Read Going Down Easy (Billionaire Bad Boys) Online

Authors: Carly Phillips

Tags: #Romance, #contemporary

Going Down Easy (Billionaire Bad Boys) (9 page)

BOOK: Going Down Easy (Billionaire Bad Boys)
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“Let’s go,” he said to her.

“Hey!” Surfer Dude folded his arms across his chest, taking a stand. Too bad for him, Kade was bigger, bulkier, and had too much invested to back down easily.

“Casey, meet Kade, my big old mean boss,” Lexie said, oblivious to the pissing contest about to take place.

Yep, she was drunk, Kade thought, amused despite himself.

“She’s not going anywhere,” Surfer Dude informed him.

Lexie looked up at Kade with big blue eyes. “What are you doing here?” she asked, her hips still moving in time to the music, her generous breasts swaying to the beat.

His cock couldn’t help responding, and he grew hard in an instant. “I’m taking you home,” he informed her.

“Hey.” Surfer Dude shoved him hard. “Don’t you listen? I said she’s—”

,” Kade said, getting into the guy’s personal space. “And don’t fucking touch me.” He glared at the other man with a look that had most people cowering. One he’d perfected as he’d learned to box and worked out enough to overcome the geekiness of youth. “Now unless you want trouble, as in your teeth all over this floor, walk away now.”

“Kade!” Lexie said, outraged.

Casey raised both hands in defeat. “Fine. She’s not worth it,” he muttered before turning and disappearing into the crowd.

“I lost my dance partner,” Lexie said, pouting, her pretty hot pink lips turned downward in a frown.

Kade wanted to seal his mouth over hers and nibble on those plump lips until she opened for him and he could taste her sweetness.

Before he could do just that, she grabbed him around the waist.

“Dance with me!” She moved to the music, her soft body pressed sweetly against his, her belly flush against his now raging erection.

Kade was many things, but a dancer wasn’t one of them. The crowds were getting to him. The noise was causing a beat throughout his system that was ramping up his nerves. And the lights made him feel out of control. None of which he liked. All of which had resulted in problems in the past.

He needed to get the hell off the dance floor and find a quiet corner to calm the fuck down. He needed to be alone with Lexie.

“Come on.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him, off the wooden floor, past Derek and Luke, who’d gotten themselves drinks and had been enjoying the show he put on.

He continued on beyond the crowded bar to a hallway that had a line of people waiting for the restrooms. Shit. A big red
sign beckoned at the far end, and when he reached it, the door was propped open with a milk crate, letting fresh air into the packed area.

“Thank God,” he muttered.

“Where are we going?” she asked, pressing herself up against his back, whether on purpose or because of the many people, he didn’t know or care.

“Outside for air,” he said over his shoulder. Never letting go of her hand, he stepped outside and walked down a small alley until the music faded enough for him to be able to hear again, which, in turn, enabled him to start to calm down.

“Oh, it feels good out here,” Lexie said. Lifting her long hair up, she leaned forward, letting air blow against her damp neck. “Whew!” She shook out her hair, which had the effect of wriggling her ass.

Kade let out a low groan. The woman was going to be the death of him. He leaned against the brick façade of a building and took in the cool night air. Closing his eyes, he breathed in and out slowly, counting upward by four and down by four, until his heart rate slowed to a comfortable beat.

He opened his eyes to find Lexie staring at him in silence. Her makeup had smudged beneath her eyes, and she’d twisted her hair back into some sort of messy knot, but she’d never looked more beautiful.

“Are you okay?” she asked, that perceptiveness he loved about her returning now that they’d had a few minutes of quiet.

“I am now.”

She stepped closer. “Why, Kade?”

He figured she was asking why he was here. “Luke and Derek wanted to come out after dinner.”

She shook her head. “No, why not just leave me alone? You could be having drinks with your friends, but instead you’re interrupting my night.

She’d inched into his personal space, was pushing for answers he didn’t want to face, let alone give.

Her luscious breasts were rising and falling, so close he could reach out and touch. Her scent permeated the space around them, a fragrance he couldn’t get out of his head or his dreams.

“Tell me what you want,” she said, frustration tingeing her tone.

Frustration he felt as well. “I. Want. You.” No sooner had he said the words than she launched herself against him, and his mouth came down hard on hers.

He expected her to fight him, but she gave in willingly, her lips softening beneath his, and suddenly Kade had everything he wanted at his fingertips. The churning he’d been experiencing inside himself ever since Julian had targeted him and he’d deliberately pushed Lexie away faded into the background. Gone because she was in his arms.

He slid his mouth back and forth, devouring the lips he’d been so focused on earlier, nibbling, tasting, sliding his tongue deep inside. She moaned, meeting him halfway, tongues tangling, breath mingling, bodies grinding against each other as if they couldn’t get enough.

God knew Kade couldn’t. He broke the kiss long enough to give her instructions. “Jump up. Wrap your legs around my waist.”

She pushed her skirt up and complied with his request. He pulled her roughly against him, turning them so it was her back against the wall, his body thrusting against hers, grinding into her until she was panting and groaning in his arms. He wanted to bare her sweet pussy to his gaze, slide his fingers over her slick lips, and coat his fingers in her wetness.

She rotated her hips against him, her feminine heat pulsing against that hard-as-stone part of his body. He clenched his jaw, needing so much more. He wanted to take her hard, fast, and
. But he retained enough awareness to know where they were, what they could and couldn’t do. He also knew she deserved more than an outside fuck against the wall of some club. Even if they were simulating the act now, her hips rotating around and around, his body thrusting against hers.

Which meant this impulsive night had to come to an end.

He was about to lower her to the ground when she arched her back and let out a shuddering moan. “Close, Kade. I’m so close.”

He gritted his teeth and wondered what the fuck to do. As her boss, he couldn’t screw her and face her afterwards as if it meant nothing. As if
meant nothing. And he still owed her an apology for how badly he’d treated her almost from the beginning. Kade didn’t apologize to anyone. He’d spent his childhood doing too damned much of that to his mother. But he’d damn well do it for Lexie. Then he’d consider fucking her, like he wanted to.

“Please, Kade. Make me come.” Lexie was so far gone she trembled in his arms. He couldn’t leave her hanging on the edge like this either.

He slipped his hand beneath her skirt, coming into contact with a barely there, soaking wet thong. Jesus, he thought, this was the ultimate test of restraint. He slid his fingers over her slick lips and found her clit, rubbing with his thumb.

Her thighs tightened around his hips, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck, riding his hand as he worked one long finger inside her. Her orgasm hit immediately, and she rocked against him, her tight body clasping around him. Leaving him to imagine it wasn’t his finger but his cock that she was milking dry.

He pressed his thumb hard against her clit, letting her ride out her climax until she was spent. He held her afterwards, his hard body protesting every second.

Eventually she relaxed in his arms, and he removed his hand, slid her down, helping her fix her skirt and shift her tight top until she was comfortable.

“I don’t…”

He placed a finger over her lips. The same finger he’d had inside her seconds before. “Don’t. We both needed this.”

“But you didn’t—”

“I got what I needed for now,” he assured her, even if his aching dick disagreed.

She nodded, her cheeks flushed, her hair in complete disarray. She was flustered and so fucking sweet he wanted to devour her all over again.

“Let me take you home,” he said, needing to see her safe.

“But what about Tessa and Becky?” she asked. “Won’t they wonder what happened to me?”

“I guarantee you, Derek and Luke will explain.” Just like he’d have to deal with their shit come morning.

But, Kade thought, thinking back on the last few minutes, he could take whatever they dished out. Because the time with Lexie had been so fucking worth it.

*     *     *

Lexie woke up
to a pounding headache and a mixed bag of memories from the night before. What the hell had she been thinking, letting Kade take her outside, climbing him like a jungle gym and… Oh my God, she didn’t want to remember any more. Except her body tingled in all the right places, her sex completely on board with what had happened last night.

She turned and buried her face in the pillow. How was she ever going to face him on Monday? At least he’d told her there was no dry cleaning this weekend so she didn’t have to face him today.

Before she could dwell on that awful possibility, she heard a knock on her bedroom door. Time to face her sister. “Come in!”

Her twin walked in carrying a cup of coffee and set it down on the nightstand. “I heard you come in late last night. I thought you could use a pick-me-up.”

“Bless you,” Lexie said, surprised her sister was being so sweet to her. Lately things had been strained.

Kendall sat down beside her in bed, curling her legs beneath her. “Did you go out and have fun?”

Lexie felt her cheeks burn at the innocent question. “I was with two girls from work. We went to a nightclub and … yeah, I had fun.” More than she’d had in a while.

If she took Kade and the fact that she’d begged him to make her come out of the equation, she’d acted more her age than she’d been able to in years.

Of course, she couldn’t take Kade out of the equation because she thought about him constantly. She’d been drunk early in the evening, but by the time he’d arrived, she’d just been high on life and enjoying herself. When she’d asked him to dance, she’d been trying to get him to do the same. And, of course, to break up the tension from his confrontation with Casey, her dance partner, who she hadn’t been interested in, but he did have the moves and she’d wanted to dance.

But Kade hadn’t been comfortable in the club, something she’d realized too late. He’d been uptight and had barreled for an exit like a man possessed. Once outside, the relief on his face had been apparent. There was more to Kaden Barnes than she could put her finger on. More that she wanted to understand, but after her brazen behavior, she doubted she’d be around long enough to find out anything more.

“What’s wrong?” Kendall asked, watching her over her mug as she took a sip of coffee. “You look worried.”

Lexie narrowed her gaze at her sister’s concern. Not that it wasn’t in character. Deep down, Kendall was a good soul. She just had issues that often took over. Which was why Lexie cherished the times Kendall was … Kendall. Her sweet, caring, fun-loving twin.

Lexie leaned her head back and met Kendall’s gaze. “I’m thinking about my boss. He’s … different.”

“Good different?”

“Sexy different,” she admitted. “But he’s also difficult and demanding and he’s my
. You don’t mix business with pleasure and still have a job the next day.”

“Is that what you did?” Kendall placed the mug on the nightstand and moved in closer. “Did you sleep with your boss?”

“No!” Lexie was quick to dispel that thought, and she wasn’t going to elaborate on what she had done with Kade.

“You just want to. Got it. What does he look like?” her sister asked.

“His name is Kaden Barnes, and he’s been in the news for his app, Blink. You can Google him later.”

“Oh, I’ve heard of him! He’s rich. Wouldn’t it be nice not to have to think about money?” Kendall said wistfully.

Lexie rolled her eyes. “It’s not like we’re exactly hurting. We have parents who make sure we don’t starve.” It was on the tip of Lexie’s tongue to ask about the shopping bags she’d seen in Kendall’s room. And to bug her about getting at least a part-time job, something that let her put one foot back into the real world. But that would cause an argument, and she’d lose the peaceful calm she was experiencing now.

“Do you want to go out for pancakes?” Kendall asked, unaware of Lexie’s thoughts. “I have a craving for them.”

As if in reply, Lexie’s stomach growled, and she laughed at the timing. “Let me jump into the shower and I’ll be ready soon,” she said instead of picking a fight by putting Kendall on the defensive with intrusive questions.

Lexie followed her heart, not her gut, and decided to cherish this precious time with the sister she loved during one of her more stable moments.

After a weekend to dwell on the fact that she’d begged Kade to make her come, she showed up at work and waited for him to arrive. Her sister had gone out with a friend again Saturday night, and she was looking for a job in retail, giving Lexie even more hope she was making progress. Add in the medicine change, which would kick in soon, and possibilities were endless. She couldn’t even bring herself to temper her expectations this time. She was too invested in things going right for once.

She sat at her desk, her eyes and ears primed for the old elevator, when Becky walked over to her desk. “Hey! Are you feeling better?” she asked.

Lexie wrinkled her nose in confusion. “Why do you ask?”

“Derek said you weren’t feeling well and Kade made sure you got home safely.”

Oh. “Oh! Yes, I’d … had a lot to drink and I was dizzy. Kade took me outside for fresh air—” And an orgasm. “And then he had his driver take me home. I felt much better the next day. I’m sorry if I worried you, but I really did have a great time with you and Tessa.”

“Oh, good.” Relief flooded the other woman’s expression. “I had fun too. We’ll have to do it again soon.”

BOOK: Going Down Easy (Billionaire Bad Boys)
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