Read Good Girl Online

Authors: Susan Wright

Good Girl (9 page)

BOOK: Good Girl
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He lifted himself, laying one hand over
her crossed arms over her head, holding her down. She instantly tensed,
fighting against him. He let her struggle, until she knew that she wouldn’t be
able to dislodge him. He could hold her down like this no matter how hard she

“Hunter!” she gasped.

“Don’t fight me, Kali.”

Slowly she began to relax, and he waited
for the perfect moment. Then he tilted the candle and let the wax drip onto the
center of her stomach.

“Oh, Hunter!” She tensed, struggling
against him. “It’s burning me!”

He held her arms easily with one hand.
Then he bent down and kissed her stomach, licking his tongue all around where
the wax was hardening in a nickel-sized pool on her stomach. Then lower to her
belly button, which he licked, then nipped with his teeth. He pressed his teeth
together on the tiny bit of flesh, until she writhed hard enough to draw a
sound of protest from her.

He let go and carefully positioned the
wax between her breasts. This time when he tilted the candle, the wax ran from
her chest down under one breast, leaving a trail of burning warmth behind.

She made another lovely sound, like the
call of a bird. He felt like a falcon circling overhead. He liked to see her
twist and try to get away, but he could strike and hold her. He dripped the wax
here and there, breathing with her, tensing with her, kissing her breasts and
belly between the burning drops. Biting her breasts and nipples until her
rising exclamations and the slight sheen on her skin told him she was nearing a

Her flesh was reddened around the
hardening wax, but it hadn’t burned her even though it felt that way. She
really had no idea what he was doing or if it would leave marks.

But she let him push her further and
further, until he dripped the wax directly on her nipple. Her guttural cry tore
through him, and his fingers dug into her more fiercely.

It made his raging cock fight to get out
of his jeans. He wanted to jerk her pants down and plunge into her hot wet hole
right there on the coffee table.

He put his leg between hers, separating
them. She spread her knees and opened her legs as wide as her jeans allowed. He
slipped in between and leaned into her, his erection pressing against her. It
was still within the limits, but as he rocked, sliding the length of his dick
against her, he felt the moist heat of her pussy even through their jeans.

He moaned, feeling as if he was almost
slipping over the edge. Just from humping her!

“I can’t stand it!” he muttered, stunned
by his own runaway excitement.

Kali was writhing under him. Twisting
more frantically as her arms fought with her shirt. “Just do it!” she cried

“Do what?” he asked.

She scrambled off the shirt, grasping
onto his arms. Her eyes were wild and bright. “Make love to me! I’m going to
die if you don’t.”

He was ready. More than ready.
be damned!

But it wasn’t right, and some tiny sane
piece of his mind stopped him. It was a terrible idea to renegotiate hard
limits in the middle of a scene. They both were out of their minds with lust!
Now was no time to make a serious decision.

He pulled back, breathing heavily.
Trying to get a grip. If only she was experienced! Then he could trust that she
knew what she wanted even in the heat of passion.

She pulled at his arms, her eyes
imploring him. “Please! Even if it’s only for tonight. I won’t let it interfere
with our working relationship.”

Hunter stopped cold, as if he had been
smacked. “What do you mean, even if it’s only for tonight?”

“I know this is only crazy wild sex. I’m
okay with it. I want to do it.”

“Only sex?” Now she was lying back down,
looking up at him. He was leaning over her, his fingers tangled in the ends of
her hair. “What do you mean?”

“I know you have other women. Like Minx.
I know I’m not the usual kind of girl you do this with. We’re not looking for
the same thing. But I want to do this with you. Even if it’s only for tonight.”

“What if I want to do it tomorrow

She had to smile. “I’d say yes. But I
don’t expect a relationship to come of this.”

There it was again; the slamming of a
door inside of her, cutting him off from everything important. “Why not?”

She blinked a few times, as if it was so
obvious she didn’t know where to start. “I’m not kinky, for one thing.”

“I beg to differ. You’re loving this.”

“I’m sure this is like twiddling thumbs
to you.”

“No! I love it! I adore the way you
respond, with your heart and soul. So sensitive! So responsive. It’s like
playing with the wind.”

Now Kali looked away, embarrassed. She
was closing herself off more each second. She covered her breasts with her
arms. Her shirt was still looped around one.

He helped her sit up. “You don’t know
what I want. We haven’t talked about relationships at all. You’re making
assumptions based on one glimpse of one of my play partners.”

“What is your relationship with Minx?”

“I’m not in love with her. And she isn’t
with me. We enjoy playing together. And she helps me keep the studio clean.” He
wasn’t going to go into the deeply structured relationship he had with Minx,
wherein they were always in Master/slave roles when they were together.

Kali was looking at him with rising
skepticism in her eyes. He could see goose-bumps starting on her skin as her
flush slipped away. This was
how he wanted to end their first scene
together. It had spiraled out of control.

It was so unlike him.

He felt fear deep inside at the thought
that she was going to slip through his fingers. He wanted to grab her even
harder, to hold her closer and make her understand what he meant.

But he couldn’t. He forced himself to
smile and relax, so he wouldn’t frighten her. It took an effort of supreme
will. Fear in a sexual context could be delicious, but the kind of fear she was
feeling now was making her run away from him.

He had to finish the scene and give her
the closure she needed after opening herself up to him. So he took her into the
kitchen and carefully scraped off the wax with a butter knife. He made her
laugh, and then tickled her until she nearly screamed. Just enough so he felt
more in control. He knew he was weak to do it. But he felt like he had just run
a marathon and had to turn around and run all the way back again before he was
done. He needed a long cool drink of water, something to sustain him. So he
tickled her and felt her wiggle in his arms as he held her, and shamelessly
rubbed his denim-covered dick against her body.

Then he carried her to her room and
helped her get out her nightclothes. He pulled back the bed and plumped the
pillow while she stared at him. “Go get ready for bed. I’ll clean up out

While she was in the bathroom, he swept
up the waxy bits from the coffee table. She wouldn’t like finding them ground
into the rug the next morning, so he made sure they were all gathered up. The
candle was out and he fixed the magazines, then turned out all the lights
except for the one by the door.

Kali met him next to the door wearing a
long white nightshirt.

“You look like an angel,” he told her.

He took her face gently in her hands and
kissed her again. This time he restrained himself. She was begging for more,
but he let her know he wanted her, then pulled back, kissing her on the
forehead before he left.

“Go to bed. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,”
he said, going out the door.

As aftercare for him, it sucked. Why did
he feel like he was the one who just got whipped? But he couldn’t lie down on
her bed and cuddle with her, as he wanted to. He would end up having sex with
her, and probably scaring her because he couldn’t control himself. That would
only confirm her idea that this hook up would be brief and meteoric.

He couldn’t believe how much that
thought panicked him. He paused outside her closed door, wanting to knock, to
return and hold her for a few minutes. But that wouldn’t solve anything.

He went downstairs and outside, looking
up at the darkened living room windows. He felt so disconnected from her. After
playing her body like a fine instrument, reacting with her, taking her to the
heights of ecstasy… he felt a crashing emptiness inside. He hoped she didn’t
feel that way, too. It wasn’t a good idea to try to have a serious talk right
on the heels of a scene. Emotions were too riled up, feelings needed time to
settle before they were processed.

Hunter slowly circled the block, unable to
walk away. On the next street he could see the back of her building through a
wide empty lot surrounded by chain link and graffitied plywood. A dog was
barking in a building nearby.

Her bedroom light was still on.

He felt like a dirty stalker, but he couldn’t
stop himself. He had to be sure she was okay. He knew even simple scenes could
pierce someone’s psyche. Look at him! Here he was lurking outside an empty lot,
watching her when she didn’t know it.

Once again, Kali had shaken him so badly
that he was reacting on primal instinct. First he had endangered them both by
making a spectacle of himself searching for her in the subway, and now he was
stalking her, unable to let her go, like a dog searching for his bone.

I am a dog,
he thought to himself, giving his rigid hard-on a rub through his jeans. He had
been hard for more than an hour with no relief in sight. But he was used to
that. He was Mr. Control when it came to his own orgasm. It shouldn’t be
driving him out of his mind this way.

So he pulled out his phone. He wrote a
text to her:
Do you need anything? I could come back if you do.

He counted to thirty before a text
returned from her:
I’m fine. I’m just going to bed now.

He texted back:
Good girl.

For nearly a minute he stood there
looking at her window. And then it went dark. She really was going to bed. She
would think of him tonight and tomorrow when she woke up. And when she found
tiny bits of candle in her sheets or in her hair. She would think of him and
how he had held her and done things to her that she hadn’t ever allowed anyone
else to do.

With another absent rub of his cock, he
turned away. Now he could go home. But he would be back. He wasn’t going to let
this treasure get plundered by anyone else but him.



Chapter 7



It was the hottest thing Kali had ever
done, and they didn’t even go all the way! She masturbated twice that night,
once with the lights still on, she was so turned on. Both times her orgasm
exploded so hard and fast that she saw stars. She didn’t understand why he didn’t
have sex with her. He was obviously excited. The whole time. That was one of
the best things about it.

She slept so deeply she didn’t wake up
until very late. Stretching and yawning, thinking of what had happened last
night, she pulled up her nightshirt and checked her stomach and breasts. There
were little reddened marks where his teeth had bitten down, but nothing from
the candle wax.

It was funny, it had felt like it was
burning, and she was afraid she would have blisters this morning. She had been
so scared while it was happening. There had been flashes of fire, some really
painful, but she listened to his voice calling her forward every step of the
way. And now she found she had been right to trust him. Other than the wax
shavings, you could hardly tell anything had happened to her last night.

Wandering out to her living room, she
picked up the candle where he had replaced it on the coffee table. On the
coffee table! She had begged him to make love to her on her coffee table! She
could hardly believe that was her last night.

But it was so incredibly sensual. He had
been touching her constantly, kissing her skin, rubbing her, leaning into her
and holding her down. It was more contact that she usually got when she had
sex. Like he was making love to her whole body.

Why didn’t he go all the way with me?
I threw myself at him hard enough.

Sex had never been that big a deal for
her. It was usually too fast for her to orgasm, and there was no way she could
have shared the secrets of her trusty vibrator with her few serious boyfriends.
She had always found it easy to turn guys down. Plus, she had to admit, she
sort of liked being pursued.

So when Hunter texted her, she was
really glad. It read:
Morning! I hope you feel good today.

Laughing, she had to text back:
I’m a bad girl, remember?

Yes you are
he texted right back.
And I’m the one who figured it out. You remember that.

I had fun last night
she texted.

So did I. How about dinner tomorrow night,
after work? I should be done with the demo crew by 6.

Kali hugged herself. He was asking her
out again! He did want her. Even if it was only for kinky sex games.

Well, she could do with a few more kinky
sex games if they were all like that. Except she wanted the sex part, too. Now
that she had gotten her feet wet, she was ready for a dunking. Their scene last
night blew everything else she’d ever done out the window, and she was ready
for more.


Later on, while she was doing her
laundry and staring off into space, thinking about how gorgeous Hunter was and
how he could get any girl he wanted, he sent her another text:
Do you have a
private email where I can send you a note? Not work-related.

She gave him her gmail account –
KaliKaliKali. Then she kept checking the browser on her phone until his email
popped up. It was from his usual address.


Hunter Munro – [email protected]

Re: relationships


You said something about relationships
last night. What is it you’re looking for?





Kali considered it, then sent the
following email in response:


Kali Jones – [email protected]

Re: relationships


I’m looking for love, like most people.
But I’m not in a rush.





After a few minutes her phone pinged and
another email came through.


Hunter Munro – [email protected]

Re: relationships


If you’re going to be that short, we
could have texted!


Tell me what you really want. Unless
you’d rather sit down over dinner tomorrow and discuss it? But you seemed
uncomfortable talking about it, so I thought it would be easier for you to put
your thoughts down in an email.





Well, if he wanted a real email, he
would have to wait for it. She wasn’t going to tap out something incoherently on
her phone. So she closed the browser on her phone and sat back to think about
it. What did she want? A career, a husband who was a partner in life, a nice
home and two kids so they would each have a sibling, unlike her.

But in the short term, she wasn’t sure.
She wanted to leave the door open so she could see Hunter again.

As soon as she got home, she sat down
with her laptop without even putting her laundry away. At first she tried to
write out why she wanted to see him again even though it was so out of
character for her to pursue casual sex. But all she kept coming up with was:
smells so good. I like the way his hands feel on me. I want more….

So she went back to his original
question –
what do I want?
She tried to write it out so that her idea of
the perfect relationship could be stretched to fit this situation. But when she
read back her few tortured sentences, it was not right.

Kali went and put her laundry away. The
soothing routine chore put her back into the proper frame of mind. He said she had
to be honest with him. And the truth would come out regardless.

So she sat down and wrote it out in a
stream of consciousness, not letting her doubts or fears stop her:

I want a man I can trust and depend on,
someone who will be there in the hard times and laugh with me in the good
times. I don’t just want a dad for my kids. I’m not going to settle, and I
won’t get married if I can’t find someone who can be a real partner to me. I
want to be in a relationship for the long haul, and not fear he’ll give up when
things get rough. My parents are still together, but sometimes I thought they
wouldn’t make it. I would hate to have to go through that with my own kids. But
I’m not in a rush. I don’t have a timeline or anything like that. If I can’t
find the right man, then I’ll keep focusing on my career. I picked the green
industry because I want to make the world a better place, and if I don’t have a
family, I will concentrate on doing that. But I do want love. And I want to try
new things—that’s one reason I moved to New York, so I could get out of the
life I’ve always known.


She knew she had thrown in that last
sentence so even if he didn’t want the rest of what she wanted, he would like

She emailed it without editing it. He
wanted honesty. There it was.
Let’s see how he responds.


Hunter was making the finishing touches
on the sundial pattern when an email finally came through from Kali. Several
times as he waited he had been tempted to text her again, but that would be
admitting he felt out of control. He had asked her a question, now it was up to
her to answer.

He read through the email several times.
Kali wanted a traditional relationship, not the sort of thing he had envisioned
for himself. He had never even lived with anyone, not in that kind of way. And
she mentioned kids a fair bit. He wasn’t opposed to children, but he couldn’t
imagine taking on that kind of responsibility. He had always been very careful
to use a condom because he knew that one accident could change everything. His
mom had gotten pregnant with him, and when she decided to keep him, that’s why
she married his father. She wouldn’t have ended up with his dad if that hadn’t
happened. Her life would probably be a lot better now if she hadn’t gotten

The third time he read Kali’s email, he
had to jump up and pace back and forth, trying to understand it.

She was out of his reach.

That’s why she had said “if it’s only
for one night.” She figured this was a torrid fling that would soon end.

And in fact, she was right. He was a
free spirit who rarely stayed the night with his lovers. How was he supposed to
be a real partner to her? He might never make enough to support a family. Even
paying his rent every month was a struggle. So far he had made it work somehow,
but it wasn’t because of careful planning. It was more like scrambling from one
toehold to the next on a sheer cliff.

His art was the most important thing in
his life, and he had sworn a long time ago that he would give up everything else
as long as he could continue making his art. He didn’t even try to make a
bargain with the devil that he would be successful—the process was his passion,
and he couldn’t live without it.

He hated that he had to lie when she
asked him how he made money. That’s when he should have told her about his
X-rated kinky sculpture. But he had decided he wouldn’t tell her about Hunting
Art until after the project was finished. Now he had to protect her because it
wasn’t just his job at risk. She could get into trouble, too, if anyone found
out she knew about it and was also involved with him.

After her email, he knew she would
really hate Hunting Art. Traveling to kink conferences around the country to
sell erotic sculptures to pay the rent definitely wouldn’t fit with her idea of
a traditional relationship.

Scrubbing his hand through his hair, he
only knew he didn’t want to give Kali up.

He didn’t dare send her an email in
response telling her that he was a confirmed bohemian who would rather blow up
the conventions of society than live according to them. She might run away.

And he couldn’t stand that. So he set to
work. He would create a romantic date for tomorrow that Kali would never


Kali kept checking her email, but Hunter
didn’t respond to her note. It bothered her, but she had made her choice when
she refused to sugar-coat her desire for a husband that she could depend on. In
fact, his silence showed he didn’t want the same thing. If he was the kind of
man who wanted to be in a serious relationship, he would already be in one.
Instead he was chipping around with wild girls like Minx, who probably asked
very little from him.

As Kali went to bed that night, she told
herself that she would have to deal with a lot worse with this if she wanted to
see Hunter again. Could she really have sex with him knowing he was doing these
things with other women? Her body screamed
while her mind crossed
its mental arms and shook its head sternly

“One step at a time,” she told herself
as she climbed into bed. She could do one step at a time. And when it got too
bad, then she would end it. By then, maybe she would be disgusted with his
perverted ways and not care. Or she would be a rag-doll left in a gutter after
he had used her up as he wanted. But she hoped she had enough good sense so
that wouldn’t happen.

It wasn’t the usual Monday as she
dressed for work with an eye to her evening date, choosing a tailored
sleeveless dress. The A-line skirt flared at the bottom, and it was a luscious
dark teal, so it would translate well into evening. She hadn’t asked him a
thing about what he had planned, so she had to cover all of her bases.

By the time she saw Hunter at work, she
was able to smile pleasantly as if there was no open-ended email hanging in the
air or the memory of her writhing under him as he dripped hot wax on her.

In front of everyone else, he acted like
there was nothing special between them, which she appreciated. She didn’t want
her boss finding out about them now. Selina would be furious if she knew they
were seeing each other. Ever since Hunter had pushed Selina away, she had
alternated between being cloying sweet and ordering him around like he was the
bus boy.

Hunter didn’t seem to care either way,
and it was slowly driving Selina crazy. She kept handing him over to Kali to
deal with the permits and the contractor doing the demolition, and then
stepping back in abruptly to take over, messing up their perfectly good plans.
Selina would love to find some way to undermine Hunter with Mr. Ryan, and the fact
that he and Kali were dating was a big juicy secret she would use against them.
They had to be discreet.

Kali was pleased to find she worked well
with Hunter. He was professional and very quick on his feet when it came to
getting around the inevitable red-tape roadblocks that kept cropping up. She
had to stop herself from watching him and catching his eye, he was so
distracting. She kept thinking of the way he had touched her, never letting go
of her while she was blindfolded, keeping them connected.

BOOK: Good Girl
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