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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Goddess of Love (13 page)

BOOK: Goddess of Love
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“Ariella? Ariella?” Palidor yelled her name and she snapped out of the vision.

Draco’s hand came up and cupped her breast. Orion roared.

“Release her,” Palidor stated.

“She is mine. I tasted her and she belongs to me. Leave now and I won’t kill you.”

Palidor and Orion’s eyes widened in shock.

“We’re your brothers. Your blood,” Orion stated.

“I don’t have brothers or a family.”

“No, Draco. They are your family. Don’t believe the lies,” Ariella stated.

“What lies?” Orion asked and Draco turned her around in his arms. He held her by her arms and locked gazes with her. She saw the red glow. She felt the evil and nearly shuddered at its power. But then she felt Draco. His spirit, his wolf, and something grand trying to fight through the binds of that evil.

“Release her!” Palidor yelled.

“She is mine. You will both die, and so will the others.” Draco’s voice was distorted and she knew it wasn’t him that was speaking. It was the evil. The same evil who took wolves’ souls and made them rogue. She was so scared. She feared for her life and the lives of her mates.

Follow your heart, your destiny, Ariella. You are stronger than
him. Love conquers all.

She heard the voice and her fear turned to courage, to an instant enlightenment of what was needed.

Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


Orion growled. “Let her go. We’ll kill you, Draco. We will kill you if you hurt our mate.”

Ariella stared up into his evil red eyes. She felt the hatred, the desire to kill, to destroy and conquer.

“Palidor, Orion, grab onto me. Now!”

The instant their large, strong hands connected with her shoulders she felt the warmth, the shock of power that surged through her entire body and into Draco’s. “No!” Draco yelled, once again in that distorted voice that wasn’t his.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on the warm, feeling of Orion and Palidor’s hands against her skin. The way just their touch alone sent waves of completion and love through her body. They were focusing, too, just as they had done with the wolf from the factory they’d saved.

When she saw what was inside of Draco’s soul, she nearly shuddered. But Palidor and Orion squeezed her tighter. They were one.

The blackness she saw began to dissipate. Claws and lines of tar-like claws that clasped around Draco’s soul and body hung on tight.

They saw his pain, his feelings of inadequacy, and belief that his family, his brothers didn’t love him or care.

He growled. He showed his teeth and it was the fiercest beast to look at. It looked almost like a rogue wolf but had the body, tail, and back legs of a fierce huge lion. It had the head and wings of an eagle and an eagle’s talons as feet. Its wings flapped. Its cry of anger pierced through their bodies but they held strong.

“You can’t have him. He is ours!” Palidor yelled.

“Release him, beast, or die.” Orion growled next. Ariella knew in that moment that her men, her mates were so special. More special than being her mates, together they were a power of good, of love, and workers for the Goddesses.

She stared up at Draco, who was cringing in pain.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“Come to me, mate. I want you. I need you. We need you in our lives and in our hearts. Fight the binds that hold you in the darkness.

Come to me. I need you inside of me. Please, Draco, please come claim me as your mate.”

A roar so strong and fierce screeched through the air around them breaking the vision and confrontation. She saw the evil thing move out of Draco’s body as the last of the tar-like substance was replaced with Draco’s true soul and identity. She saw what he had feared, and why he had separated from his family. He had power and ability beyond the wolf. He was a cross between a wolf, a dragon, and a serpent. He could spit fire, ignite souls, and he felt that his wolf was his weakest asset. He was wrong.

As the last of the blackness evaporated from this body, the cry of pain and anger rocked them all. Their bodies were shoved backward, Palidor and Orion fell to the floor, Draco fell against the wall, but Ariella held on, landing on top of him.

* * * *

The first thing Draco felt was at peace. The weight and scent of something feminine and beautiful straddled his waist. Palms lay flat against his cheeks and he slowly opened his eyes.

When he locked onto Ariella’s eyes, he nearly cried out in excitement and relief.


She smiled softly and then leaned down and kissed him deeply.

Despite the aches and weakness he felt, he hugged her to him, caressed his hands all over her body, and pulled her snugly against him. The feel of her warm skin and the curve of her ass cheeks as he plastered his palm over her flesh deeply aroused his body.

He inhaled as he kissed her back and smelled her scent. He rolled her to the side and changed positions, holding her face between his
Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


hands. She was so beautiful and pure. He loved her. He knew it immediately.


He heard Palidor’s voice, and when he turned away to see him, he locked gazes with his brother and took an uneasy breath.

Orion was beside him, staring at Draco as if uncertain whether or not he could be trusted.

Draco smiled. “Thank you. Thank you for coming to get me, and thank the gods for our mate.” He turned to look down toward Ariella.

Her hand lay gently on his forearm and her other hand pressed against his cheek.

“Make love to me. I want all three of you here and now. Please,”

she whispered.

Draco felt his chest tighten and his body react. He covered her mouth and kissed her deeply while his brothers began to strip.

* * * *

Ariella pressed her hands under Draco’s shirt and to his solid, muscular chest. She wanted to touch him everywhere. Her entire body ached with need for her men. She ripped his shirt as he pulled from her mouth and tore her blouse away from her body.

“Yes.” She chanted. She felt her entire body hum with such need and desire she was shaking.

In a flash Draco was pulling her up to stand and pressed her against the wall. They were both wild. His eyes were glowing blue with specks of yellow like diamonds in the night sky. He was growling low and she felt just as out of control and needy.

He removed the rest of her clothing in between kissing and suckling her neck. She wanted him to move faster. To be naked in front of her, inside of her now.

She took matters into her own hands. Literally.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

She reached down and undid his pants, shoved her hands down pushing the material away from perfect male flesh and grabbed a hold of his thick hard cock. Her wolf growled low and deeply at feeling what belonged to her. He nipped her neck and she nipped him back, let her nails graze along the base of his cock right before she cupped his balls.

But then Draco lowered his head, pressed his forehead against her skin, then nipped her right nipple and suckled her breast.

“Oh!” she moaned, tilting her head back and thrusting her bare pussy against his engorged cock. It tapped her belly and she raised her thigh up against his solid thigh, feeling sexy and wanton.

Everything he did sent her closer and closer to the edge. His hot, wet mouth made his way down her body. He lifted her thigh over his shoulder and immediately sucked on her clit and pussy lips.

“Oh, Draco!” She moaned aloud as she grabbed a hold of his thick, black locks and held his head to her cunt.

She jerked a moment, surprised at the feel of a mouth on her left breast and the warm breath against her right neck and shoulder.

Orion and Palidor.

“You are ours for eternity,” Palidor whispered and then kissed her neck, suckled a sensitive spot there that made her pussy leak some more cream.

Draco growled low against her pussy and she thrust her hips forward. She felt his sharp incisors nip gently against her clitoris.

She screamed his name.


She felt Draco as he nipped her groin and then licked her skin up to her belly. Palidor suckled her right breast and neck. Orion suckled her left breast and neck.

When she placed her foot back down onto the ground, she felt her body shake as if she couldn’t hold herself up.

Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


Palidor and Orion stopped kissing her, and Draco lifted her up against his naked body. She straddled his waist. Placing her hands on his large, wide shoulders. Their eyes locked.

“Mine,” he told her.

“Yours,” she whispered as his eyes glowed yellow and she felt the thick bulbous tip of his cock push between her wet folds.

She held him tight and he slowly pushed deeper, clenching his teeth trying to move slowly.

It was so wild and erotic. He was holding her in the air as if she weighed hardly anything, and she was using her thigh muscles, her arms, and her hips to shove downward on his rock-hard cock.

He paused as he held her gaze, then looked at Orion and Palidor.

“A virgin pussy,” he whispered, showing his sharp incisors.

Ariella gasped at his words and the sensations as he shoved upward while pulling her hips downward, sinking into her balls deep.

She cried out in satisfaction of being so full and finally having one of her three mates inside of her like this.

“Our virgin pussy,” Orion added and then he took her hand and pressed it up and against the wall above her head. Palidor did the same. Her large oversensitive breasts pushed forward, and Palidor and Orion licked up her skin, using their wolf tongues to tease and taste her nipples.

She stared down in awe at the length and girth of their wolfen tongues and the way they so strategically aroused her body and made her nipples hard as tight buds. She felt the imaginary string from nipple to pussy as she lubricated Draco’s thrusts.

The fact that she allowed each of them to control her like this, pinned against a wall as they had their way with her, was mind boggling. But the sensations, the immediate satisfaction and flow of femininity that convulsed through her bloodstream, was that phenomenal.

Draco gripped her hips and thrust deeper, trying to scratch that itch she felt and his wolf must sense. She cheered him on, enjoying

Dixie Lynn Dwyer

the tightness of her arms stretched up and against the wall, as three sexy, strong, Alpha wolves had their way with her body. She thrust her hips forward, growled, and tried to nip back at Orion and then Palidor as they nipped her tender nipples sort of hard. But every time they did it, her pussy leaked more cream, sending Draco deeper and faster into her cunt, causing her to scream.

He held his thick, long cock within her as he gripped her hips tightly.

“Ours forever.”

The man was so beautiful, so sexy and muscular, her entire body released moisture. As Orion and Palidor licked and nipped her flesh like naughty wolves, Draco thrust in and out of her cunt. Her ass was pressed hard against the wall but she didn’t care. She craved more.

“Harder, Draco. Mark me. Make me yours.” She chanted and he lost it. She felt the claws against her ribs and hips. She heard his guttural growl as he pounded into her and then combusted. Orion and Palidor released her arms and she went limp, giving Draco complete control of her body. His teeth locked onto her shoulder, biting her deeply. She held on to his waist and sides, feeling his muscles and his body shake as he released his seed into her body and marked her. The feel of his semen moving through her body washed over her in love and magic, as his wolfen tongue licked the love bite. His teeth nipped and tickled her flesh, sending goose bumps over her skin, as she hugged him harder. Her breasts wedged under his chin.

With arms still wrapped around him, and legs locked on his waist, he carried her into the bedroom. She felt the thick digits glide along her ass cheeks and then down the crack of her ass and somehow her pussy leaked more cream.

She started to rock against him. Her wolf and Fae sides were ready for more. They knew she had three lovers now. Three Alpha wolves that would complete her, and she wanted them now.

Laying her down onto the bed, he released her with a smile.

Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


“We must all mark you now. Make us one, so we can never be apart again.” He kissed her softly and she placed her hand against his cheek and smiled as he stepped away.

Palidor was there to take his place.

* * * *

Palidor felt the connection, the love flowing from Ariella. She was a Goddess, a magic Fae, and a wolf destined for great things.

Together they were one unit, one team, and prepared to fight the evil that had tried to take their brother from them.

He pressed between her thighs and cupped her breasts. “I need you.”

He absorbed the feel of her body. The large swell of her breasts, her firm belly, her long brown locks that cascaded over the old quilt.

She thrust her hips upward and he saw the cream drip from her cunt.

The glistening between her creamy thighs called to his wolf.

“Please, Palidor. Now,” she whispered so sweetly yet with a demand, and order that was all Ariella.

He smirked. “As you wish, my goddess.”

Gripping her hips, he shoved into her deeply, making her gasp and grab onto his wrists. Her breasts bounced as he pulled out and then thrust back in. He twisted his fingers so that they could lock with hers and then pressed them above her head. Slowly, deeply, he thrust his cock into her pussy, wanting, needing to claim her in every way.

His Goddess lifted up, counterthrust back as she lifted her rear, and then locked her legs around his waist.

“Mine.” He growled, his wolf getting the control of the situation and increasing his speed.

Their bodies slapped against one another. The sound of her low growls and whimpers of pleasure fed his male ego and his royal wolf ego. In and out he thrust harder, deeper and then lost control. He released her hands, grabbed her hips, lifted her ass off the bed, and

BOOK: Goddess of Love
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