Read Going All In Online

Authors: Alannah Lynne,Cassie McCown

Going All In (32 page)

BOOK: Going All In
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ade’s body tensed and the arm wrapped around her tightened as a choking sound escaped the back of his throat. “Now?”

He sounded incredulous, and despite her increasingly sexed-up state, she laughed. “Yes, now.” She shifted around on his lap and straddled his knees, facing him. The position worked well the other night on her couch. Hopefully it would work even better now.

“I need to touch you. To feel you moving inside me so I know you’re really okay. I want to look into your eyes, and this time, I want to see life and promises of a tomorrow.” She tugged on her lip with her teeth and battled the nerves tightening her throat. “And when you look into my eyes, you’ll see the same thing. I’m ready to give you everything, Wade. Please.”

His chest rose and fell rapidly and his eyelids grew heavy while the pupils dilated, making his irises a dark, rich brown. “What about a soft bed and a pillow?” He glanced toward the front of the car. “And privacy?”

“Raul can’t see or hear anything. Trust me, he’s had lots of practice with Jen. He probably thinks we’re already naked.”

Wade’s upper lip curled as he glanced at the seat, probably imaging Jen’s naked butt in the exact spot he sat. “Another reason to wait until we’re home.”

“I don’t want to wait.” The intensity of the day, knowing she’d come close to losing him just as she’d found him, made Callie crazy with desperation and bordering on out-of-control reckless. Ignoring his reservations, she reached for the fly of his jeans and fumbled with the buttons. “Please don’t deny me this.”

His hands tightened on her waist, and she could tell from his choppy breathing and pounding pulse he wanted this as much as her. But he still held himself back. “My wallet is in my bag in the truck. I don’t have a condom.”

She’d never experienced such a desperate driving need and the urgency to have Wade inside her shocked even her. She twisted to the side and reached behind her to open the bottom drawer of the bar, revealing the super-sized box Jen always kept on hand. “Problem solved.”

Heat and desire flashed in his eyes as he glanced to the box, and a second later, she was flat on her back on the seat. He wedged one knee between her legs and settled the other on the floor. One elbow rested above her head and his other hand pressed to the floor for balance.

“This isn’t how I imagined our first time.” His soft, tender voice still seemed hesitant, and she had the impression he was giving her another chance to change her mind.

That was so not happening.

“Me neither. But I also never considered the possibility of you dying before we had a first time.” She tugged at the hem of his partially tucked-in shirt. “I’m not willing to wait another minute.” She paused. “We’ll have a second and a third and a fourth time, right? We can do the bed thing later.”

His grin was slow and sexy as he lowered his mouth to hers. “Absolutely.”

At first, it was a soft brushing of lips against lips, but then the kiss grew hard and hot, and his tongue branded her as it swept over her bottom lip, then demanded entry into her mouth. She didn’t know how his internal body temperature was doing, but if he was like her, he’d be in danger of going from hypothermia to overheating any minute.

“You wanna be on top?” he asked, breaking the kiss, giving them both the opportunity to gasp for much needed air. “I can’t imagine the seat is real comfortable for you?”

“No.” She slid her palms under the hem of his shirt and pushed them upward across his abs and chest, dragging the shirt to his neck in the process. There was no time for slow exploration right now, and after stripping off the shirt, she went to work on his pants. “I’m comfortable right here. I’ll be even better when you’re naked. On top of me. In me.”

A smile curled his lips and his eyebrow rose. “What happened to you out there? Where’s my shy little kitten?”

She stopped trying to strip off his jeans long enough to look him in the eye, making sure he couldn’t miss the seriousness of her answer. “What happened is I now know how fragile and fleeting life can be. I’m not wasting another minute. This is too important.
too important. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m not waiting another second to be with you.”

He made another of those strangled sounds and clenched his eyes tight, then drew in a ragged breath as he pushed himself up and looked out the window. “We only have forty-five minutes. At the most.”

The regret filling his voice had her laughing.
Sweet, sweet man.
If he only knew her sad history…

“I can live with forty-five minutes. But if you don’t get busy, we’re not going to have that long.”

God, she loved it when his eyes turned dark brown and gooey and filled with heat and promise. “Yes, ma’am.”

He swept her hair off her face and fanned it around her head on the seat. His touch was so incredibly soft and gentle. She found it hard to believe these were the same hands that had been fisted in anger, ready to pummel the guy at The Blue Lagoon.

“You’re beautiful.” He kissed her temple, her cheek, and the corner of her mouth. “And smart.” He dipped lower and kissed the side of her neck before moving up to her ear. “And resourceful. And strong.”

She struggled to concentrate on his words while his tongue swept the shell of her ear and his teeth nibbled her neck, but she eventually managed to whisper, “I’ve never seen any of those qualities in myself.”

“I’ll remind you every day until you believe it.”

He kissed his way back down the side of her neck until he ran into the top of her turtleneck and sweater. She’d always worn high-collared clothing, not only to stay warm, but because she was so conservative, but she suddenly understood why Jen wore low-cut, easy-to-slip-off tops.

It was time to go shopping and make serious wardrobe changes.

Equally frustrated with her clothing, Wade sat back on the seat and pulled her with him. He yanked the sweater and turtleneck over her head and, no longer hesitant or holding himself back, he wasted no time in flicking open the front closure of her bra. After tossing it onto the floor with her sweater, he grabbed the blanket from the seat behind him.

“Let’s spread this out under you so you’re more comfortable.”

After he had her stretched out on the seat the way he wanted, he undid her belt, unfastened her jeans, and tugged them down until they bumped into her shoes. He might’ve been leery of limo sex in the beginning, but he was fully involved and ready to go now, and the growl escaping his throat had her giggling and reaching out to help.

“How about this…?” she said, easing his hand away from the hem of her jeans as he continued to tug. “I’ll undress me; you undress you?”

She fought off a grin as he narrowed his eyes in warning. “You think I can’t handle a pair of shoes and jeans?”

Giving up the fight, she giggled again. “I’m sure you can, but I’d rather them not end up in shreds. I’d like to go into the hospital with you, and I don’t want to have to explain why I’m wrapped in a blanket and nothing else.”

He glanced out the window again and his eyes widened. “Jesus. Raul’s hauling ass.” He scooted away from her and reached for his buttons. “Okay, deal.” He paused and raked a scorching gaze over her. “This time. Next time, it’s a bed and all night.”

Heat blossomed in her belly and spread over her skin in a thin sheen of sweat. Oh yeah, she would look forward to the next time, the bed, and all night. But for now, their new arrangement worked for her, and less than a minute later, they were both naked, she was once again lying on the blanket on the seat, and he was sheathed in a condom, hovering over her.

He dipped his head and circled her nipple with his tongue, then clamped down with his teeth and pulled.
Holy hell!
Everything between her nipple and toes blazed from the force of the tug. She arched her back, cried out, and grabbed the back of his head, holding him in place, hoping he’d do it again.

He didn’t disappoint, and she arched her back even higher as he switched to her other breast and lavished it with kisses and strokes and, oh God, another of those magnificent tugs that caused a splattering of sparks and fire to race through her stomach and into her sex.

“God, so good, but I need more.” She sounded even more desperate than she’d been before, and she wiggled beneath him, trying to maneuver him into place.

The car swayed as Raul changed lanes and Wade lurched to the side, barely catching himself from falling by grabbing the back of the seat. “Limo sex is overrated. You know that, right?”

She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking him into place while at the same time trying to pull him closer so he’d be perfectly aligned with her. “I told you I’d never done it before. And if you were down here with me, your center of gravity would be lower and you’d be much safer.”

A grin crawled across his face as he ran his finger down the center of her stomach. “You can be quite persuasive when you want something.” He continued lower with his finger and when he ran it through the center of her sex, his head fell back on his shoulders with a groan. “God, you’re so wet.”

“And ready. And waiting.”

He repositioned her legs so one was over his shoulder and the other lay along the back of the seat, giving him ample room to slip between them. Even though she was on her back with him on top of her, this was miles from the typical missionary position she’d experienced in the past, and she’d never been more needy or ready.

And based on the burning intensity in his eyes and the set of his jaw, she’d also never been more wanted.

He closed the gap between them and nudged at her entrance. He was larger than anyone she’d been with, and for a brief moment her eyes widened and she caught his eye while holding her breath, uncertain she could take him.

She should’ve known she had nothing to worry about, though, because as he rocked forward, then drew back and rocked forward again, he kept his gaze locked on hers, making sure she was okay, never going too far or too fast. He was so gentle with her, so concerned about her and her comfort; she released her fears and hesitation and relaxed, opening to him.

As he continued the slow, steady process of easing in and back out, she lifted her hips to meet him, silently urging him on, begging him to fill her. She half-expected him to ram into her, but he never did. Instead, he continued the slow in and out, easing in a little farther each time, all the while never taking his eyes off hers.

The moment was perfect, better than anything she could’ve ever imagined, and tears stung the backs of her eyes at the sweet, tender, gentle, and loving way he handled her. She was certain, at some point, there would be an opportunity for fast and wild mind-blowing sex. But for now, he was giving her exactly what she wanted. He was allowing her to see into his soul and the love and affection pouring not only from his eyes, but also being conveyed in every stroke and touch reassured her there would be a tomorrow. And then another. And another.

When he’d finally pushed all the way in, he slipped his hand under her butt and lifted, changing the angle, filling her even more. She’d never experienced anything so intense while at the same time so tender, and in a matter of seconds, she was riding the crest of an orgasm, ready to break over the edge.

She jerked her hips, encouraging him to take her faster, but he maintained the same frustratingly slow pace. He dipped his head and latched onto her breast, rolled his eyes up to her and flashed a sexy grin, then clamped down on her nipple with his teeth.

The orgasm hit with the force of a rocket and she would’ve screamed, but Wade was there covering her mouth with his, absorbing the sound. As the waves began to subside, he picked up speed, rocked into her with more force than he’d previously used, and moved his hand around to her clit.

She’d always been a one-and-done girl in the past, but everything with Wade was different, and before she knew what was happening, she’d started the climb to the top of the peak again.

“That’s it, baby, give me another one.”

“I… don’t… think…”

The sentence died off when he pinched her clit and rocked into her hard, hitting someplace deep inside that had never been touched before. She disintegrated into another ball of orgasmic bliss, and this time she wasn’t alone.

He rocked his hips harder and faster, clenched his jaw, and let go with a powerful orgasm that shook her inside and out. He collapsed and she relished the feel of his weight pressing down on her, forcing her deeper into the seat. After several deep breaths, he pressed his hand to the floor, preparing to lift off her, but she wasn’t ready to let him go yet.

She grabbed his shoulders, keeping him in place. “Wait.” She didn’t know how to express her feelings without scaring him off, but she wanted… needed him to understand how much she cared. “I’ve never been this over the moon about anyone.” She hesitated, then smiled and added, “Not even Prince Charming. What I thought was love was nothing more than a crush, infatuation. I didn’t have a clue what real, mature love was all about. But I think I’m beginning to understand.”

Wade slowly lowered his lips to hers, then slicked his tongue along her lower lip before slipping it inside. When he’d kissed her thoroughly, he pulled back and stared into her eyes. “You were the reason I made it back to the surface. I wouldn’t give up on finding Tyler, but I was determined to make it back to you.”

BOOK: Going All In
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