God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) (12 page)

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The Thinking Step

When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry?

What does it take to make you cry?

The Listening Step

Jesus was God’s Son. He was there when most of the people of
Israel followed God. Jesus was also there when many of the people of Israel
disobeyed God.

The Israelites were God’s chosen ones. Jerusalem was the
capital city of Israel. It was the holy city. Just before Jesus was to be
crucified. He talked about the city of Jerusalem. Then He cried. Jesus thought
of how much God loved the people.

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem!” Jesus cried. “I have often wanted to
gather your people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.” Jesus loved
the people of Israel.

The Talking Step

Do you think you ever make Jesus cry? How?

What could you do to make Jesus stop crying

The Praying Step

Dear God, please forgive me for the times I have made You
sad. Help me to love You and obey You.

So I confessed my sins and told them all to you. I said, “I’ll tell the
LORD each one of my sins.” Then you forgave me and took away my guilt.
Psalm 32:5
Jesus Served the Disciples
John 13:1-20

The Thinking Step

Have you ever been served?

Who served you?

How did they serve you?

How did it make you feel?

The Listening Step

It was time for Jesus and the disciples to share the
Passover meal. The meal had been prepared. The disciples and Jesus were going
to share it together in the Upper Room.

It was the end of the day by the time Jesus and the
disciples met together to eat. Their feet were dirty from being on the roads
all day. Everyone’s feet needed to be washed. Usually a servant did that. But
that night was different.

Jesus got up from the table. Then He took off His outer
clothes and put a towel around Himself. Jesus took a bowl and poured water into
it. Jesus then walked up to Peter.

“Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Peter asked Him.

“You don’t really know what I am doing,” Jesus said, “but
later you will understand it.”

Jesus was giving the disciples an example. Just as He served
them, they were to serve each other.

The Talking Step

Did God ever serve you? How?

What did He do? Have you ever served others? How?

The Praying Step

Dear God, thank You for serving me. Help me to serve You.
Help me to serve others, too.

The Son of Man did not come to be a slave master, but a slave who will give
his life to rescue many people.
Mark 10:45
Jesus Prayed for the Disciples
John 17

The Thinking Step

Do you know someone who would do anything to help you?

What would that person do?

How does that make you feel? Why?

The Listening Step

Jesus knew He would soon be arrested. Then He would be in a
long trial. And the next day He would be crucified. Jesus did not want to die.
But He knew that was what God wanted.

Jesus wanted to pray. But Jesus did not pray for Himself. He
prayed for the disciples.

“I am praying for them,” Jesus said. “Father, keep them safe
by the power of the name that you have given me. I don’t ask you to take my
followers out of the world, but keep them safe from the evil one.”

Jesus had a lot on His mind. But He still prayed for us. He
took care of us even at the end of His life on earth.

The Talking Step

Do you think Jesus is still watching over us?

What does He do to help us?

The Praying Step

Dear God, thank You for watching over me. Thank You for
being concerned about everything in my life and for taking care of me.

Even the hairs on your head are counted.
Matthew 10:30
Jesus Saved the World
Matthew 27:35-44; Mark 15:24-32; Luke 23:33-43; John 19:18-27

The Thinking Step

Have you ever been saved by someone?

What did that person do for you?

Have you ever had someone sacrifice himself or herself to
help you?

The Listening Step

Sin entered the world a long time ago. Everyone deserved to
be punished. But God sent Jesus to be punished in our place.

Some people wanted Jesus to die. They took Him outside
Jerusalem. They nailed Jesus to a cross and left Him there to die. Many people
were there. They were all making fun of Jesus. “He saved others,” they said,
“but he can’t save himself. If he is the Messiah, let him come down from the
cross!” But Jesus just prayed for them.

“Father, forgive these people!” He said. “They don’t know
what they’re doing.” One of the thieves dying with Jesus believed in Him. He
turned to Jesus and said, “Remember me when you come into power!”

“I promise that today you will be with me in paradise,”
Jesus said.

Then it was over. Jesus paid the punishment for everyone’s
sin. Jesus gave us all a way to heaven.

The Talking Step

What do you need to do to allow Jesus to save you?

Have you done that?

Have you thanked Jesus for saving you?

The Praying Step

Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to pay the punishment
for me. Help me to always remember that You saved me.

But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even
though we were sinful.
Romans 5:8
Jesus Rose Again
Matthew 28:1-7; Mark 16:1-7; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-9

The Thinking Step

Have you ever been to a funeral? What happened?

What would you think if the dead person became alive again?

Do you think that could ever happen? Why? Why not?

The Listening Step

Jesus’ disciples were sad. Jesus had died. Many people
believed in Jesus. They were sad, too. What would everyone do without Him?

It was Sunday. Jesus had been dead two days. Mary, the
sister of Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where Jesus was buried.
Suddenly there was a great earthquake. An angel came down from heaven and
rolled the stone away from the tomb.

Mary and Mary Magdalene were scared. “Don't be afraid!” the
angel said. He told them that Jesus was risen. And he added, “Go and tell his

The women became excited! Mary Magdalene told Peter and John
first. Peter and John started running toward the tomb. They had to see for
themselves. They believed, too. Jesus had defeated death. We can live with Him

The Talking Step

What would your life be like if Jesus had never risen from
the dead? Why?

Because Jesus rose from the dead, what can you learn about
God's power?

What can you learn about death

The Praying Step

Dear God, thank You for defeating death. Thank You for
giving me life. I want to spend it with You forever.

Adam brought death to all of us, and Christ will bring life to all of us.
1 Corinthians 15:22
Jesus Forgave Peter
John 18:15-27; 21:1-24

The Thinking Step

Have you ever asked someone to forgive you?

What happened?

What did the person say?

How did it make you feel?

The Listening Step

Peter was sad. He had told Jesus he would never be ashamed
of Him. But then Jesus was arrested. And Peter was asked if he knew Jesus.
Three times Peter said that he never knew Jesus.

Jesus was alive again. And He and Peter were together. What
do you think Jesus said to him? Jesus asked Peter a question: “Do you love

“Yes, Lord,” Peter answered, “you know I do!”

Then Jesus asked Peter again, “Do you love me?”

“Yes, Lord, you know I love you!” Peter answered.

Jesus asked him a third time: “Do you love me?”

Peter was sad that Jesus had to ask him three times. “Lord,
you know everything,” Peter said. “You know I love you.”

Follow me!” Jesus answered.

The Talking Step

Do you think there is anything God cannot forgive you for?

Is there something you need to ask God to forgive you for
right now?

Praying Step

Dear God, thank You for forgiving me. Thank You for loving
me. Help me to obey You more

If we tell God about our sins, he can always be trusted to forgive us and
take our sins away.
1 John 1:9
Jesus Promised to Return for the Believers
Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:19-20; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:4-12

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