinked and beeping noises were heard, but nothing changed.

“Fine, be difficult.” Livewire tossed the wrench on the floor. “But just so you know, if you don’t cooperate, it’ll be your ass hitting the ground first.” He waggled a finger at the ship’s main component.

“If it answers you, I’m jumping in an airlock and shooting myself out into space.” Pax chuckled as he walked through the door, Livewire hearing it swish closed behind the blue-skinned man.

“She’s got personality just like everyone else. She just needs to be stroked right. Unfortunately the ship is filled with gay men, no hope there.” Livewire reached out and ran his hand down the smooth panel in front of him. “Ain’t that right, Lady Blue?”

Pax giggled as Livewire flipped a switch on the wall, his finger caressing the knob like a nipple. When nothing happened, he sighed. “See what I mean?”

“Nope.” Pax smiled and sat on a crate nearby. “I never see what anyone means.”

Livewire smiled at his buddy. Pax was like a puppy eager for attention and a gentle touch. Too bad Colt would feed him his own ass if he tried the latter. Not that he wanted to. Livewire liked his men a little more dominant. “Neither do I, so you and I must think alike.”

He bent at the waist and picked the wrench up that he had dropped, watching Pax. “What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

Pax picked at his pants as he stared down at his feet. “Just wanted to get away for a while.”

“Running again?”

“Am not!” Pax argued, and then his shoulders sagged slightly, his eyes tracking around the room. “Maybe.”

Livewire crossed the distance, sitting on a crate close to Pax—but not too close, he wasn’t that crazy. “Dealing with men is like baking a cake. You can put whatever you want into it, but once you shove it in the oven, it’s all up to the cake god. You get what I’m saying?”

“Cake god?” Pax gasped. “There’s a cake god? How come I never heard of this god?”

“No, Pax, that’s not what—” Livewire stopped and scratched his head. “You know, I actually don’t know. Maybe there is a cake god. I guess there could be, right?” Livewire grabbed his wench and swung around to the propulsion system. “I mean, you mix it all together, stick the stuff in the oven, and hope for the best, but it doesn’t always turn out right, does it? Sometimes your cake falls flat. Other times it tastes like goo. If there’s someone actually in charge of all that stuff then…”

* * * *

Pax’s head started to hurt as he listened to Livewire go on and on about some cake god. He was beginning to think that Livewire was just as nuts as the rest of them. He’d never heard of a cake god before.

The mechanic turned to Pax, twirling the wrench around his index finger as he scratched his head. “I forgot. What where we just talking about?”

Pax giggled at the funny man. “Cake.”

Livewires eyes lit up. “Do we have any left? I’m fucking starving down here.” He sat back down next to Pax, leaning his back against the wall. “And a tall glass of ice-cold goat’s milk.”

Pax rubbed his temples as he tried desperately to follow the conversation. Maybe he needed a compass for Livewire as well. “I think we do. I’m not really sure.”

“You ever think that maybe if you stopped running, you just might get a piece of that cake? Mind you, it may not be the flavor you want, but a glass of milk always helps.”

Pax had to get out of there before his brain exploded. He really liked Livewire. The man was easy to talk to, when he understood him. “I’m going to go. Thanks for the talk, I think.”

“Sure, anytime, buddy. Bring me some cake when you get a chance.” Livewire turned back to the propulsion system, arguing with it again.

Pax slid out, leaving the two to hash out their problems. He walked up the steps to the upper deck, needing to lie down. Gigi wouldn’t need him for a while, so he had a chance to take a nap. Pax started to walk into his room until he heard a guitar strumming. He followed the sound until he was outside Colt’s door. Pax leaned against the wall, listening to the beautiful melody.

Pax jumped when he accidently hit the call button with his shoulder, alerting Colt to his presence. He could run, but that was too chicken even for him. When the door slid open, Pax stood there wringing his hands, wondering what he was going to say.

“Come on in, little bird.”

Colt’s voice sounded like a soft caress, making Pax’s skin hum from the baritone inflexion. Pax hesitated, wondering if this was an invitation to more than just sitting in Colt’s room.

“No strings, little bird. Just spending time together.”

Pax nodded at Colt’s promise as he stepped in, looking around the shifter’s room. It looked just like his. Only Colt’s room looked lived in whereas Pax’s room was spotless. Of course, Pax didn’t have a whole lot to create a mess with.

“I was just humming out a few tunes. Have a seat.” Colt nodded to a chair sitting by the wall as the shifter sat on his bed.

Pax crossed the room, sitting down and then scooting back, pulling his legs up and wrapping his arms around them. He noticed Colt’s feet were bare. Could men have sexy feet? They had to because Colt’s feet were perfect. His eyes snapped up when Colt’s fingers glided along the guitar strings.

“It took a lot of credits to snag this Fender, but it was well worth it.” Colt smiled as a tune began to fill the room.

Pax’s eyes widened when he recognized the song. “I know that song!” he proclaimed proudly.

“Then sing it with me.”

Colt began to sing, the melody making Pax think of angels without wings—as the lyrics stated. Pax found his hands fisted at his chest as he gazed at Colt with such awe that he wanted to cry. The man was starting to chip away at the wall Pax had erected around himself. Before he knew it, Pax was singing along.

A smile tugged at the side of Colt’s mouth when Pax messed a few notes up. He wasn’t the best singer in the world. As a matter of fact, Pax was killing the poor song, but Colt didn’t seem to mind in the least. He kept right on singing, winking at Pax as his fingers flew over the guitar strings. Pax smiled a big-ass goofy grin as he tried his very best to stay on key. When the song ended, Colt started another one, and Pax knew this one as well!

“Sing it for me, little bird,” Colt called out, laughter lacing his voice.

Pax fisted his hands like a prayer at his chest as his mouth opened wider, and he sang his heart out. The smile on Colt’s face made Pax want to crawl in his lap and stay there forever. The shifter didn’t make one move on him through four songs.

Pax was confused now. Colt seemed to want to always be near him or touching him in some way. Why wasn’t Colt trying
? Had that changed? Had Pax held out too long? Did Colt not want him anymore?

Pax started to grow flustered. He bent his head and rested it on the top of his knees. He wanted to pound his head against a wall or lose a screw so he’d be as crazy as everyone else. Then, maybe, he’d understand what was going on.

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