Going All In (5 page)

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Authors: Jess Dee

BOOK: Going All In
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“Use your hands, Jules.” Hunter’s voice was a low growl. “Help guide me inside.”

Julia gripped his cock and rubbed the tip against her soaking pussy. She couldn’t restrain the soft groan that escaped as his dick massaged her sensitive labia. God, she could come just like this, just by teasing herself.

Or she could come with two stiff penises inside her.

No contest.

Semidazed by her own actions, she rocked forward, bringing her ass in line with Hunter’s cock. He assisted her by drawing her cheeks apart. And then ever so slowly, holding Hunter’s cock firm, and under Jay’s heated gaze, she lowered herself down. Even with the lube and the men’s careful preparation, his shaft was larger than their fingers, and she had to bite back a shriek as he penetrated her. It burned. She closed her eyes, warding off the pain.

“You are so fucking sexy,” Jay said. “Christ, watching you take Hunter in your ass like that…” His voice wavered. “I could come just looking at the two of you.”

She opened her eyes and found herself staring at Jay’s hand, which was folded around the base of his cock.

“Have to squeeze tight,” he told her, “so I don’t climax here and now.”

A wave of wild lust gripped Julia. Heaven help her, she wanted Jay. Now. She twisted her hips, impaling herself on Hunter, and bit back a cry of pain and of rapture.

“That’s it, Jules,” Hunter soothed her from behind. “I’m in all the way. And God, you feel like heaven.” He moved, just a little, and the pain subsided somewhat, followed immediately by a flash of pleasure. “Heaven,” he said again and caressed her buttocks.

Goosebumps covered her arms and breasts. Cautiously she lifted up and sat back down, experimenting. Good.
Jesus, it felt
good. Sore, but good. She did it again and again.

“Jules.” Hunter breathed her name. “Woman, you are every one of my fantasies come to life.”

She wanted to answer, wanted to tell him he was all that to her and more, but the only sound that came out of her mouth was a wanton sigh.

Jay shook his head in awe. “You’re every man’s fantasy, baby,” he said. “How the hell did Hunter and I get so lucky?”

She was the lucky one. Not them.

Hands moved from her ass to her waist and then higher to her ribs. They pulled her back until she lay on Hunter. Julia dropped her hands to the bed to give herself support—and to lift her upper body slightly so she could watch as Jay placed a foot beside her on the mattress and leaned forward.

Hunter surged into her from below then withdrew. The breath left her body. She’d never felt anything like it before, never done it in this position. It was freaking amazing, and only improved when Jay directed his dick to her pussy. As he made contact, she froze, enjoying the friction. Even Hunter seemed to sense the momentousness of the occasion, and he stilled as well.

“Do it,” Julia urged Jay, opening her legs to him while balancing on Hunter. “Fuck me.”

And he did. He edged into her, filling her bit by bit until he too was embedded deep inside her.

Julia breathed in and out, in and out. Full. She was so full. Stuffed to overflowing. She had two erect penises inside her. And by God, Hunter was right. It felt like heaven. Full—and divine.

She twisted her hips. She couldn’t move much in this position, but she must have been able to move enough, because the motion yielded gasps from both men. She grinned and did it again. This time the gasp came from her too. Each twist sent her clit scraping against Jay’s hair and pubic bone, offering Julia an entire range of stimulation. Her ass, her pussy and her clit were all being subjected to extreme, delectable sensations. Pain and pleasure combined, the contrast of the sensations making the pain more real and the pleasure more intense. Much, much more intense.

Hunter thrust into her at the exact moment Jay pulled out, and when Hunter pulled back, Jay pushed in again. Over and over they moved, each fucking her to distraction, filling her with bliss.

This, here, was the single most profound sexual experience of her life, made all the more incredible because Julia loved Hunter and Jay. If she’d felt anything less for either of them, she’d never have crossed that line, never have trusted them to do what she allowed them to do now. She’d given herself to both of them, body and soul. In a million years she could not picture herself doing this with any other men.

But Jay and Hunter… Mmm hmm. If real life never intruded again, she could imagine herself doing this at least once every day—maybe even more.

Hunter’s hand strayed to her breast, brushing her nipple. Jay watched as she pushed her chest into Hunter’s palm, demanding a harder caress. Hunter pinched her nipple, and her body tightened in response, her reaction ricocheting all the way through to her groin. She clenched her pussy muscles around Jay, who cried out and thrust deep into her without waiting for Hunter to pull out.

She gasped.

“Oh, Christ,” Hunter breathed. “Holy shit. Don’t move.”

Jay froze, all his muscles pulled taut in an effort not to stir. Almost idly, Julia noticed the six-pack lining his stomach and the perspiration beading on his brow. From this close, even without her glasses, she could see the willpower it took for Jay to keep still. His jaw was set and he stared blindly past her.

Or maybe he stared at Hunter, she wasn’t sure.

Hunter panted beneath her. “So close,” he whispered. “So, so close. One move from either of you, and I am gonna blow my load.”

Julia’s pussy throbbed. “You mean one move like this, Blondie?” She squeezed her ass cheeks together.

Hunter jerked into her in reaction.

“Fuck,” he swore, and Julia felt him stiffen beneath her, his entire body growing tense.

“Or one like this,” Jay asked with a quick grin and pulled out then thrust back into her. Then his face twisted, as though the joke was on him and he thrust again and then again. “Jesus, Jules. Can’t stop. You feel too…fucking…good.” He pumped into her wildly. “Can’t…stop. Don’t want…to.”

“Jay, you bastard,” Hunter swore, and then he too was driving into her as hard as he could in his position.

Julia’s breath hitched and caught. Sweet Lord, she was being pulled in all directions, unadulterated pleasure flowing through her pussy, her clit and her ass. Showering her with delight and with pain.

“Can’t stop it,” Hunter yelled as he clamped his hands around her waist and thrust into her one last time. She felt him pulse in her ass, over and over, releasing inside her. “Oh, God, Jules,” he moaned. “Juliaaaaa.”

Sensation swamped her, knocking her for a loop. She lost control, and came hard, months’ worth of pent-up desire escaping as her pussy spasmed in relief.

Jay stared first at her and then at Hunter, and then he too lost control and jerked into Julia. He threw his head back and howled when he came, his hips shaking as he emptied himself in her pussy.

Minutes passed before any of them could move. Finally, Jay pulled out of her, tossed the condom in the bin and collapsed on the bed. “Holy shit.” He whistled. “Why’d we never do that before?”

Hunter rolled over with Julia in his arms, carefully withdrawing from her at the same time. He too trashed his condom, then curled up on his side behind her, pressing in close, so they both faced Jay. “Beats me. But I’m almost ready to do it again.”

Julia sighed. Her limbs were heavy, her heart still racing. “You do this together often, boys?”

Jay snickered. “You mean sleep with you? Nope, baby. Like we said, we’re wondering why we’d never done it before.”

“Smartass.” She smiled lazily. “I mean threesomes. You do it a lot?”

“It’s a first for me,” Hunter said as he drew his hand over her waist.

“Me too.” Jay nodded.

Julia closed her eyes. “I liked it.” She shouldn’t have, but she had. Altogether too much.

“So did I,” Hunter said.

“I think I just found a new favorite poker hand,” Jay laughed. “Three of a kind.”

Julia blanched. Three of a kind worked for her too. Altogether too well. So how the hell did she step back over that invisible line now? Knowing her luck, she’d trip and fall the minute she tried.

Going All In
Chapter Four

“C’mon, darl’, have another helping.”

Julia eyed the dish her aunt offered her and finally gave in. So what if she was stuffed? Nobody made shrimp on the barbie like her dad and her Uncle Joe, and anyway it was Christmas. She was supposed to eat until her belly ached. Besides, if her mouth was full she wouldn’t be expected to talk. Good thing too, because if one more relative asked her when it was her turn, she would throw up. Right in the middle of the traditional family Chrissie lunch.

It was her cousin Alec’s fault. If he hadn’t chosen today to announce his engagement, she wouldn’t be the subject of everyone’s curiosity. So what if she was a year older than Alec and thus expected to marry before him? Twenty-eight was hardly ancient. She wasn’t over-the-hill yet. She still had plenty of time to find the right man and settle down.

Sure her family liked to pry, but they only asked about her nonexistent nuptials because they loved her and wanted her to be happy. In the Savage family’s opinion, happiness meant love and marriage. It meant children and tradition. It didn’t mean one woman sleeping with two men at the same time.

She bit off a piece of shrimp and chewed it viciously.

“So, Julia,” her great-aunt Edith said, “when are you going to give the family some good news? Isn’t it time you settled down and got married too?”

Julia secretly blessed the shrimp, and pointed to her mouth, making it obvious she couldn’t answer. She kicked her sister under the table.

Kim snorted softly.

“Get them to change the freaking subject,” Julia ground out around her food.

“Don’t look at me to save you,” Kim whispered. Her lips did not move. “You chose two instead of one. Even I can’t help you through this dilemma.”

Julia swallowed and then shoved the remaining shrimp in her mouth, chewing it stiffly. She stood and proceeded to clear the table of empty dishes. Stretching over her sister, she murmured, “Sisters are supposed to stand up for one another—regardless of the circumstances.”

Kim pushed back her chair and helped Julia take the plates to the kitchen. “Jules,” she said, once both of them had made sure no one else was in the room, “I love you dearly, but even I’m not brave enough to stand up to Aunt Edith.”

“Hah!” Coward. “Just for that I’m going back in there and asking when you plan on having your next baby.”

Kim’s jaw dropped. “You wouldn’t.”

Julia shrugged and smiled innocently. “Try me.”

Kim smiled right back, her evil big-sister smile. “Open your mouth and I’m taking my earrings back. And the jeans you borrowed from me last month.”

Oh no. No way was she returning those jeans. “Fine,” she conceded, “but just wait ’til you ask me to babysit again.”

“Cow,” Kim shot at her, and the two of them began to giggle.

At least Kim was still talking to her. She’d been terrified her sister would crap on her for going ahead and sleeping with Jay and Hunter against her better advice.

Embarrassed to tell anyone she was sleeping with two men, Julia would have kept it a secret, but Kim had taken one look at her face and guessed at the truth. Within ten minutes of seeing her today, Julia had explained the situation to her. What had started as a just-this-once deviation from her regular relationship with Jay and Hunter had somehow turned into a once-every-night-this-week-and-often-much-more-than-that plus once-every-morning-after-as-well deviation.

So much for the promise she’d made to herself to cross back over that invisible line after their first time. She’d failed miserably at keeping it.

She, Jay and Hunter had spent every free minute together since their cancelled poker evening last Friday, and the sex was only getting better. They’d made love in all three of their homes, but in the end kept returning to Hunter’s because his bed was the biggest, leaving lots of room for their more…active sessions.

The more they made love, the more natural the act itself became. But that, it seemed to Julia, was the only natural part of their new and much more complicated relationship.

Yes, the sex was over-the-top incredible. Yes, she was crazy about both men, and yes, she turned to mush every time she saw either of them. But no, their relationship didn’t sit comfortably with her.

A part of her awaited the inevitable repercussions of her lust. She half expected a lightning bolt to blast through the sky and strike her for her sins. Well, not really, but she still hadn’t reconciled the Julia who was expected to get married and have children someday with the Julia who wanted sex with Hunter and Jay all the time.

“So,” Kim said softly when their laughter faded, “I know you’re in no hurry to introduce your men to Mom and Dad. But what about me? Do I get to meet them?”

Julia stared at her, bewildered. Kim had met all of her boyfriends up until now. Yet the idea of introducing not one, but two men to her sister freaked Julia out.

That wasn’t the only thing bothering her. If Kim wanted to meet the guys, she must be assuming their threesome would continue for an indeterminate length of time. Surely such an unconventional relationship was doomed to die a hasty death? Without the support of their loved ones, how could it survive? She, Jay and Hunter would have to fight long and hard to get their families on their side, and Julia didn’t know if either man was willing to commit to such a battle.

“I…I’m not sure I’m ready for that,” she finally said.

“I can understand your hesitancy,” Kim sympathized. “If I’m struggling with the idea of you having two guys in your bed, you must be going insane trying to come to terms with it.”

“You have no idea,” Julia said, grateful for Kim’s insight.

Her sister tapped her lip thoughtfully. “Okay, I don’t want to rush you, so I have another idea. New Year’s Eve is a week away, right?”

Julia nodded, and wondered if she, Hunter and Jay would celebrate together.

“If you’re still…” Kim wavered, looking uncertain. “Uh, seeing them then, and if you’re more secure in your…relationship, would you consider introducing me on the first of January? We could look at it as a new start to a new year.”

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