Goddess in the Middle (19 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

BOOK: Goddess in the Middle
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He’d never realized women could be… so much like men.

Amity let the women continue for several minutes while he pretended not to hear them, though he found it harder and harder not to react to what the women were saying.

They’d critiqued him from his shoes to his hair, and he guessed he should be happy he passed muster. But Amity was the only woman he wanted to rip his clothes off.

When Amity finally said, “Gotta go, I’ve got a hot date with a hot cup of coffee,” he nearly sagged with relief.

“You certainly do. Go burn your fingers, girl.”

Amity gave a little wave over her shoulder to the women as she walked toward him. Her dark eyes shone and she looked so much better than she had back in the exam room that he had to restrain the urge to grab her, bend her over his arm, and kiss the hell out of her for taunting him like that. Her friends would probably hoot and holler like frat boys at their first strip club.

He shoved the impulse into the dark corner with that inner asshole. Following her to the elevator, he waited until he was sure no one was within hearing distance.

“Are they always like that?”

She turned to him with innocence all over her face. “Always like what?”

His lips twitched but he fought back the grin that wanted to break free. “So… vocal.”

Now her lips curved, just enough to make his hands curl into fists before he sank his fingers in her hair and pulled her toward him for a hard kiss.

The elevator chose that moment to appear and they stepped into the cage, where another woman in scrubs already waited. She gave Rom a discreet once-over as he pretended ignorance then gave Amity the same look the other women at the nurses’ stand had given her—raised eyebrows and a smirk.

Shit, had he and Remy ever been this bad? Maybe he should feel flattered, but the only person he wanted looking at him like that was Amity.

She smiled at him in the door’s reflection.

When the elevator door opened on the floor of her office, it took everything he had not to throw her over his shoulder and make a run for it.

They walked in silence through the hall. Since it was Sunday, this area of the hospital was probably a little less crowded than it would have been during the week. The offices on both sides and across the hall from hers had their doors shut tight. In fact, he heard no movement in any of the offices. The only
he sensed were around the corner. Out of sight.

She opened the door and, by the time she’d turned to wave him in, he’d crowded against her and hustled her through the door, trying not to slam it behind him. He made sure he twisted the lock as he kept her pinned against him with one arm around her waist. Then he walked her straight toward the desk.

As her hips met the edge, his pressed against her ass, nestling his cock into her ass.

He tried. Gods damn it, he’d tried to stay away from her.


He shouldn’t do this. Shouldn’t touch her like this. Alone. Without Remy.

He couldn’t make himself release her, either.


That one word, spoken in an almost breathless whisper, cut his restraints and obliterated his good sense.

All his pent-up lust rushed into his blood stream like adrenaline. His cock throbbed against his zipper, threatening to burst through.

Shrugging off the suit jacket, he tossed it at the chair, not caring if it fell to the floor. With one hand, he opened the button on his pants and released the zipper. With his other, he flipped her skirt off her ass and dragged down her underwear. He didn’t want to rip them, but the delicate silk tore and fell to the floor in a heap. Amity didn’t seem to care as she bent forward, pushing her ass back against him.

Working his cock out of the pants, he let the head brush against the soft skin of her ass, even softer than the panties. He had to grit his teeth against the urge to sink fast and deep into her body.

Slow. Go slow. She’s not a nameless fuck in a dark hotel room.

“Hurry, Rom.”

Maybe not so slow.

She bent farther, her arms stretching across the desk, hands curling around the opposite edge. Her ass was at the perfect angle, and he briefly considered falling to his knees and putting his mouth on her but he wasn’t exactly thinking with his brain right now.

He grabbed her hips, his hands sinking into the soft flesh. Fitting himself to her back, he bent his knees to position his cock between her legs.

His breath hissed between his teeth as he felt her moisture coat his shaft. Hot and wet and ready for him. So fucking ready for him.

He bent until his forehead touched her back, still covered by her silk shirt, then took a deep breath. Her scent sank deep, that light floral fragrance mixed with the heady aroma of her need.

Standing still, he let his body take in all the sensations. Her smell, her heat. He lifted his head, using one hand to brush the hair from her nape, while his other shifted to play with her clit.

The tiny bud had thickened and swelled and she moaned as he used his fingers to pinch and pull. Baring his teeth, he sank them into her skin. Not to hurt. He never wanted to hurt her.

Hell, he didn’t know why he did except it’d been instinct. Hold her to him. Keep her close. Don’t let her get away.

She gasped, her head falling back against his shoulder, her ass pressed back against him.

“Now. Take me now, Rom.”

Her words barely registered but the pleading tone made his hips withdraw, pulling his cock through her pussy lips as every muscle in his body clenched.

His balls drew up tight and, on his next thrust forward, he let the head of his cock sink between those swollen folds. Not enough to penetrate, just enough to get the tip wet and hot from her juices.

Electricity shot through his cock and up his backbone, making him groan with repressed need. And when she shimmied her hips, he swore he saw stars behind his eyelids.

“Stay.” His voice vibrated through the air as his hands clamped onto her hips. But whether to stop her or help her, he didn’t know. Whatever the case, he held her steady as he pushed forward again, sinking deeper this time.

He knew they didn’t have much time. That this was not the time or place.

But Rom didn’t think a bomb blast could’ve affected him right now. Every molecule in his body was focused on her. On the tightness of her hands gripping the table. On the heat radiating from her body. On her moisture coating his cock.

So fucking hot.

His hips swung forward again and this time, he pierced her completely. She was so wet, he slid inside in one smooth glide.

Perfect. Absolutely perfect. He wanted to stay here, like this, forever. His dick surrounded by her, his body covering hers.

Only one thing could’ve made it better but he shoved that aside and concentrated on what he had right now.

He had Amity. And he wasn’t giving her up. Not for anything.

Slow. Go slow.

He pulled out, her tight sheath reluctant to release him. Amity’s back arched as he nearly left her body then flattened as he pushed back in, this time with a little more force.

The friction was enough to send him over the edge. He held onto his orgasm by the barest fraction of a margin. Each thrust and retreat hit the spot on the underside of his cock that made him want to blow. How he managed not to… Hell, he didn’t have a clue. Except, maybe he did. He wanted her to come with him. Wanted to feel her convulse around him as he pumped into her.

One hand slid from her hip and across her stomach until his fingers brushed her clit again. She moaned, the sound low and deep and so fucking hot, his cock pulsed inside her.

Shit. Too late.

He tweaked her clit and she froze for a millisecond before she tightened on him, her internal muscles squeezing him, massaging him, taking him.

His release punched out of him with the force of a bomb blast. His shouted triumph split the air and drowned out Amity’s muted cry. He pulsed inside her for what seemed like forever. Her sheath quivered around him and didn’t slow until he had nothing left to give.

As sanity slowly returned, he took several deep breaths before he eased away. When she didn’t move, her body draped over the desk, fear made him icy cold.

His too-tight throat barely allowed him to speak. “Amity. Are you okay?”

The lazy smile spreading across her lips made his relief an almost painful emotion.

“Yes, I’m okay. Actually, I’m more than okay.”

Relief wanted to steal his breath, but he couldn’t let it sidetrack him.

Quickly tucking himself back in his pants, he zipped up before she could move and gathered her into his arms, holding her against his chest. She sighed as she settled her cheek against his chest, her hair so dark against his white shirt.

“I didn’t mean for that to get so out of hand.”

Uni’s ass, he really could’ve hurt her. He wanted to check for marks from the desk or his hands even more than he wanted to leave.

Because this had been a mistake. A huge fucking mistake.

Her soft exhalation sounded amused. “Sweetheart, we really need to get you to loosen up a bit. Remy’s right.” Her hand curved around his nape, her fingers starting a gentle massage. “Your ass is tighter than Joan Rivers’s face after a visit to the Botox bar.”

His lips parted but nothing came out. How the hell was he supposed to respond to that? What finally emerged was laughter. He couldn’t help himself or contain it. Finally, he just let go and laughed until his stomach hurt.

When he stopped, he saw Amity staring up at him with a bemused but happy smile.

“I don’t think I’ve heard you laugh until just now.”

No, she probably hadn’t.

With a heartfelt sigh, he set her on the desktop then bent to pick up the scrap of silk that would never again be worn on her body. He had the brief thought that maybe he’d just stuff them in his pocket.

Instead, he used them to clean her gently between her legs.

As he did, she sank her fingers into his hair again, her nails scraping against his skull a drugging pleasure. He wanted to rub against her like a frigging cat.

When he was done, she held out her hand for the panties. He gave them to her reluctantly, and she held them cupped between her palms for several seconds. When she opened them, they looked freshly laundered. And whole.

Damn, he would’ve liked to think about her naked under that skirt for the rest of the day. Which would’ve made him even crazier.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he let himself really look at her. “How are you feeling?”

Her brows curved in a graceful but so-expressive arch. “I told you. I’m fine.”

He’d started to shake his head before she was finished. “Sorry. Sorry, that’s not what I meant. I’m asking if you were having any lingering effects from the healing. You scared me. I don’t—” He took a deep breath and tried to get his thoughts in order, knowing it might be a lost cause. “For so long now, it’s just been me and Remy. We’ve got each other’s backs. I’m not used to having to worry about anyone else.” Shit, that sounded like he didn’t want to look after her. “But you don’t have to worry. We’ll be here. However long you need us.”

Amity had to bite her bottom lip to keep from breaking out in a triumphant smile.

This was the first time Rom had actually indicated he might be willing to stay longer than just a few days. And if she had her way, he and Remy would be staying much longer.

She hadn’t even admitted to herself how much she’d wanted to hear him say he was staying. It didn’t make a damn bit of sense how badly she wanted these two men.

They were
, yes, but they were still mortal, and she, especially, knew how fragile mortal lives were. How they could be broken and destroyed. How they could be taken away in an instant.

If Remy and Rom left, she’d be devastated. Which meant she was getting way too attached to these cousins.

As she wrestled with her unruly emotions, she nodded at Rom, avoiding his gaze.

He sighed. “Okay, let’s try this again. Are you done for the day so we can get home and find out what Remy learned?”

Home. It had a nice ring when he said it. Not that it meant anything. Not really. Still, a shiver of longing went through her. “Sure. I’ll check on the boy tomorrow.” She forced some enthusiasm into her tone. “I’m ready to go. I can do my paperwork there.”

He watched with a narrowed gaze as she collected what she needed. She loved her job but absolutely hated the mounds and mounds of paperwork modern hospitals required. She understood the need for most of it and, with computerization, it’d gotten easier but still…

She missed the good old days when she could heal someone and voila! It was proclaimed a miracle. These days, people were entirely too suspicious. And she had so much more to hide.

“What’s wrong?”

Rom’s softly spoken question startled her, she’d been so deep in thought, and her gaze flew to his. “Nothing’s wrong.”

It was his turn to raise his eyebrows at her and she sighed as she shouldered her work bag and moved toward him.

“I was just thinking,” she said, “about how much things have changed.”

Motioning for her to stay behind him, he opened the door then stuck his head out to check the hallway. After a quick nod, he stepped out and motioned for her to follow.

If anyone would see him, they’d know Rom wasn’t merely a product rep peddling his wares. How anyone could miss the leashed danger in his walk, in his gaze, she’d never understand. The man was a predator, beautifully lethal.

And for that moment, he was hers.

They made it back to the parking garage without running into anyone she absolutely had to speak to. Most of the female staff they passed gave her a wide smile or a thumbs-up behind Rom’s back, but she didn’t stop to talk to anyone. She wanted to get home. Actually ached with the need to see Remy, to know he was okay.

They didn’t speak much on the drive but it wasn’t an uncomfortable quiet, more an expectant silence. And her expectations were running high.

Her success with Perrin today had given her hope that the woman might one day be free of her scars. Not that she’d ever be over the emotional scars, but they’d take it one day at a time. Amity would see Perrin through to the end of this.

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