Going Thru Hell (7 page)

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Authors: T. J. Loveless

BOOK: Going Thru Hell
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I landed on a dune, rolling ass over tea kettle until settling at the bottom. Excruciating pain exploded through every nerve ending and I cried out. Looming, waiting like a spider in a web, the payment. I'd braided too much, too far. I braced, knowing full well it wouldn't do any good.

The price slammed into me, physically
tossing me into the dune, the thrust so powerful I tunneled ten feet before the sliding sand pulled me forward and I rested at the bottom.

Unable to move,
and barely able to breathe, the loss of soul killed emotion. I should have cried, perhaps fear at being on an immortal plane, maybe overjoyed to survive. Instead, I wondered if the near dead felt the same.

My hearing returned slowly with the ability to move. I pushed upwards, sand falling off and sneaking into places best left alone. It filled the boots, my bra,
and some very sensitive areas. I remembered why I hated the beach.

The plane reminded me of ancient drawings of Persia at the peak of power.
The verdant valley filled with sun loving plants, a slow moving river running through the middle, several lazy turns before disappearing in the horizon, surrounded by sand dunes. The sky bleached almost white, not a cloud to be seen. The bright sun brutally hot against my arms and neck, a savage wind spread more of the tan itchy stuff, and the sounds of battle rang through the valley.

Turning slowly, fighting the effects of braiding hangover, I found the source. In the distance
, several immortals engaged in battle. I removed the boots and walked towards the scene, trying to find Bru's red hair.

I found her with a nearly severed head, red hair matted with blood. Aki continued to fight
twenty feet from Bru, despite severe injuries to his torso and legs. I fell to my knees, pushed Bru's head to her ravaged neck and stood over the body. It didn't take long before the immortal tissue began to repair itself.

Aki wasn't fighting unknowns or any of the gods stalk
ing me daily. Anahita wielded the sword barely missing Aki's neck.

said Annie was too powerful, but I attempted to stop the sword fight. I barreled into the Persian goddess of war, our bodies crashed into the ever-shifting sand, her sword arm pinned underneath. A large hand grabbed my shoulder and tossed me sideways. Sunlight glinted off steel, a sickening thud and crunch sound before witnessing a beloved mother figure's head roll away. Far in the back of my subconscious, a murmur of despair. The effects of payment flooded my consciousness and I fell into the black hole.

Chapter Eleven

Warm arms held me close. Opening swollen lids, I found my face buried in a smooth, muscular chest, the heat from the male bod
y enveloping me. The scent a mix of mountains, snow, green grass and clean air. Aki the Berserker.

I shifted, bodily needs causing pain. When his arms tightened, I tried to speak only to find my tongue swollen and mouth dry. Using the leg not held between powerful thighs, I kicked his shin and promptly whimpered in pain.

“Oh, shit! You're awake.” The deep voice rumbled through his chest and into the sensitive tip of my nose. I groaned, wiggled a second time and he eased his hold.

I sat up, feet on carpet. Unable to focus, the colors of the walls
meant it was the hotel room. On wobbly legs, I shuffled to the bathroom, avoiding the reflection in the mirror.

Needs cared for, I grabbed a cup from the counter and drank five glasses of water. Vomited most of it, drank three more glasses, and repeated until I could keep the
liquid down. I brushed my teeth, used a washcloth to wipe my face, and attempted to bring my curls under some form of control. I gave up and pulled them into the standard ponytail.

Feeling stronger, I sat on the couch, star
ing out the big picture window. Anahita's deception played in a continuous loop on the inner HD screen. She'd made a bid for power, using my trust and love. Annie knew the offer on the rooftop would be given to her. As a result, Bru and Aki suffered.

“Where is Bru?” I looked upwards, meeting Aki's gaze as he stood in front of me, half dressed. With a clinical eye, I took in every inch of his heavily muscled torso, the sun lending it a golden glow.
The silver in his hair glinted, his eyes a bright, breathtaking blue. Not long ago the sight might have fired up the hormones, made my mouth water, brought forth very primeval needs.

He pointed to a cot on the backside of the couch. Twisting and leaning over the back, I found Bru sleeping, cleaned up,
but neck covered in livid red scars. Her breathing remained slow and deep. A tiny wave of relief trickled over my heart, followed with a short-lived spurt of joy. I felt an emotion. It was a start.

“And you, Aki?” I faced him again.

“I am not injured as she was. I am sorry, Kylie. Our idea, our egos, brought this upon you.” He cringed and fell to his knees, his huge, warm hands wrapping around my calves, head landing in my lap. I felt a wetness soak the flannel pajama bottoms.

“I am not injured.” Without thought, I shoved my fingers into his thick hair, watching the light turn the gray strands a shining silver.

“Not physically. I know the price you pay.”


“Tiamat arrived seconds after I sliced her neck. The great dragon flew into a rage at her deception and tore her body into tiny pieces. She swore to take the pieces and deliver them to every pantheon's realm.”

“It will take Anahita a long time to recover.”

“Yes. Kylie, can you feel nothing?” He raised his head, eyes meeting my gaze. The beautiful stare full of regret, fear, longing, overwhelming sadness.

“Very little. A sigh of emotion deep within.”

“No. No, little Braider. Pull them forward. Don't let it only be the tiny, unheard voice. I beg you.”

“I do not get a choice in the matter, Aki the Be

He su
rged to his feet. “Damn it!” He raked hands through his hair, causing it to become a wild disarray.

spark, like two metals clashing, the barest hint of light. I frowned.

“What?” He scrutinized me, his gaze taking in every movement, tick and heartbeat. Understanding transform
ed his face. He held a hand out, eyes glowing with intent.

nstinct whispered, moved my hand to grip his. The moment they met, he leaned over and picked me up, striding for the bathroom. He put my feet on the ground, holding me close. With quick, jerking movements, the shower started, his hand under the spray waiting for the perfect temperature. A quick nod and with swift movements, both of us were under the spray, clothes and all.

My heartbeat picked up, a tingle stirring in low places.

He made short work of the pajamas, making a satisfied sound when I stood nude. Voices in my head said I should be outraged, upset, covering myself.

Aki moved backwards, letting the hot water sluice over me, creating a sensual response. Emotions grew louder. I watched, becoming fascinated, as he tore off the last of his own clothing.
He stood proud before me, allowing me to gaze over every inch of his perfect body. The scars on his abdomen and legs added to the appeal, and I followed the silky line of hair from his bellybutton to the ending at his groin. He moaned as I stared and started to reach, needing to touch him.

My body reacted as a spurt of emotion effused my heart. A
twinge of pain, a stretching feeling, and emotions crashed over me. I shattered on the shower floor. I curled into a ball, arms covering my head, unable to contain the misery.

“Normally that
reaction would kill my ego, but Tiamat proved to be wise.” Aki picked me up, managed to walk without slipping on the tile floor to sit on the lowered lid of the toilet. With gentle strokes, he dried the both of us, tossed the towel on the floor and held me, his large hand settling my head at the juncture of his neck and shoulders, the other hand stroking my side lightly, soothing sounds vibrating from his chest and through me.

Time held no meaning. I cried for the choices made, the required losses, the pain which refused to go away. Aki never let go, waited until the sobbing stopped, helped me into pajamas, and tucked me into bed.

Sleep came quickly, the ludicrous, apple-scented nightmare immediately taking over. I landed on the floor every time I attempted to jump through a window, creating rug burns on my torso and face.

I gave up after the fourth attempt, weaved to the couch and flopped down in exhaustion. The moon hung fat and bright in the night sky, only the brightest stars glinting over the light pollution and moonlight. I watched as it moved across the horizon, the sun
taking over the night. Deep purples giving way to lavenders, oranges, light pink, and finally, a bright morning.

quiet moan sounded from behind the couch and I twisted to look at Bru.

“How are you, bestie?” I tried to smile.

“I hate you.”

“No you don't. Want me to send Aki out for Starbucks?” Elated Bru would make it, the first real smile tried to force stiff muscles into a
non-Sheldon Cooper grin.

“Yes. Americano, extra shots.” A hand scrubbed her face and I closed my eyes at the still healing injuries.
My fault
echoed through my head.

“What do you want, Kylie?” Aki's voice made me jump.

“Mocha latte, two extra shots, cinnamon and a spurt of raspberry, if you don't mind.”

He leaned forward, grabbed a hand, kissing it in a grand gesture. “As my Braider wishes.”

I noted the jeans encasing strong thighs, a Bon Jovi t-shirt stretched over yummy muscle, and worn leather boots. His hair pulled tightly in a ponytail and precisely trimmed beard. “I assume the line from The Princess Bride means you’re trying to impress someone, handsome?”

Where in the hell was this flirty stuff coming from?

“Only you.” Another kiss on the hand and he left.

“What the?” I turned to find Bru sitting up, her skin pasty, black circles under
her eyes, and dried blood matting her red locks.

“I believe Aki has decided to let you know how he really feels.” She gave a half smile.

“What am I supposed to say to that?”

“Nothing. Just eat him alive.
He is a fine piece of ass. Especially for a Berserker.”

“Bru! You
why I can't.”

“Like you never thought that. Please.” She
waved a hand at me and stood, gave herself a once over before grunting in disapproval.

“I have some pajamas that should fit. They'll be capris for certain, but you can get a shower and scrub the blood out of your hair.”

“I’m sorry, Kylie. Aki and I realized what happened when we arrived shortly after you did.” Her beautiful green eyes met mine, sorrow filling the depths.

“Aki already begged forgiveness. Nothing to forgive. My ego played a part too.” I looked at my hands.

“We are going to do our best to protect you, Kylie. I don't want you in harm's way again.”

“Neither do I. Go shower. You reek and that is
not ladylike.”

Bru laughed, grabbed a pair of pajamas out of the suitcase and headed for a shower.

I was left on the couch, trying to make sense of the current situation. I'd spent most of the last weeks doing the same thing. Doing my best to understand, to find a way out.

The first question I wanted answered: What the fuck had Aki done? One good spurt of lust and part of my soul healed, letting me
I didn't love Aki, right? He'd maneuvered himself into my little circle, but after Annie's little stunt, I'd lost trust in my ability to pick the right people.

The thought made my head come up.
Oh, duh
, I thought.

The real problem made itself known because I didn't surround myself with mortals often. Sure, in Denver a few humans remained in the tiny intimate circle. I clung to immortals with the truth of my existence
, the reasons obvious. With the nonstop attention from various gods, the bickering, the constant threat of violence, I'd place most mortals in danger. And with the ancient ones, I'd humanized them in my thoughts and heart. Loneliness could do that to a person.

Which left me wondering about Bru, Tiamat and Aki.

Intuition quietly sided with the three immortals. Memories of Annie's behavior captured my attention with details I'd overlooked. Her push to use the abilities. The constant attempts to teach me how to heal my soul. Her stories of ancestors, how she'd helped them. The way she remained close during the after effects. Annie'd been grooming me, a mere blink of time to an immortal of six thousand plus years.

had allowed myself to ignore it, to be blind. I went over everything I could remember about Tiamat. The beautiful dragon goddess, unlike Annie, sacrificed
me. Her anger when harm came to me, the vicious outcome for Annie after the recent debacle. Instinct said Tiamat was an ally. I thought about Aki and Bru. The same thing, despite only knowing the two for a very short time. Our egos fueled the fire of failure on the last braid, but for the most part, both of them had done nothing to prove any disloyalty to me.

Why? What was their stake in this?
Bru's ceremony meant she would forever be loyal to me. I felt the connection, her elation at healing and my recovered emotions. But what did Aki get? Sex? If honest with myself, probably, going by the hormonal reaction. While I had no doubts about his bedroom abilities, the aftermath would be hell. He'd suffer. I couldn't understand what they'd meant by his search for me.

“Probably not, Braider.” Bru walked
out of the bathroom and gracefully sat on the couch. I grinned, her height making my flannel bottoms come to mid-calf on her long legs. Somehow, she made them look great. If I tried, it would have looked like I forgot to buy clothes that fit.


“Find the answers you seek. Asking all the wrong questions anyway.” She grabbed the remote, and tuned into SpongeBob.

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