Goated by the Gods (5 page)

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Authors: Sheri Lyn

BOOK: Goated by the Gods
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When Gareth had come home and found the invitation stuck to his door, he had been excited and jubilant with the knowledge his mate wanted him there. It wasn’t long before reality sank in; Zach didn’t know where he lived or even Gareth’s last name. He had angrily stalked into his apartment and dropped onto the couch with an aggravated sigh of disappointment.

“Why are you so depressed?” Thor’s disembodied voice floated to him from his kitchen before the large god appeared with a bottle of beer in hand. “Hope you don’t mind. I love beer and since I was waiting for you to show up I had a peak around your dwelling. Kinda empty and desolate, isn’t it?”

Gareth shrugged as he looked around the sparsely furnished room and saw it from his perspective. “Perhaps it is, but no one visits and I am rarely here myself. It suits my needs and that is what counts. Now, care to tell me why you are here in my house in the first place?

“Consider me your fairy godfather, here to grant your fondest wish, of course.” Thor chuckled at Gareth’s eye roll. “Okay, fine, I won’t go that far, but I am here to help you get what you desire.”

“And just what is that?”

“Zach, of course.” Thor beamed in satisfaction with his own answer. “That invitation is to their benefit tonight. You will be attending, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.”

“Impossible, that man made it clear he didn’t want anything to do with me when he stormed out of the cave without so much as a look at me. He forgot I existed the minute you showed up.”

“He can’t forget you, there is nothing is his life that means as much to him as you. Okay, well besides his brothers, and rescuing lost hikers, and his camp for disadvantaged kids. But you are still tied at the top of those with his brothers. Oh, never mind. The important thing is he needs you, craves you, dreams of you and is dying without you. Just as you are without him.”

“Am I to assume that the great god Thor’s plan is to play matchmaker by having me attend the brothers’ benefit? Isn’t that a bit cliché?”

Thor rolled his eyes “What do you take me for, a meddling house wife? Of course that isn’t it. That is only the beginning. Just be there tonight and trust me.” Thor set his empty bottle on the coffee table and stood, “Wear the suit I left hanging in your closet. Oh, and how is the pain?”

“It’s been bearable since you did your voodoo shit. It comes and goes and is happening more often, but it’s tolerable and even with its current frequency, it only happens a couple times a week.”

Thor nodded and smiled. “Good, then we aren’t in danger yet. Have fun tonight and remember to trust me.”

Gareth snorted at Thor’s words. Who in their right mind would trust a god to have their best interest at heart?




Thor was excited. If all went well tonight, the first of the brothers would have his happily ever after. Things were going as planned and with a little luck, tonight would be a rousing success and he could relieve himself of some of the uncharacteristic guilt he carried over leaving the curse in place so long.

“Good news, my friend. Things are all set. I spoke to Freyr and he has agreed to play his part and will be at the benefit ready and willing to assist us in this matter. He was delighted to help, something about meddling in the affairs of mortals or some such nonsense,” Loki called out as he met Thor in the center of the room.

“This is great news, I just
left Gareth. He balked but I don’t see him wasting an opportunity to be near Zach. The poor boys don’t have a clue what is coming. This is going to be fun, maybe we should do this more often. It would be a great way to relieve our boredom.”

“You’ve gone daft, haven’t you? What are we, some meddlesome women to play matchmaker? Wake up, we are gods.” Loki waited and then burst into laughter. “Sorry, I couldn’t say that with a straight face. Playing in the affairs of mortals has always been a favorite past time, but I had never honestly thought of doing it in this way. I think it’s something we should definitely look into.”

Thor grinned at his old friend. “It’s time. Let the fun begin.”




Zach cursed as he once again fiddled with the tie around his neck. He felt like he was suffocating. The cloying smell of the benefit attendees’ perfume and cologne was playing havoc on his heightened shifter nose.

He searched the crowded room and scowled, he would have sworn he felt Gareth’s presence a moment ago. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find him in the crowd and it was driving him insane.

“It’s almost time for the speech. Are you coming on stage with us or are you going to sit here and pout?” Jared asked from behind Zach’s back.

“I’m not pouting, you overgrown sheep. I was getting a feel for the room and its occupants, that’s all.”

“My bad, it looked to me like you were searching for someone. Maybe a certain half-troll we all know and you love?”

Zach growled in warning before turning to face his youngest brother. “Where is Quentin to come save you before I kick your hairy ass?”

Jared grinned and nodded his head in the direction of the stage. “Sitting over there staring into his drink and lost in thought as usual. Sure don’t know what’s up with you guys, but I hope something happens soon. This is getting old.” Jared winked and sidestepped around Zach before he could do something to embarrass them in front of their guests. “It’s time, are you going to join us on stage?”

Zach nodded and followed with a permanent scowl etched into his features.


Gareth slid through the crowd as smoothly as he could, avoiding Zach and his searching eyes as he was instructed to by Thor. He didn’t know what the gods had planned but he was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Zach was close, he could feel him, it was as if his very molecules were connected to his. He felt this overwhelming urge to go to his soul.

Gareth checked his watch and sighed, gods be damned, if something didn’t happen soon he was going to go insane from being so close to him.

“Ladies and gentleman, our hosts would like to thank you for coming tonight, but before I turn the mic over to them…” Gareth tuned the speaker out and searched for a spot to stand where he could see without being seen from the brothers standing on the stage.

Gareth leaned against the wall and searched the stage. Where was Zach, why wasn’t he up there like he was supposed to be? He could feel his presence so he knew he was close, but he couldn’t see him. The speaker took a step to the left and suddenly it was like the room lit up. Gareth couldn’t contain the excitement that was roaring through his veins.

His blood was dancing a jig and burning him alive from the inside. Delicious heat poured through his entire body. Gareth stared at Zach and even though he knew he wasn’t supposed to, he prayed for Zach to turn and meet his eyes. He needed to see him, to know that he was close by. For the first time in days his pain was
forgotten, the ache nothing more than a fleeting memory in the face of seeing his other half so close.

“It’s almost time, my boy. Just stay strong and you can have your man. I promise.” Thor’s quiet words filtered in through the noise of the crowd, breaking Gareth’s concentration. He looked around, puzzled, but couldn’t find the god.

“No worries, we wouldn’t leave you at a time like this. Well, I might if that delicious piece of grade A prime beef would just give me a chance.” Gareth rolled his eyes at Loki’s words. You would think he was a God of lust or playboys or some such sex maniac type.

“Loki, can you please concentrate for one minute? How are we supposed to do this matchmaking thing if you can’t pay attention and stop ogling people?”

Gareth choked on his laughter, had he just heard them right? A matchmaking service run by the gods Loki and Thor. “Did you just say matchmaking service? What would two old gods know about that?”

Thor scoffed at the note of laughter in Gareth’s voice, “I think we are doing amazingly well for you, Gareth.”

“Right, like the part where I am dying and am in pain from my mate rejecting me? Or maybe the part where I’m here at a benefit while my soul is standing across the room and I am waiting on gods, one of who can’t think of anything but sex. Yeah, real inspiring work so far there, big guy.”

“Pardon me, but I only lust after that one man. Though if I was honest, man isn’t the right term for him. He is an Adonis, perfection incarnate.”

“For the gods’ sake, Loki, pay attention and help me here. And as to you, Gareth, it’s not smart to mock gods, we are known to spite people. Your mate’s family for instance.”

“Of course, spite me. That would go over fantastic to potential clients in the future. I can hear it now. ‘Yes, we have matched couples before.’ … ‘Well, only one couple so far has been attempted.’ … ‘Yes, I said attempted.’ … ‘I spited the fool for mocking me.’ … ‘Wait, where are you going? I’m fired? You can’t fire a god.’ Yeah, your brilliance in spiting me, Thor, would do wonders for your business.”

“You are such a cheeky bastard,” Thor growled out as he tried to hide his laughter.



Thor surveyed the crowded room and delighted in what he saw. Everything was set according to plan. Things couldn’t have gone any smoother if he had tried. He spied the god Freyr and smiled. Let the show begin.

“Welcome, my friend, has Gareth been pointed out to you?” Thor asked expectantly as he continued to scan the room.

“Yes, he is quite handsome. This is one task I relish in undertaking.” Freyr licked his lips as he surveyed the people around him. “So many mortals and so little time.”

“Keep it in your pants until after you set the plan in motion. And just remember, Gareth and Zach are off limits. Your only objective is to make Zach notice you and Gareth. We need him to come to his senses and be with his mate.”

Freyr rolled his eyes and spoke with boredom ringing in every word, “Yes, yes, I know. Your sidekick explained it to me already.”


Zach climbed the short steps to the stage and stopped next to his brothers. He eagerly scanned the crowd in search of Gareth. He was here, he could feel him, he just couldn’t see him.

Jared elbowed him in the side, “Dude, stop scowling and smile, people are watching and we need them to donate.”

He vaguely heard his brother talking, but his attention was focused on the scene on the other side of the hall.

There stood Gareth talking to another man. Zach couldn’t help his scowl as he watched the stranger smile and squeeze his mate’s arm. He could feel his anger building deep inside. If this speaker didn’t shut up soon so he could get off the stage, he was going to leave and say fuck it. No one was going to touch his mate in front of him.

Zach couldn’t stop staring as the stranger flirted and continued touching his mate. What in the hell was Gareth thinking allowing this piece of shit to touch him like that? He didn’t belong to the stranger and he damn well knew it.

“Excuse me, I have to go,” Zach whispered to his brother as he jumped from the stage and headed to put an end to the budding relationship in front of him.

The crowd applauded and surged forward as if in a stampede to get to the front of the room first. Zach huffed and elbowed his way through the throng of people who were moving in his path as if they were unconsciously creating a barricade.



Gareth groaned as the stranger leaned forward and whispered in his ear yet again. The persistent ass wouldn’t get the message he wasn’t interested. How else could he say it before the idiot got the point?

“I’m sorry, maybe you misunderstood, but I am not interested. I am sure someone here would love your attention, but it isn’t me.”

“Why would I want someone else when the most gorgeous man in the room is standing in front of me?” Freyr winked and licked his lips, trying to entice Gareth.

“Like I have said multiple times, no, now please, for the love of the Gods, go away.”

“Have a drink with me first.”

“Fine, whatever, just go away.” Gareth really wasn’t sure what he had just said. All his attention was on the man pushing his way through the crowd toward him.

“Hello again,” Gareth said tentatively as Zach came to a stop before him. Gods, the man looked amazing.

“What are you doing here?” Zach growled and narrowed his eyes, “Forget I asked that, the more important question is what are you doing allowing that overgrown ape to hang on you like that?”

Gareth’s temper skyrocketed at his words. Let him? Did he really say that? What right did Zach have to throw a hissy fit over some man paying him attention? “What does it matter to you? You don’t want me, you left me standing in that cave and didn’t even look back. Now you can’t handle someone else paying me any attention? Make up your mind, you can’t have it both ways.”

Zach growled again and stepped closer so they were touching from chest to thighs. “You can’t deny we belong together, so why are you allowing him to touch you?”

“We may but you don’t care, why should I?” Gareth narrowed his eyes, “Maybe he can put out the fire you started and then walked away from.” A slow evil smile quirked his face, “As a matter of fact, I think there is an empty private bathroom just down the hall. Let’s see if he can indeed fill…my needs.”

Gareth turned and headed off to find the good-looking stranger that a short time ago had annoyed the living shit out of him. Before he could take more than a step, he was grasped by the arm and pulled out of the room.

“Fuck that. You are mine, and I am yours. You want a quick screw in the bathroom? Fine, I can do that.”

Was he making a mistake by allowing this? Would he regret it later? His mind screamed yes, but his heart rejoiced and pushed for this connection. Gareth knew this wasn’t the way things needed to be, but he was damned if he could stop the inevitable. He needed Zach more than he needed his next breath.

He glanced over his shoulder to make sure their quick exit hadn’t caused a stir, but no one seemed to be paying attention to them. Gareth stopped resisting and gave in to Zach and his body’s desperate need.

“Are you going to walk away from me again after this?” Gareth couldn’t help the anger that filled his tone at the thought, but he needed to know now before things got too far. He had to prepare himself for what came next.

Zach didn’t respond, just pulled Gareth in and shut the door and with a smirk, flipped the lock. “No more talking. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? A quick fuck to ease the ache. A mindless screw to take the need away.”

Zach continued talking as he stalked closer and closer to Gareth, slowly unbuckling his belt as he went.

“I want more than that with you. I want it all,” Gareth said in a whisper of awe and need as he stood transfixed, watching Zach loosen his black dress pants.

“This is all you get. Take it or leave it, but speak now or forever hold your peace.” Zach reached out and pushed Gareth against the wall. “This belongs to me, no one else,” he said as he brushed the back of his hand over Gareth’s straining cock. “See what I mean? Even your cock knows the truth.” Zach smirked at the moan that escaped through Gareth’s lips as he closed his eyes at Zach’s touch.

“That’s right, baby, relax and let me make us feel good.” Zach leaned in and nuzzled against Gareth’s neck as his hands undid the belt and opened Gareth’s pants.

“Gods, I want to push you down over that sink and plunge balls deep, but I didn’t come prepared.” Both men sucked in a breath as Zach grasped both cocks and gave a slow pull. The friction from their cocks rubbing in his hand left Gareth panting for breath.

Zach groaned. “You want me to make you scream as I hold you down and plunge my aching cock in, don’t you? You don’t have to answer, your cock is leaking with every word out of my mouth. It’s okay, babe, I want it, too.”

Gareth didn’t think he could talk if he wanted to. It took all he had to not come as Zach drove him slowly insane. Whimpers filled his ears and it took him a minute to realize they were coming from him.

“Oh, by the gods, baby, that feels good. Don’t come yet, we don’t want our suits getting dirty now, do we?”

Gareth’s eyes flew open as Zach removed his hand from his throbbing cock. He stared into Zach’s eyes as he slowly dropped to his knees and smiled up at Gareth.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let any get on your clothes.” Zach winked and slid his tongue around the head of Gareth’s cock head, lapping at the juices that flowed freely. “Delicious. Now do not scream. We don’t need company.”

Gareth didn’t have time to process Zach’s words before his mind blanked as wet heat engulfed him from root to tip. Holy fuck, Zach was deep throating him and that was the last conscious thought he had. Moans filled the room as Gareth fisted Zach’s hair, urging him on. “Zach, I can’t…I’m coming.”

Instead of pulling off, Zach increased his suction as he slipped one hand to Gareth’s balls and gave a slight squeeze at the same time his other hand reached back and rubbed lightly over Gareth’s quivering hole. That was all it took, Gareth shuddered and came with a shout.

He couldn’t move, his bones had liquefied. He pulled his head from the wall and stared down at the beautiful man at his feet.

“What happened to no screaming?” Zach said with a smirk.

“Sorry,” Gareth blushed. “You didn’t finish?”

Zach smiled, “Not yet.” He stood and leaned against the opposite wall as he slowly stroked himself and watched as Gareth licked his lips. “You want a taste, don’t you?”

He nodded, but once again found himself unable to speak coherently. Gareth pulled himself from the wall and moved closer to Zach. “Please.”

“No, I don’t think so.” Gareth’s eyes flew to Zach’s in surprise. “You were going to let a stranger come in here and fuck you. Make you scream like I just did.” Zach stopped talking and grunted as he reached over and grabbed a handful of paper towels from the dispenser. “Your ache has been taken care of, now I will take care of my own.” With that, Zach came into the wad of towels.

Gareth felt his anger rise again at his words. How dare the ass treat him like this. “You really are a bastard, aren’t you?”

“Not normally but what can I say, the gods bring out the worst in me. I don’t trust any of you. You all meddle in people’s lives like its nothing and then go on about your merry way. Who cares if the mortals suffer for your interference. You are gods, after all, and can do whatever you want.”

Gareth watched as Zach cleaned himself up and walked out the door without looking back even once. The pain in his chest flared stronger than ever and he fell to his knees gasping for breath. He didn’t need Thor to tell him, this time he knew it. His time was rapidly coming to an end.

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