Global Futures in East Asia: Youth, Nation, and the New Economy in Uncertain Times (Contemporary Issues in Asia and Pacific) (53 page)

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the Contributors

Nancy Abelmann is Associate Vice Chancellor for Research (Humanities and Arts) and the Harry E. Preble Professor of Anthropology, Asian American Studies, and East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has published books on South Korean social movements, women and social mobility, film, Korean Americans, and, most recently,
The Intimate University: Korean American Students and the Problems of Segregation
(Duke University Press 2009). She is coeditor of
No Alternative? Experiments in South Korean Education
(University of California 2011) and
South Korea’s Education Exodus
(in progress) and coauthor of
How Korean American Teens and Parents Navigate Immigrant America
(in progress).

Ann Anagnost is Professor of Anthropology and Chinese Studies at the University of Washington. She is author of
National Past-Times: Narrative, Representation, and Power in Modern China
(Duke University Press, 1997). Her forthcoming book is
Embodiments of Value in China’s Reform
(Duke University Press). Her current research is on food sovereignty movements at both local and transnational scales of analysis. She was editor of
Cultural Anthropology

Andrea G. Arai teaches in the Japan Studies Program in the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington. Her publications include “The Wild Child of 1990s Japan,” in
Japan After Japan: Social and Cultural Life from the Recessionary 1990s to the Present
, edited by Tomiko Yoda and Harry Harootunian (Duke University Press, 2006). Arai is completing a book entitled
Recessionary Times
, which traces troubled sites of national-cultural reproduction following the 1990s financial downturn. Arai’s new
project, “Alternative Lifestyles and Livelihoods” engages with postbubble displacements and emerging notions of reclamation and recovery.

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