GO LONG (15 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blake

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She shrugged, her slender shoulders rising against me.

"We will figure it out Kyle. We always do."

I didn't want to figure it out. I wanted her. I didn't want to upset her by arguing though.

"Well, if I find a place, then will you move into it?"

She nodded, yawning.

"I guess so. But after the wedding, okay?"

I sighed. It was going to have to be good enough. The team needed me. Jason had blown out his knee, and now I wasn't just the best quarterback they had.

I was the

We were more than halfway through the season. We were heading for the championship. I wanted to be there for it.

I wanted to win the damn thing!

"So, are you sure you don't want to move into my dorm room with me?"

"Ew, NO!"

"I guess I'll just have to find something nicer then. How about a room in a frat house? I hear the military frat has keggers every Friday night."

"Ha, ha, ha. No."

I chuckled at the haughty tone of her voice as my phone pinged. It was a video email from Kenneth. I'd sent him a blank one earlier with only two words in the subject line: Mission accomplished.

I opened the video and the phone blared loudly. I scrambled to turn the sound down. Heads swiveled. It was


Kenneth and the guys were dancing around, clearly drunk. I rolled my eyes, laughing my ass off. One of them had a red wig on and was pretending to make out with the other guys. I had to squint before I recognized him.

Holy shit it was Jagger.

Jagger was the toughest motherfucker I'd met in my life. He was a lifer, climbing the ranks until his reckless ways got him in trouble. Then he'd just start over again.

He held his fingers out, pulling his tank top to simulate boobs. I choked back a laugh but Belinda was glaring at me.

"We're glad you got your woman, Sergeant Thick!"

Jagger saluted and then brought his fingers to his mouth in the universal sign of pussy eating. I covered my mouth as I almost bust a gut laughing. Belinda was looking at me with annoyed curiosity.

"Sergeant Thick? Why do they call you that?"

I turned my phone off hastily and shoved it in my bag.

"No reason."


I looked at her, then leaned forward to whisper.

"Well it might have something to do with my equipment."

"Your what?"

"You know, my twig and berries."

Her pretty little mouth opened. I grinned at her. She was so innocent, but also very ready to experiment as she'd proven in Woodstock. I could not wait to get her alone again. She'd been very enthusiastic to wrap those lips around my-

"Your penis???"

She looked so shocked that I almost laughed. But I tried to shush her instead. Mistake.

Note to self: no woman likes to be shushed. Even if you are in first class on a cross-country flight.

"How do they know about your penis?"

"We live in tents darling, these things tend to get noticed."

She sat back, staring at me with an odd look on her face.

"Is it very large? I mean, compared to others?"

She stared at my lap, licking her lips. I growled at her, feeling my cock fill with blood. She was teasing me and it was working.

"I mean, I've never seen another one. Maybe I should, you know, for comparison?"

"Like hell you will!"

I scooped her up and onto her feet, propelling her towards the bathroom.

"Where are we going?"

"To the bathroom."


"There's a club you're about to join."

I opened the door and pushed her inside. I stepped in behind her and locked the door.

"A club? What club?"

I smiled and started pulling her skirt up.

"It's called the Mile High Club, Princess."



I could not believe what he was doing. He wanted to fool around? In a airplane bathroom??? I looked at his face and reconsidered.

Of course he wanted to fool around in an airplane bathroom.

He always wanted to mess around!

He just grinned at me and reached for my panties. His smile widened when he realized I was already wet. Being around him did that to me.

The pregnancy might have something to do with it too.

"It's okay baby, I just want to use the tip."


He stopped smiling and turned me around so that I faced the mirror.

"I'm joking. I'm going to use the whole thing."

I felt the silky tip of his cock slip just inside me. Even after all these months of being together, it felt new every time. Probably because he was so 'thick.'


"Shhhh... we don't want to get kicked out of first class."

I tried not to make a sound as Kyle started to take me from behind, staring at me in the bathroom mirror. He looked down, watching his cock disappear into my body. I watched him in the mirror. He was watching us as he gradually quickened his pace.

Hmmmffff... the look on his face while he watched us made me clamp down.

Just like that, I was coming.

He gave me a look in the mirror that said 'be quiet' and then grinned. He reached forward and strummed my clit. I bucked against him wildly and let out a squeal.

Kyle watched me in the mirror as I convulsed, held in place by his big rough hands. Then he gripped both hips and went to town. He scooped down, thrusting up. He sawed his cock in and out of me with a deep swooping motion. I felt him swelling and then he let out all the air in his body in a hiss of pleasure.

He jammed his cock all the way into me as it exploded, filling me up with his seed. He plunged forward again and again until his come was leaking out of me, running down my leg. I gasped, still tingling from my double orgasm.

"Fuck, B! That was hot."

I was speechless as I stared at him in the mirror.

"Hold your skirt up Princess."

I did as he asked while he wiped me down with damp paper towels. Then he ran his finger along my sex and licked it clean, winking at me.

"You are now a member of the Mile High Club."

I smiled at him proudly.


He laughed and opened the door. A disapproving stewardess was standing there, blocking our way. My stomach dropped. Kyle squeezed my hand. I knew what he would say.

'What does it matter?'

"One at a time in the lavatory please."

"Sorry. My fiancé was ill. Morning sickness."

The stewardess raised an eyebrow, but stepped aside, allowing us to pass.

She wasn't fooled for a minute. Kyle had the right attitude though. For the first time in my life I was breaking the rules without a guilty conscience.

What did it matter?

Chapter Twenty-Seven


"So this is the head, the spine, the arms, the legs... and this right here is the heartbeat..."

I leaned towards the ultrasound machine, staring at our child. It was more than the blob I'd been expecting. It was a small person.

I looked at Belinda, awestruck.

"We did that?"

She smiled at me and nodded.

"Well, to be fair. It was mostly her."

The doctor was smiling at us.

"So, everything is okay? Can you tell if it's a girl or a boy yet?"

"Everything is fine. Actually, its early but we can definitely tell the sex. Right now if you like."

Bellie nodded.

"Yes please."

I nodded too.

"Well if you look here, you can see this thick line..."

I knew what he was going to say before he said it.

"I have to be frank, this is the most well endowed baby I've ever seen."

I grinned at him.

"It's genetic."

Belinda was staring at the picture.

"That's a... his... it's as big as his arm!"

"Well, you know the expression, big as a baby's arm..."

She frowned at me.

"No, I did not know that expression."

The doctor cleared his throat.

"Everything looks good otherwise. So we can expect to see you next month."

"Thank you doctor."

Bellie said goodbye but I stopped him from leaving. I had a very important question to ask him. The
important question.

"What about, you know, sex. How long can we..."

He smiled and adjusted his stethoscope.

"You can continue sexual intercourse until the seventh or eight month. As long as its comfortable for the mother. Then there are plenty of non-invasive ways to have sex that are fine after that."

"Awesome, thanks Doc."

I almost high fived the guy, but I refrained. I looked at Belinda who was covering her face in embarrassment.

"Did you hear that babe?

"I heard it. I can't believe you asked him that!"

"Just you wait, little mama. We are going to have fun!"


My fiancé was a Neanderthal. A big, almost always horny, giant hunk of a man. He was also sweet, protective and possessive. Not to mention an incredible quarterback. I sighed, rubbing my tummy. I whispered to the baby, ignoring the screaming crowd all around me.

'Look at your daddy go...'

Kyle was scoring yet another touchdown. He was destroying the other team's defense, play after play. Yes, he might be a bit thick in the head sometimes. Kind of a sexy bull in a china shop. But he was mine.

I blushed, thinking about what he asked the doctor about.

My mother sat beside me. She handed me an apple. She always made sure we had plenty of healthy organic food at home. She'd become my biggest champion since I came back.

Well, Kyle was my biggest champion. And any minute now, he'd be an

They were going to win the division for the first time in a decade. There was no doubt in my mind. This was history in the making. The first half of the game had been tough, with each team giving as good as it got. But we were pushing just a little harder.

Especially number 10.

My man was going to pull it off. I just knew it. I glanced at the enormous trophy that sat on a big display table in the stands.

It was going to be one impressive wedding gift.

Then again, so was the little guy. He kicked against my palm as if he agreed with me. Of course he would. I could already imagine our baby crawling around the house in his diapers like he was the king of the world.

I was pretty sure arrogance ran in the family.

I glanced at my dad, pacing back and forth and screaming at the players as they took their positions. Kyle was strutting around, leading the team and peacocking. I looked back and forth between them.

Oh yeah, arrogance.

On both sides.

I leaned forward, my nerves stretched as the team made their final play. We were down 29 to 34 and needed to get the ball in the end zone to win.

Things were dire.

But if we scored...

The crowd grew quiet as both teams took the line of scrimmage. Kyle screamed "Down! Set! Hike!" and the field erupted into frenzied activity. Kyle looked utterly calm as he fell back and launched the ball into the air. It sailed farther than any ball I'd ever seen before.

And one of our guys caught it. I clapped and yelled with the rest of the crowd, amazed at the catch. He ran, darting around players. He got boxed in and twisted sideways lateraling the ball again.

Kyle was running fast up the other side of the field. He leapt in the air and grabbed the ball, clutching it to his gut. Rolling like a crazy train, he smashed through the other team's last two defenders and right into the end zone. He spiked the ball into the ground in celebration.

It was over. He'd done it with a classic flea-flicker. We'd won.

The baby went wild at the exact moment his daddy scored the final touchdown. The whole arena erupted into madness. I covered my ears, laughing and crying at the same time.

Kyle looked up and found me in the stands. He always knew exactly where I was sitting. He smiled at me, making the V sign for victory.

In another minute, the crowd surrounded him, swallowing him up. The trophy cup was filled with ice water and dumped over dad's head. My mother rolled her eyes, laughing and crying along with me.

Kyle was hoisted onto someone's shoulders and carried around the field like he was a sack of potatoes. How they lifted him was beyond me. He was more like a sack of lead potatoes.

Or gold ones.

I smiled. My sack of potatoes.

And in less than three days, I was going to be Mrs. Sack Of Potatoes.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I paced back and forth, wondering how the hell I was going to get through the next few hours. Coach was giving me strange looks, which wasn't helping my anxiety levels. I had a strange feeling he was going to try and knock me off before the ceremony.

I was relieved when Betsy and Evan walked in pushing an enormous box teetering precariously on a wheeled cart. It was wrapped in tie-dyed paper. There was a handmade card on top.

As if we would have trouble knowing who it was from.

Betsy leaned up to kiss my cheek.

"Don't worry, it's just a crib."

Evan slapped my back. Ben came in and slapped my back. Everybody slapped my damn back.

Except Coach Carmichael.

He just watched and waited for the opportunity to take me out. I knew I'd crossed the line when I'd impregnated his baby girl. I knew there would be a day of reckoning. But I wouldn't change a damn thing.

I lifted my chin and nodded at him.

This was it, I thought. A lifetime of cold stares to look forward to. He gestured to me to go outside. I had a moment where I seriously wondered if I should stay inside.

"Walk with me, son."

"Sure thing, Coach."

"You know son, marriage is a serious responsibility. So is fatherhood. Are you sure you are up to the challenge? It's not too late to walk away. Belinda will be fine, you know that. She'll always land on her feet. Girl like that, she could replace you in a heartbeat."

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