Gold Raven (22 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

BOOK: Gold Raven
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Hope sighed. He was the one with all the lasting memories, while she was left with vague ones. Suddenly, she felt an overwhelming sadness come over her. “Oh mama, mama…please
, be there; please be there.” She whispered into her folded arms. In order for things to get better, they had to be there. With so much going on inside of her brother, his fears and insecurities – the last thing she wanted was to have begged him for this trip, only for it to end up hurting him somehow. Each mile they traveled brought them closer to uncertainty. His memories evoked fears with returning, while her memories drew her back home. She could no longer ignore them, nor did she want to.

Regardless of the grudge her brother held against their father, blaming him for their anguish and separation, all she could remember was how he loved her. She remembered her mother’s silent tears, her fear – there seemed to have always been that…fear. She would not think about that, it was time to put it behind and focus on what was to come…come what may. She loved them, Maynard Webster and Ceś alena Huebana …they were the reason she was alive. She would not rest until she could see their faces again…something inside just would not let her.

Wherever they were, they too were waiting, she knew that. Silently, she prayed what she felt was true. Somehow, some day – things would come together. She knew, they must not fear it…but steady themselves for whatever life would put before them to stop them. Her dream was strong, and with a tight grip, she held it, until the day it would come true.

Chapter Nine


New York City


Oh Maynard, can you not let your crewmen make this delivery without you? Why must you persist in this silly pastime of working like a menial? It’s such a common occupation, let them do it.” Gloria pouted leaning back against the headboard of his bed in the New York townhouse which he shared with Leon. She held a sheet to shield her breasts, making pretty, sad faces that worked often to get her way with others, excluding Manny, who stood at the commode washing and dressing to leave. With adoring eyes, she scanned the rear view of him from head to heel. Her small bottom lip pushed out and down; her long radiant blonde hair cascading to the bed in thick soft tresses; her skin, still a blushing pink hue from their mid-day sexual jaunt.

Come now Gloria; let us not start with this again. Repetitive discussions already resolved, bore me. This trip is a must; I refuse to run my business from behind a desk, it’s imperative that I see to matters concerning it myself. I also have a meeting with someone out of town. Frankly speaking, I find the city much too crowded.” He stated, finishing up with combing his short crop top, with its fashionable back shag that he tied back. He took a look at the reflection of her in the mirror. She was watching him with beautiful deep blue eyes.

You lusty beast! Perhaps your insistence to work in your own business has more to do with another woman!” She sulked.

Turning from the mirror, walking over to the bed
, Manny took a seat at its edge beside her, leaning with a hand between her spread legs.

As if you cared what woman out there I might seek? With your appetite and looks…what woman would occupy this mind…hm?” He asked, knowing who,
‘Ceś alena!’
His mind mocked. Gloria had no knowledge of her, or the past they shared, the only woman who held his heart, or ever would.

She flashed a catty grin, almost purring. “None of course, yet a man with your needs will seek his pleasures somewhere. Surely you will in the time it will take you away from me. Some, Southern hussy may dig her claws into you – that privilege is mine alone! I claim it!” She sat forward, letting the sheet drop to bare her breasts to him as she grabbed him closer.

Manny chuckled, finding her funny.

Laugh all you will, but I’ll not share you with anyone!”

The lift of his brow and change of expression to one that warned her she was crossing into dangerous territory made her swallow and change her tone. “Oh Manny, you are so cold! You could ease my torture if you would only let others see to your business and you stay with me.” Her pout returned.

Mind your place Ms. West, considering your reputation-…”

Oh bah, and damnation with reputations!” She spat, sitting back.

Manny’s grin returned. “Yes well, considering reputations, you have little room to play the role of someone used, making demands.”

Only since you Maynard-…”

Manny threw his head back exploding with unrestrained laughter. “Surely you kid me!”

Truly Maynard! Only you craze me this way; so few have what you carry… endowments sure to make any woman beg you for more…is it any wonder I am as I am with you?”

So few? Emm, how interesting that you can be so sure of this; well know this - I find that you’ve been in and out of bed with anyone while we are enjoying each other’s company, you’ll find more than your reputation bruised.”

She shivered, wanting him again. “You make me even crazier when you threaten me in your jealousy.”

Jealous?! Hardly – I assure you it’s anything but!”

Why do you treat me in such a know I am made for you, and you for me. Nowhere will I find the pleasures you bring me.”

Again, you’ve been around enough to know.”

She crossed her arms across her breasts feeling frustrated with him. Unlike the other men in her life whom she’d been able to twist around her little finger, he stayed unaffected by her and in control.

I hate when you’re like this with me. All you have to do is ask it of me
and you know I’d gladly do anything for you. Including… becoming your wife…if you asked. Daddy, well, he somehow has this idea that we’re, well…engaged, and-…”

Now I wonder who gave him such an idea?” Manny questioned with the lift of one thick brow. “Oh Maynard, would it really be so bad if I were your wife? Who else could arouse what I do in you?” She simpered, leaning against him again, placing her hands to either side of his face, her fingers going into his hairline as she folded her legs behind her to kneel up; making Manny sit straighter as well, her breasts now in contact with his chest. “Who else could tantalize and tease your senses as I do? Hm?” Her lips delicately touched his brow in a soft kiss. “Who else could stir and ignite the power of your passion as – I – do?”

She quizzed huskily, letting her mouth touch the bridge of his nose with a feather soft touch of her moist lips, on to his high cheek bones, while her hands explored his broad shoulders and wide hard chest; gently, she pushed him onto his back and straddled him.

Once aroused to the fullest, who else could satisfy all that you’d demand? Keeping pace with you – as I do?” From there she went on to show him the powers she possessed, sliding down his body to skillfully adore him in a way that brought him the most pleasure.

Little did she know, he’d silently answered all of her questions in his mind with eyes closed.
‘Ceś alena…Ceś alena…Ceś alena…Ceś alena…without even trying.’

Manny stepped out onto Fifth Ave. from his townhouse, the air damp and the day rainy and gray. He climbed into his waiting carriage that took him to the East river ports on the Erie. As the driver snapped the reins, and the carriage was jolted into motion down the upperclass street, lined evenly with an avenue of trees along the outer edge of the giant park before his residence, he thought about the woman he’d just left.

God, what is wrong with me? I did it again. I can’t believe I’ve done it again.’
He mentally grieved over letting her persuade him into carrying on with their so called engagement. He had even gone so far as to agree to let her prepare an engagement party while he was away – giving her freedom to invite all of the rich, high snobs she wanted.

What made me do it?’
His mind grieved.

There was no immediate answer forthcoming, just a gut wrenching, agonizing feeling that tied him into knots. He took deep breaths to calm the leaping of his stomach with his palm over his midsection.

He had to swallow the urge to actually wretch his system dry. His hand reached up for the side strap of his coach for something to hold onto as sweat beaded above his brow.

Oh God.” He groaned. “When will I get on with my life?”

Feeling as though he should by now, he was thankful for this job requiring a delivery. He needed the time it would give him to seek a way out of this mess he was about to get into again.
‘How am I to get rid of Gloria West?’
This thought sprouted right on the tail of him admitting that he should be getting on with his life.
‘No God, not with her.’
He could not help but wonder if this was something her father had planned from the beginning. Her father, Daniel West, was an wealthy jeweler with whom he held a contract as a supplier of precious metals. Gold, silver and precious gems, such as emeralds and diamonds; that he carried back to him after being mined in Africa and Brazil.

Consequently, at a luncheon date to negotiate the contract with Mr. West was where he’d first encountered the man's daughter, Gloria West. Now here he was engaged to marry her. Back to his initial thought, perhaps by them marrying, Daniel believed he would get him his precious gems at a cheaper price, having a son-in-law who was a merchant supplier.

Shaking his head, Manny knew although only moments had passed before he’d agreed to all – that there was no way he would be able to go through with it. There was no way he would stand before anyone claiming that woman as his wife, no way.

Then there was Lena – his mysterious ghost.

All these years, after all the time in passing, she was still strongest of all his desires. Fourteen years had elapsed since she and Hope had disappeared, leaving no clue as to where to. He had not found the means to catch up with Derek Greyson, the man he knew responsible for their disappearance. Even with the odds stacked so heavily against him, he was still holding on. How did one just stop or turn off the very driving force of ones life?

Ceś alena had carried within her, four of his children, two had died, yet the other two very much alive. His Michael had been missing for seventeen years; he was close to turning twenty-eight. He thought back to that time when everything seemed so secure, so under control. One moment his world had been perfect, and the next turned upside down.


He knew why, but knowing why wasn’t enough. It would not bring back those he’d lost, his true family. Those whom he’d neglected and taken for granted – believing that they would always be there – and nothing would ever change. Manny emitted a deep sigh. Never had he been so wrong.

Indeed he knew he was crazy, out of his mind for thinking it – but holding fast he knew he had to be patient. Before he could truly go
on with his life, he had to know beyond any doubt, what had happened to Ceś alena and his children. Until then, he was far from moving on.

The coach came to a stop in front of the building where he rented space to do business in town, located within easy access to the docks, four blocks from the wharf. Leon was waiting for him as he stepped from the coach.

Everything is ready to go. The Flamingo’s loaded and the men are at the inn awaiting your arrival.”

Sounds good, tell them to board, I’ll be right on as soon as I pick up the load forms.” He informed Leon entering the building. “Ah’ight Cap’n. We’ll be boarded and waiting.” Leon headed off to get the men moving.

Manny made quick work of collecting his documents, and closing up his office for the long absence. He stepped onto the sidewalk of the busy street, eager to get underway. Part of his anxiousness was in stopping at Webster Fields, he missed his friends and father, knowing that it was time to at least visit home again.

Walking towards his coach that was parked further ahead, having to cross over an alley to reach it, he suddenly heard heavy scuffling and grunting squeals from within. It was followed by a few curses and a frightened cry of a child. It was that cry that made him turn into the alley hurrying his steps to investigate the stress calls. Turning at a cross juncture of the alley, he saw a group of boys fighting and upon a closer look; it was actually three boys trying to rob and beat up two others.

Here now!!! What is going on here?!!” He bellowed in his most intimidating voice. Running to the aid of the two young victims, who were fighting back with all they had. By the time he reached them, their identifiable boys school attire stood out. Jackets worn by boys of the elite class, indicating their families were of high society.

Let go now! Do you hear!” Manny continued pulling the group apart. The looters released their prey and were off, running full sprint to escape. Taking his eyes from the escaping attackers, he sought to inspect the two whom he’d rescued. The bigger of the two, had reddish auburn hair, oddly enough with a sandy/olive complexion – odd because most red heads were very fair.

His friend, the smaller young man was of slender build and had dark hair with freckles sprayed across his nose. He looked frightened to death, as if he wished to be anywhere but there. The tall redhead – was angry – full of fire.

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