Gone Black (20 page)

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Authors: Linda Ladd

BOOK: Gone Black
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Holliday turned to Novak. “C'mon, Novak, you've got to be patient. We cannot rush in there. It's got to go down quietly, or we don't have a chance in hell. We've done this plenty of times. We know what we're doing.”
“I'm not gonna fuck it up, but I'm not going to wait much longer, either. It's dark outside. Let me go out on my own, reconnoiter the place, and find a good location to set the explosives. I can move freely without causing any alarm. I speak the language. I know the customs around here. Like you said, we've got to get most of Soquet's guards out at the wall before we go in or they'll flank us when we get inside the chateau.”
“Okay, we'll go out tonight for recon and make sure the place is set up the way the satellite image indicates. Maybe we can see how many men he's got at the wall.”
“Black and Claire might already be in bad shape. We might have to carry them out.”
The other two guys frowned, but they nodded in agreement. Novak knew by the looks on their faces that they were extremely concerned, too. This whole plan was suspect, not enough thought, not enough men, not enough time, but it could work. Especially if Booker and Holliday were as good as Novak believed they were, and they were. They would probably succeed getting inside without detection. Getting everybody back out alive? Well, that was another story altogether.
Little Boy Lost
Rico got down and crawled on his belly through the thick, thorny bushes growing along the back wall of his mama's vegetable garden. The thorns kept scratching him, but he didn't care. When he got to the break in the wall where the bricks had fallen off, he could look into the courtyard, and he stayed down low and watched the big guards standing around with their long rifles slung over their shoulders. There were a lot of them, and they leaned against the wall at various places and talked together and smoked lots of cigarettes, just like they always did.
But he was trying to see that girl named Claire. She told him that everything was going to be all right, but he wasn't so sure about that. She didn't know what Jaxy and Max were like. How they liked to just kill people, anytime they wanted to, and nobody ever did anything about it. Sometimes they just up and killed one of their own men, too. Shot them down for no reason. And both of them were already angry at Claire for helping him get away.
So he was really scared that they'd just take her up on that high cliff and shoot her in the head, the way they had his parents. His whole body began to shiver, because he was very afraid for her, and he couldn't stop thinking about how Daddy and Mama had been thrown off the cliff, their bodies probably spinning around in the air, until they'd splashed down into the sea where it smashed so hard against the rocks very, very far below. He had been alone since that awful day, but now he felt like he had a friend, somebody who could get him away from Jaxy. That Claire lady had been real nice and held him real tight and rocked him, just like his mama used to do. He wanted to be with her again. He wanted her to hold him like that again and take him far, far away from all the bad people. And he never, ever wanted to come back to this place by the sea, not ever again. He hated it now. He hated everything about it.
For a long time, Rico lay in the dark and searched the courtyard for Jaxy. He did not want to run into her on his way inside the fortress. She would beat him with her sap and make him do tricks for the big men with the guns and they would all laugh at him. Then she would tie him to her bed when she went to sleep, and he would have to sit there on the cold, stone floor and wait for her to wake up, unable to move very far on the short leash or even go to the bathroom.
Right now, though, he was free, and he knew places that the bad ones didn't even know about, places where they would never find him, secret places where he could hide Claire, too. He used to love all his daddy's stories about the Romans and the pirates, but now he just hated it, every inch of it, every room, even his own hideout. But he could find out where they were keeping Claire. He could watch from the little slits inside the tunnels. Some of them led all the way down to the lowest grotto overlooking the waves and others led out outside the walls into the trees. There were spaces between the walls, too, with lots of hidden doors. He would be safe there, if he could just get into the first tunnel without getting caught. The one named Claire had freed him, and now he had to free her, too.
As the men turned and talked together about some soccer game being played in Rome, he moved stealthily along on the ground, still crawling low on his stomach, slithering out over the garden wall and elbow-crawling his way to the ancient covered cistern in the center of the courtyard. He could just barely lift the heavy lid high enough to slip inside. Then he eased down into the knee-deep water and waded as quietly as he could to where the narrow Roman trough ran under the courtyard and back into the main part of the house. Slowly, silently, he crawled along through the darkness and made it all the way to the Great Hall without even sloshing the water very much.
When he finally reached the main level, he squatted down and trembled all over. He held his breath when he heard Jaxy's voice floating out of the room right next to Rico's hiding place. She was talking to Max. She was talking about Rico. She was saying she was going to catch him and make him sorry he'd run away again.
Rico got really terrified then because she was so awfully mean and she was so close and because she hurt him so much when she shocked him with that dog collar. She would drag him around on the leash and laugh if it hurt so bad that he cried and then she would tell him to quit his blubbering and act like a man. He couldn't help it. He hated her. He wasn't supposed to ever hate anybody, his mama had told him so, but he hoped Jaxy fell off that high cliff and into the ocean and drowned and was taken far out to sea where a whale would eat her like one that had eaten Jonah.
But he didn't move a muscle the whole time that they stood talking together inside the very next room. He hardly even breathed, and held himself so still, not until she and Max moved over to the wide main staircase and climbed up to the second floor where all the bedrooms were located. Then he waited some more, just to make sure none of the big guards were coming, and then he got down on his hands and knees and scurried the rest of the way down the shaft until he reached the narrow space between the walls where he could stand up and walk. He wanted to find Claire so bad. He wanted to tell her about the man she was looking for, the man who had picked him up and held him, just like she had, when his fancy red car had skidded to a stop and almost hit him. Maybe if Rico could take her to him, maybe then she and the blue-eyed man would take him away with them, somewhere safe, where there weren't any bad ones that hurt him.
Rico tiptoed up the narrow stone steps behind the wall that rose beside the staircase, up to the second floor, where he used to have his own bedroom, where his mama used to come wearing her white and pink nightgown that was all covered with little rosebuds and read books to him before she kissed him good night and turned off the light. He wished she could still do that. He wished she wasn't floating under the water, dead, with fish all around her. He wished she could kiss him good night again. Tears burned behind his eyes, but he didn't cry. He had stopped crying for her a long time ago. And he also knew what would happen if Jaxy heard him. So he moved along inside the walls, as silent as a wraith floating above the ground.
Chapter Ten
Since Claire had been locked up inside the spacious bedroom, she had spent every moment searching for anything she could fashion into a weapon. So far she had found nothing, but she had come across a locked drawer in the bedside table. She had spent some time trying to force it open, fairly certain that she would find something useful inside. On the other hand, maybe they wanted her to open the drawer, maybe that was the plan. Maybe one of Soquet's little specialty grenade bombs was tucked inside, triggered to go off when she pulled the drawer open. She knew full well that they liked to do awful stuff like that, play tricks on their victims.
Forewarned of their habits, Claire gave up on forcing the drawer for the moment and methodically tossed the room and the bathroom. She was desperate for a weapon, any kind, anything she could use to defend herself, because she knew she was going to have to. And soon. But they had been way too thorough. She found nothing. They had pretty much stripped the room of anything sharp and/or heavy.
All the while she searched, the video camera's red light kept up its rapid blinking, watching her every movement, waiting for her to do something. What? Open that damn drawer? But if doing that triggered a bomb, why would they have locked it? Why wouldn't they just let her jerk it open and that would be the end of her, on tape for Black to watch. Or maybe they were waiting for something else to happen to her? Her gut told her that whatever it was, it involved a bomb. She was pretty sure they would kill her the same way Soquet's wife had died and make Black watch it go down. She was also certain that Black would be forced to watch her blown-to-bits demise from whatever hellhole in which he was confined. So she had to get out and find him before they got her. She only hoped she had enough time.
At one point, she dragged the chair over to the camera and stood up on the seat, intending to pull the camera off the wall. Doing that probably wouldn't help her get out alive, but maybe she could force off one of the metal brackets for a weapon. But the ceilings in the ancient chateau, or whatever the hell it was, were way too high for her to reach. She didn't have a chance in hell of pulling it down. She checked the lamps beside the bed for a lightbulb, but both had been removed. She could slam the lamp base into an assailant, if worse came to worst. It was fairly heavy, but that heft also made it hard to wield against anybody who was quick. Unless she took them by surprise, which was a possibility.
She felt along the floor for loose boards and slid her hands along the empty bookcases and grates, searching for hinges, hoping to find hidden passages or doors. Lots of old houses had them, especially in Europe. She found nothing. She was trapped inside that room, with a bomb now possibly ticking down inside that drawer, and no way out.
Claire was exhausted. She hadn't slept much in the last four days. Just short, fitful dozes before all the worry and the living nightmare they were stuck inside woke her to stark reality. She was hungry, too. She was thirsty. She was anxious. Her hands were shaking with nerves so she gripped them together and took a deep breath. And she was impatient, because Booker and Novak and Holliday should have struck by now. They should have been there, attacking the Soquets. Something had gone wrong, that's what her gut was telling her, but she hoped she was wrong. Or they could've been made by Soquet's men, and all three of them could be lying dead somewhere or floating facedown in the ocean, where it boiled and crashed far below her window.
Claire forced those panicky thoughts out of her head, because they were self-defeating and because she couldn't let herself think about being left alone there to get Black out. She didn't want to believe that she and Black were unarmed and on their own with this band of sickos, with no possible chance of rescue. No, she wouldn't believe that. Booker and the guys would come. She just had to be patient. Wait for them to come in, most likely under the cover of night. It would happen soon. It had to happen soon. Tomorrow at the very latest. They just had to make it through the night, and so far Marcel Soquet hadn't seemed to be rushing into any deadly action.
Moving back to the tiny bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face and then cupped her hands under the spigot and drank for a long time. She was just so weary, probably about as worn down as she had ever been in her life. She needed sleep, because her mind was growing cloudy with fear and nerves and the ever lurking despair. For a moment, she just stood there, staring dully at her face in the small mirror set into the wall, trying to think what she should do next. Then she realized with a giant leap in her pulse that she did have an option. She quickly examined every inch of the bathroom for cameras or peepholes and found nothing. Nobody appeared to be watching her there.
Then she pulled off her black T-shirt, wrapped it around her right hand, and slammed her fist into the mirror as hard as she could. The slivered glass didn't shatter, but it cracked big-time, into large jagged pieces running down its length. Big, sharp, deadly pieces of glass with which she could stab somebody. She quickly slipped the shirt back over her head and tried to pry out the longest piece with her fingernails. It didn't want to dislodge, and she cut the tip of her forefinger trying to get under it. It was sharp enough to kill all right. She finally got it out of the frame and examined it as a possible weapon. It was about eight inches long, broken to a sharp jagged point at one end but squared off to about two inches across the bottom. Very much like a dagger. Oh, yeah, it could be lethal all right.
Placing the long shard down on the sink, she tried to rip a piece of fabric off the bottom of her T-shirt but with some difficulty. When she finally got it off, she wrapped it tightly around the hilt. She held it then like a dagger and tested its weight. Then, and very gingerly, she stuck the makeshift weapon down into the waistband of her jeans at the small of her back. She stood there, looking into the cracked mirror and hoping to hell nobody searched her again.
Now feeling a little bit better about her chances if she was forced to fight for her life, she walked back into the bedroom and pulled the single chair as far as she could under where the camera was set up. She sat down to wait, careful that the weapon at her back didn't cut her. If they couldn't see her, somebody would have to check out the room. Make sure she was still there. So she waited, very nervous, and spent the time preparing mentally to fight hand to hand, and possibly to the death, because that was the only chance she and Black had. But she knew her way around a fight well enough, with her fists, her feet, and her head, and now she had a very sharp weapon with which to inflict damage.
Striving to calm the thudding of her rapid heartbeat, she envisioned every possible scenario. Who would they send to check on her? Who would she have to take down in order to get out of that room? She figured it would be Jaxy. She hoped to hell it would be Jaxy. According to Black's reports, Jaxy was always in charge of their nasty little Phase One. That would suit Claire just fine. Jaxy was easy to rattle, as indicated by Black's in-depth psychoanalysis. Claire had seen that on the plane. So she sat and waited, trying not to move, not to waste any energy. She breathed in deeply, practiced her yoga training, and tried to remain as calm as she could. She was going to need every drop of energy she could muster in the next few hours. Then, suddenly, up high against the ceiling above her, the television monitor flared on with a burst of crackling static. Claire jumped up and stared up at it, afraid her time had run out.
The picture remained the fuzzy black-and-white snow for a few moments. The screen went to black, and then there was a picture, one that showed up as clear as a bell. When she saw it was Black, her heart fell hard. He was still inside that awful white room, just like before, the one with the padded walls, but this time he was free from the restraint chair and the leather shackles. He was wandering around the room aimlessly, almost staggering, as if he didn't quite know where he was or what was going on.
Claire stood on the chair so she could see him better. Black was reaching out with his hands now, swiping the air in front of him as if trying to find his way out. It appeared he was pushing away things that were invisible to Claire, but that he obviously thought were blocking his way. Oh, God, he must be drugged, heavily drugged, no doubt about it. She had seen lots of people high on drugs back when she worked Narcotics Division in L.A. and everywhere else she'd been a police officer. He looked haggard and ill, his clothes bloodstained and wrinkled, his face bruised up and swollen, whiskers darkening his jaw in a way that she had never seen before. He looked completely out of it, out of his mind, confused, and totally unable to defend himself against his tormentors.
Oh, God, what had they given him? She watched him stumble around some more, and she felt absolutely ill inside. From his behavior and the way he was reacting to the drug, she was pretty sure it was some kind of a hallucinogen, angel dust or PCP, probably, or maybe even LSD. He was muttering to himself, swinging his fist now and again at nonexistent assailants, and then he cringed down against the wall and cowered there, as if trapped by a pack of vicious animals. Then she saw the door open right beside him, and the despicable Jaxy walked inside the room. The other woman looked down at Black and laughed, and then she walked over to the camera and stood with her face very close to the lens so that Claire could see her cruel eyes up close.
“Hey, Claire. What's up, huh? Guess you didn't know you were going to marry a drug addict, now did you? But not to worry. Nobody's ever going to know he's an acid freak. Because he's going to die right here in this room very soon, but he will suffer a great deal more than this before he gets to die that slow and horrible death that Daddy's got planned for him. So you just enjoy the show now, okay? Maybe we'll let you trip out with him, too. That might be entertaining for Max and me. Would you like that? Both of you addicted to the same drug. Stumbling around together like a couple of drunks. But we'll just have to see how things work out. Bye now, darlin'. I've got to go slap your man around a while. Maybe I'll make him crawl and beg when he needs the next hit.”
Claire clenched her jaw and then her fists, her nails biting painfully into her palms as the girl held up her pink sap for Claire to see and then walked back over to Black. She watched Jaxy kneel down and grab his face between her palms. That's when the horrible woman started kissing him hard on the mouth, and that's when Claire almost lost it. She began to shake all over, violently, her muscles well out of control, and she was so full of fury, the kind of unbridled rage that turned red inside her brain and felt hard and bitter and terrible, building up and building up inside her like steam under a valve, fighting to explode. It took every ounce of willpower and self-control that she could muster to pull herself together and make her mind force it down.
Then suddenly, she watched Black shove his palms against the girl's chest and grab the sap out of her hands. He slugged Jaxy with it, right in the face, very hard, and then he hit her again in the temple with his doubled fist, so hard that she went down backward and did not get up. Then he was up on his feet and heading out the open door.
Killing Black
Once Black got outside his white prison, he staggered blearily down the hallway and almost fell to his knees. He was still groggy and disoriented and very weak from lack of food and water. He had been slowly coming down off the effects of the drug but had enough strength to slug Jaxy a couple of times. He had hit her hard enough to slow her down; he was sure about that much. But now he was seeing the vibrant colors again, all around him, pulsating in bright patterns and vivid stripes on the walls on both sides of him, in and out and up and down, shivering and disconcerting.
Black shut his eyes and struggled back up on his feet, using the wall as support, and then he opened them and searched for a way out. He had to get to Claire, he kept thinking, but he was so confused he couldn't quite focus on how to do it. But then he remembered the bedroom and the bomb, and he somehow knew he had to find her and get her out before they killed her. But he still couldn't think straight enough to figure it out, couldn't really see through the dancing colors. Everything was wavy and blurry as if he were trapped in an underwater cavern filled with rainbows, and his reality was so distorted that he could barely stumble along, not sure what to do or where to go.
Whoever was manning the cameras would have spotted his escape. He did know that much. He had to find somewhere to hide. So he began to feel his way along the wall, and the stone was cool under his palms, but he was not sure where he was or where he was going, just that he had to get away and hide. The drug was still in his system and still strong enough to make him see things shift and whirl about and everything so distorted that he didn't know what was real and what wasn't. But he had to pull himself together. He had to find Claire before they killed her.
Black made it to the end of the hallway before he heard running feet, loud on the tiled floor. Several men. Coming straight at him. He ducked into the first room he came to. It looked like another bedroom, but one that had been converted into some kind of closet, with shelves of towels and toilet paper and cleaning supplies lining the walls. It was purple, with green frost climbing up the walls, shiny and crystallized, and thick yellow snakes slithered around on the floor around his feet.
They're not real, it's your imagination,
he kept telling himself over and over. Mind reeling now with total disorientation, he tried to avoid the writhing reptiles and felt along the shelves, searching for a weapon, anything, but he found nothing he could use. Then he heard the men right outside in the hallway, opening and shutting doors, searching for him. When his hand touched a broom propped in the corner, he sought to tear off the head and then he gripped the handle in both fists. He squatted down against the wall, ready to fight, but another strong wave of melting colors and echoing sounds took hold of his mind and made the room grow small and then expand, and then small again, a vivid flash of every color and hue glowing dim and bright, dim and bright, making him feel sick to his stomach.
Sweating profusely, he started breathing deeply, trying to force some kind of clarity into his tortured brain, trying hard to pull himself out of the drug-induced nightmare and back to a semblance of reality. The effects had been coming in waves for what seemed like hours, violent onslaughts that wracked his perceptions and made him feel as if he were going crazy. The men were closer now. He could hear them just outside the room, and his fingers tightened around the broom handle.
Then he heard something else, a voice behind him, and he jerked around, weapon ready to strike, and found himself staring at a child. It was the boy who had been standing in the road the night Black was captured, the little kid he had nearly run down. Or was it? He tried to think if the boy was real or another figment of his imagination. He tried to shove away the jumping blues and yellows encasing him so he could see the boy better. The kid was another hallucination. He had to be. Black had been seeing people and wild animals in his drug daze, people trying to kill him, people trying to fight with him, people who disappeared when he swung at them. The kid was not real. He couldn't be.
“C'mon, mister, come quick,” the little boy cried out in English.
“What?” Black frowned and tried to blink the vision away. The boy still stood there, motioning hard for Black to follow him.
“Claire sent me. You've got to come.”
Black scrambled over on his hands and knees to where the kid stood. “Where is she? Can you get me there?”
The boy nodded, and Black grabbed his small arms and the boy felt solid. He was real. The kid started pulling Black's arm, trying to lead him back farther into the closet. Black let the kid pull him through the warped nightmare inside his head. But then the door to the hall was thrust open behind them, and three men were there in front of Black, grabbing him as he fought desperately to get away. One of them raised his rifle and brought the butt down hard on Black's back. He went down, and as they grabbed him again, Black looked for the kid but the child was gone. They hadn't gotten him. Or maybe the boy had been a hallucination after all.

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